

单词 clean
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-breasted〕I might as well make a clean breast of it. I have been living as a woman since 1975.我还是坦白的好。我从1975起就变成女人了。柯林斯高阶〔AGAIN〕The floor needs cleaning again. 地板又要打扫了。朗文写作活用〔BEHAVE〕He's been sentenced to seven years in prison, but he'll be out in four if he keeps his nose clean. 他被判了七年徒刑,但如果表现好,四年就能获释。朗文写作活用〔BORING/BORED〕Do it yourself - I'm sick of cleaning up after you! 自己做—我已经厌倦了给你打扫清理!朗文写作活用〔CLEAN〕I think it's time we cleaned out the garage. 我觉得我们应该把车库彻底打扫一下了。朗文写作活用〔DIRTY〕Sayers said that if he's elected his administration will make a priority of cleaning up the region's polluted rivers. 塞耶斯说如果他当选,他领导的政府将把清理该地区的受污染河流列为优先处理的事。朗文写作活用〔ESCAPE〕The robbers hopped into a waiting car and made a clean getaway. 盗贼跳上一辆等候的汽车,逃得无影无踪。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕Attempts to clean up the environment are doomed unless businesses take a leading role. 除非企业起带头作用,否则治理环境的努力必定失败。朗文写作活用〔HOME〕He cleans the offices after all the workers have gone home. 所有的工人回家后,他便打扫办公室。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕The Clean Air Act would increase the cost of electric power in the Midwest. 清洁空气法将会增加中西部的电力成本。朗文写作活用〔NORMAL/ORDINARY〕The house was clean and well kept, but very ordinary. 这房子干干净净,收拾得很好,但是非常普通。朗文写作活用〔OFFER〕Will anyone volunteer to help me clean up this mess? 有谁愿意帮我把这乱糟糟的地方收拾干净?朗文写作活用〔OFTEN〕I wish you'd clean up your room without having to be constantly reminded. 我希望你自己会打扫房间,不要老要人家提醒。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕Clean the wound thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection. 彻底清洗伤口以减少感染的风险。朗文写作活用〔START〕Come on! - get cracking. I want this whole house clean by the time I get back. 快点!赶紧动手,我要你们在我回来的时候把屋子全部打扫干净。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕She would do nothing for days then spring into action and spend a day throwing out all the garbage, cleaning the bathroom, and dusting. 她会一连好几天什么都不做,然后突然行动起来,花一整天时间扔掉所有的垃圾,清洁浴室,抹去灰尘。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕Eric, you're making a mess - I hope you're planning to clean it up. 埃里克,看你弄得一团糟—我希望你正打算把这里打扫干净。朗文写作活用〔WASH〕He's upstairs in the bathroom getting cleaned up. 他在楼上浴室里洗澡。朗文写作活用〔WORKING〕The guns were all clean and in good working order. 这些枪都干干净净,性能良好。朗文写作活用〔about〕While you're about it, please clean your room.趁你正在清理,请打扫一下你的房间美国传统〔accretion〕The room hadn't been cleaned for years and showed several accretions of dirt and dust.房间多年没有打扫,积了厚厚的灰尘。剑桥高阶〔act〕Hirst has cleaned up his act and lives in domestic tranquillity.赫斯特已经改过自新了, 过着平静的家庭生活。外研社新世纪〔act〕The public pressure is on, and gradually business is cleaning up its act.公众施加了压力,商界正逐步改善自己的行为。英汉大词典〔air〕There are regulatory requirements for clean air and water.对清洁的空气和水有监管要求。牛津搭配〔antiseptic〕Clean the affected area with an antiseptic.用抗菌剂清洗感染部位。韦氏高阶〔arrangement〕We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.我们定好了,他打扫卫生,我做饭。剑桥高阶〔assign〕They assigned me the job of cleaning the equipment. = They assigned the job of cleaning the equipment to me. = They assigned me to clean the equipment.他们分配我去清洁设备。韦氏高阶〔bacterium〕Keep the wound clean and dry to prevent the growth of bacteria.保持伤口清洁干燥,防止细菌感染。韦氏高阶〔ball〕She uses cotton balls to clean her face.她用棉球清洁脸部。韦氏高阶〔basin〕I've cleaned the basin and scrubbed the bath.我已经清洗了脸盆,还刷了浴缸。剑桥高阶〔bath〕The objects are cleaned in a bath of acid.这些物品在一缸酸液里清洗过。麦克米伦高阶〔best〕It's clean and well-located, but best of all, it's affordable.那里很干净,地段也好,而且更不错的是,价格也承受得起。朗文当代〔blah〕He got tired of hearing his mother tell him to brush his teeth, clean his room, blah, blah, blah.他听腻了妈妈的唠叨,让他刷牙、打扫房间,干这干那的。韦氏高阶〔broom〕Grab a broom and let's clean up.拿起扫帚,我们来大扫除吧。牛津搭配〔brush〕Brush your teeth clean.把你的牙齿刷干净。文馨英汉〔cardinal〕Having clean hands is one of the cardinal rules when preparing food.做饭前首先要把手洗干净。朗文当代〔charge〕They charged me with the duty of cleaning the hall.他们叫我负责打扫会堂。牛津同义词〔clean (sth) up〕We cleaned up at the poker table last night.我们昨晚在牌桌上赢了一大把。剑桥高阶〔clean ... out〕I hope you will clean out all those sticky old sweet papers and empty envelopes from your drawer this time.我希望你这次将清除掉你抽屉中所有的黏糊糊的旧糖纸和空信封。21世纪英汉〔clean lines〕She wore a formal wool suit with clean lines.她穿着一身线条简洁利落的毛料正装。韦氏高阶〔clean out〕Buying the house really cleaned us out. Now we're broke.买这套房子花光了我们所有的积蓄。如今我们真是身无分文了。韦氏高阶〔clean out〕I need to clean out my purse.我需要清理一下我的手提包。韦氏高阶〔clean out〕If you are using the same pan, clean it out.如果还用同一个平底锅,要把它清理干净。柯林斯高阶〔clean room〕The microchips are manufactured in a clean room.这些微芯片是在无尘室里生产的。韦氏高阶〔clean up after sb〕I'm fed up with cleaning up after you all the time.你弄脏了东西老是我来打扫,我真是受够了。剑桥高阶〔clean up〕He's cleaned up his image since his early rock music days.从早期摇滚乐生涯起,他便开始注意改善自己的形象了。韦氏高阶〔cleaning〕Flirting is good clean fun.打情骂俏无伤大雅,还别有一番趣味。柯林斯高阶〔cleaning〕It was a clean match, well refereed.比赛没有舞弊行为,裁判很公正。柯林斯高阶〔cleaning〕Take a clean sheet of paper and down the left-hand side make a list.拿张白纸,在左下方列个单子。柯林斯高阶〔cleaning〕They pay someone to do the cleaning.他们花钱雇人打扫。牛津高阶〔cleaning〕Tiled kitchen floors are easy to keep clean.铺了瓷砖的厨房地板便于保洁。柯林斯高阶〔clean〕A blunt knife won't make a clean cut.钝刀子切不光洁。英汉大词典〔clean〕Cats are very clean animals.猫是很爱干净的动物。牛津高阶〔clean〕Descale, gut, and clean the fish.除去鱼鳞, 取出内脏, 然后清理干净。外研社新世纪〔clean〕He cleaned up on his critics.他狠狠打击批评他的人。英汉大词典〔clean〕His record is clean.他历史清白。英汉大词典〔clean〕I can't find a clean shirt(= one I haven't worn since it was washed).我找不到一件干净的衬衫。牛津高阶〔clean〕I spent all day cooking and cleaning.我一整天都忙着做饭和打扫清洁。牛津高阶〔clean〕Jed looked forward to starting life again with a clean sheet.杰德期望清清白白地重新做人。朗文当代〔clean〕Joe can clean up the mess.乔能够把这堆凌乱的东西清理出去。麦克米伦高阶〔clean〕No government operates with a completely clean sheet.没有任何政府执政一点也不失误。牛津高阶〔clean〕Oh, don't get mad – it's just good clean fun ! 噢,不要生气 — 这不过是个正经的玩笑嘛!朗文当代〔clean〕Paul's cleaning his car.保罗正在洗车。麦克米伦高阶〔clean〕Paying for all those drinks has cleaned me out.购买那些饮料把我的钱花得一干二净。牛津高阶〔clean〕She only cleaned one of the bedrooms in the whole morning.整个上午她只打扫了一间卧室。21世纪英汉〔clean〕The bathroom doesn't stay clean for long.卫生间干净不了多久。牛津搭配〔clean〕The doctor was cleaning Tom's teeth.医生正在给汤姆洗牙。21世纪英汉〔clean〕The nail went clean through the wall.钉子穿透了墙壁。韦氏高阶〔clean〕The robbery cleaned us out.强盗把我们洗劫一空美国传统〔clean〕The room smelled clean and fresh.房间闻起来洁净清新。牛津搭配〔clean〕The supermarkets were cleaned out by panicking shoppers.恐慌的购物者把超市的东西都买光了。麦克米伦高阶〔clean〕The vase was broken, but it was a clean break and easily repaired with a little glue.那只花瓶打破了,但裂口整齐,用一点胶就能粘好。韦氏高阶〔clean〕The wine has a clean taste and a lovely golden colour.这葡萄酒味道清醇,色泽金黄。牛津高阶〔clean〕They cleaned up before they left.他们打扫干净后就走了。21世纪英汉〔clean〕They searched him, but he was clean.他们对他进行了搜查,但未发现他携带任何违禁品。朗文当代〔clean〕When we played other schools the games were always clean.我们和其他学校比赛时, 一向都非常公正。外研社新世纪〔clean〕Who's going to clean up this mess? 这么又脏又乱的,谁来清理?牛津高阶〔clean〕You can hire these from most car hire firms, provided you have a clean driving licence.假如你的驾照无违章记录, 你就可以从大部分租车公司租到这些车。外研社新世纪〔compare〕Just compare the one that has been cleaned with the others.只要把清洗过的这个和其他的比较一下。麦克米伦高阶〔compliant〕The company expects to be reclassified as soon as its factories are fully compliant with the Federal Clean Air Act.一旦属下工厂完全符合《联邦清洁空气法案》定下的规则,这家公司预计将会尽快被重新定类。剑桥高阶〔compulsively〕He cleans compulsively.他有洁癖。韦氏高阶〔conscience〕How can you do your job with a clean conscience? 你怎么能问心无愧地干你的活儿呢?牛津搭配〔cooperation〕The government sought the cooperation of the citizens in keeping the streets clean.政府寻求市民配合,保持街道整洁。英汉大词典〔council〕The town/city council is/are responsible for keeping the streets clean.镇/市政会负责保持街道清洁。剑桥高阶〔cut〕Clean the cut and cover it to prevent infection.洗净伤口并包扎起来以防感染。牛津搭配〔descendant〕We owe it to our descendants (= people younger than us who will live after we have died) to leave them a clean world to live in.给子孙后代留下一个清洁的生活环境是我们的职责。剑桥高阶〔dirt〕Clean up the dirt.把污垢清除。牛津同义词〔disconnect〕Disconnect all electrical appliances before attempting to clean them.在打算清扫电器前断开所有的电源。麦克米伦高阶〔do〕The woman we hired to clean our house doesn't do windows.我们雇来打扫房子的女工不管擦窗户。韦氏高阶〔dress〕To clean (fish or fowl) for cooking or sale.清洗干净:给(鱼家禽)放血、去毛和内脏以备烹煮或出售美国传统〔dry cleaning〕Dry cleaning is recommended.建议干洗。韦氏高阶〔dry off〕They are then scrubbed with clean water and left to dry off for an hour or two in a warm room.然后用清水擦洗它们, 再放到一间暖和的屋子里放一到两小时晾干。外研社新世纪〔dry〕Make sure that the surface is clean and dry before you start to paint.油漆之前一定先要确保表面清洁干燥。朗文当代〔dust〕To clean by removing dust.除尘美国传统〔duty〕Martin's duties included cleaning the cars.马丁的职责包括清洗汽车。朗文当代〔flannel〕Use a damp flannel to clean the skin.用湿毛巾清洁皮肤。牛津搭配〔floor〕The bathroom floor needs cleaning.浴室地面需要清洁。剑桥高阶〔flush〕The act of cleaning or rinsing by or as if by flushing.冲洗:用或好象用急流清洁或冲冼的行为美国传统〔galvanize〕The prospect of his mother coming to stay galvanized him into action and he started cleaning the house.他母亲要来和他一起住了,这才使得他打起精神,开始清扫房屋。剑桥高阶〔get out〕This special cleaning liquid should get that spot of oil out.这种特殊的清洗液应该可以洗掉那块油渍。21世纪英汉〔get〕Stop getting at me to clean my shoes. I'll do them tonight.别再没完没了地叫我把鞋子拭干净,今天晚上我就拭。英汉大词典〔good〕I've given it a good clean.我把它好好洗了洗。外研社新世纪〔group〕All the cleaning services will be grouped together for convenience.为方便起见,所有的清洁服务将一起归类。麦克米伦高阶〔habitation〕The houses were unfit for human habitation(= not clean or safe enough for people to live in).那些房子不适合人居住。牛津高阶〔happen〕She happens to like cleaning (= she likes cleaning, although that is surprising).她恰恰就喜欢打扫卫生。剑桥高阶〔have〕I had your suit cleaned.我把你的西装送去洗了。外研社新世纪〔immaculately〕The streets were immaculately clean.街道干干净净的。外研社新世纪〔impression〕Hard cleaning made no impression on the stain.使劲擦洗也除不掉这个污渍。英汉大词典〔inside〕I cleaned my car inside and out.我把我的汽车里里外外清洁了一遍。韦氏高阶〔irk〕It irks me to have to clean up after you.我得打扫你弄脏的那些地方,这使我恼火。韦氏高阶〔jig〕To separate or clean (ore) by shaking a jig.淘汰选矿,筛选:用震动筛矿器分离或清洗(矿石)美国传统〔ladder〕She was up a ladder, cleaning the window.她站在梯子上擦窗子。剑桥高阶〔lick〕The child licked his fingers clean.孩子把手指舔干净。英汉大词典〔lick〕They would sneak into the kitchen and lick the bowls clean.它们会偷偷溜进厨房把那些碗舔干净。麦克米伦高阶〔life〕Here I am at a crummy hotel with no clean clothes, no money and suffering from shock. What a life! 我如今身在一家破旧的旅馆里,没有干净衣服,没有一分钱,又惊魂未定。这是什么日子啊!柯林斯高阶〔love〕I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.我想要洗个热水澡, 换上干净的衣服。外研社新世纪〔maid〕She hired a maid to do the cleaning.她雇了一名女佣做清洁。韦氏高阶〔mask with〕Doctors working in an operating theatre have to mask their noses and mouths with a specially clean cloth.在手术室工作的医生必须用特制的消毒口罩蒙住口鼻。21世纪英汉〔mess〕Go and clean up that mess in the kitchen.去把厨房里乱七八糟的东西清理干净。剑桥高阶〔minute〕If you have a few spare minutes, you could clean the kitchen.如果你有几分钟空余时间,可以把厨房打扫一下嘛。牛津搭配〔month〕It would take us a month of Sundays to clean out the barn.把牲口棚清理干净要花费我们很长时间。麦克米伦高阶〔morning〕We spent all morning cleaning the kitchen.我们花了一上午的时间打扫厨房。外研社新世纪〔mouthwash〕A flavored, usually antiseptic solution used for cleaning the mouth and freshening the breath.漱口水:一种用于清洁口腔和爽洁呼吸的有味的、通常有抗菌性的液体制剂美国传统〔much〕I think it's a bit much for you to expect me to do all the cleaning.想让我把所有清扫的活儿都干了——你是不是太过分了。剑桥高阶〔my〕I'm going to clean my teeth.我要去刷牙。外研社新世纪〔neat〕His clothes were always neat and clean .他的衣服总是很整洁。朗文当代〔neat〕The clean clothes were neatly folded.这些干净的衣服叠得整整齐齐的。麦克米伦高阶〔never-ending〕Keeping the house clean is a never-ending chore.保持房间干净是永无休止的麻烦事。韦氏高阶〔nose〕If you kept your nose clean, you had a job for life.如果你规规矩矩,就可以一辈子都捧着这个饭碗。柯林斯高阶〔on at〕Mummy's always on at me about cleaning up my room! 妈妈总是絮叨要我收拾自己的房间!韦氏高阶〔open〕He opened up his case and took out a clean sweater.他打开箱子,拿出一件干净的毛衣。朗文当代〔perfect〕Use only clean, Grade A, perfect eggs.只用表面干净、无磕碰的A级鸡蛋。柯林斯高阶〔pick〕The dog picked the bone clean.狗把骨头抠干净了。21世纪英汉〔pioneer〕The scientists of the country pioneer in cleaning up harbour water.这个国家的科学工作者开创净化港口水域的工作。21世纪英汉〔progress〕She started with a cleaning job, and progressed to running the company.她一开始做清洁工,后来一路晋升到公司的管理层。朗文当代〔pumice〕To clean, polish, or smooth with pumice.用浮石(把某物)磨光使之变得干净、光亮或柔滑美国传统〔pump〕We were able to pump clean water from several of the wells.我们能从几口井里抽出干净的水来。朗文当代〔purge〕To become pure or clean.变得纯净或清洁美国传统〔put out〕Jeanette put out her clean clothes on the bed.珍妮特把自己的干净衣服摆放在床上。外研社新世纪〔rag〕The sky was a delicate blue streaming with rags of crisp clean cloud.湛蓝的天空散布着缕缕光洁如洗的白云。外研社新世纪〔refresh〕To make cool, clean, or moist; freshen up.使新鲜:使凉爽、清洁或湿润;使新鲜美国传统〔rub〕He rubbed and rubbed but couldn't seem to get clean.他擦了又擦,可就是擦不干净。柯林斯高阶〔scarce〕Food and clean water were becoming scarce.食物和洁净的水越来越少了。剑桥高阶〔scour〕To clean (wheat) before the milling process.清除:在磨粉过程前把(麦子)清除干净美国传统〔scrape〕The two of them scraped their dishes clean .他们两个把盘子擦得干干净净。朗文当代〔scrape〕The wood had been scraped clean.木头已经刮干净了。牛津搭配〔scrub〕The corridors are scrubbed clean.走廊擦得很干净。柯林斯高阶〔scrub〕To rub hard in order to clean.擦净:为了使干净用力擦洗美国传统〔set〕He did not keep the cut clean and infection set in.他未保持伤口的洁净,因而发生了感染。英汉大词典〔sheet〕She put clean sheets on the bed.她把干净的床单放在床上。文馨英汉〔shiny〕Her blonde hair was shiny and clean.她的金发干净而有光泽。外研社新世纪〔shot〕He killed them with a clean shot to their heads.他对准脑壳,将他们一个个击毙。牛津搭配〔silver〕Cleaning the silver (= silver objects) is a dirty job.擦洗银器是一件很讨厌的事。剑桥高阶〔smash〕Their attempts to clean up politics and smash the power of party machines failed.他们力图重整政坛、摧毁现有的政党机器,却以失败收场。柯林斯高阶〔spotlessly〕The house had huge, spotlessly clean rooms.房子里的各个房间都很宽敞、一尘不染。柯林斯高阶〔spotless〕The whole house was spotlessly clean .整幢房子干干净净一尘不染。朗文当代〔squeegee〕A small squeegee will help in the cleaning job.有一把小橡皮刷帚,清洗工作就会方便些。英汉大词典〔strength〕The cleaning solution should be used at half-strength.应该使用一半浓度的洗涤液。韦氏高阶〔swab〕A mop used for cleaning floors or decks.拖把:用于清洗地面或甲板的拖布美国传统〔tidy〕The house looked very clean and tidy.屋子看起来非常干净整洁。麦克米伦高阶〔time〕It's about time you cleaned your room! 你该打扫自己的房间了!牛津高阶〔towel〕Have you got a clean towel I could use? 你有没有干净毛巾给我用?朗文当代〔track up〕Don’t track up my clean floor with your muddy shoes!你鞋上满是泥,别踩脏了我干净的地板!21世纪英汉〔tread〕Stop treading mud all over my clean kitchen floor! 不要把我干干净净的厨房地上踩得到处都是泥巴!朗文当代〔trooper〕He was scrupulously clean and honest about money, but he lied like a trooper.他在金钱方面廉洁诚实,可说起话来却信口开河。英汉大词典〔until you are blue in the face〕You can tell her to clean her room until you are blue in the face, but she won't do it.任凭你磨破嘴皮叫她打扫自己的房间,她也不会去做的。剑桥高阶〔useful〕Sometimes he would make himself useful in the kitchen by cleaning and tidying.他有时也会在厨房帮忙打扫一下,收拾收拾。朗文当代〔wash〕After the shirt had been cleaned, its bright blue was washed out .衬衣洗净后,它鲜艳的蓝色被洗退了。英汉大词典〔wash〕Wash your mouth out with clean water.用清水漱漱口。 英汉大词典〔weekend〕I spent the last rainy weekend cleaning the kitchen.我利用上一个下雨的周末打扫了厨房的卫生。牛津搭配〔what〕I'll tell you what. If he thinks I'm cleaning up this mess, he's wrong.我告诉你,要是他以为我会收拾这个烂摊子,那他就错了。韦氏高阶〔wipe the slate clean〕A new relationship presents you with the opportunity to wipe the slate clean.一段新的感情使你有机会忘掉以前的不愉快,开始新的生活。剑桥高阶〔wipe〕To subject to light rubbing or friction, as with a cloth or paper, in order to clean or dry.擦,拭:为清洁或干燥用布或纸轻轻地抹或摩擦美国传统Clean up this room immediately -- and that's an order! 立刻清理完这间屋子----这是命令!剑桥国际Cleaning the fireplace is a dirty job (= one that makes your clothes, hands, etc. dirty).清扫壁炉是件脏活儿。剑桥国际After the Christmas dinner, we all pitched in to clean up the house. 耶诞晚餐后,我们全都动手帮助清理房子。译典通Alice rubbed the sums off (= cleaned them off) the blackboard for the teacher.艾丽斯为老师擦掉了黑板上的算术题。剑桥国际Although she is an actress, the mainstay of her income comes from cleaning other people's houses.尽管她是演员,但她的大部分收入来自于为别人打扫房间。剑桥国际Don't step on my nice clean floor with that crud on your boots! 别把你那沾满尘垢的靴子踩在我这干净宜人的地板上。剑桥国际He blacked his riding boots (= cleaned them with a black substance).他把长统靴擦亮了。剑桥国际He looked spruce and clean-shaven in a clean white shirt.他穿着干净的白衬衫,胡子刮得光光的,看上去整洁漂亮。剑桥国际He's been cheating his customers for years, and getting clean away with it.他欺骗顾客多年,而一点都没被发现。剑桥国际He's very particular about the kitchen -- everything has to be perfectly clean and in its place.他对厨房非常挑剔----每样东西都得一尘不染,该放哪放哪。剑桥国际I don't seem to have any clean undies.我似乎没有干净的内衣了。剑桥国际In some countries, the tap water is not very clean (=it contains bacteria).在一些国家里,自来水不是很清洁。剑桥国际It's all good clean fun.这完全是很好的、纯洁的乐趣。剑桥国际John came clean about his own views. 约翰把自己的看法全盘托出。译典通Mexico City's clean, cheap and user-friendly subway system could put New York's to shame.墨西哥城清洁、廉价和便于乘用的地铁使纽约市的地铁相形见绌。剑桥国际One of the things I like about staying in hotels is that they put clean sheets on the bed every day.我喜欢住在旅馆里的原因之一是他们每天都会换上干净的床单。剑桥国际Richard came home for the weekend and completely cleaned us out of food.理查德周末回家后把我们的食物一扫而光 。剑桥国际The bullet went clean through his shoulder and out the other side.子弹穿透他的肩膀,从另一边出来。剑桥国际The firm has a strong cash flow and a clean balance sheet.公司拥有充裕的现金流和负债少的资产负债表。牛津商务The fund provides money to clean up chemically polluted industrial sites.这笔基金提供款项清洁被化学物品污染的工业区。剑桥国际The house is clean within and without. 这幢房子里里外外都很干净。译典通The increased fines for litter louts are part of a range of measures for cleaning up the environment.提高对乱扔垃圾的人的罚款是为清洁环境而采取的一系列措施中的一部分。剑桥国际The new prime minister is expected to make a clean sweep of the government (=change all the members of it).人们期望新首相对政府进行彻底改组。剑桥国际The town/city council is/are responsible for keeping the streets clean.镇/市政会负责保持街道清洁。剑桥国际We cleaned up at the roulette table last night.昨晚我们在轮盘赌中赢了一大笔钱。剑桥国际We need a mayor who is tough enough to clean up this town (=remove illegal or dishonest activity from it).我们需要一个强有力的市长能清除这个城市的违法犯罪活动。剑桥国际You should use a nylon scourer rather than a metal one to clean non-stick pans.在洗刷不粘锅时你不能用钢丝球,而应该用尼龙的擦洗块。剑桥国际




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