

单词 consent
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONDITION〕Permission to use firearms is conditional on the consent of the Chief of Police. 使用枪支必须经过警察局长批准。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕Before a woman can have an abortion, she needs to have written consent from two doctors. 妇女堕胎之前需要有两名医生的书面同意。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕Parents are required to give their written consent before a child can be asked to participate in an interview. 家长必须作出书面同意,才可以请小孩子参加采访。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕The city authorities have given their consent to leases on two buildings in the centre of Moscow. 市政当局已经同意租借莫斯科市中心的两幢大楼。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕The young couple were married without their parents’ consent. 这对年轻人未经父母同意就结婚了。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕The marriage took place without the bride's parents’ consent. 婚礼在未得到女方家长同意的情况下举行。朗文写作活用〔MARRY〕You'll be glad to hear that Ralph and I, with my father's consent, are engaged to be married. 你听到这消息一定会很高兴:经我爸爸同意,我和拉尔夫订婚了。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕Some of the government labs had experimented on humans without their consent. 一些政府的实验室在未得到当事人同意的情况下在人身上做试验。朗文写作活用〔WILLING〕He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage. 他勉强同意女儿的婚事。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕Did the doctor ask you to sign a consent form Mrs Harris? 哈里斯太太,医生有没有让你签署同意书?朗文写作活用〔accept〕To consent to pay, as by a signed agreement.承兑:在合同上签字以同意偿还美国传统〔adult〕What consenting adults do in private is their own business.到了法定性成熟年龄的成年人私下里做什么是他们自己的事。牛津搭配〔affirmative〕Informal Used in place of the response "yes" to express confirmation or consent.【非正式用语】 赞同:用于代替“是”表示肯定或赞同美国传统〔age of consent〕He was under the age of consent.他还未到可以与人发生性关系的法定年龄。柯林斯高阶〔age of consent〕The age at which a person is legally considered competent to give consent, as to sexual intercourse.同意年龄:一个人所处的年龄,在此年龄其从法律上被认为有能力做出同意,如对性行为美国传统〔age〕The general age of consent for sexual activity is 16.性行为的同意年龄通常为 16 岁。牛津搭配〔agreeable〕Ready to consent or submit.同意的:乐意同意或服从的美国传统〔agreeably〕He agreeably consented to my request.他欣然同意我的要求。文馨英汉〔amendment〕The amendment passed the Senate by unanimous consent.这项修正案在参议院获得了一致通过。牛津搭配〔approve〕To consent to officially or formally; confirm or sanction.批准,认可:官方地或正式地同意;证实或批准美国传统〔assent〕Her parents refused to consent to her marriage.她的父母亲拒绝默许她的婚姻。美国传统〔benevolence〕A compulsory tax or payment exacted by some English sovereigns without the consent of Parliament.王税:由某些英国国王未经议会同意而制定的一种强制税或付款美国传统〔bill〕A bill was passed lowering the legal age of consent.一个降低法定同意年龄线的议案通过了。麦克米伦高阶〔bow〕An inclination of the head or body, as in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.鞠躬:在问候、满意、谦恭、感谢、屈服或崇敬时俯首或屈身美国传统〔bow〕To bend (the head, knee, or body) to express greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.鞠躬:弯曲(头、膝或身体)以表达问候、满意、谦恭、感谢、屈服或崇敬美国传统〔bow〕To incline the body or head or bend the knee in greeting, consent, courtesy, acknowledgment, submission, or veneration.鞠躬,点头:在问候、满意、谦恭、感谢、屈服或崇拜时屈身低头或屈膝美国传统〔cajole〕He cajoled his parents into consent giving him money to buy a new car.他哄骗父母答应给他钱买辆新汽车。21世纪英汉〔coax〕It took Louis until Easter to coax a grudging consent from the French King.路易斯连哄带骗,直到复活节才勉强得到法国国王的许可。柯林斯高阶〔commit〕He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.没有国会的完全许可他不能派遣美国军队。外研社新世纪〔common〕It is, by common consent, Scotland's prettiest coast(= everyone agrees that it is).这是苏格兰公认的最美丽的海岸。牛津高阶〔common〕It was, by common consent, our finest performance.大家都认为那是我们最出色的一次表演。麦克米伦高阶〔common〕Joe was chosen as captain by common consent (=with everyone's agreement) .大家一致同意选乔为队长。朗文当代〔condition〕She was unable to give informed consent because of a mental condition.因为有精神疾病,她不能作出知情同意。牛津搭配〔connivance〕Law Knowledge of and tacit consent to the commission of an illegal act by another.【法律】 纵容:对他人非法行为的默许和宽恕美国传统〔consent form〕Patients must sign a consent form before having surgery.病人手术前必须签署知情同意书。韦氏高阶〔consenting〕A research fellow took blood from consenting patients.经患者同意, 一个研究人员采了血。外研社新世纪〔consenting〕What consenting adults do in private is their own business.已达承诺年龄的成年人私下进行的活动是他们自己的事。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕A contract requires the voluntary consent of the parties entering into it.签订合同要求缔约双方自愿同意。牛津搭配〔consent〕A patient has a right to withhold consent to the treatment.病人有权拒绝接受治疗。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕A record of their written consent must be on file.他们的书面同意记录必须存档。牛津搭配〔consent〕At any time during the study, parents could withdraw their consent.在研究的任何阶段,父母都可以收回他们的许可。牛津搭配〔consent〕At approximately 11:30 p.m., Pollard finally gave his consent to the search.大概晚上11点半的时候,波拉德最终同意进行搜查。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕Both the husband's and wife's consent to the sale is required.需要夫妻双方都同意后才能出售。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕By common consent their talk avoided the reason for their being there at all.他们达成共识, 在谈话时对他们出现在那里的原因避而不谈。外研社新世纪〔consent〕By common consent this election constituted a historic step on the road to democracy.普遍认为这次选举是迈上民主之路的历史性一步。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕By general consent this election constituted a historic victory.人们普遍认为这次选举是一次历史性胜利。外研社新世纪〔consent〕By mutual consent they didn't go out(= they both agreed not to).按照双方同意,他们没有约会。牛津高阶〔consent〕By unanimous consent, the Senate inserted a moratorium.参议院一致同意暂缓。牛津搭配〔consent〕Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment.*16 岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。牛津高阶〔consent〕Completion of the survey was taken as implied consent to participate.完成调查表被视为同意参加调查。牛津搭配〔consent〕Do you have the consent of your employer? 你得到雇主的同意了吗?牛津搭配〔consent〕Doctors must obtain the informed consent of all patients before giving any treatment.在进行任何治疗前,医生必须得到病人的知情同意。牛津搭配〔consent〕Doctors pressed her to sign a consent form for emergency surgery.医生催促她在急诊手术同意书上签字。牛津搭配〔consent〕He consented to answer their question.他同意回答他们的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕He consented to make a few alteration.他同意作一些改动。21世纪英汉〔consent〕He consented to the plan.他同意这个计划。韦氏高阶〔consent〕He consented to the removal of the flags.他同意撤掉旗子。外研社新世纪〔consent〕He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening.他问金尼是否同意在洗礼之后小小地庆祝一下。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕He entered the building without the owner's consent.他没有征得主人的同意就进了楼。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕He finally consented to go.他最终同意去了。外研社新世纪〔consent〕He gave his consent for treatment.他同意接受治疗。牛津搭配〔consent〕He is charged with taking a car without the owner's consent.他因未征得车主的同意自行开走车而受到指控。牛津高阶〔consent〕He left the company by mutual consent last September.去年9月,经双方同意,他离开了公司。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕He left the company by mutual consent.经双方同意, 他离开了公司。外研社新世纪〔consent〕He rarely consents to do interviews.他很少会答应接受采访。朗文当代〔consent〕He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage.他勉强同意了女儿的婚事。牛津高阶〔consent〕He reluctantly consented to the material being edited.他勉强同意了正在编辑修改的材料。牛津搭配〔consent〕He was appointed by common consent.他是经一致同意而被任命的。英汉大词典〔consent〕He was reluctant at first but finally consented.他起初不情愿,但最终还是同意了。韦氏高阶〔consent〕He withheld his consent to the marriage.他拒不同意这门婚事。牛津搭配〔consent〕Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚事。朗文当代〔consent〕Her father would not consent to her going abroad.她父亲不会同意她到国外去。英汉大词典〔consent〕Her father would not consent to the marriage.她父亲不会同意这门婚事。牛津搭配〔consent〕Her latest novel, by common consent, is her best yet.她最新一本小说被普遍认为是她迄今最好的作品。剑桥高阶〔consent〕Her parents refused (to give) their consent to her marriage.她父母不同意她的婚姻。英汉大词典〔consent〕I confirm that the patient lacks capacity to give or withhold consent to this procedure or course of treatment.我确定, 这位患者没有能力就这个步骤或疗程表示同意或拒绝。外研社新世纪〔consent〕I drove my friend's car with his consent and unfortunately crashed it.经朋友的同意, 我开了他的车, 但不幸的是把车子撞坏了。外研社新世纪〔consent〕I was a little surprised when she consented.我有点儿吃惊她竟然同意了。柯林斯高阶〔consent〕I'm sure she wouldn't consent.我敢肯定她不会答应的。21世纪英汉〔consent〕In 1998 they signed a consent agreement.1998 年他们签署了同意协议。牛津搭配〔consent〕Judge Roberts nodded his consent and she began.经罗伯茨法官点头同意,她开始讲话。牛津搭配〔consent〕Many types of outdoor advertisement on land and buildings need consent from the local council.多种地面和建筑物上的户外广告投放都需要得到地方议会的批准。外研社新世纪〔consent〕Mrs Meade has graciously consented to supervise your detention.米德夫人好心答应在你放学后留校时指导你。牛津搭配〔consent〕My aunt never married because her father wouldn't consent to her marriage.我姑妈终生未嫁,因为她父亲不同意她的婚事。剑桥高阶〔consent〕No action can be taken without the prior consent of the owner.没有物主的事先同意,不得采取任何行动。牛津搭配〔consent〕No one may use the vehicle without the consent of the owner.未经车主许可,任何人不得用车。韦氏高阶〔consent〕She consented to a meeting.她同意见面。韦氏高阶〔consent〕She finally consented to answer our questions.她最终同意回答我们的问题。牛津高阶〔consent〕She tried to persuade her father, but he refused to consent.她想说服她的父亲,但他拒不同意。英汉大词典〔consent〕She was chosen by common consent to speak for the group.大家一致同意她作选举人美国传统〔consent〕Spousal consent is necessary to secure the loan.要获得贷款必须征得配偶的同意。牛津搭配〔consent〕Students must have the consent of their parents to go on the trip. = Students must have parental consent to go on the trip.学生外出旅行须经父母同意。韦氏高阶〔consent〕The consent decree required the state to institute certain programs that were not required by federal law.双方同意的判决要求该州制定联邦法律没有要求的若干方案。牛津搭配〔consent〕The Highlanders all drew their swords with one consent upon entering the river.刚踏进河中, 高地人就整齐划一地拔出了利剑。外研社新世纪〔consent〕The article is reprinted by consent of the author.该文章是经作者同意才重印的。牛津搭配〔consent〕The builder consented to do the repairs at no additional charge.建造商同意进行修缮,不收取额外费用。韦氏高阶〔consent〕The chairman was elected by common consent (=with most people agreeing) .主席是大家一致推选出来的。朗文当代〔consent〕The child's parents would not consent to the treatment.孩子的父母不会同意这种治疗方案。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕The contract can only be broken by mutual consent.合同只有经双方同意后才能解除。牛津搭配〔consent〕The contract was ended by mutual consent.经双方同意,合同被终止了。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕The defence must show that the victim had consented.辩方必须表明受害人已经同意。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕The investigators secured the consent of the suspects to take their computers away.调查人员经嫌疑人同意,拿走了他们的电脑。牛津搭配〔consent〕The people will never consent to another war.人民决不会同意再发生一次战争。英汉大词典〔consent〕The planning authority had previously given consent to the development.规划当局以前已经同意这个开发项目。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕The proposal received unanimous consent.提议获得一致认可。牛津搭配〔consent〕The written consent of a parent is required.要求有家长的书面同意。牛津高阶〔consent〕They consented to come with us.他们答应和我们一起来。牛津同义词〔consent〕They can't publish your name without your consent.未经你的同意他们不能公布你的名字。剑桥高阶〔consent〕They provided verbal consent for the interview to be taped.他们口头同意对采访录音。牛津搭配〔consent〕Very reluctantly, I've consented to lend her my car.我很不情愿地答应把车借给她。剑桥高阶〔consent〕When she told them what she intended they readily consented.她告诉他们她的打算时,他们欣然同意。牛津高阶〔consent〕Will she consent to marry him? 她会同意嫁给他吗?英汉大词典〔consent〕You can only come on the trip if your parents give their consent.只有你父母允许,你才能参加这次旅行。剑桥高阶〔consent〕You cannot go on school trips without the written consent of your parents.没有父母的书面许可,你就不能参加学校组织的旅行。麦克米伦高阶〔consent〕You have my consent to sell the shares.我准许你卖出股票。英汉大词典〔consent〕You must give written consent before the documents can be released.你必须提供书面许可,这些文件才能公布。牛津搭配〔consent〕Your family, in effect, signs the consent for you.事实上,你的家人给你签了同意书。牛津搭配〔consent〕Your parent or guardian will be asked for their consent to your examination or treatment.你的检查或治疗都要征得父母或监护人的同意。外研社新世纪〔consent〕Your property cannot be sold without your consent.未经本人同意,房产不得出售。牛津搭配〔consent〕Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals.你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。牛津搭配〔consideration〕She was sleeping, and on no consideration would the servant consent to disturb her.她正在睡觉, 仆人绝对不会同意去打搅她。外研社新世纪〔consign〕To submit; consent.让步;同意美国传统〔constitute〕Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。外研社新世纪〔constitute〕Testing patients without their consent would constitute a professional and legal offence.未经患者同意而对其进行检查被视为违反职业操守并触犯法律。柯林斯高阶〔constructively〕If your employer changes the terms of your employment without your consent, you are entitled to treat yourself as constructively dismissed.如果雇主未经你本人同意擅改雇佣条款, 你有权说自己受到了变相解雇。外研社新世纪〔conventional〕Law Based on consent or agreement; contractual.【法律】 契约的:根据一致同意或约定的;合同的美国传统〔copyright〕Copyright protects your work from being commercially exploited by someone else without your consent.版权保护你的作品,以免在未经你同意的情况下被他人用于商业目的。牛津搭配〔desertion〕Law Willful abandonment of one's spouse or children or both without their consent and with the intention of forsaking all legal obligations to them.【法律】 遗弃,抛弃:未经配偶或孩子(或两者)同意而自觉放弃他们并企图逃避对他们的全部法律义务的行为美国传统〔duress〕Political theory in the twentieth century had emphasized consent rather than duress.20世纪的政治理论更为强调赞同, 而非胁迫。外研社新世纪〔explicit〕The explicit consent of each employee is required.要求每位员工都明确表示同意。外研社新世纪〔fine〕There is a fine distinction between stealing and borrowing without the owner's consent.盗窃与未经主人同意的借用之间差别很难界定。外研社新世纪〔give〕To consent to engage (oneself) in sexual intercourse with a man.委身于:同意(自己)与一男子发生性关系美国传统〔gratify〕He only gave his consent in order to gratify her wishes.他只是为满足她的愿望才同意的。牛津高阶〔guardian〕The child's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.在给这个孩子动手术前,一定要得到她父母或其监护人的同意。剑桥高阶〔heterosexuality〕In Denmark the age of consent is fifteen for both heterosexuals and homosexuals.在丹麦,异性恋者和同性恋者允许进行性行为的合法年龄都是15岁。柯林斯高阶〔holdout〕One that withholds agreement or consent upon which progress is contingent.坚持不让步的人,不让步的人:拒绝同意或满意与进程有关事项的人美国传统〔hold〕To pressure (someone) to consent to or undertake something.强迫(某人)同意或做某事美国传统〔imply〕His silence implied consent.他的缄默表示同意。英汉大词典〔inclination〕He expressed his consent with a slight inclination.他微微欠身以示同意。英汉大词典〔incur〕She had incurred the wrath of her father by marrying without his consent 她未经父亲同意就结婚,使父亲震怒。牛津高阶〔infer〕Your silence infers consent.你的沉默就是表示同意。21世纪英汉〔informed〕The patient's informed consent is required before certain treatments can be carried out.实施治疗前必须告知病人并征得其同意。外研社新世纪〔intercourse〕The judge asked if she had consented to intercourse.法官询问她当时是否同意进行性交。牛津搭配〔intrude〕These verbs mean to force oneself or something upon another or others without consent or approval.这些动词都表示未经同意或赞同强加某人或物于他人或物之上。美国传统〔knowledge〕She had acted with her parents' full knowledge and consent.她是在父母完全知晓和同意的情况下这么做的。牛津搭配〔language〕It was the standard form of wording for a consent letter.这是同意书的标准用词。牛津高阶〔let〕He was let in on the arrangements without our consent.我们还没同意,就让他参与了种种安排。英汉大词典〔loath〕He consented at once, nothing loath.他非常乐意地立即同意了。英汉大词典〔look〕The chairman looked his consent.主席用眼色表示了同意。21世纪英汉〔management〕It needs a good deal of management to persuade him to consent.颇需要用些手段才能说服他同意。英汉大词典〔misinterpret〕He misinterpreted her silence as giving consent.他把她的沉默误认为是同意。21世纪英汉〔misinterpret〕Her silence should not be misinterpreted as consent.不能把她的沉默误当作同意。韦氏高阶〔mutual〕The agreement was terminated by mutual consent.经双方同意,这项协议被终止了。剑桥高阶〔notarize〕The airline requires children travelling alone to have a notarized letter of consent from one or both parents.航空公司要求单独旅行的儿童必须出具来自父母一方或双方的同意书。剑桥高阶〔obtain〕It is necessary to obtain the patients' consent.需征得病人的同意。牛津搭配〔ornery〕The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.老太太仍然很固执, 但至少同意了接受这次访问。外研社新世纪〔ornery〕The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.这位老太太脾气还是那么犟,但至少她已经同意接受此次拜访。柯林斯高阶〔parental〕Medical treatment was sometimes given to children without parental consent.有时未征得家长同意就对孩子进行了药物治疗。柯林斯高阶〔parental〕Parental consent is required before the operation can take place.手术前须征得父母同意。朗文当代〔persuade〕These verbs are compared as they mean to succeed in causing a person to do or consent to something.这些动词在表达成功地使某人做或赞同某事的意思时是有区别的。美国传统〔presume〕Don't presume on his consent.别想当然地以为他一定同意。英汉大词典〔privity〕Knowledge of something private or secret shared between individuals, especially with the implication of approval or consent.私下知悉,默契:几个人共同知道的秘密或隐秘的事情,尤指一致赞同或同意美国传统〔publicly〕By or with consent of the public.由公众赞同地:出于或获得公众的赞同地美国传统〔ready〕I gave a ready consent.我爽快地表示同意。英汉大词典〔read〕You can't read her silence as consent.你可不能把她的沉默理解为同意。英汉大词典〔read〕You cannot read her silence as consent.你不能把她的沉默解释为同意。文馨英汉〔removal〕He consented to the removal of the flags.他同意撤除旗帜。英汉大词典〔self-regulatory〕For a self-regulatory system to work, the consent of all those involved is required.一个自我管理的体制要运作起来,必须得到所有相关人员的一致认可。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕Before an operation the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.手术前患者将被要求在同意书上签字。柯林斯高阶〔since〕He at first refused, but has since consented.他起初拒绝了,但后来同意了。英汉大词典〔so〕He consented, so they left.他答应了,于是他们就走了。英汉大词典〔statutory rape〕Sexual relations with a person who has not reached the statutory age of consent.强奸:与未到法定结婚年龄的人发生性关系美国传统〔steal〕To use, appropriate, or preempt the use of another's idea, especially to one's own advantage and without consent by the originator.强占:使用、强占或用先买权占有别人想法的使用权,尤指对自己有好处且未得到发明者同意的美国传统〔stipulate〕The policy stipulates what form of consent is required.保险单规定了哪一种是所需的同意形式。牛津高阶〔subscribe〕To affix one's signature to a document as a witness or to show consent.署名:作为证人或为表示同意而在文件上签名美国传统〔telegraph〕He threw me a smile that telegraphed consent.他朝我微笑,流露出同意的神情。21世纪英汉〔understanding〕They consented only on this understanding.他们是以此为条件才同意的。英汉大词典〔vouchsafe〕If your consent would be vouchsafed,...如蒙惠许,… 英汉大词典〔yes〕An affirmative or consenting reply.是:确定或赞同的回答美国传统〔yield〕He yielded his consent to the project.他同意了这个项目。英汉大词典He consented at once, nothing loath. 他非常乐意地立即同意了。译典通He consented to the removal of the flags. 他同意撤走旗帜。译典通He is, by common consent, the pariah of our community. 他被公认为我们社区的贱民。译典通Her silence implied consent. 她的沉默意味著同意。译典通His father did not consent to his going abroad. 他父亲不同意他去国外。译典通I cannot consent to any deferment on your payment. 我不能同意你延期付款。译典通Minors require the consent of their parents.未成年人须要征得其父母的同意。牛津商务My aunt never married because her father wouldn't consent to her marriage to a cousin.我姑妈终生未嫁,因为她父亲不同意她和她表亲结婚。剑桥国际My ultimate goal is to have your consent in marrying me. 我最终的目标就是要妳答应嫁给我。译典通She blushed her consent. 她红著脸表示同意。译典通She knelt to receive her father's blessing which represented a bestowal of consent upon her forthcoming marriage.她跪下来接受父亲对她即将到来的婚事表示赞同的祝福。剑桥国际She paused before consenting to marry him. 她在同意嫁给他前曾犹豫不定。译典通Silence means consent. 沉默意味著同意。译典通The agreement was terminated by mutual consent.双方均同意终止这一协议。剑桥国际The girl's parents or guardians must give their consent before she has the operation.这个女孩的双亲或监护人在女孩动手术之前必须表示同意。剑桥国际They can't publish your name without your consent.未经你的同意,他们不能刊登你的名字。剑桥国际They deny that they're filibustering, even as they refuse to consent to a time for a vote.即使他们拒不同意投票表决的时间,他们仍否认自己在进行阻挠活动。剑桥国际They would not consent to my leaving school. 他们不同意我辍学。译典通Very reluctantly I've consented to lend her my car.我勉强答应借车给她。剑桥国际Your organs will only be used after your death if you give your consent beforehand.只有经过你事先同意,你的器官才能在你死后被使用。剑桥国际




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