

单词 character
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PART〕part of a situation/subject/someone's character 情况/主题/性格的一部分朗文写作活用〔acquired〕an acquired character 后天养成的特性文馨英汉〔aloof〕an aloof character 孤高的人英汉大词典〔appealing〕the most appealing character in the book 书中最动人的人物英汉大词典〔assassination〕a campaign based on character assassination and intellectual dishonesty一场充斥人格毁谤和智力欺诈的运动外研社新世纪〔assassin〕a character assassin 人格诋毁者英汉大词典〔bursting〕a character bursting with energy and vivacity.充满了活力和生气的角色柯林斯高阶〔cartoon〕a cartoon character 动画片人物牛津高阶〔character〕a character in a play.戏剧里的角色。牛津同义词〔character〕a character witness.见证人美国传统〔character〕a major/minor character in the book 书中的主要╱次要人物牛津高阶〔character〕a response so much out of character that it amazed me.回答与其性格如此不符,使我感到吃惊美国传统〔character〕a slur/attack on his character 对他名誉的诋毁╱攻击牛津高阶〔character〕his temper and other character flaws (=bad qualities) 他的火爆脾气和其他性格缺陷朗文当代〔character〕the Chinese character for horse 汉字中的“马”朗文当代〔character〕the artist who developed the Superman character 塑造了超人角色的艺术家牛津搭配〔character〕the features that make up the national character 构成民族性的特征牛津搭配〔character〕the unique character of the town/city/region 这个镇/城市/区域的特色韦氏高阶〔crack〕a crack in sb.'s character 某人性格上的缺陷英汉大词典〔crafty〕a crafty, lying character who enjoys plotting against others.狡猾奸诈、满嘴谎言而且爱算计人的家伙柯林斯高阶〔delineate〕delineate a character in the story 刻划小说中的人物英汉大词典〔duality〕strange duality of character 奇怪的双重性格文馨英汉〔estimate〕appraised his character and found him wanting; 分析他的性格发现的他的特点;美国传统〔exemplary〕a man of exemplary character 一个具有模范品德的人牛津高阶〔exercise〕a biography that is in truth an exercise in character assassination 一部名为传记实为人格毁损的书英汉大词典〔expound〕expound on the character of sb.评论某人的性格英汉大词典〔fey〕a fey character 怪人英汉大词典〔fictitious〕a fictitious character 虚构的人物英汉大词典〔flabby〕a flabby character (will 软弱的性格(意志)英汉大词典〔flaw〕a character flaw 性格上的缺陷剑桥高阶〔flaw〕one of the major flaws in his character 他性格中的一个主要缺陷牛津搭配〔flaw〕the President's character flaws 总统性格上的缺陷朗文当代〔folklore〕a character in American folklore 美国民间传说中的一个人物牛津搭配〔frailty〕one's frailty of character 性格软弱英汉大词典〔hip〕a hip young character with cropped blond hair留着金色短发的时尚年轻人外研社新世纪〔into〕parties entering into an agreement; wrote a new character into the play.达成协议的党派;在戏剧中加入一个新角色美国传统〔in〕a character in a story 故事中的一个人物韦氏高阶〔mold〕mold the character of children 塑造儿童的性格文馨英汉〔moral〕a person of loose morals (= whose character or sexual behaviour is considered unacceptable) 放荡的人剑桥高阶〔optical〕optical character recognition 光学字符识别韦氏高阶〔outside〕a side of Morris's character she hid carefully from the outside world.莫里斯小心隐藏不让外人知晓的性格中的一面柯林斯高阶〔prototype〕the prototype of a character 人物原型英汉大词典〔pure〕a pure and upright character 纯朴刚正的人格英汉大词典〔recessive〕a recessive character 隐性性状英汉大词典〔recognition〕magnetic ink character recognition 磁墨水字符识别英汉大词典〔relaxed〕a relaxed character 随和的人(或秉性)英汉大词典〔reproach〕reproach sb.'s character 有损某人的人格 英汉大词典〔rounded〕a wine with a rounded character 香气醇厚的葡萄酒韦氏高阶〔set〕character traits that set her apart.使她引人注目的个性美国传统〔sex-linked〕a sex-linked character 伴性性状英汉大词典〔shady〕a shady character 一个鬼鬼祟祟的人朗文当代〔sympathetic〕a sympathetic character in a novel 小说中一个讨人喜欢的人物牛津高阶〔test〕a real test of character 对性格的真正考验牛津搭配〔undecided〕an undecided character 优柔寡断的性格 英汉大词典〔unimpeachable〕a man of unimpeachable character 品格完美无缺的人 英汉大词典〔unlovable〕an unlovable character 讨厌的人韦氏高阶〔unplumbed〕the unplumbed depths of a person's character 不为人知的一个人的内在品质英汉大词典〔untainted〕a woman of untainted character 品行端正的女人韦氏高阶〔varietal〕the unique varietal character of the grape 这种葡萄独一无二的品种特征剑桥高阶〔venomous〕a venomous attack on his character 对他品行的恶毒攻击韦氏高阶




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