

单词 chapter
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕Our discussion in the previous chapter continues this line of thinking.我们上一章的讨论延续了这一思路。柯林斯高阶〔AFTER〕Each chapter is followed by a set of exercises. 每一章后面都有一套练习。朗文写作活用〔BEFORE〕The previous chapter examined how children learn language. 在前面一章里我们探讨了儿童是如何学习语言的。朗文写作活用〔BEGINNING〕For homework tonight, start at the beginning of chapter three and read up to page 98. 今晚的家庭作业是从第三章开始读到第98页。朗文写作活用〔DETAIL〕In the next chapter I want to explore the question of the cultural boundaries between different subjects. Specifically I will look at what we mean by the terms ‘art’ and ‘science’. 下一章我要探讨一下不同学科之间的文化界限问题。我会具体地解释我们所说的“艺术”和“科学”的含义。朗文写作活用〔INTERESTING〕There are many chapters in Wilkins’ long, colorful life, including the time he spent in prison. 威尔金斯漫长而又丰富多彩的生活中有许多篇章,其中包括他在狱中度过的那一段。朗文写作活用〔PRACTISE/PRACTICE〕The exercises in Chapter 3 are helpful for students learning the future tense. 第三章的练习有助于学生学习将来时态。朗文写作活用〔READ〕The book was so badly written that I didn't get further than the first chapter. 这本书写得很差,我看了第一章就看不下去了。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕Some further remarks on this subject will be made in the next chapter. 这个题目在下一章里还有进一步的阐述。朗文写作活用〔SHORT〕This chapter is a shortened version of a paper that was written in 1977. 这一章是1977年写的一篇论文的删节版本。朗文写作活用〔START〕It was two o'clock before I could finally settle down to writing the next chapter. 等我最后坐下来写下一章的时候已是两点钟了。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕The aim of the first chapter is to provide a general overview of the subjects that will be covered. 第一章的目的是对将要涉及的问题作一总览。朗文写作活用〔SUMMARIZE〕This chapter shows, in outline, the way money circulates through the economy. 本章扼要地介绍了货币在经济体系里的流通方式。朗文写作活用〔WORD/PHRASE/SENTENCE〕There are some useful words and phrases at the end of each chapter in the Student's Book. 学生用书中每一章的最后都有一些有用的单词和词组。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕I read the first three chapters and took some notes. 我看了前三章,并记了笔记。朗文写作活用〔analysis〕Each chapter of the book is an analysis of a well-known painting.书的每一章就是一幅名画的分析介绍。英汉大词典〔anticipatable〕The author anticipated the question in a preceding chapter.作者在前一章就预先考虑到这问题。21世纪英汉〔anticlimactic〕The last chapter of the book was anticlimactic.这本书的最后一章让人失望。韦氏高阶〔appendix〕Technical specifications are included in the appendix to Chapter 9.技术规格列在第9章的附录中。麦克米伦高阶〔archpriest〕Used formerly as a title for a priest holding first rank among the members of a cathedral chapter, acting as chief assistant to a bishop.主助祭:从前用作教堂教士中具有最高职位的牧师称号,他作为主教的主要副手美国传统〔argument〕His main argument is stated in the opening chapter.他在开篇第一章陈述了主要论点。麦克米伦高阶〔background〕The author included a new chapter of background material for the second edition of the book.作者为本书第二版新加了一章背景材料。朗文当代〔beginning〕There's a short poem at the beginning of every chapter.每一章的开始都有一首短诗。朗文当代〔broad〕This chapter can only give a broad outline of the subject.这一章只能给出这个主题的大概轮廓。麦克米伦高阶〔bulk up〕Adding five chapters will bulk up this book.增加五章会增加此书的厚度。21世纪英汉〔cancel〕The last chapter should be cancelled.最后一章应当删去。21世纪英汉〔canon〕A member of a chapter of priests serving in a cathedral or collegiate church.大教堂教士:大教堂或联合教堂中全体教士会的一员美国传统〔can〕You can read these two chapters before tomorrow (if you like).(如果愿意)你可以在明天以前把这两章看一遍。英汉大词典〔capitulary〕A member of an ecclesiastical or similar chapter.教士会成员:教士大会或类似大会的一名成员美国传统〔capitular〕Of or relating to a chapter, especially an ecclesiastical chapter.牧师会的:一个会员大会的或与之相关的,尤指一个教士或神父会的美国传统〔castrate〕The book was castrated by removal of the last two chapters.由于去掉了末两章,这本书实遭阉割。21世纪英汉〔chapter house〕A building in which the chapter of a church or religious residence assembles.牧师会礼堂:教堂全体教士或宗教社区成员集会的礼堂美国传统〔chapter〕Becoming a parent opened up a whole new chapter in my life.为人父母开启了我人生的新篇章。韦氏高阶〔chapter〕He repeated chapter and verse the ideas his colleague had advanced.他把同事原先提出的意见逐字逐句重复了一遍。英汉大词典〔chapter〕Her return to Kansas ended a particularly unhappy chapter in her life.她返回堪萨斯,结束了生命中特别不如意的一段时期。牛津搭配〔chapter〕I can't give chapter and verse, but that's the rough outline of our legal position.我无法提供准确细节,但那是我们所处法律地位的大致情况。牛津高阶〔chapter〕I read the first few chapters and then got bored.我读了开头几章就厌烦了。牛津搭配〔chapter〕I took the title of this chapter from one of my favorite books.我这章的标题来自我最喜欢的一本书。柯林斯高阶〔chapter〕Please read the first two chapters of your textbook for our next class.请阅读课本的前两章,我们下一节课要讲。韦氏高阶〔chapter〕Read Chapter 11 as your homework.家庭作业是阅读第 11 章。朗文当代〔chapter〕The Archbishop began his address, thanking the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for inviting him to the Abbey.大主教在开始演讲之前,首先感谢威斯敏斯特大教堂的主教和全体教士邀请他来到这里。柯林斯高阶〔chapter〕The Chicago chapter is admitting new members this year.芝加哥支部今年正招收新会员美国传统〔chapter〕The book has twenty chapters.全书有20章。英汉大词典〔chapter〕The first chapter of the story is in this issue of the magazine.故事的第一回登在这一期的杂志上。英汉大词典〔chapter〕The local chapter of the League of Women Voters meets at the library.女选民联合会的地方支部在图书馆集会。剑桥高阶〔chapter〕The preparations for this meeting have been a chapter of accidents so far.到目前为止, 这次会议的筹备问题不断。外研社新世纪〔chapter〕The whole affair has been a chapter of accidents from start to finish.整个事件自始至终麻烦不断。麦克米伦高阶〔chapter〕Their exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents.他们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。英汉大词典〔chapter〕They would have his file and get chapter and verse on his time in the army.他们会找到他的档案,获得他当兵那段时间的详细情况。麦克米伦高阶〔chapter〕This had been a particularly difficult chapter in Lebanon's recent history.这在黎巴嫩的近代史上是个特别困难的时期。柯林斯高阶〔chapter〕To find out more about cancer warning signs call your local chapter of the American Cancer Society.想要了解更多的癌症警示征兆, 请致电美国癌症协会的当地分会。外研社新世纪〔chapter〕When you leave school you start a new chapter of your life.你离开学校,就开始一生中新的一页了。牛津同义词〔chapter〕You can expect the usual chapter of accidents if you put Hilary in charge!如果你让希拉里负责, 那就等着那些麻烦接二连三地出现吧!外研社新世纪〔charter〕An authorization from a central organization to establish a local branch or chapter.授权,特许:中央机构对成立地方分会或支部的特许权美国传统〔class〕Read chapters 10 through 20 for the next class.请在下次课前阅读第10至20章。韦氏高阶〔cliffhanger〕A suspenseful situation occurring at the end of a chapter, a scene, or an episode.悬而未决的情况:在一集、一幕或一部的结尾出现的悬而未决的情况美国传统〔close the door on〕I'd like to close the door on that chapter in my life.我要彻底翻过自己人生中的那一页。韦氏高阶〔close〕Brian's retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history.布赖恩的退役结束了英国足球史上辉煌的一页。外研社新世纪〔come〕At last we came to the chapter on ergonomics.我们终于念到了人类工程学这一章美国传统〔compress〕In this chapter we compress into summary form the main issues discussed so far.在这一章节里,我们把到目前为止所讨论的主要问题压缩成概要形式。朗文当代〔compress〕The main arguments were compressed into one chapter.主要的论证被精简为一个章节。牛津高阶〔concern〕Chapter 2 concerns itself with the methodological difficulties.第二章主要讲方法论上的困难。外研社新世纪〔dark〕Her husband's sudden death was the start of a dark chapter in her life.丈夫突然去世后她就开始生活在伤心绝望之中。剑桥高阶〔delineate〕The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter.主要人物在第一章里得到了清晰的描述。剑桥高阶〔detail〕The rules are set out in detail in chapter seven.这些规则在第 7 章有详细说明。牛津搭配〔detail〕This issue will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter.这个问题将在下一章详细论述。牛津高阶〔develop〕This point is developed further at the end of this chapter.这一点在本章末尾有进一步阐述。外研社新世纪〔direct〕Let me direct your attention to the book's second chapter.请大家看本书的第二章。韦氏高阶〔disabuse〕Anyone expecting a romantic story will be quickly disabused of that notion by the opening chapter.那些原以为是一个浪漫爱情故事的读者在读了开头一章以后,很快就打消了这个想法。韦氏高阶〔discuss〕I will discuss the role of diet in cancer prevention in Chapter 7.我会在第7章详细论述日常饮食在预防癌症中的作用。外研社新世纪〔discuss〕The later chapters discuss the effects on the environment.后面的几章阐述了对环境产生的影响。剑桥高阶〔discuss〕These ideas will be discussed at greater length in the next chapter.这些观点将在下一章中花更大篇幅予以论述。牛津搭配〔discuss〕This topic will be discussed in Chapter 4.这一题目将在第四章里作详述。朗文当代〔downhill〕After the beautiful imagery of the first chapter it's all downhill.看过了第一章描写的美丽意象,这本书后面就没什么看头了。麦克米伦高阶〔echo〕Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.最后两章中的很多说法是对前文的呼应。外研社新世纪〔echo〕Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages.最后两章中的很多说法是对前面段落的呼应。柯林斯高阶〔edit〕This chapter needs to be edited.这一章需要校订。韦氏高阶〔episode〕One of the funniest episodes in the book occurs in Chapter 6.书中最有趣的片段之一在第 6 章。牛津高阶〔examine〕This topic will be discussed at greater length in the next chapter.这个主题将在下一章里详细论述。牛津高阶〔exercise〕Do the writing exercise at the end of each chapter.做每章章末的写作习题。韦氏高阶〔exercise〕The book has exercises at the end of every chapter.该书每一章的后面都有练习题。剑桥高阶〔explore〕These ideas will be explored in more detail in Chapter 7.这些想法将在第 7 章里作更详细的探讨。牛津高阶〔far〕I read as far as the third chapter.我读到了第三章。牛津高阶〔following〕The problem will be discussed in the following chapter.这个问题将在下一章讨论。麦克米伦高阶〔fully〕This concept is discussed more fully in Chapter 9.这一概念在第九章中有更详细的论述。朗文当代〔get〕I should be able to get the first chapter finished by tonight.今晚我应该能完成第1章。麦克米伦高阶〔get〕I've got as far as chapter 5.我已经看到第 5 章了。朗文当代〔gloss〕The book's introductory chapters include helpful glosses for/of many unfamiliar terms.这本书的开头几章包括了对许多陌生术语的有用注释。韦氏高阶〔guideline〕This chapter gives you some guidelines to help you in your work.本章介绍一些指导性的原则,为你的工作提供帮助。朗文当代〔head up〕It is necessary, I think, to head up the chapters.我认为给每一章都加上个标题是很有必要的。21世纪英汉〔headband〕Printing An ornamental strip at the top of a page or beginning of a chapter or paragraph.【印刷术】 书眉线,顶线:书页顶端的章节或段落开始处的装饰性条纹美国传统〔head〕One chapter is headed, 'Beating the Test'.有一章的标题为“战胜考试”。柯林斯高阶〔head〕The chapter was headed ‘My Early Life’.这一章的标题是“我的早年生活”。牛津高阶〔improvise〕Uncle Richard intoned a chapter from the Bible and improvised a prayer.理查德叔叔吟诵了《圣经》中的一章, 又即兴作了一段祈祷文。外研社新世纪〔incidental〕This chapter is incidental to the plot.这一章是配合故事情节而写的。韦氏高阶〔initial〕A large, often highly decorated letter set at the beginning of a chapter, verse, or paragraph.(书刊、文章中段落、章节等)特大的大写首字母:一章、一首诗或一个段落的第一个字母,大而且通常极具装饰性美国传统〔instance〕She instanced the first chapter as proof of his skill in constructing scenes.她以第一章为例证明他构思情节的技巧。朗文当代〔itself〕This is such a complex matter that it merits a chapter to itself.这是一个非常复杂的问题,需要另立一个章节。麦克米伦高阶〔jarring〕In the context of this chapter, Dore's comments strike a jarring note.在这一章的语境中,多尔的评论显得很尖刻。柯林斯高阶〔jump〕He jumped to the end of the chapter to find the answers.他翻到章节末去找答案。韦氏高阶〔jump〕I jumped the boring chapters.我跳过乏味的几章。牛津同义词〔jump〕I'm afraid I jumped a couple of chapters.恐怕我跳过了几章。朗文当代〔jump〕You can jump this chapter.你可以跳过这一章不读。21世纪英汉〔key〕The exercises are keyed to examples at the end of the chapter.这些练习与本章最后的例子相关。外研社新世纪〔kill〕The author kills the villain in the last chapter.作者在最后一章中让反面人物死去。英汉大词典〔later〕The role of marketing is dealt with in a later chapter.市场营销的作用会在稍后的一章中述及。朗文当代〔later〕We will discuss this in more detail in a later chapter.在后面的一章中我们将更详细地讨论这一点。文馨英汉〔let〕I've not even read the first chapter, let alone finished the book.我连第一章还没看,别说读完全书了。英汉大词典〔linkage〕This chapter explores the linkage between economic development and the environment.本章探讨的是经济发展与环境之间的关系。牛津高阶〔lodge〕The meeting hall of such a chapter.兄弟会的集会所美国传统〔lodge〕The members of such a chapter.兄弟会会员美国传统〔married〕The third chapter described their married life.第三章描写他们的婚后生活。英汉大词典〔miss〕This chapter deals with the topics the author missed in a previous chapter.这一章讨论作者在前一章略过的那些题目。英汉大词典〔model〕Chapter 5 presents an alternative model for the country's economic structure.第5章描述了该国经济结构的另一种模式。麦克米伦高阶〔note〕The growth of trade was noted in the last chapter.贸易增长在最后一章有所提及。麦克米伦高阶〔notice〕The incident was noticed in the first chapter of the book.这一事件在该书的第一章里述及。英汉大词典〔particulars〕You will find all the particulars in Chapter 9.你在第9章会找到所有细节。柯林斯高阶〔pick〕He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book.在该书的后几章,他又重回到这个主题上。牛津高阶〔postlude〕A final chapter or phase.尾章,结束语,后记,跋:最后的一张或一段美国传统〔previous〕The two characters met in a previous chapter.这两个人物在上一章中见面了。韦氏高阶〔previous〕This issue was discussed in the previous chapter.这个问题在前一章中已经讨论过了。麦克米伦高阶〔publish〕Freud had not dared to publish the third chapter of his book in Vienna.弗洛伊德未敢在维也纳出版其著作的第 3 章。牛津搭配〔race through〕This chapter is very important, you mustn't race through it.这一章很重要,千万不要了了草草地看一遍就算了。21世纪英汉〔ramble〕The first chapter is a 100-page ramble.第一章东拉西扯地写了100页。韦氏高阶〔reading〕The first reading is from Corinthians I, Chapter 3.第一篇朗读的经文选自《哥林多前书》第三章。朗文当代〔read〕Please read from Chapter 5 through Chapter 10.请从第5章看到第10章。韦氏高阶〔reason〕The underlying reasons for these differences will be explored in depth in the next chapter.这些差异的根本原因会在下一章节中详述。牛津搭配〔redraft〕He is redrafting the first chapter.他正在重新草拟第一章。21世纪英汉〔refer back to〕You'd better refer back to Chapter One if you don't understand this paragraph.如果你看不懂这段的意思,最好重新再看看第一章。21世纪英汉〔reference〕Each chapter is referenced in minute detail.每一章后面都附有极为详尽的参考资料。21世纪英汉〔reference〕There is a list of references at the end of each chapter.每一章的后面都有一组参考书目。牛津高阶〔relate to sb/sth〕Chapter 9 relates to the effects of inflation on consumers.第9章的内容是关于通货膨胀对消费者的影响的。剑桥高阶〔relate〕She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters.在开始的几章中,她描述了自己童年的经历。牛津高阶〔relevant〕Make sure you read the relevant chapters.务必阅读相关章节。外研社新世纪〔return to〕I shall return to this point in the next chapter.在下一章中我还要谈到这一点。21世纪英汉〔revelation〕There are no great revelations in the final chapter.最后一章没有给人什么大的启示。牛津搭配〔review〕The first chapter presents a critical review of the existing nursery education system.第一章是对现存幼儿教育体制的评述。牛津搭配〔riveting〕The last chapter was so riveting that I was reading past midnight.最后一章是如此引人入胜,以至于午夜过后我还在津津有味地读着美国传统〔section〕The book is divided into chapters, sections and subsections.这本书划分了章、节和小节。牛津搭配〔see〕As we saw in Chapter 2, the reasons for the war were complex.正如我们在第2章里看到的,战争的原因是复杂的。麦克米伦高阶〔see〕See Chapter 7 below for further comments on the textile industry.有关纺织业的更多评论请参看下面第 7 章。柯林斯高阶〔see〕We saw in Chapter 16 how annual cash budgets are produced.在第 16 章我们了解了年度现金预算是怎样制订的。柯林斯高阶〔self-contained〕Each chapter is self-contained and can be studied in isolation.每一章均自成一篇,可单独学习。牛津高阶〔self-explanatory〕The chapter titles of the book are self-explanatory.这本书的章节标题明白晓畅。韦氏高阶〔sequence〕The chapters may be studied out of sequence.可以不按顺序来阅读这些章节。朗文当代〔shall〕In Chapter 3, I shall describe some of the documentation that I gathered.在第三章,我会介绍我收集到的一些文献记录。柯林斯高阶〔short〕The book has extremely short chapters.这本书的章节篇幅极短。英汉大词典〔skipping〕You might want to skip the exercises in this chapter.你们也许想跳过这一章的练习。柯林斯高阶〔skip〕I decided to skip the first chapter.我决定跳过第一章。朗文当代〔skip〕Let's skip that page and go on to the next chapter.让我们跳过那一页继续到下一章吧。麦克米伦高阶〔spellchecker〕After you've finished each chapter, run the spellchecker.每写完一章,运行一下拼写检查程序。剑桥高阶〔strand〕All the strands of the story's plot are woven together in the final chapter.故事的所有线索在最后一章交织在一起。韦氏高阶〔strand〕The author draws the different strands of the plot together in the final chapter.作者在最后一章把不同的情节线索归拢到了一起。牛津高阶〔subject〕The subjects covered in this chapter are exercise and nutrition.本章涵盖的主题是运动和营养。朗文当代〔subject〕This chapter deals with a very serious subject.本章涉及的是一个极为严肃的主题。牛津搭配〔summary〕Luckily it was one of those academic texts which carried summary pages at the end of each chapter.幸好这是篇中规中矩的学术文章, 每章末尾都有小结。外研社新世纪〔survey〕This chapter includes a brief survey of some commonly used drugs.本章对一些常用药品进行了简要综述。外研社新世纪〔tailpiece〕Printing An engraving or a design placed as an ornament at the end of a chapter or at the bottom of a page.【印刷术】 章尾装饰:在一章结尾处或一页书底部作为一种装饰性雕版印刷物或图案美国传统〔take〕Halfway through the chapter I realized I hadn't taken anything in.这一章我读到一半才意识到我根本没有看懂。牛津高阶〔talk〕Chapter 3 talks about the causes of the war.第3章论述战争的起因。麦克米伦高阶〔tear your hair out〕She's been tearing her hair out over the final chapter of her novel for the last month.一个月来,她绞尽脑汁地构思着小说的最后一章。剑桥高阶〔this〕In this chapter I will discuss the development of the market economy.在本章里,我将讨论市场经济的发展。麦克米伦高阶〔this〕Later in this chapter, I recommend several specific steps we need to take.在本章后面部分,我将提出几个我们需要采取的具体步骤。柯林斯高阶〔this〕This will be discussed in the next chapter.这将在下一章讨论。朗文当代〔topical〕Some books have topical outlines for each chapter.有些书每章都有内容提要。英汉大词典〔topic〕We shall return to the topic of education in Chapter 7.我们将在第七章再回到教育这个话题。朗文当代〔touch〕I have already touched upon this theory in Chapter 2.黛安娜通过慈善工作改变了很多人的生活。麦克米伦高阶〔to〕To begin with, let's look at Chapter 3.首先,让我们来看第三章。朗文当代〔treat〕The question is treated in more detail in the next chapter.下一章中对这一问题有更详尽的阐述。牛津高阶〔unpack〕Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3.一些有关精神疾病的问题在第 3 章已经分析过了。朗文当代〔verse〕Genesis, chapter 28, verse 12 《创世记》第28章第12节麦克米伦高阶〔vignette〕A decorative design placed at the beginning or end of a book or chapter of a book or along the border of a page.小花饰:在书或书的章节的首尾处或页边上的蔓叶花饰美国传统〔wealth〕This chapter contains a wealth of information in a very concise form.本章虽然简明扼要,信息量却很大。牛津搭配〔we〕In this chapter we shall discuss some aspects of company law.在这一章里,我们将讨论公司法的一些内容。麦克米伦高阶〔wordy〕The chapter is mostly wordy rhetoric.这一章多为冗长的辞藻堆砌而成。外研社新世纪〔word〕Bold words denote chapter headings.黑体词表示章节标题。牛津搭配Chapter 6 of St John's Gospel contains the parable of the loaves and the fishes.圣约翰福音第六章有麦饼和鱼的寓言故事。剑桥国际After you've finished each chapter, run the spell-checker/a spell-check.你在完成每一章后,运行一下拼写检查。剑桥国际Do the vocabulary exercise at the end of the chapter. 做这一章末尾的词汇练习。译典通Each chapter is subdivided into smaller sections.每一章节都被再分为更小的部分。剑桥国际Her husband's sudden death was the start of a dark chapter in her life.她丈夫的暴死使她的生活开始陷入哀愁之中。剑桥国际I'm not really enjoying the book I'm reading, but I'll stick with it (= continue to read it) it for a few more chapters to see if it gets any better.我不怎么喜欢正在看的这本书,但我将再多读几章,看看是否会好些。剑桥国际Our exploration to the primeval forest was quite a chapter of accidents. 我们去原始森林探险,的确发生了一连串意想不到的事情。译典通Read chapters 1-4 of the book. 请阅读该书的第一章至第四章。译典通She devoted the main of the second chapter to the political system of the country. 她在第二章里主要讨论了该国的政治体制。译典通She's been tearing her hair out over the final chapter of her novel for the last month.上个月,她一直绞尽脑汁地构思着她小说的最后一章。剑桥国际She's just sent in a typescript of the first chapter of her novel to the publishers.她刚刚把小说的第一章的打印稿寄给出版商。剑桥国际Some of these points will be elaborated in the following chapter. 其中几点将在下一章作详细阐述。译典通That whole period leading up to the revolution is an interesting chapter in British history.逐步导致革命的整个时期是英国历史上有趣的一章。剑桥国际The book I was reading was so boring that I bailed out after the first couple of chapters.那本书很乏味,我读了开头几章就不想读了。剑桥国际The focus of this chapter is the American Revolution. 本章的重点是讲美国独立战争。译典通The main characters are clearly delineated in the first chapter of the book.第一章清楚勾勒了此书主要人物的形象。剑桥国际The text of every chapter is followed by questions. 每一章正文之后有问答题。译典通Their US operations remain in (= are being dealt with under) Chapter 11.他们在美国的业务仍然在按照破产法第 11 章处理中。牛津商务Their trip was a chapter of accidents.他们的旅行是一连串的不幸事故。剑桥国际This point has been made clear in the foregoing chapter. 这一点在前面那一章中已讲清楚了。译典通Today we're going to do Chapter 4.今天我们将学第四章。剑桥国际We will discuss this in detail in a later chapter. 我们将在以后的一章中对这一点作详细的探讨。译典通When scientists announced their findings, they opened a new chapter in the treatment of this disease.当科学家们宣布了他们的发现时,他们揭开了这种疾病治疗上的新的一章。剑桥国际Your report should include an introductory chapter that explains the objectives of your research.你的报告应该有解释你研究目的的引言一章。剑桥国际




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