

单词 come next
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AFTER〕This book's called ‘The Third Dimension’. Which book comes next in the series? 这本书叫《第三维》,这个系列的下一本是什么?朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕I'd prefer them to come next weekend rather than the one after. 我情愿他们下周末来,而不是下下周末来。朗文写作活用〔after〕I could come next week, or the week after.我可能下周来,或者再下一周。牛津高阶〔come〕I know the first verse of the song, but I don't know what comes next.我知道这首歌的第一节歌词,但接下来的就不清楚了。剑桥高阶〔come〕The two countries have been unable to agree which step should come next.接下来该走哪一步,这两个国家还未能就此达成一致意见。柯林斯高阶〔fear〕The men hesitated in fear of whatever was to come next.这些人因为对将要发生的事担心而犹豫不决。牛津搭配〔may〕It may be that he may come next week.他下星期或许会来。文馨英汉〔next〕When you come next, bring it.你下次来的时候把这东西带上。英汉大词典〔next〕Your name comes next.下面就是你的名字。英汉大词典〔not to worry〕Not to worry - maybe you'll be able to come next week instead.别着急——或许你可以下星期再来。剑桥高阶〔ought〕You ought to come next week.你下星期该来。英汉大词典〔see〕See if you can come next week.看看下星期你能不能来。英汉大词典I know the first verse of the song, but I don't know what comes next.我知道这首歌的第一段,但我不清楚下面是什么。剑桥国际I think I can come next Tuesday, but I will send you a confirmation by post. 我想下星期二可以来,不过我会写信把肯定的答复告诉你。译典通Not to worry--perhaps you'll be able to come next week instead.别发愁----也许你下个星期反而能来了。剑桥国际




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