

单词 cloud
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔(as) clear as a bell〕It was clear as a bell that morning—not a cloud in the sky.那天早上天气晴朗,万里无云。韦氏高阶〔-smelling〕The city is covered by a foul-smelling cloud of smoke.城市被一团恶臭的烟云笼罩着。柯林斯高阶〔CLEAR/NOT CLEAR〕The Supreme Court's latest decision has only clouded the issue of gun control. 最高法院的最新裁决反而使枪支管制问题更为复杂。朗文写作活用〔Cupid〕Pictures of little cupids floating in pink clouds covered the ceiling.天花板上到处是漂浮在粉色云朵上的小丘比特像。麦克米伦高阶〔DEEP/NOT DEEP〕As I hiked around the volcano, clouds of steam rose up from the depths of the Earth. 我在火山周围远足时,大团大团的蒸汽从地底深处冒出来。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕Dark clouds usually mean rain. 乌云一般表示要下雨了。朗文写作活用〔SLOW〕Clouds crept across the horizon, just above the line of trees. 云团就在树梢上端,慢慢飘过地平线。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The fire sent clouds of smoke up into the sky. 大火冒出滚滚浓烟冲向天空。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕Dense cloud prevented the rescue helicopter from taking off. 厚厚的云层妨碍救援直升机起飞。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕The storm clouds were gathering over the sea. 暴风云在大海上空聚集。朗文写作活用〔agate〕A fine-grained, fibrous variety of chalcedony with colored bands or irregular clouding.玛瑙:颗粒均匀的纤维状玉髓的多种形式,具有彩色的条带或者不规则的云状花纹美国传统〔altocumulus〕A cloud formation of rounded, fleecy, white or gray masses.高积云:圆的、羊毛状、白色或灰色云团结构美国传统〔bank up〕The heavy black clouds had banked up from the western side of the bay.黑压压的乌云从海湾的西侧堆积起来。外研社新世纪〔behind〕The sun went/hid/was behind a cloud.太阳躲进了云层。韦氏高阶〔billow〕A great cloud of smoke billowed out of the chimney.滚滚浓烟从烟囱中喷涌而出。牛津高阶〔blanket out〕He watched the fog roll across the sky, blanketing out the storm clouds.他望着天空, 只见浓雾翻滚, 掩盖了漫天的雨云。外研社新世纪〔blessed〕The small clouds did not bring blessed rain.小片的云没有带来人所渴望的雨。英汉大词典〔block〕Black clouds blocked out the sun.乌云遮住了太阳。牛津高阶〔blot out〕Clouds blotted out the sun.云遮住了太阳。外研社新世纪〔blot out〕About the time the three climbers were halfway down, clouds blotted out the sun.当这3个登山者下到半山腰的时候,云层遮住了太阳。柯林斯高阶〔break through〕Sunlight had broken through the clouds.阳光冲破了云层。柯林斯高阶〔burst〕The sun burst through the cloud.太阳破云而出。英汉大词典〔burst〕The sun burst through the clouds.太阳破云而出。牛津高阶〔ceilometer〕A photoelectric instrument for ascertaining cloud heights.云高计:测算云高的一种光电设备美国传统〔churn〕The oars had churned up the mud, clouding the water.船桨搅起烂泥,水变得一片浑浊。朗文当代〔cirrocumulus〕A high-altitude cloud composed of a series of small, regularly arranged cloudlets in the form of ripples or grains.卷积云:一种高空云,由一系列规则排列的形如波纹或颗粒的小云块形成美国传统〔climb〕The plane climbed to 11,600 feet to try to get above the clouds.飞机爬升到 11,600 英尺的高度,试图飞越云层。朗文当代〔cloak〕Low clouds cloaked the mountain.云层低盖着山峰。英汉大词典〔cloud over〕At the mention of her dead husband, her face clouded over.一提到死去的丈夫,她的脸色就阴沉下来。剑桥高阶〔cloud seeding〕The technique of stimulating rainfall, especially by distributing dry ice crystals or silver iodide smoke through clouds.云种散播:促进降雨的技术,尤指在云层中散播干冰晶体或银色碘化物烟雾美国传统〔cloud〕A cloud passed over the sun.一片云掠过太阳。牛津搭配〔cloud〕A few white clouds drifted across the sky.几朵白云在天空中飘过。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕Ann's eyes clouded with the pain.安的眼神因为痛苦而变得暗淡无光。朗文当代〔cloud〕Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.不要让你的个人感情影响了你的判断力。朗文当代〔cloud〕Fears of renewed terrorist attacks cast a cloud over the event (=spoilt the happy situation) .担心恐怖分子再次袭击给这次活动蒙上了一层阴影。朗文当代〔cloud〕Fog clouded the road ahead.大雾笼罩着前面的路。21世纪英汉〔cloud〕He found it difficult to get a job because a cloud always hung over his reputation.由于他的洗刷不清的坏名声,他发现很难找到工作。英汉大词典〔cloud〕He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.他的心头仍有一团疑云。牛津高阶〔cloud〕His face clouded over in disappointment.他因失望而拉下了脸。朗文当代〔cloud〕His last years were clouded by financial worries.由于经济窘困,他的晚年生活过得闷闷不乐。牛津高阶〔cloud〕His reputation was clouded.他的名誉受到损害。21世纪英汉〔cloud〕I run the water very hot, clouding the mirror.我把水开得很烫, 使镜子蒙上了一层水汽。外研社新世纪〔cloud〕It's beginning to cloud over – we should go back now.天色开始暗下来了,我们该回去了。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕Rain clouds were looming on the horizon.雨云正在地平线上堆积。牛津搭配〔cloud〕Scandal clouded the officer's reputation.丑闻玷污了官员的声望美国传统〔cloud〕She could see the sun through the clouds.她可以透过云层看到太阳。牛津搭配〔cloud〕The cloud cover is quite dense today.今天云层很厚。牛津搭配〔cloud〕The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust.一群母鸡四处乱窜,搅起一团尘土。柯林斯高阶〔cloud〕The initial cloud of tear gas had hardly cleared before shots were fired.催泪瓦斯的第一团烟雾刚散尽,射击就开始了。剑桥高阶〔cloud〕The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.军方因在平息示威活动时杀死了无辜平民而备受指责。柯林斯高阶〔cloud〕The plane was flying in cloud most of the way.飞机一路大多在云层里飞行。牛津高阶〔cloud〕The room was clouded with cigarette smoke.房间里烟雾缭绕。韦氏高阶〔cloud〕The sky is covered with dark clouds.天空乌云密布。英汉大词典〔cloud〕The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud.天空几乎完全被云所遮蔽。柯林斯高阶〔cloud〕The solution clouds if you shake it.这种溶液经摇晃会变浑浊。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕The sun is shining and there's not a cloud in the sky.阳光明媚,天空晴朗无云。韦氏高阶〔cloud〕The wind blew across the beach, forming clouds of sand.风吹过海滩,形成一团团沙云。牛津搭配〔cloud〕There's more cloud today than yesterday.今天云比昨天多。英汉大词典〔cloud〕Trish's face clouded with disappointment.特里什的脸因失望而变得阴沉。外研社新世纪〔cloud〕Violent protests cast a cloud over the president's visit.暴力抗议给总统的访问蒙上了一层阴影。麦克米伦高阶〔cloud〕When Michael was born I was on cloud nine.迈克尔出生的时候, 我心里乐开了花。外研社新世纪〔coma〕Astronomy The nebulous, luminescent cloud containing the nucleus and constituting the major portion of the head of a comet.【天文学】 彗发:星云状的发光云体包括彗核、彗星头部的重要部分美国传统〔come〕The sun came out from behind the clouds.太阳从云后露出。 英汉大词典〔compose〕The clouds are composed of water vapor.云由水蒸气构成。韦氏高阶〔condense〕Water vapour condenses to form clouds.水蒸气凝结形成云。外研社新世纪〔coverage〕Heavy cloud coverage is expected over the lake.湖面上空将有厚厚的云层覆盖。韦氏高阶〔cover〕Cloud covers the hills.云遮盖了山。牛津同义词〔deep〕She painted white clouds in a deep blue sky.她在深蓝的天空上画了几朵白云。韦氏高阶〔denotable〕Dark clouds denote rain.黑云预示有雨。21世纪英汉〔die〕The roar of the engines died out as the rocket vanished into the clouds.当火箭在空中消失时,其发动机的吼声就没有了。21世纪英汉〔dissipate〕The wind dissipated the clouds.风驱散了云。英汉大词典〔downburst〕An extremely powerful downward air current from a cumulonimbus cloud, typically associated with thunderstorm activity.下降气流:多与雷雨相关的来自积雨云的极强下降气流美国传统〔drift〕Clouds drifted across the sky.朵朵浮云在空中飘过。牛津高阶〔drift〕A fleecy cloud was drifting past.一朵白云正在飘然而过。21世纪英汉〔dust storm〕A severe windstorm that sweeps clouds of dust across an extensive area, especially in an arid region.尘暴:一种能在很大范围内卷起大量尘云的严重大风暴,尤指发生于干燥地区的美国传统〔dusting〕He reversed into the stockade in a cloud of dust.他在一阵尘土中将车倒进了围栏。柯林斯高阶〔dust〕A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.汽车飞驶过后扬起一阵尘土。剑桥高阶〔dust〕Dust swirled around them like a misty cloud.灰尘就像一团雾霭般盘旋在他们周围。牛津搭配〔enshroud〕Grey clouds enshroud the city.灰色的云笼罩着这座城市。外研社新世纪〔envelop〕Clouds enveloped the mountain tops.云雾笼罩着山顶。牛津高阶〔envelop〕The peak is enveloped in clouds.山峰深藏在云雾之中。21世纪英汉〔fled〕The clouds are fleeting before wind.云在风前飞驰而过。21世纪英汉〔float〕I looked up at the clouds floating in the sky.我抬头看着天上的浮云。朗文当代〔float〕The white cloud of smoke floated away.白色的烟雾飘远了。柯林斯高阶〔fly〕The evening air was clouded with mosquitoes and other flying insects.夜晚的空中全是蚊子和其他飞虫。朗文当代〔fog〕A cloud of vaporized liquid, especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires.化学喷雾:一团汽化的液体,尤指用于救火的化学喷雾剂美国传统〔form from〕Clouds are formed from drops of liquid hanging in the air.云是由悬在空中的水滴形成的。21世纪英汉〔formation〕Enormous cloud formations formed a purple mass.巨大的云层形成一大片紫色团状物。外研社新世纪〔for〕Great clouds of black smoke were rising for several hundred feet or so.大片的黑色烟云升至大约几百英尺的空中。柯林斯高阶〔frill〕Clouds frill the sky.云彩使天空呈现出波纹。英汉大词典〔from〕Just from looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain.就看看天上的云,我也认为会下雨。剑桥高阶〔fumes〕Clouds of toxic fumes escaped from the chemical plant.一团团有毒气体从化工厂排放出来。牛津搭配〔gather〕Clouds were gathering overhead.天空聚集起了乌云。外研社新世纪〔gather〕Storm clouds were gathering.乌云密布,暴风雨即将来临。剑桥高阶〔glory〕The sun emerged from behind the clouds in all its glory.太阳穿云而出,壮丽无比。朗文当代〔hang〕Storm clouds were hanging low overhead.乌云压顶。韦氏高阶〔heretofore〕They reported that clouds are an important and heretofore uninvestigated contributor to the climate.他们报告说,云是影响气候的一个重要因素,但迄今为止没有进行过研究。柯林斯高阶〔hood〕I looked under the hood and clouds of smoke poured out.我看了一下引擎罩下面,团团的烟冒了出来。剑桥高阶〔hydrometeor〕A precipitation product, such as rain, snow, fog, or clouds, formed from the condensation of water vapor in the atmosphere.水象:一种凝结物,比如雨、雪、雾或云,由大气中的水蒸汽浓缩而成美国传统〔industrial-strength〕She arrived in a cloud of industrial-strength perfume.她到达时身上有股刺鼻的香水味。剑桥高阶〔inside〕Inside, clouds of cigarette smoke swirled.屋内香烟的烟雾缭绕。柯林斯高阶〔in〕There wasn't a cloud in the sky.天空万里无云。麦克米伦高阶〔land〕Anyone who thinks this legislation will be effective is living in cloud cuckoo land.认为此项立法会行之有效的人都是脱离了现实的人。牛津搭配〔last〕His plane disappeared into the clouds, and that was the last we ever saw of him.他的飞机消失在云层里,而那也是我们最后一次见到他。麦克米伦高阶〔layer〕We're flying just below a cloud layer at 33 000 feet.我们正飞行在 3.3 万英尺高的云层下面。牛津搭配〔light〕The clouds parted and a single beam of light fell on the church.云层散开,一束光线照射在教堂上。麦克米伦高阶〔locomotive〕Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke.蒸汽机车喷出一团团白烟。外研社新世纪〔locomotive〕Steam locomotives pumped out clouds of white smoke.蒸汽机车喷出一团团白烟。柯林斯高阶〔loom〕Storm clouds loomed on the horizon.风暴云突然出现在地平线上。韦氏高阶〔luxurious〕He blew out a luxurious cloud of smoke.他吐出了一大团烟雾。英汉大词典〔mantle〕Clouds mantled the moon.云将月亮遮住。21世纪英汉〔mantle〕Clouds mantled the moon.云遮住了月亮。英汉大词典〔mask〕A thick grey cloud masked the sun.厚厚的乌云遮住了太阳。外研社新世纪〔mass〕Clouds were massing on the horizon.地平线处的云层正在聚集。韦氏高阶〔mass〕Dark clouds massed, and we expected rain.阴云密布,我们预料会下雨。英汉大词典〔mass〕The sky was full of dark masses of clouds.天空中乌云密布。牛津高阶〔melt〕The wind melted the clouds.风吹散了乌云。21世纪英汉〔moon〕A large black cloud covered the moon.一大片乌云遮住了月亮。牛津搭配〔northeastern〕The northeastern sky is heavy with clouds.东北方的天空乌云密布。英汉大词典〔obscure〕Low clouds obscured the mountains. = The mountains were obscured by low clouds.低低的云层遮住了群山。韦氏高阶〔off〕The sun had burned off most of the cloud over the city.太阳把城市上空的大部分云彩都烧没了。外研社新世纪〔ominous〕I saw ominous black clouds swirling overhead.我看到不祥的黑云在头顶上卷动翻滚。外研社新世纪〔open〕The clouds opened.云散日出。21世纪英汉〔overhead〕Storm clouds were gathering overhead.风暴云笼罩在上空。牛津搭配〔overspread〕Dark clouds are overspreading the sky.乌云布满了天空美国传统〔paint〕The classroom wall was painted with clouds and rainbows.教室的墙上涂上了云朵和彩虹的图案。韦氏高阶〔pass over〕A white cloud passed over the sky.一朵白云从天空飘过。21世纪英汉〔pass〕A cloud passed over the sun.一朵云飘过,遮住了太阳。剑桥高阶〔patchy〕Low clouds and patchy rain are forecast for tomorrow.天气预报说明天云层低垂,有零星小雨。麦克米伦高阶〔patch〕There was a small patch of blue in the grey clouds.灰色的云团中透出一小片蓝天。柯林斯高阶〔peek〕The sun peeked out from behind the clouds.太阳从云层背后露出来。麦克米伦高阶〔peep out〕The sun peeped out from behind the clouds.太阳从云后面露出脸来。外研社新世纪〔peep〕The sun peeped through the clouds [over the horizon].太阳由云间[地平线上]露出。文馨英汉〔peep〕The sun peeped through the clouds.太阳从云罅露出脸来。英汉大词典〔peer〕The moon peered through the clouds.月亮从云层中隐约出现。21世纪英汉〔pelt〕The clouds began pelting rain on the roof.云开始倾泻雨水于屋顶上。文馨英汉〔pinnacle〕The pinnacles of the Himalayas were visible above the clouds.喜马拉雅山的山顶显现在云端之上。剑桥高阶〔pother〕A cloud of smoke or dust that chokes or smothers.沙尘弥漫:呛人或令人窒息的烟雾或尘土美国传统〔pour〕The smokestacks poured out thick clouds of black smoke.大烟囱里冒出滚滚黑烟。韦氏高阶〔presage〕Those black clouds presage a storm.那乌云预示着暴风雨将要来临。21世纪英汉〔presignify〕The cloud presignifies a violent storm.这云预示有狂风暴雨。英汉大词典〔primeval〕Primeval clouds of gas formed themselves into stars.原生气团形成了恒星。朗文当代〔proverbial〕The limousine sped off down the road in the proverbial cloud of dust.豪华轿车沿公路飞驰而去,那真是卷起一路风尘。柯林斯高阶〔proverbial〕The limousine sped off down the road in the proverbial cloud of dust.那辆豪华轿车沿公路飞驰而去, 那真是卷起一路风尘。外研社新世纪〔puffiness〕The sea was blue, and white puffy clouds sailed by.大海一片蔚蓝,朵朵白云飘过。柯林斯高阶〔puff〕Chimneys were puffing out clouds of smoke.烟囱冒着滚滚浓烟。牛津高阶〔puff〕The wind puffed the clouds away.风把云吹散了。21世纪英汉〔rack〕A thin mass of wind-driven clouds.行云,流云:薄薄的一层被风吹动的云美国传统〔raise〕The horses' hooves raised a cloud of dust.马蹄翻飞,扬起一片尘土。牛津高阶〔ray〕A ray of sunshine shone through a gap in the clouds.一缕阳光透过云隙照射下来。剑桥高阶〔reemerge〕The sun reemerged from behind the clouds.太阳从云层背后重新露头。英汉大词典〔retire〕The sun retired behind the clouds.太阳隐没在云层后面。外研社新世纪〔rift〕The clouds rifted.云层有了裂缝。21世纪英汉〔rift〕We could see some stars through the rifts in the clouds.我们可以透过云层的缝隙看到一些星星。韦氏高阶〔rise〕The powdery dust rose in a cloud around him.一团粉尘在他周围扬起。外研社新世纪〔scud〕It was a windy day, and small white clouds were scudding across the blue sky.那天有风,朵朵白云在蓝天上随风掠过。剑桥高阶〔scud〕Ragged low clouds, moving rapidly beneath another cloud layer.飞云:在另一云层下飞掠的破碎低云层美国传统〔scurry〕Dark clouds were being scurried across a grey sky by the wind.风吹得乌云在灰蒙蒙的天空中疾行。英汉大词典〔shear〕The airplane sheared through the clouds.飞机穿越云层。英汉大词典〔show〕The sun showed through the clouds.太阳从云层中透了出来。韦氏高阶〔slide〕The moon slid silently behind a cloud.月亮悄悄地藏到了一片云后。牛津搭配〔smoke〕A cloud of fine particles.烟云:小颗粒结合而成的云状物美国传统〔smoke〕Exploding rockets sent up clouds of smoke.爆炸的火箭散发出一团团烟雾。麦克米伦高阶〔stardust〕A cluster of stars too distant to be seen individually, resembling a dimly luminous cloud of dust. Not in scientific use.星尘团:星团,由于太远而不能逐个辨认,类似发出微光的尘团。不作科学用美国传统〔star〕The night was dark, the stars hidden behind cloud.那个夜晚很黑, 星星躲在云后面。外研社新世纪〔sun〕Just then, the sun broke through the clouds.正在那时,太阳冲破乌云钻了出来。牛津搭配〔suspend〕A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air.空中飘浮着一团烟雾。剑桥高阶〔suspicion〕He ended his athletics career under a cloud of suspicion.他在疑云笼罩下结束了自己的运动生涯。牛津搭配〔swell〕To rise or extend above the surrounding level, as clouds.升起,扩散:象云一般从四周水平面上升或扩展美国传统〔the〕The sun was hidden behind a cloud.太阳躲在云层后面。麦克米伦高阶〔threaten〕Dark clouds threatened rain.乌云预示着要下雨了。朗文当代〔threaten〕The clouds threaten snow.乌云预示着要下雪。21世纪英汉〔through〕We were flying through dense cloud.我们当时正在厚厚的云层中飞行。外研社新世纪〔valley〕A large cloud filled the valley and obscured vision.一朵硕大的云彩填满了山谷,让人什么也看不清。牛津搭配〔wisp〕A thin or faint streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds.一缕:薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等美国传统〔wreathe〕Clouds wreathed the mountains.浮云萦绕群山。21世纪英汉〔wreathe〕The peak of the mountain is perpetually wreathed in cloud.这座山的山顶常年云雾缭绕。剑桥高阶Clouds are sailing the skies. 云在天空飘移。译典通Clouds of birds rose from the treetops. 黑压压一大群鸟儿从树梢飞起。译典通A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的一团水汽。译典通A cloud of dust rose in the air as the car roared past.汽车呼啸而过的时候,在空中扬起了一阵尘土。剑桥国际A cloud of smoke was suspended in the air.空中烟雾缭绕。剑桥国际A cloud passed over the sun.一块乌云穿过太阳。剑桥国际Fluffy white clouds were floating across the sky.柔软如绒毛般的白云在天空中漂浮。剑桥国际Flying upward they broke through the cloud into sunlight.他们向上飞去, 穿越乌云进入了阳光层。剑桥国际From looking at the clouds, I would say it's going to rain later.从天上的云看来,我认为晚些时候会下雨。剑桥国际He strained his eyes to penetrate beyond the thick cloud of dust. 他竭力想透过尘埃看清那边的东西。译典通I don't believe the latest official unemployment statistics--I think they cloud the issue (=are unclear and make people believe something that is not correct).我不会相信最新的关于失业的官方统计数字,我认为他们在掩盖事实。剑桥国际In the heat of the mid-day sun the clouds had begun dispersing.在中午火热的太阳下,云层开始散开。剑桥国际It was the 1930s, unemployment was around three million and war clouds were already on the horizon in Europe.20 世纪30年代,失业人数达到了300万,战争的阴云已经笼罩在欧洲的地平线上。剑桥国际On hearing the news, her face clouded over. 一听到这消息,她的脸上顿生愁云。译典通On high the great white clouds slid swiftly. 大片大片的白云在高空飘过。译典通One mention of her dead husband and her face clouded over.一提到她死去的丈夫,她的脸上就会阴云密布。剑桥国际That cloud suggests a boat to me. 那朵云使我联想到船。译典通The clouds brought a threat of rain. 阴云带来要下雨的征兆。译典通The clouds parted and the sun came out.云开日出。剑桥国际The clouds parted and the sun shone. 云层散开,太阳照耀著。译典通The clouds were rushing towards us at a great speed.云以很快的速度向我们飞来。剑桥国际The moon peered out from behind clouds. 月亮从云后隐约出现。译典通They lay down languidly on the riverbank and gazed up at the clouds.他们在河边懒洋洋地躺下,凝视着云。剑桥国际




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