

单词 composer
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASCAP〕American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers.美国作曲家、作家及出版商协会美国传统〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕He was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day. 他是当时最具胆识、最富创新精神的作曲家之一。朗文写作活用〔Coleman〕American jazz saxophonist and composer who established free jazz, an unrestrained improvisational style of jazz.柯曼·欧涅:美国爵士萨克斯风吹奏者和作曲家,他创立了自由爵士乐,具有无限制且即兴创作的爵士风格美国传统〔DIFFERENT〕The melodies of most composers have distinguishing characteristics which make them instantly identifiable. 大多数作曲家的旋律都具有与众不同的特征,使它们一听便可辨认出来。朗文写作活用〔FRIEND〕Bernstein's visit to Copland's studio led to a friendship between the two composers. 伯恩斯坦去科普兰的工作室拜访他,使这两位作曲家建立起了友谊。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Johann Sebastian Bach had three sons who all became highly accomplished musicians and composers. 约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫有三个儿子,他们都成了造诣很深的音乐家和作曲家。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕John Lennon's talent as a songwriter was matched by McCartney's talent as a composer. 约翰·列侬写歌的天分与麦卡特尼的作曲天赋相辉映。朗文写作活用〔Gillespie〕American jazz trumpeter, bandleader, and composer who was a key leader in the bop movement.吉里斯皮,约翰·柏克斯:美国爵士乐号手、伴舞乐队指挥、作曲家,以及博普运动的主要倡导者美国传统〔Hancock〕American musician and composer of jazz and popular music. He is noted for his work with piano and electronic keyboard instruments.汉考克,荷伯特·杰佛瑞:美国音乐家、爵士乐及流行音乐的作曲家。以其钢琴和电子琴作品闻名美国传统〔Josquin Desprez〕Flemish composer considered the greatest of the Renaissance. He is noted for both his liturgical and secular compositions.约斯昆·迪斯佩斯:法兰德斯作曲家,文艺复兴时期最伟大的人物。以其宗教及世俗音乐作品闻名美国传统〔Lassus〕Flemish composer. His works include masses, motets, and madrigals.拉瑟斯,罗兰德:法兰德斯作曲家。他的作品包括了弥撒曲、圣歌及情歌美国传统〔Ligeti〕Hungarian-born Austrian composer whose experimental works include orchestral, chamber, and choral music.莱则提,吉奥盖·桑多尔:匈牙利裔的奥地利作曲家,其实验派作品包括交响乐、室内乐以及赞美诗.美国传统〔MODERN〕Composers like Philip Glass have made contemporary music more popular. 菲利普·格拉斯这一类作曲家使现代音乐更普及了。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕Amelia likes German composers, particularly Wagner. 阿梅莉亚喜欢德国作曲家,尤其是瓦格纳。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕Henry Purcell was one of the greatest English composers. 亨利·普赛尔是英国最伟大的作曲家之一。朗文写作活用〔MUSIC〕The orchestra will be at the Festival Hall tonight, performing a selection of works by Russian composers. 今晚该乐队将在节日音乐厅演奏几首精选的俄罗斯作曲家的作品。朗文写作活用〔Machaut〕French poet and composer influential in establishing polyphonic song in France.马萧,纪尧姆:法国诗人和作曲家,对在法国确立多音歌曲具有影响美国传统〔Martinù〕Czech composer and violinist. His modern symphonies combine Czech folk music with the formal principles of ragtime, jazz, and Baroque music styles.马替奴,博胡斯拉夫:捷克作曲家与小提琴家。其现代交响曲将捷克民间音乐与拉格泰姆音乐、爵士乐和巴洛克音乐风格的正规原则结合在一起美国传统〔Mingus〕American jazz bassist and composer of complex works that knitted together elements of jazz, classical, and gospel.敏格斯,查尔斯:将爵士、古典及福音的元素融合成复杂的音乐作品的美国爵士低音贝斯手及作词作曲家美国传统〔Pears〕British tenor noted for his reedy tone and vocal agility and as chief interpreter of the vocal works of composer Benjamin Britten.皮尔斯,彼得·奈维尔劳德爵士:英国男高音,因其高而尖的嗓音和灵活的发声,并充当作曲家本杰明·布里顿的声乐作品的首席诠释者而著称,美国传统〔Powell〕American jazz pianist and composer who was a key figure in the bop movement.鲍威尔,艾尔:美国爵士乐钢琴家、作曲家以及博普运动的主要倡导者美国传统〔Reich〕American classical composer whose work often draws on West African and Balinese musical traditions.赖希,史蒂芬.麦克:美国古典音乐作曲家,其作品常借用西非和巴里的音乐传统美国传统〔SHOW〕The absence of any famous female composers is more indicative of male dominance than male genius. 没有著名的女作曲家,这反映出的是男人的主导地位,而不是男人的天赋。朗文写作活用〔Shearing〕British jazz pianist and composer whose signature sound is marked by a unique quintet arrangement that includes bass, guitar, drums, and vibraphone.席林,乔治·艾伯特:英国爵士乐钢琴家与作曲家,其特色乐声以包含低音乐器、吉他、鼓和电颤琴的独特五重奏改编乐曲为特点美国传统〔Taverner〕British composer and organist best known for his Masses and motets.塔佛纳,约翰:英国作曲家和风琴演奏家,以弥撒曲和圣歌闻名美国传统〔Tin Pan Alley〕A district associated with musicians, composers, and publishers of popular music.廷潘小巷:一个与流行音乐家、作曲家和出版商联系在一起的地区美国传统〔Tin Pan Alley〕The publishers and composers of popular music considered as a group.流行音乐界:作为一个群体的流行音乐的出版商和作曲家美国传统〔WORK〕The Left-Hand Piano Concerto was the first of several works commissioned from distinguished composers. 《左撇子钢琴协奏曲》是著名作曲家受托谱写的数部作品中的第一部。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The concert began with three short pieces by the Brazilian composer Villa-Lobos. 这场音乐会以巴西作曲家维拉-罗勃斯的三支短曲开始。朗文写作活用〔WRITE〕My favourite composer is Beethoven. 我最喜欢的作曲家是贝多芬。朗文写作活用〔approach〕In my opinion, no other composers even begin to approach (= come near in quality to) Mozart.我认为,任何作曲家和莫扎特相比,都难以望其项背。剑桥高阶〔arguable〕It is arguable that he is the greatest composer today.他是今天最伟大的作曲家,这一点是可以论证的。文馨英汉〔autograph〕The famous composer autographed copies of his music.著名作曲家在他的乐谱上亲笔签名。21世纪英汉〔balladist〕A singer or composer of ballads.民谣歌手,民谣作者美国传统〔be up there with sb〕As a composer, he was up there with the best.他的作曲才华堪称一流。剑桥高阶〔born〕He was born to be a great composer.他是个天生的伟大作曲家。牛津高阶〔come〕Finally in the programme, we come to the news that the American composer and conductor, Leonard Bernstein, has died.节目的最后,我们来看一则新闻,美国作曲家兼指挥家伦纳德·伯恩斯坦去世。柯林斯高阶〔complex〕The composer transformed a simple folk tune into a complex set of variations.这位作曲家把一首简单的民歌小调改编成一首复杂的变奏曲。美国传统〔composer〕She prefers Mozart and Beethoven to modern composers.比起现代作曲家她更喜欢莫扎特和贝多芬。韦氏高阶〔composer〕Verdi was a prolific composer of operas.威尔第是一位多产的歌剧作曲家。牛津搭配〔contemporary〕The composer Salieri had the misfortune of being contemporary with Mozart.作曲家萨利埃不幸与莫扎特处于同时代。美国传统〔council〕As a struggling young composer, she applied to the California Arts Council for grant money.作为一个为生计挣扎的年轻作曲家,她向加利福尼亚艺术委员会申请补助金。牛津搭配〔dean〕Aaron Copland, who was known as the dean of American composers.阿隆·科普兰,美国最资深的作曲家柯林斯高阶〔dismissal〕His wholesale dismissal of women composers is indefensible.他对女作曲家的全盘否定是站不住脚的。牛津搭配〔dissonance〕The composer uses dissonances freely.这位作曲者随意地使用不谐和音。韦氏高阶〔distinction〕Lewis emerges as a composer of distinction and sensitivity.刘易斯作为一位悟性很高的优秀作曲家崭露头角。柯林斯高阶〔distinction〕Lewis emerges as a composer of distinction and sensitivity.刘易斯作为一名优秀而有悟性的作曲家崭露头角。外研社新世纪〔duel〕The composer Strauss was once challenged to a duel.作曲家施特劳斯曾经受到决斗挑战。剑桥高阶〔essentially〕Great writers, composers, and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.伟大的作家、作曲家和科学家从本质上就和平常人大不相同。外研社新世纪〔essentially〕It's been believed for centuries that great writers, composers and scientists are essentially quite different from ordinary people.几个世纪以来人们一直相信伟大的作家、作曲家和科学家从根本上就与普通人大不相同。柯林斯高阶〔fabulist〕A composer of fables.寓言家:寓言的创作者美国传统〔fate〕It seemed a cruel twist of fate that the composer should have died so young.这位作曲家英年早逝似乎是残酷的宿命。牛津搭配〔fortieth〕It was the fortieth anniversary of the death of the composer.这是该作曲家逝世 40 周年纪念日。柯林斯高阶〔generate〕The concert has generated new interest in the work of the composer.这场音乐会使人们对该作曲家的作品产生了新的兴趣。外研社新世纪〔hardness〕There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.有关亨利·普赛尔生平的可靠资料可能比任何其他文艺复兴以来的伟大作曲家都要少。柯林斯高阶〔hard〕There are probably fewer hard facts about the life of Henry Purcell than that of any other great composer since the Renaissance.有关亨利•普赛尔生平的可靠资料或许比文艺复兴时期以来任何其他伟大作曲家的都要少。外研社新世纪〔himself〕The composer himself conducted the symphony.作曲家亲自指挥了这首交响乐。韦氏高阶〔ilk〕Irving Berlin and composers of his ilk 欧文‧柏林及其同类型的作曲家朗文当代〔illustrious〕The composer was one of many illustrious visitors to the town.那位作曲家是许多造访过这个城市的杰出人物之一。牛津高阶〔impressionist〕An artist, a composer, or a writer who practices or upholds the theories of impressionism.印象派艺术家:印象派的画家、作曲家或者作家美国传统〔it〕Among composers he is it.在作曲家中,他是第一人。文馨英汉〔jazzman〕A jazz musician or composer.爵士乐演奏家或作曲家美国传统〔kick about〕The composer kicked the music around for a while, trying out.那位作曲家把这首曲子随便哼了一会儿,看看行不行。21世纪英汉〔league〕Playwrights and musicians organize themselves respectively into leagues of authors and composers.剧作家们和音乐家们分别组成作家协会和作曲家协会。英汉大词典〔life〕Early in life she was convinced she wanted to be a composer.早年的时候, 她很确定自己想成为一名作曲家。外研社新世纪〔living〕He's one of the greatest living composers.他是仍然健在的最伟大的作曲家之一。朗文当代〔maestro〕A master in an art, especially a composer, conductor, or music teacher.艺术大师,尤其是作曲家、指挥家或音乐教师美国传统〔magnum opus〕The greatest single work of an artist, a writer, or a composer.巨著,力作:一位艺术家、作家或者作曲家最伟大的一件作品美国传统〔memorial〕An appeal has been launched to build a lasting memorial to the composer.已经发出呼吁为这位作曲家建一座永久的纪念碑。朗文当代〔name〕He made his name as a gifted composer.他成了一个闻名遐迩的天才作曲家。 英汉大词典〔obscure〕The hymn was written by an obscure Greek composer for the 1896 Athens Olympics.这首赞歌是希腊一位名不见经传的作曲家为1896年的雅典奥运会创作的。柯林斯高阶〔obscure〕The hymn was written by an obscure Greek composer for the 1896 Athens Olympics.这首赞美歌是由希腊一位名不见经传的作曲家为1896年的雅典奥运会创作的。外研社新世纪〔oeuvre〕The sum of the lifework of an artist, a writer, or a composer.全部作品:一个艺术家、作家或作曲家一生作品的总数美国传统〔of yore〕The great composers of yore performed for kings and queens.昔日伟大的作曲家都曾为国王和王后演奏。韦氏高阶〔original〕He is admired as an original American composer.他是有独创力的美国作曲家,为人所敬仰。韦氏高阶〔owe〕As a professional composer I owe much to Radio 3.作为一名职业作曲家,我十分感激第三电台。柯林斯高阶〔person〕The composer appeared in person at the end of the performance.作曲家在表演快结束时出现在演出现场。外研社新世纪〔play〕The composer plays with the exotic sounds of Japanese instruments.作曲者运用了日本乐器的异国音调。牛津高阶〔potential〕As a composer, she still hasn't realized her potential.(充分)发挥/体现潜能麦克米伦高阶〔practised〕She's only 18 but she's already a practised composer.她才 18 岁,但已成了老练的作曲家。牛津高阶〔precocious〕Mozart was very precocious as both a performer and a composer.莫扎特是位早慧的演奏者和作曲者。外研社新世纪〔prolific〕The composer remained prolific.那位作曲家在创作上依然硕果累累。英汉大词典〔protégé〕He was a protégé of the great composer.他是这位伟大作曲家的门生。韦氏高阶〔protégé〕The young composer regarded himself as Berg's protégé.这位年轻的作曲家认为自己是伯格的门徒。剑桥高阶〔prove〕As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。外研社新世纪〔prove〕As a composer he proved himself adept at large dramatic forms.身为作曲家的他证明了自己在创作大型戏剧方面驾轻就熟。柯林斯高阶〔psalmist〕A writer or composer of psalms.赞美诗的作者或作曲者美国传统〔pupil〕After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.学业结束后,戈尔德施米特成了作曲家弗朗兹·施雷克尔的学生。柯林斯高阶〔pupil〕After his education, Goldschmidt became a pupil of the composer Franz Schreker.毕业后, 戈尔德施密特成了作曲家弗朗茨•施雷克的弟子。外研社新世纪〔pupil〕Both Rimsky-Korsakov and his pupil Stravinsky are renowned composers of classical music.里姆斯基一苛萨科夫和他的弟子斯特拉文斯基都是古典音乐的著名作曲家。韦氏高阶〔put〕Her poems have been put to music by a British composer.她的诗已由一位英国作曲家谱了曲。外研社新世纪〔rain〕Praise rained down on the composer.对那位作曲家的佳评如潮美国传统〔regard〕The composer was held in high regard in England.这位作曲家在英国声望极高。牛津搭配〔romantic〕Beethoven was the first great Romantic composer.贝多芬是第一位伟大的浪漫主义作曲家。韦氏高阶〔romantic〕Beethoven was the first great Romantic among composers.贝多芬是第一位伟大的浪漫主义作曲家。韦氏高阶〔royalty〕A share paid to a writer or composer out of the proceeds resulting from the sale or performance of his or her work.版税:从的销售或表演所得抽出的付给作者或作曲者的一部分金额美国传统〔score〕The film's score is by a famous composer.这部电影的配乐是一位著名作曲家所作。韦氏高阶〔score〕The movie was scored by a famous composer.这部电影由一位著名的作曲家配乐。韦氏高阶〔serious〕Serious students of music must familiarize themselves with the literature and idiom of all the important composers.认真的学音乐的学生必须熟悉所有主要的作曲家的乐曲和风格。美国传统〔similarity〕His music shows several similarities to that of other modern composers.他的音乐显示出与其他现代作曲家的若干相似之处。麦克米伦高阶〔slash〕The work of the composer has been slashed by the reviewers.批评家严厉地批评这名作曲家的作品美国传统〔sleeper〕Then came the sleeper. A barely known composer was named Minister of Culture.接着就爆出了冷门;一名鲜为人知的作曲家被任命为文化部长。英汉大词典〔sonneteer〕A composer of sonnets.十四行诗人美国传统〔son〕The town's most famous son is the composer Rossini.该镇最有名气的人是作曲家罗西尼。麦克米伦高阶〔sound〕She uses all the sounds available to a 21st-century composer.她利用了 21 世纪作曲家所有能用得上的声音。牛津搭配〔spiritual〕The Romantic composers saw Beethoven as a spiritual ancestor.浪漫派的作曲家将贝多芬视为精神祖先。韦氏高阶〔supreme〕Beethoven reigns supreme among classical composers.贝多芬在古典音乐作曲家中地位是最高的。剑桥高阶〔throw〕The composer threw off some little scrap of tune.作曲家即席作了首小曲。 英汉大词典〔tower〕Mozart towers over all other composers.莫扎特远远超过其他所有作曲家。朗文当代〔underrated〕He is a very underrated composer.他是一位非常被低估的作曲家。文馨英汉〔worthy〕No composer was considered worthy of the name until he had written an opera.作曲家直到写出一部歌剧来才被认为是名副其实。牛津高阶A distinguished figure on the London musical scene, she gave unstinting support to young artists and composers.作为伦敦音乐界一个出名的人物, 她尽全力支持年轻的艺术家和作曲家。剑桥国际As a pianist he wasn't very talented, but as a composer he was up there with the best.作为钢琴家他天赋不很高, 但作为作曲家他可与最好的媲美。剑桥国际Beethoven, Schumann and Chopin were leading Romantic composers.贝多芬、舒曼及肖邦是最主要的浪漫主义作曲家。剑桥国际Corelli is often held up as a composer to be admired.科莱利常被推为令人钦佩的作曲家。剑桥国际Ellington was a composer concerned not only with melody, but with harmony, rhythm and instrumentation too.艾灵顿是一个不仅只对旋律感兴趣的作曲家,他也对和声、节奏和配器感兴趣。剑桥国际In his later years the composer was certified insane.作曲家晚年被证实患了精神病。剑桥国际In my opinion, no other composers even begin to approach (=come near in quality to) Mozart.依我看,没有哪个作曲家是能和莫扎特等量齐观的。剑桥国际Our group specializes in performing works by/the works of South and Central American composers.我们乐队专门演奏南美与中美作曲家的作品。剑桥国际The composer Strauss was once challenged to a duel by a jealous officer.作曲家斯特劳斯曾受到一位嫉妒的军官要和他决斗的挑战。剑桥国际The composer is famous for his marvelous counterpoints. 这位谱曲家以他杰出的对位旋律而闻名。译典通The beautiful scenery inspired the composer. 美丽的景色使作曲家灵思泉涌。译典通The famous jazz musician, Duke Ellington, was a composer, arranger and pianist.著名的爵士音乐家埃林顿公爵是作曲家、乐曲编配家,又是钢琴家。剑桥国际




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