

单词 concealment
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Murphy bed〕A bed that folds or swings into a closet for concealment.墨菲床:一种不用时可折起放进壁橱的床美国传统〔adroit〕She has never been adroit at concealment.她从来不善于掩饰。英汉大词典〔back〕In reserve or concealment.储存地或隐蔽地美国传统〔blackout〕The concealment or extinguishment of lights that might be visible to enemy aircraft during an air raid.灯火管制:在空袭中把那些可能被敌机发现的灯火掩蔽或熄灭美国传统〔cache〕A place for concealment and safekeeping, as of valuables.密藏处:用于隐藏和保管贵重品的处所美国传统〔camouflage〕Concealment by disguise or protective coloring.掩饰:通过伪装或保护色来隐蔽美国传统〔camouflage〕To use protective coloring or garments for concealment.伪装:使用保护色或衣物来隐藏美国传统〔concealment〕His concealment of his true motives was masterly.他巧妙地掩饰了自己的真实动机。外研社新世纪〔concealment〕His concealment of his true motives was masterly.他隐瞒自己真实动机的手段十分高明。柯林斯高阶〔concealment〕His bookshop acted as a concealment for his illegal activities.他的书店是他非法活动的掩护场所。英汉大词典〔concealment〕I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.我认为有人故意隐瞒相关文件。柯林斯高阶〔concealment〕I think there was deliberate concealment of relevant documents.我认为有人故意隐藏相关文件。外研社新世纪〔concealment〕Many animals rely on concealment for protection.许多动物靠藏匿自己来自保。牛津高阶〔concealment〕The criminals vainly sought concealment from the searchlight.罪犯们在探照灯下无处可藏。外研社新世纪〔concealment〕The criminals vainly sought concealment from the searchlight.罪犯们徒劳地躲闪着探照灯光。柯林斯高阶〔concealment〕They have been charged with bribery and concealment of evidence.他们被控行贿和隐瞒证据。外研社新世纪〔concealment〕They made no concealment of their joy.他们一点也不掩饰他们的喜悦。英汉大词典〔cover-up〕An effort or strategy of concealment, especially a planned effort to prevent something potentially scandalous from becoming public.掩盖手段:一种进行掩饰的努力或策略,特别是指为了防止可耻事件公诸于世而作出的精心策划美国传统〔cover〕To seek concealment or protection, as from enemy fire.躲藏:为躲避敌人火力而寻求躲藏或保护美国传统〔cover〕Vegetation, such as underbrush, serving as protective concealment for wild animals.覆盖植被:为野生动物提供保护性隐蔽处的植被,如丛林美国传统〔hideout〕A place of shelter or concealment.隐藏之处或藏身之处美国传统〔huggermugger〕Secrecy; concealment.秘密;保密美国传统〔masking〕Physiology The concealment or screening of one sensory process or sensation by another.【生理学】 遮蔽:一个感觉的过程或感觉器官的感知被另一个隐蔽或遮盖美国传统〔mimicry〕Biology The resemblance of one organism to another or to an object in its surroundings for concealment and protection from predators.【生物学】 拟态:生物体为了躲藏其天敌而模拟另一生物体或其周围的某一体美国传统〔mound〕A pile of earth, gravel, sand, rocks, or debris heaped for protection or concealment.土石堆:用于防卫或隐蔽的土堆、砾石堆、沙堆、岩石或石屑堆美国传统〔peek〕To look or peer furtively, as from a place of concealment.偷窥:如从一个隐秘的地方偷偷地看或凝视美国传统〔secrecy〕The quality or condition of being secret or hidden; concealment.秘密:秘密的或被隐藏的特性或状态;掩藏美国传统〔smoke〕To force out of a place of hiding or concealment by or as if by the use of smoke.烟熏:用烟熏或似用烟熏逼迫从洞穴或隐藏的地方出来美国传统〔stalking-horse〕A canvas screen made in the figure of a horse, used for similar concealment.掩护马:用帆布做成的用来做掩护马,用作类似的隐蔽物美国传统〔stiff upper lip〕Concealment of emotions or feelings, especially of grief or fear; great restraint or composure.板起脸孔的:隐藏感情或感觉的,尤指悲伤或害怕;极大的克制或镇定美国传统〔subreption〕A calculated misrepresentation through concealment of the facts.隐瞒真象美国传统〔surface〕To emerge after concealment.在隐藏后出现美国传统〔trench〕A long, narrow ditch embanked with its own soil and used for concealment and protection in warfare.战壕:一种用于战时的隐蔽和防护的狭长沟渠,用从沟中挖出的泥土防护美国传统〔visor〕A means of concealment or disguise; a mask.假面具:隐藏或伪装的手段;面具美国传统〔whitewash〕Concealment or palliation of flaws or failures.粉饰,掩盖:对于缺点或失败的隐藏和掩饰美国传统Her concealment of her true feelings brought her a lot of pain.隐瞒自己的真实感情使她痛苦万分。剑桥国际Stay in concealment until the danger has passed. 把自己藏起来,待危险过去后再出来。译典通The police may search someone if they suspect the concealment of a knife or other prohibited article.如果警察怀疑有人暗中带有小刀或其他禁止携带的物品的话,可对其进行搜查。剑桥国际They watched what was happening from a place of concealment.他们从一个隐蔽的地点看着正在发生的事情。剑桥国际




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