

单词 canonical hour
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔breviary〕A book containing the hymns, offices, and prayers for the canonical hours.祈祷书:教规圣典时刻用的书,包括赞美诗、祭礼和祷文美国传统〔complin〕The last of the seven canonical hours recited or sung just before retiring.晚祷:入睡前背诵或唱颂的七次日课经中的最后一次美国传统〔diurnal〕A book containing all the offices for the daily canonical hours of prayer except matins.日课书:记有除晨祷外教规规定的每天每次祈祷时间的仪式的书籍美国传统〔laud〕The service of prayers following the matins and constituting with them the first of the seven canonical hours.晨经:晨祷之后的祈祷仪式,同晨祷一齐组成七个规定的祈祷时刻的第一部分美国传统〔matins〕Ecclesiastical The office that formerly constituted the first of the seven canonical hours.【基督教会】 申正经:正式构成天主教七段祈祷时间第一段的祷告时间美国传统〔nones〕The fifth of the seven canonical hours. No longer in liturgical use.七段祈祷时间的第五段。已不再用于礼拜仪式中美国传统〔office〕The canonical hours.合乎教规的时间美国传统〔prime〕The second of the seven canonical hours. No longer in ecclesiastical use.第二个时间:七段祈祷时间中的第二段。基督教会中已废除美国传统〔sext〕The fourth of the seven canonical hours.第六时:七个规定的祈祷时间中的第四个美国传统〔tierce〕The third of the seven canonical hours. No longer in liturgical use.第三课:教规的七个小时中的第三个。已经不再用于宗教仪式中美国传统〔vespers〕The sixth of the seven canonical hours.七小时祈祷中的第六小时美国传统




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