

单词 constant speed
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SPEED〕Keep driving at a constant speed until I tell you differently. 保持恒速行驶,直到我另有吩咐。朗文写作活用〔capstan〕A small cylindrical shaft used to drive magnetic tape at a constant speed in a tape recorder.主动轮:指小型圆筒状的驱动轴,用于在录音机中驱动磁带使之恒速转动美国传统〔constant〕Maintain a constant speed.保持匀速。麦克米伦高阶〔constant〕We ran at a fairly constant speed.我们保持了比较平稳的跑动速度。剑桥高阶〔cruise control〕A system in a motor vehicle for maintaining a constant speed.速度控制器:在摩托车里为保持稳定速度而设置的系统美国传统〔cruise control〕Maintenance of a constant speed in such a vehicle.稳速:在这种车里保持稳定速度美国传统〔cruise〕To travel at a constant speed, or at a speed providing maximum operating efficiency for a sustained period.以经济速度行驶:以稳定的速度行进,或在一段时间内以发动机效率最高的速度行驶美国传统〔twist〕It allows the train to maintain a constant speed through the twists and turns of existing track.它使火车在通过现有轨道的弯曲处时得以保持恒定的车速。柯林斯高阶〔wedeln〕A snow skiing style in which the skier executes a series of short, quick, parallel turns by moving the backs of the skis from side to side at a constant speed.双板平行摆动转弯术:一种滑雪方法,即通过把滑橇的后部按同样的速度左右摆动来完成一系列短而快的平行转变美国传统We've kept a fairly constant speed all journey.旅途中我们保持着平稳的速度。剑桥国际




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