单词 | ancient |
释义 | DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Amalekite〕A member of an ancient nomadic people of Canaan said in the Old Testament to be descendants of Esau's grandson Amalek.亚摩力人:《旧约》中提到的迦南的古游牧部落的成员,据说是伊索的孙子亚摩力的后代美国传统〔Attic〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of ancient Attica, Athens, or the Athenians.阿提卡的:属于、关于古阿提卡、雅典或雅典人的或以古阿提卡、雅典或雅典人为特征的美国传统〔Baal〕Any of various local fertility and nature gods of the ancient Semitic peoples considered to be false idols by the Hebrews.太阳神:古代闪米特人所信奉的当地的丰饶之神和自然之神,希伯来人认为是邪神美国传统〔Briton〕One of a Celtic people inhabiting ancient Britain at the time of the Roman invasion.布立吞人:古罗马人入侵时居住在古不列颠岛的凯尔特人之一美国传统〔Bubastis〕An ancient city of northeast Egypt in the Nile delta. It was a religious center for the worship of the cat-headed god Bast.布巴斯提斯:埃及东北部,尼罗河三角洲一古城,曾是祭拜猫头神巴斯特的宗教中心美国传统〔Chaldean〕A member of an ancient Semitic people who ruled in Babylonia.(古)巴比伦人:统治巴比伦的闪族人成员美国传统〔Colossae〕An ancient city of central Asia Minor. It was the site of an early Christian church to which Saint Paul addressed his Epistle to the Colossians.哥罗西:小亚细亚一古城,为早期圣保罗向哥罗西人传使徒书时的教堂所在地美国传统〔DANGEROUS〕The ancient bridge was described as a potential death trap for the tourists that flock there. 据说这座古桥对聚集在桥上的游客来说是个死亡陷阱。朗文写作活用〔Dagon〕The chief god of the ancient Philistines and later the Phoenicians, represented as half-man and half-fish.大衮:古代非利士人和后来腓尼基人的主神,以半人半鱼的形象出现美国传统〔Eleusinian mysteries〕The ancient religious rites celebrated at Eleusis in honor of Demeter.艾琉西斯秘密仪式:古代在艾琉西斯纪念得墨忒耳的宗教仪式美国传统〔Eleusis〕An ancient city of eastern Greece near Athens, site of the Eleusinian mysteries.艾琉西斯:希腊东部的一座古代城市,位于雅典附近,是艾琉西斯秘密仪式的所在地美国传统〔Gadara〕An ancient city of Palestine southeast of the Sea of Galilee. It was one of the Greek cities of the Decapolis.加达拉:巴勒斯坦一古城,位于加利利海东南。是德卡波利斯的希腊城市之一美国传统〔Galilee〕A region of northern Israel. The northernmost part of Palestine and the ancient kingdom of Israel, Galilee was the center of Jesus's ministry.加利利:以色列北部的一地区。在巴勒斯坦最北部和以色列的古王国,加利利是基督教徒的中心美国传统〔Gezer〕An ancient city of Canaan on the coastal Plain of Sharon northwest of Jerusalem. Excavations here have revealed many levels of prehistoric cultures.基色:迦南的一个古老的城市,在沙龙沿海平原,耶路撒冷的西北。出自此地的发掘物显示了不同水平的史前文化美国传统〔Gilead〕A mountainous region of ancient Palestine east of the Jordan River in what is now northwest Jordan.基列山:古巴勒斯坦一山脉,位于约旦河东岸,即现在约旦的西北部美国传统〔Hamite〕A member of a group of peoples of northern and northeast Africa, including the Berbers, Tuareg, and the ancient Egyptians and their descendants.哈米特人:非洲北部和东北部一个部落集团的成员,其中包括柏柏尔人、图阿雷格人和一些古埃及人及他们的后裔美国传统〔Haran〕An ancient city of Mesopotamia in present-day southeast Turkey. It was an important trading post and a religious center devoted to the Assyrian moon god.哈兰:美索不达米亚的一座位于今天土耳其东南部的古城,它一个重要的贸易站和虔诚地信仰亚述月亮神的宗教中心美国传统〔Hebrew〕He sits puzzling over ancient Hebrew texts.他坐在那里对着古老的希伯来文本大伤脑筋。柯林斯高阶〔Iberian〕Of or relating to ancient Iberia in Transcaucasia or its peoples, languages, or cultures.古伊比利亚的:在外高加索的古伊比利亚人的或其民族、语言或文化的;或与这些有关的美国传统〔Italic〕Of or relating to ancient Italy or its peoples or cultures.古意大利的:古意大利的、或其民族或文化的;或与之相关的美国传统〔MAKE FUN OF〕His most famous movie is a hilarious send-up of life in ancient Rome. 他最出名的影片是一部讽刺古罗马生活的滑稽作品。朗文写作活用〔Maeander〕An ancient name for the Menderes River of western Turkey.曼伊安德河:土耳其西部曼德列斯河的古名美国传统〔Munster〕A historical region and province of southwest Ireland. It was one of the kingdoms of ancient Ireland.芒斯特省:爱尔兰西南部一历史地区和省份。是古代爱尔兰岛的王国之一美国传统〔Nippur〕An ancient city of Babylonia on the Euphrates River southeast of Babylon. It was an important religious center in Sumerian times.尼普尔:位于幼发拉底河上巴比伦东南的巴比伦人的古城市,是苏美尔人时期的一个重要宗教中心美国传统〔OLD〕Rome is famous for its ancient monuments. 罗马以古迹闻名。朗文写作活用〔OLD〕The ancient Chinese believed that we are born with a finite amount of energy in our bodies called chi. 中国古人认为人与生俱来有一股有限的能力,称做“气”。朗文写作活用〔Philistine〕Of or relating to ancient Philistia.非利士人的:属于或关于非利士人的美国传统〔Phoenician〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基人:古代腓尼基土著人或居民美国传统〔Phoenician〕The Semitic language of ancient Phoenicia.腓尼基语:古代腓尼基人讲的闪族语言美国传统〔Punic〕The dialect of Phoenician spoken in ancient Carthage.古迦太基语:古迦太基人所说的腓尼基方言美国传统〔REMAIN〕Archaeologists have discovered the remains of an ancient Roman village. 考古学家发现了一座古罗马村落的遗迹。朗文写作活用〔Rhaetia〕An ancient Roman province that included present-day eastern Switzerland and western Austria. It was added to the Roman Empire during the reign of Augustus.雷蒂亚:古罗马的一个省,包括今天的瑞士东部及奥地利西部。在奥古斯都统治时加入罗马帝国美国传统〔Roman law〕The legal system of ancient Rome which serves as the basis for modern civil law.罗马法:作为现代罗马法律基础的古罗马的法制体系美国传统〔START〕There's a growing drive to resurrect the ancient woodland tradition of charcoal burning. 恢复古代山林里烧碳传统的需求不断增长。朗文写作活用〔Saxon〕The West Germanic language of any of the ancient Saxon peoples.撒克逊语:古撒克逊民族的西日耳曼语美国传统〔Tarim Pendi〕An arid basin of western China south of the Tien Shan and traversed by the Tarim He. The ancient Silk Road passed through the region.塔里木盆地:中国西部一干燥盆地,位于天山以南,中间有塔里木河流过。古时的丝绸之路就从这一地区穿过美国传统〔Transalpine Gaul〕The part of ancient Gaul northwest of the Alps, including modern France and Belgium.山北高卢:古代高卢地区的一部分,位于阿尔卑斯山西北,包括现代的法国和比利时美国传统〔Trojan〕A native or inhabitant of ancient Troy.特洛伊人:古代特洛伊城的原住民或居民美国传统〔Upanishad〕Any of a group of philosophical treatises contributing to the theology of ancient Hinduism, elaborating on the earlier Vedas.奥义书:形成古代印度教之神学理论的一组哲学论文中的任一篇,皆是对更早的吠陀的阐发美国传统〔WRONG〕Ricci's book tries to correct this erroneous view of ancient China. 里奇的书试图纠正这种对古代中国的错误看法。朗文写作活用〔aedile〕An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets, the grain supply, and the water supply.市政官:古罗马民选的行政官,负责公共事务及游艺活动并且监管市场、粮食及用水供应美国传统〔alive〕Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas.古老的传统在农村根深蒂固。朗文当代〔ancestor〕The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt.现代猫的直系原种是古埃及的卡菲尔猫。外研社新世纪〔ancestor〕The direct ancestor of the modern cat was the Kaffir cat of ancient Egypt.现代猫的直系原种是古埃及的卡菲尔猫。柯林斯高阶〔ancient〕He's got an ancient laptop.他有一台老掉牙的电脑。剑桥高阶〔ancient〕I never thought I'd feel ancient at age 31.我从没想到我在31岁的时候就觉得自己老了。韦氏高阶〔ancient〕The ancients knew nothing of the southern hemisphere.古人对南半球一无所知。外研社新世纪〔animate〕The lecture was about ancient worship of animate and inanimate objects.讲座是关于古代对有生命物和无生命物的崇拜。韦氏高阶〔arena〕The area in the center of an ancient Roman amphitheater where contests and other spectacles were held.竞技场:古罗马圆形露天竞技场的中心区域,在此进行竞赛和其它公开的大型表演美国传统〔attest〕The plant's presence in the ancient world is attested by fossils that have been found.所发现的化石证明这种植物在古代就存在。韦氏高阶〔augur〕One of a group of ancient Roman religious officials who foretold events by observing and interpreting signs and omens.(古罗马)占卜官:古罗马宗教官员的一员,可通过观察并解释某些信号及预兆来预言事情美国传统〔breathe〕Our aim is to breathe new life into these ancient institutions.我们的目标是给这些古老的机构注入新生命。外研社新世纪〔catholic〕Of or relating to those churches that have claimed to be representatives of the ancient undivided church.那些声称是古代未分裂教堂的代表的教堂的或有关那些教堂美国传统〔chanoyu〕The Japanese tea ceremony, an ancient ritual for the preparation, serving, and drinking of tea.茶道:日本饮茶仪式,一种备茶、上茶、饮茶的古代仪式美国传统〔cist〕A wicker receptacle used in ancient Rome for carrying sacred utensils in procession.圣器箱:古罗马作行列圣歌时用以携带圣器的柳条容器美国传统〔city state〕Rome and Athens were some of the great city states of the ancient world.罗马和雅典都是古代强大的城邦。剑桥高阶〔city〕An ancient Greek city-state.古希腊城邦美国传统〔civil law〕The law of ancient Rome as embodied in the Justinian code, especially that which applied to private citizens.罗马法:古罗马法律,陈述在《查士丁尼法典》中,尤指应用于私人的美国传统〔civilization〕Mayan civilization; the civilization of ancient Rome.玛雅文化;古罗马文化美国传统〔classicism〕Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature.古典美学:信奉古希腊和古罗马艺术和文学体现的美学价值美国传统〔classic〕A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome.古典文学:古希腊或古罗马的文学作品美国传统〔cleave to sth〕The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls.古老的常春藤紧紧攀附在破败的城堡墙上。剑桥高阶〔come down〕This is a story that has come down from ancient times.这是古代流传下来的故事。韦氏高阶〔conceive〕Ancient peoples conceived of the earth as flat.古人认为地球是平的美国传统〔conceive〕In ancient times the world was conceived of as flat.在古代地球被认为是扁平的。21世纪英汉〔costume〕The waiters were all in ancient Roman costume.服务生都穿着古罗马时代的服装。韦氏高阶〔cothurnus〕The ancient style of classical tragedy.古悲剧体:古典悲剧的古老体例美国传统〔cough〕An ancient truck coughed into life.一辆老得没牙的卡车噗哧噗哧开动起来。英汉大词典〔cynic〕Cynic A member of a sect of ancient Greek philosophers who believed virtue to be the only good and self-control to be the only means of achieving virtue. Cynic 犬儒学派:古代希腊哲学学派的成员,认为美德是唯一的善的东西,自制是唯一获得美德的方法美国传统〔dateless〕So ancient that no date can be determined.年代不可考的:古老得无法确定日期的美国传统〔date〕The ancient building was dated by a coin found in one of the rooms.在这座古建筑的一个房间里发现的一枚硬币揭示了它的建筑年代。韦氏高阶〔day〕The practice dates back to the days of ancient Rome.这种习俗可以追溯到古罗马时代。韦氏高阶〔demiurge〕A public magistrate in some ancient Greek states.古希腊某些国家的地方行政官美国传统〔demotic〕Of, relating to, or written in the simplified form of ancient Egyptian hieratic writing.(古埃及)通俗文字的:古埃及象形文字的简单书写体的,或与之有关的,或用之书写的美国传统〔divergent〕Similar customs were known in widely divergent cultures such as Ancient Egypt and Scandinavia.在大不相同的文化中有一些相似的习俗,比如古埃及和斯堪的纳维亚之间。柯林斯高阶〔doctorate〕She's doing a doctorate in ancient history.她正在攻读古代历史的博士学位。牛津搭配〔drama〕He is reading an ancient Greek drama.他在读一部古希腊戏剧。韦氏高阶〔dust〕The ancient pagoda has hit the dust.古塔已经倒坍。英汉大词典〔end〕The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。外研社新世纪〔end〕The journey ends in the ancient city of Marrakesh.旅行的终点是马拉喀什古城。柯林斯高阶〔epigraphy〕Decipherment, especially of ancient inscriptions.破译,尤指古代碑刻美国传统〔even〕Even if you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is worth a visit.纵然你不喜欢古迹,但瓦里克城堡还是值得一游的。 英汉大词典〔excavate〕They excavated an ancient city.他们挖掘出一座古城。韦氏高阶〔excavator〕The excavators found ancient tools at the site.发掘者在现场发现了古代的器具。韦氏高阶〔fibula〕An often ornamented clasp or brooch used in ancient Greece and Rome to fasten clothing.装饰扣针:古希腊、罗马用于扣紧衣服的装饰扣或饰针美国传统〔fight out〕The ancient way to settle a quarrel was to choose a leader from each side and let them fight it out.古时人们解决争端的方式是双方各选出一个领袖,让他们俩决一雌雄。21世纪英汉〔floored〕The aisle was floored with ancient bricks.过道由古旧的砖块铺就。柯林斯高阶〔foremost〕He was one of the world's foremost scholars of ancient Indian culture.他是世界上最杰出的古印第安文化研究者之一。柯林斯高阶〔gens〕A patrilineal clan of ancient Rome composed of several families of the same name claiming a common ancestor and belonging to a common religious cult.古罗马氏族:古罗马的一个父系氏族,由有着共同姓氏、共同祖先和共同宗教信仰的几个家庭组成美国传统〔glory〕The temple is one of the glories of ancient Greece.这座庙宇是古希腊的一大骄傲。牛津高阶〔haruspex〕A priest in ancient Rome who practiced divination by the inspection of the entrails of animals.肠卜师:古代罗马根据祭神牺牲的肠进行占卜的巫师美国传统〔height〕The pattern of the ancient fields is clearly visible from a height.古战场的格局从高处俯瞰清晰可辨。牛津搭配〔hetaera〕An ancient Greek courtesan or concubine, especially one of a special class of cultivated female companions.古希腊高等妓女:古希腊的名妓或小妾,尤指受过教育的女性陪伴那一特殊阶层的成员美国传统〔high priest〕Judaism A chief male priest, especially of the ancient Levitical priesthood.【犹太教】 主教,大祭司:尤指古代利未族男性祭司人员美国传统〔high〕The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.参观古都是这次旅游中最精彩的内容之一。朗文当代〔hypogeum〕A subterranean chamber of an ancient building.古代房屋的地下部分美国传统〔idol〕The ancient people of this area worshipped a huge bronze idol in the shape of an elephant.这一地区的古代居民膜拜一尊象形的青铜巨像。剑桥高阶〔integrity〕The ancient pagoda is still there, but not in its integrity.古塔犹存,但已失完整。文馨英汉〔irony〕It is a nice irony that the rivalry among popes was solved by their ancient rival, the Holy Roman Emperor.教皇之间的争斗竟然由他们的老对手神圣罗马帝国皇帝解决了,这简直是绝妙的讽刺。牛津搭配〔known〕Lead was one of the metals known to the ancient world.铅是古代已知的金属之一。外研社新世纪〔laurel〕A wreath of laurel conferred as a mark of honor in ancient times upon poets, heroes, and victors in athletic contests.桂冠:用月桂编成的花环,古时作为一种荣誉的标志授予诗人、英雄和体育竞赛中的优胜者美国传统〔liberty〕These laws will restrict our ancient rights and liberties.这些法律将限制我们由来已久的权利和自由。剑桥高阶〔light〕I thought I might have lit upon an ancient manuscript.我想,我可能是找到了一份古代的手稿。朗文当代〔liken〕We liken the archaeologist to a detective searching for ancient clues.我们把考古学家比做探究古代线索的侦探。英汉大词典〔lineage〕She's very proud of her ancient royal lineage.她为自己拥有古老的皇室血统倍感自豪。剑桥高阶〔live by〕They were an ancient people who lived by hunting and gathering.他们是靠捕猎和采集为生的远古人。韦氏高阶〔lore〕What will happen to the ancient lore?那些古老的知识将会怎样?外研社新世纪〔loss〕It was an ancient car anyway, so it was no great loss.不管怎么说这是一辆旧车,所以损失不大。麦克米伦高阶〔lyre〕A stringed instrument of the harp family used to accompany a singer or reader of poetry, especially in ancient Greece.里拉:竖琴家族中的一种弦乐器,用来为歌手或朗诵诗歌的人伴奏,特别是在古希腊美国传统〔manipular〕Of or relating to an ancient Roman maniple.步兵中队的:古罗马步兵支队的或与之有关的美国传统〔meaning〕Times change and ancient customs lose their meaning.时代变迁,古代的习俗失去了它们本来的意义。麦克米伦高阶〔medallion〕Any of various large ancient Greek coins.古希腊各种大硬币之任何一种美国传统〔metropolis〕The mother city or country of an overseas colony, especially in ancient Greece.宗主城市;宗主国:海外殖民地的宗主城市或国家,尤指古代希腊的美国传统〔navigate〕Even ancient ships were able to navigate large stretches of open water.即便是古老的船只也能在宽阔的大片水域中航行。剑桥高阶〔necropolis〕Archaeologists uncovered a necropolis of ancient Rome.考古学家发现了一处古罗马时期的大墓地。韦氏高阶〔notable〕The town is notable for its ancient harbour.这座小镇因其古老的港口而出名。牛津高阶〔oracle〕Ancient Greek oracles were often located underground or in deep forests.古希腊的神示所常常坐落于地下或森林深处。外研社新世纪〔orchestra〕A semicircular space in front of the stage used by the chorus in ancient Greek theaters.半圆形区域:古希腊剧场中舞台前为合唱队所用的半圆形地方美国传统〔orgy〕A secret rite in the cults of ancient Greek or Roman deities, typically involving frenzied singing, dancing, drinking, and sexual activity.秘密祭神仪式:古希腊或罗马时代宗教团体中的一种神秘仪式,典型地表现为狂乱的歌唱、跳舞、饮酒和性行为美国传统〔paleoecology〕The branch of ecology that deals with the interaction between ancient or prehistoric organisms and their environment.古生态学:生态学的分支,涉及古代或史前有机体与其环境的关系美国传统〔palestra〕A public place in ancient Greece for training and practice in wrestling and other athletics.斗技训练所:古希腊训练和练习摔跤和其它运动的公共场所美国传统〔pallium〕A cloak or mantle worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans.大披肩:古希腊和罗马的男子穿的一种宽大外衣或披风美国传统〔palm〕They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands.他们这些老人将他的命运掌握在手心里。柯林斯高阶〔paradise〕The ancient Egyptians saw paradise as an idealized version of their own lives.古埃及人把天堂视为人生活的理想形式。牛津高阶〔patron〕A noble or wealthy person in ancient Rome who granted favor and protection to someone in exchange for certain services.(古罗马)贵族:古罗马的贵族或有财势的人,给某人以恩惠和提供保护,受保护者作为交换提供一定服务美国传统〔perforce〕Much of what is said about ancient men is, perforce, guesswork.关于古代人的许多说法必然只是猜测。英汉大词典〔petasos〕A wide-brimmed hat worn by ancient Greeks and Romans.阔边帽:古希腊人和古罗马人戴的一种宽边帽美国传统〔point〕The guide pointed out the best-known ancient articles in the museum.导游指出博物馆中几件最著名的文物。21世纪英汉〔pontifex〕A man on the highest council of priests in ancient Rome.大祭司:古罗马最高祭司会议中的一个人美国传统〔possess〕The ruby was once possessed by an ancient queen.这颗红宝石曾为古代的一位皇后所有。韦氏高阶〔preservable〕The ancient Egyptians knew ways to preserve dead bodies from decay.古埃及人懂得保存尸体,使之不会腐烂的方法。21世纪英汉〔priapus〕An image of this god, often used as a scarecrow in ancient gardens.这种神的形象,通常在古代的花园里用作稻草人美国传统〔proletariat〕The propertyless class of ancient Rome, constituting the lowest class of citizens.(古罗马社会中的)最下层阶级:古代罗马没有财产的阶级,组成公民中最低层的阶级美国传统〔prophesy〕The book claims that modern events were prophesied in ancient times.这本书声称古代就有人预言了当代的重大事件。韦氏高阶〔psaltery〕An ancient stringed instrument played by plucking the strings with the fingers or a plectrum.索特里尔琴:一种古代弦乐器,用指或用一个拨片拨弦演奏美国传统〔publican〕A collector of public taxes or tolls in the ancient Roman Empire.税吏:古罗马帝国收取公共税或通行税的人美国传统〔pylon〕A monumental gateway in the form of a pair of truncated pyramids serving as the entrance to an ancient Egyptian temple.两旁有塔形建筑的门道:以一对平头金字塔形式出现的纪念性的通口,用来作通往古埃及庙宇的入口美国传统〔pyramid〕A massive monument of ancient Egypt having a rectangular base and four triangular faces culminating in a single apex, built over or around a crypt or tomb.金字塔:古埃及的一种巨大的纪念塔,有一个矩形的底座和四个三角形的侧面并形成唯一的一个顶点,建于地窟或坟墓之上或周围美国传统〔quarter〕Granada's ancient Arab quarter 格拉纳达古老的阿拉伯人居住区朗文当代〔ran〕In ancient times the rulers ran copper or silver into coins.古时候统治者把铜或银铸成钱币。21世纪英汉〔relay〕In ancient times the messages were relayed from one place to another.古时候信息是用接力的方式从一地传送到另一地。21世纪英汉〔render〕The sages of ancient times taught us to render good for evil.古代圣贤教导我们要以德报怨。21世纪英汉〔replica〕It's an authentic/exact/faithful/perfect replica of an ancient Greek urn.这是一个惟妙惟肖的古希腊瓮复制品。韦氏高阶〔rogation〕The formal proposal of a law in ancient Rome by a tribune or consul to the people for acceptance or rejection.法案的提出:古罗马的保民官或执政官正式提出法案以征求人们的同意或反对美国传统〔rostrum〕The curved, beaklike prow of an ancient Roman ship, especially a war galley.喙形船首:尤指战船的古罗马船只弯曲的喙状船头美国传统〔rough breathing〕An aspirate sound in ancient Greek like that of the sound (h) in English.送气音:古希腊语中类似英语中(h)音的送气音美国传统〔ruin〕We visited the ruins of ancient Greece.我们参观了古希腊的遗迹。英汉大词典〔sabbatical year〕Often Sabbatical year A year during which land remained fallow, observed every seven years by the ancient Jews. 常作 Sabbatical year 安息年:古代犹太人每七年让土地休耕一年美国传统〔sackbut〕An ancient triangular stringed instrument.琴:古代的一种三角竖琴美国传统〔scholiast〕One of the ancient commentators who annotated the classical authors.批注者:给古典主义作家注解的古代评论者美国传统〔scroll〕Ancient scrolls were found in caves by the Dead Sea.在死海旁的山洞里发现了古代卷轴。外研社新世纪〔sculpture〕The frieze shows ancient Greek relief sculpture at its most inventive.该饰带显示古希腊浮雕极富创意。牛津搭配〔seat〕She spoke of Oxford, that ancient seat of learning.她说到了牛津,那个古老的学府。麦克米伦高阶〔senate〕The supreme council of state of the ancient Roman Republic and later of the Roman Empire.元老院:古罗马共和国以及后来的罗马帝国的国家最高评议会美国传统〔sesterce〕A silver or bronze coin of ancient Rome equivalent to one fourth of a denarius.塞斯特斯:古罗马银币或铜币,等于四分之一第纳流斯美国传统〔setting〕The story has its setting in ancient Rome.这个故事的背景是古罗马。英汉大词典〔sibyl〕One of a number of women regarded as oracles or prophets by the ancient Greeks and Romans.女预言家:被古希腊人和罗马人认为是神使或预言家的一群女子中的一个美国传统〔site〕The school stands on the site of an ancient settlement.学校建在一个古老的居民点上。牛津搭配〔smooth breathing〕The symbol ( ’ ) written over some initial vowels and diphthongs in ancient Greek to indicate that a word does not begin with the sound (h).不送气符号:在古希腊语中标于起始单元音或双元音上的符号('),表示此单词不以(h)音作为开头美国传统〔spellbinding〕I found his description of life in Ancient Rome absolutely spellbinding.我发现他对古罗马生活的描述确实引人入胜。英汉大词典〔stand〕Ancient wisdom has stood the test of time.古老的智慧已经经受了时间的考验。柯林斯高阶〔sterling-silver〕This sterling-silver ring is engraved with ancient runic symbols.这枚标准纯银戒指上刻着古老的如尼文字符。外研社新世纪〔superstitious〕In the countryside as a young doctor she encountered ancient superstitious beliefs and prejudices.作为一名年轻医生,她在乡下见识了古老的迷信思想和偏见。柯林斯高阶〔survive〕Ancient farming methods still survive in the Midle East.在中东,古代的耕作方式依然存在。21世纪英汉〔tablet〕He also studied the ancient stone tablets from around the pyramids.他还研究了在金字塔周围发现的古代石匾。柯林斯高阶〔talent〕A variable unit of weight and money used in ancient Greece, Rome, and the Middle East.塔兰特:使用于古代希腊、罗马和中东的一种可变的重量和货币单位美国传统〔testimony〕The pyramids are an eloquent testimony to the ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.金字塔是古埃及人非凡工程技术的明鉴。牛津高阶〔township〕An ancient administrative division of a large parish in England.镇区:英格兰古代一个大教区的行政分区美国传统〔translate〕Dagda, an ancient Irish deity, literally translates as 'the good god'.达格达 — 爱尔兰的古代神灵,按字面意思翻译就是“好神”。朗文当代〔transubstantiate〕The ancient alchemists hoped to transubstantiate base metals into gold.古代的炼金术士希望把贱金属变成金子。英汉大词典〔triumph〕To receive honors upon return from a victory in ancient Rome. Used of a general.接受胜利荣誉:接受胜利的荣誉,尤指在古代罗马凯旋归来。用于作战的将军美国传统〔vexillary〕A member of the oldest class of army veterans who served under a special standard in ancient Rome.旗兵:古罗马军队中持特种军旗的队伍中的老兵美国传统〔witness〕The ancient temples bear silent witness to the passing dynasties.这些古刹默默见证了历代的兴亡。牛津搭配〔wonder〕We spent a week visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.我们花了一周时间游览古希腊文明的奇观。剑桥高阶〔world〕Dogs were also associated with healing in the ancient world.在古代, 狗也与治病有关。外研社新世纪〔write〕Ancient historians wrote of a lost continent beneath the ocean.古代史学家写过有关一个沉没海底大陆的事迹。牛津高阶〔zoster〕A belt or girdle worn by men in ancient Greece.腰带:古希腊男人用的腰带或束带美国传统〔zuz〕An ancient Hebrew silver coin.祖兹:古希伯来银币美国传统Ancient Athens is said to be the cradle of democracy. 据说古代雅典是民主的摇篮。译典通According to ancient Greek legend, the sphinx set a riddle which no one before Oedipus was able to answer.在古希腊神话中,斯芬克司出了一个谜语,没有人能猜得出,后来被俄狄浦斯猜出了。剑桥国际He was riveted by the ancient pagoda. 他的注意力被那座古塔吸引住了。译典通I've just finished reading a book on the ancient kingdoms of Mexico.我刚读完一本关于墨西哥古代诸王国的书。剑桥国际In ancient times lepers were thought unclean. 在古时候痲疯病人被视为邪恶的。译典通It was a custom of the ancient Romans to gorge and then make themselves vomit.塞饱之后再吐出来是古罗马人的风俗。剑桥国际Most of the ancient forests in the world have been destroyed. 世界上大多数原始森林都被毁坏了。译典通Mr Graham was amazed to find 46 ancient gold coins inside the pot.格雷厄姆先生在罐子里惊奇地发现了46枚古金币。剑桥国际Small groups of students had gathered in the ancient quad.学生三五成群地聚集在古老的四方院中。剑桥国际The ancient Aztecs sacrificed people to the gods.古代阿兹特克族人将人作为祭神的祭品。剑桥国际The ancient aqueduct stood out against the clear sky. 这一古代渡槽在蓝天的映衬之下十分夺目。译典通The ancient castle was invested with an air of mystery. 这座古堡充满神秘的气氛。译典通The ancient ivy cleaved to (=grew up against) the ruined castle walls.古老的长春藤沿着破败的城堡墙生长。剑桥国际The government is now demanding the restitution of its ancient treasures that were removed from the country in the 16th century.政府正在要求归还于16世纪被运出国的古董文物。剑桥国际The tradition has its source in an ancient fertility rite.这个传统源于一个古代的出生仪式。剑桥国际The university is an ancient foundation (=was established a long time ago).这所大学创办历史悠久。剑桥国际These laws will restrict our ancient rights and liberties.这些法律将会限制我们自古以来的权利与自由。剑桥国际They had dug out an ancient tomb. 他们已发掘到一座古墓。译典通They visited some ancient chateaux while they stayed in France. 在法国逗留期间他们参观了一些古城堡。译典通This ancient tongue is spoken by one in six of the nation's inhabitants.这个国家的居民中有六分之一的人说这种古老的语言。剑桥国际This is a fascinating city full of ancient buildings. 这是座有著许多古老建筑的迷人的城市。译典通We spent a week in Athens visiting the wonders of Ancient Greek civilization.我们在雅典待了一个星期,参观了古代希腊文明的奇观。剑桥国际 |
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