

单词 a fool
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANCE〕This job is the chance of a lifetime. You'd be a fool not to take it. 这份工作千载难逢,你要是不干就是傻瓜。朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕Anyone who tells you any different is either a fool or a liar. 不是跟你这样说的人,不是傻瓜就是骗子。朗文写作活用〔affair〕If you wish to make a fool of yourself, that is your affair.如果你想出丑, 那是你的事。外研社新世纪〔bear〕Being made a fool of in front of a roomful of people was more than he could bear.他受不了在一屋子的人面前出丑。麦克米伦高阶〔bore〕There is every reason why I shouldn't enjoy his company — he's a bore and a fool.我有充分的理由不愿和他在一起 —— 他又乏味又愚笨。柯林斯高阶〔bozo〕A dunce; a fool.笨蛋;傻瓜美国传统〔but〕He is not such a fool but (that) he can see the reason.他没有愚蠢到不明事理的地步。英汉大词典〔curse〕She cursed herself for being such a fool.她骂自己怎么那么笨。麦克米伦高阶〔feel〕I feel such a fool for believing him.我觉得相信他的话真傻。麦克米伦高阶〔feel〕I felt like (= thought that I was) a complete idiot/such a fool.我觉得自己是个十足的傻瓜。剑桥高阶〔fool〕He got drunk at the party and made a fool of himself.他在聚会上喝醉了,出了大丑。韦氏高阶〔fool〕He made a fool of himself by turning up drunk to a TV chat show.他因喝醉酒后参加电视谈话节目而出尽洋相。麦克米伦高阶〔fool〕He'd been a fool to get involved with her! 他竟然跟她扯到了一起,真是傻瓜!柯林斯高阶〔fool〕He'd been made a fool of.他被愚弄了。柯林斯高阶〔fool〕He's a fool for travel.他热爱旅行。文馨英汉〔fool〕He's a fool to think she still loves him.他以为她还爱着自己,真是个傻瓜。剑桥高阶〔fool〕He's making a fool of himself over that woman.他在那位女士面前丢人现眼了。韦氏高阶〔fool〕He's next door to a fool.他跟傻瓜差不多。文馨英汉〔fool〕I felt like a fool when I realized what I'd done.当我明白自己干了什么时,感觉自己就像个傻瓜。牛津搭配〔fool〕Like a fool , I accepted straight away.我像个傻子,立刻就接受了。朗文当代〔fool〕Like a fool, I told her everything.我像傻瓜一样把一切都告诉她了。牛津搭配〔fool〕She made a fool of me by insulting me in front of my friends.她当着我朋友的面侮辱我,让我出丑。韦氏高阶〔fool〕The schoolchildren made a fool of their new schoolfellow.那些学生们作弄新同学。英汉大词典〔fool〕They made a fool of me by pretending I won the award.他们骗我假装得了奖金而愚弄我美国传统〔fool〕They threatened to publish his letters to her and make a fool of him.他们威胁说要公开他写给她的信, 让他难堪。外研社新世纪〔fool〕What a fool he was not to marry her! 他不娶她真是傻瓜!文馨英汉〔fool〕What a fool the man is! 这人多傻啊! 英汉大词典〔fool〕What did you say a fool thing like that for? 你为什么要说那种蠢话?朗文当代〔gem〕He's a real gem - you'd be a fool to break up with him.他可真是个宝贝——你得是个傻瓜才会想要跟他分手。剑桥高阶〔go〕Only a fool goes by the rules all the time.只有傻瓜才会什么时候都循规蹈矩的。朗文当代〔hint〕He hinted broadly (vaguely) that I was a fool.他清楚地(隐约地)暗示说我是个傻瓜。英汉大词典〔kind〕He was kind of a fool.他相当傻。英汉大词典〔mistake〕There's no mistake about it, he's a fool.毫无疑问,他是个傻瓜。英汉大词典〔overstate〕It's an overstatement to say that the man's a fool.说那男人是傻瓜有点过分。朗文当代〔pounce〕If you make a single mistake, he will pounce on you and say you're a fool.你要是出一点差错,他就会抓住机会说你是笨蛋。21世纪英汉〔reputation〕He is really living up to his reputation of being a fool.他这会儿的作为可真是不负傻瓜的盛名了。英汉大词典〔save〕I saved him from making a fool of himself.我不让他干蠢事,免得丢丑。牛津同义词〔set ... down〕He was set down as a fool.他被看成是个傻瓜。21世纪英汉〔snow〕I'd been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas.我真蠢,居然被他的胡乱吹嘘给蒙蔽了。柯林斯高阶〔sooner〕I'd sooner she married no one than marry a fool like him.我宁愿她不嫁人,也不愿让她嫁给他那样的傻瓜。麦克米伦高阶〔speechify〕A man always makes a fool of himself speechifying.人在一味高谈阔论的时候总是自己出自己洋相。英汉大词典〔stand〕No one makes a fool of me. I won't stand for it! 没有人欺骗我。我是容不得别人骗我的!麦克米伦高阶〔that〕His actions are those (=the actions) of a fool.他的举动是蠢人的举动。英汉大词典〔would〕She'd be a fool to accept it(= if she accepted).她倘若接受,那她就是个傻瓜。牛津高阶Jane always makes a fool of her younger brother. 珍老是作弄她弟弟。译典通Just for the record, I think the President is a fool. 我郑重声明,我认为总统很蠢。译典通She felt like a fool. 她觉得自己好像是个大笨蛋。译典通She saw me fall flat on my face--I feel (=think that I am) such a fool.她看到了我脸朝下摔倒在地,我觉得自己出足了洋相。剑桥国际You can always rely on him making a fool of himself (= He always makes himself look foolish).你总是可以指望他会自己出洋相。剑桥国际You'd be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good as that.不抓住那么好的机会你真是个傻瓜。剑桥国际




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