

单词 at worst
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔at worst〕At worst, she can only tell you off for being late.充其量她也就是会责备你迟到而已。剑桥高阶〔at worst〕At worst, you'll have to pay a fine, but you won't lose your license.最坏的结果是,你得交罚款,但是不会被吊销驾照。韦氏高阶〔at worst〕At best the government is incompetent, and at worst, it is totally corrupt.往好处说,是政府无能;往坏处说,整个儿就是腐败。韦氏高阶〔at worst〕He hoped that at worst he would suffer only a minor loss in the investment.他希望即使在最坏的情况下,自己在投资方面也只是有小损失。韦氏高阶〔at worst〕She is at worst corrupt, and at best has been knowingly breaking the rules.她最坏的情况是腐败,而最好的情况是故意违反规定。剑桥高阶〔best〕The food was bland at best, and at worst completely inedible.这种食品往好了说,是清淡无味,往差了说,则根本不能吃。剑桥高阶〔best〕The government's response seems to have been at best confused and at worst dishonest.政府的反应往好里说似乎是糊涂,往坏里说就是不诚实。麦克米伦高阶〔best〕The technique is at best ineffective and at worst dangerous.这个方法说轻一点是没有效果,说重一点是很危险。朗文当代〔best〕This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent.有人说这项政策往好里说是混乱不堪,往坏里说就是形同虚设。柯林斯高阶〔connectivity〕During the conference connectivity was occasional at best, and completely down at worst.会议期间, 网络连通性往好了说是时断时续, 往坏了说是完全崩溃。外研社新世纪〔economical〕At best, voters think the government was economical with the truth, at worst they believe it deliberately lied.往好处说, 选民们认为是政府刻意隐瞒了真相, 而往坏处说, 他们觉得就是政府在故意撒谎。外研社新世纪〔unleash〕At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.最坏的情况是,可能会爆发核战争。剑桥高阶〔worst〕At worst, the drug can be fatal.在最坏的情况下,这种毒品可以致命。牛津搭配〔worst〕At worst, the storm will make us postpone the trip.最坏的估计是暴风雨会使我们推迟行程美国传统〔worst〕At best Nella would be an invalid; at worst she would die.内拉往好里说会落下残疾,往坏处说可能会生命不保。柯林斯高阶〔worst〕At best Nellie would be an invalid; at worst she would die.内莉往轻了说会落下残疾, 往重了说可能会性命不保。外研社新世纪〔worst〕Choosing the right software can be time-consuming at best and confusing or frustrating at worst .挑选合适的软件往好处说是费时,往坏处说是令人困惑,饱受打击。朗文当代〔worst〕He will be expelled from school, at worst.充其量他给开除出学校。英汉大词典〔worst〕The Senator's reaction was at best ineffective and at worst irresponsible.参议员的反应从最好的方面看是未能奏效,从最坏的方面看是不负责任。麦克米伦高阶At worst, all she can do is (= The most unpleasant thing she will do is to) tell you off for being late.充其量,她能做的不过是责备你迟到了而已。剑桥国际At worst, nuclear war could be unleashed.在最坏的情况下, 核战争可能被发动。剑桥国际At worst, we will only lose two days because of the strike.作最坏的打算,我们因罢工不过损失两天的时间。剑桥国际At best, police work is physically demanding and stressful, and at worst, it's downright dangerous.说好听些,警察这行很辛苦,压力很重,说难听些,这绝对危险。剑桥国际She is at worst (= considering it as unkindly as possible) corrupt, and at best has been knowingly breaking the rules.就最坏的话,她是腐败,就最好的说,她是故意违反了规定。剑桥国际The food was bland at best (= even considering it as kindly as possible), and at worst completely inedible.这种食物美而言之是没什么刺激性,丑而言之则根本不能吃。剑桥国际




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