

单词 consequent
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ate〕The goddess of criminal rashness and consequent punishment.埃特:引人草率行事并受到惩罚的犯罪女神美国传统〔RESULT〕Without government support the factory would be forced to close, with the consequent loss of thousands of jobs. 没有政府的支持,这家工厂可能会被迫关闭,从而导致数千人失业。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕Robinson's photographs are characterized by the intense contrasts of dark and light areas, and the consequent loss of detail. 罗宾逊的摄影作品的特征是明暗区域的强烈对比,以及由此造成的细节淡化。朗文写作活用〔clearing〕The exchange among banks of checks, drafts, and notes and the settlement of consequent differences.结算:银行间支票、汇票和钞票之间的交换和相应差额的结算美国传统〔consecution〕Logic The relation of consequent to antecedent; deduction.【逻辑学】 推理:前后因果关系;推理美国传统〔consequential〕Following as an effect, result, or conclusion; consequent.作为结果的:作为后果、结果或结局随之发生的;作为结果的美国传统〔consequent〕Falling sales and a consequent loss of profits forced the company to lay off more workers.销售额下滑和由此产生的利润减少迫使公司解雇了更多员工。韦氏高阶〔consequent〕Our use of harmful chemicals and the consequent damage to the environment is a very serious matter.我们使用有害化学物品且因此对环境造成了破坏,这是件非常严重的事情。剑桥高阶〔consequent〕The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.重组引发了社会福利工作的重大变化。外研社新世纪〔consequent〕The changes in social work consequent upon reorganization have been considerable.重组引起社会福利工作发生了重大变化。柯林斯高阶〔consequent〕The farmers suffered a severe drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the markets.农民遭受严重的干旱,结果造成市场上食品匮乏。英汉大词典〔consequent〕The flooding of large areas of land was consequent upon the heavy rain.大片大片的土地水涝是由大雨引起的。英汉大词典〔consequent〕The new measures were put into effect, and the consequent protest led to the dismissal of those responsible.因实施新措施而引发的抗议导致相关负责人被免职。外研社新世纪〔consequent〕The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all.地球变暖以及随之而来的气候变化影响着我们所有人。柯林斯高阶〔consequent〕The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all.地球变暖和随之而来的气候变化影响到我们所有人。外研社新世纪〔consequent〕There was a severe trade depression consequent upon a number of serious strikes.几次大罢工之后,随即发生了严重的贸易萧条。文馨英汉〔consequent〕Weather forecasters predict heavy rains and consequent flooding.天气预报员预报有大雨和由此引发的洪水。韦氏高阶〔hyperplasia〕An abnormal increase in the number of cells in an organ or a tissue with consequent enlargement.增生过盛:在一个器官或组织中细胞数的不正常增加,引起扩大美国传统〔sequent〕Following as a result; consequent.结果的:作为结果产生的;随之而来的美国传统〔tremor〕Overproduction and consequent low market prices for wine caused economic tremors.葡萄酒生产过剩及由此造成的市价低迷引起了经济波动。柯林斯高阶A severe flood struck the city and there was a consequent shortage of food. 该市遭到严重水灾,结果造成食物匮乏。译典通The rise in price was consequent on the failure of the crops. 物价上涨是由年成不好引起的。译典通




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