

单词 cheek
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔backhand〕a sharp backhand across the cheek 一记狠狠的反手巴掌英汉大词典〔barefaced〕barefaced cheek 厚颜无耻牛津高阶〔blazing〕have the blazing cheek to do something 竟然厚颜去做某事英汉大词典〔bone-deep〕split sb.'s right cheek in a bone-deep gash 在某人右颊划开一道深到露出骨头的口子英汉大词典〔brush〕a brush of a kiss on the cheek 在面颊上的轻轻一吻英汉大词典〔brush〕the brush of his lips on her cheek 他的嘴唇在她脸上的轻轻一碰牛津高阶〔chaste〕a chaste kiss on the cheek 在面颊上纯洁的一吻牛津高阶〔chaste〕a chaste kiss on the cheek 脸颊上普通的一吻朗文当代〔chaste〕a chaste kiss on the cheek 脸颊上纯洁的一吻韦氏高阶〔cheek by jowl〕cheap knickknacks displayed cheek by jowl with fine antiques 廉价的小摆设紧挨着精美的古玩一起展出韦氏高阶〔cheek〕cheek sb. back 以难听的话回敬某人英汉大词典〔cheek〕an expensive French restaurant cheek by jowl with a cheap clothes shop 一家高级法国餐馆,它和一家廉价服装店离得很近朗文当代〔down〕the soft down of her cheek 她脸颊上的汗毛麦克米伦高阶〔flip〕flip sb.'s cheek 轻拍某人的脸英汉大词典〔kiss〕a kiss on the cheek 在面颊上的一吻牛津高阶〔metal〕the sudden pressure of cold metal against her cheek 冰冷的金属突然压在她面颊上的感觉牛津搭配〔peck〕peck sb. on the cheek (或peck sb.'s cheek) 匆匆吻一下某人的脸颊英汉大词典〔pinch〕pinch sb.'s cheek 拧某人的脸英汉大词典〔plant〕plant a kiss on sb.'s cheek 对着某人的脸颊吻一下英汉大词典〔playful〕a playful kiss on the cheek 在面颊上开玩笑的一吻朗文当代〔scald〕the tears that scald the cheek 灼痛面颊的热泪英汉大词典〔scar〕a scar on his cheek 他脸上的伤疤牛津高阶〔slap〕a slap on the cheek 一记耳光英汉大词典〔slap〕slap sb. on the cheek (或 across the face) 掴某人耳光 英汉大词典〔slash〕a slash across his right cheek 他右脸上的一道刀伤牛津高阶〔smudge〕leave a smudge of earth on the cheek 在脸颊上留下一块泥迹英汉大词典〔snuggle〕snuggle one's cheek against sb.'s shoulder 把脸颊靠在某人的肩上英汉大词典〔tongue〕speak with tongue in cheek 假心假意地(或挖苦地)讲话英汉大词典




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