

单词 clink
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRINK〕They all clinked glasses and said ‘Cheers!’ 他们一起碰杯说:“干杯!朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕She wore at least twenty bracelets, which clinked against each other every time she moved her arm. 她至少戴了20个镯子,每当手臂一动,镯子就碰得叮当作响。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The clink of dishes in the dining room told him that dinner would soon be ready. 饭厅里碗碟叮叮当当,告诉他晚饭马上就准备好了。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕Their champagne glasses clinked. ‘Happy Anniversary Darling,’ Roger said. 他们碰了一下香槟杯子,“纪念日快乐,亲爱的。”罗杰说道。朗文写作活用〔clinking〕I could hear the clinking of glasses coming from the dining room.我能听见餐厅里传来碰杯的叮当声。韦氏高阶〔clink〕A man in hobnailed boots clinked in at the door.一个脚穿钉靴的男人咯噔咯噔地走进门来。英汉大词典〔clink〕Alice clinked our glasses together with a smile.艾丽斯微笑着把我们的杯子碰在一起。外研社新世纪〔clink〕Don't clink the keys in your pocket.别让你口袋中的钥匙丁当乱响。21世纪英汉〔clink〕Everyone always said Joe would end up in (the) clink.大家都说乔总有一天要坐牢。剑桥高阶〔clink〕He clinked down on the sofa.他蓦地倒在沙发上。英汉大词典〔clink〕He clinked his glass against mine.他跟我碰杯(祝饮)。文馨英汉〔clink〕He served a stint in the clink for attempted murder.他因谋杀未遂坐过牢。外研社新世纪〔clink〕I could hear the clink of coins in his pocket.我能听到他口袋里的硬币叮当作响。剑桥高阶〔clink〕I heard the clink of glasses.我听到玻璃杯的叮呤声。文馨英汉〔clink〕She clinked down on the floor.她啪地一声倒在地板上。21世纪英汉〔clink〕She clinked her glass against his.她和他碰了一下杯。外研社新世纪〔clink〕Spoons clinked against the crockery.调羹和碗碟碰得叮当响。朗文当代〔clink〕The bottles clinked together.瓶子碰在一起,发出叮当声。韦氏高阶〔clink〕The bottles clinked.那些瓶子碰出叮当声。文馨英汉〔clink〕The coins are clinking in his pocket.硬币在他口袋里丁当作响。21世纪英汉〔clink〕The empty whisky bottle clinked against the seat.空威士忌酒瓶撞在座位上叮当作响。外研社新世纪〔clink〕The empty whisky bottle clinked against the seat.空威士忌酒瓶碰到座位上,叮当作响。柯林斯高阶〔clink〕The ice clinked as she dropped it into the glass.她把冰块丢入玻璃杯,冰块叮当作响。剑桥高阶〔clink〕The keys clinked in his pocket.钥匙在他的口袋里丁当作响。英汉大词典〔clink〕Their glasses clinked, their eyes met.他们举杯相碰,目光交会。柯林斯高阶〔clink〕They clinked glasses and drank each other's health.他们碰杯互祝健康。21世纪英汉〔clink〕They clinked glasses and drank to each other's health.他们碰杯互祝身体健康。牛津高阶〔clink〕They clinked glasses.他们互相碰杯。文馨英汉〔clink〕They clinked glasses.他们碰了杯。柯林斯高阶〔clink〕We all clinked our glasses together and drank to a happy new year.我们大家一起碰杯,祝贺新年快乐。剑桥高阶〔clink〕When she'd completed the toast, they clinked glasses.她说完祝酒词之后,他们一起碰杯。韦氏高阶〔glass〕He heard glasses clinking in the other room.他听到另一间屋里发出碰杯的声音。牛津搭配〔glass〕They clinked glasses, still laughing.他们碰了杯,依旧大笑不止。牛津搭配〔plink〕To cause to make a soft, sharp, metallic sound; clink.使发出叮铃声:使发出轻的、尖锐的金属质的声音;使叮当作响美国传统Everyone always said Joe would end up in (the) clink.人人都说乔总有一天要坐牢。剑桥国际Everyone at the party clinked their glasses together and drank to a happy new year.所有参加晚会的人都碰杯,为新年快乐而干杯。剑桥国际He said he hadn't got any money but I could hear the clink of coins in his pocket.他说他没有钱,但我却听到他口袋里的硬币玎玲作响。剑桥国际Ice clinks when you drop it into an empty glass.把冰块放进空玻璃杯时会发出叮叮当当的声音。剑桥国际Inside the room she could hear the festive sound of glasses clinking and people laughing.她在房间里可以听到外面欢宴上的觥筹交错的叮当声和人们的欢声笑语。剑桥国际The ice cubes in the bottom of her glass clinked as she drank.她喝酒时,杯子底部的冰块叮当作响。剑桥国际There was a clinking of chains as the prisoners walked slowly round the yard.当犯人们慢慢地绕着院子走时铁镣发出叮当的声音。剑桥国际They clinked their glasses together to toast the bride and groom. 他们碰杯向新郎、新娘致贺。译典通




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