

单词 consecrate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Blessed Sacrament〕The consecrated host.圣萨克拉门特:献祭的天使美国传统〔Eucharist〕The consecrated elements of this rite; Communion.圣餐面包及酒:仪式上奉献的圣餐面包和葡萄酒;圣餐面包及葡萄酒美国传统〔Lammas〕A feast formerly celebrated in England, during which bread from the season's first wheat was consecrated at Mass in thanksgiving for the harvest.收获节:一种旧时在英格兰庆祝的节日,用该季节中收获的首批小麦制成的面包在为丰收感恩祈祷的弥撒中作为祭品献祭美国传统〔Sacramentarian〕One who regards the consecrated bread and wine of the Eucharist as only the metaphorical, and not the physical, body and blood of Jesus.圣礼象征主义论者:认为圣餐面包和酒只是象征性的而非耶稣的真正身躯和血液的人美国传统〔ampulla〕Ecclesiastical A vessel for consecrated wine or holy oil.【基督教会】 圣酒瓶,圣油瓶:基督教用的装圣酒或圣油的容器美国传统〔burial〕There were objections to the body's burial in consecrated ground.有人反对将这具尸体葬在圣地。牛津搭配〔chalice〕A cup for the consecrated wine of the Eucharist.圣杯:圣餐中盛圣酒所用的杯子美国传统〔church〕The church was consecrated in 1250.这座教堂于 1250 年祝圣。牛津搭配〔ciborium〕A covered receptacle for holding the consecrated wafers of the Eucharist.圣体盒,有盖圣杯:圣餐中有盖的装献祭圣饼的容器美国传统〔communion〕The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.圣餐的献祭成分美国传统〔consecrate yourself〕They consecrated themselves to the church.他们献身于教会。韦氏高阶〔consecrated〕The churchyard is consecrated ground.教堂墓地是圣地。牛津同义词〔consecrate〕He consecrated his life to the study of linguistics.他把一生都奉献给了语言学研究。外研社新世纪〔consecrate〕He was consecrated (as) bishop last year.他于去年被祝圣为主教。牛津高阶〔consecrate〕The bishop consecrated them to the service of God.主教把它们留着供做礼拜用。英汉大词典〔consecrate〕The bones are buried in consecrated ground.尸骨被安葬在圣地。韦氏高阶〔consecrate〕The church was consecrated in 1234.这个教堂于1234年祝的圣。柯林斯高阶〔consecrate〕The church was consecrated in 1234.这座教堂于1234年祝圣。外研社新世纪〔consecrate〕The church was consecrated in 1853.这座教堂于 1853 年祝圣。牛津高阶〔consecrate〕The church was consecrated in 1856.这座教堂于1856年祝圣。韦氏高阶〔consecrate〕The new cathedral was completed and consecrated in 2002.新的大教堂于2002年竣工并祝圣。剑桥高阶〔consecrate〕The priest consecrated the bread and wine.牧师给面包和酒祝圣变体。英汉大词典〔consecrate〕They consecrated a temple to their god.他们把庙奉献给神。牛津同义词〔consecrate〕They consecrated their lives to the liberation of their motherland.他们把生命献给了祖国的解放事业。21世纪英汉〔consecrate〕This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of soldiers who died here.这个战场被视为圣地以纪念死于此处的战士。21世纪英汉〔consecrate〕Time has consecrated this custom.时间圣化了这个风俗。外研社新世纪〔consecration〕The state of being consecrated.献祭:献祭的状态美国传统〔corporal〕A white linen cloth on which the consecrated elements are placed during the celebration of the Eucharist.圣餐布:圣餐进用时用来放置献祭圣物品的一种白色亚麻布美国传统〔deconsecrate〕To make (a church, synagogue, or temple, for example) no longer consecrated.使不圣洁:使(教堂,犹太教堂或庙宇等)不再圣洁美国传统〔dedicate〕To set apart for a deity or for religious purposes; consecrate.奉献:为祭神或宗教目的而奉献;供奉美国传统〔host〕The consecrated bread or wafer of the Eucharist.圣体:圣餐中献祭的面包和圣饼(未发酵的圆面包片)美国传统〔oracle〕A shrine consecrated to the worship and consultation of a prophetic deity, as that of Apollo at Delphi.神龛:表示崇敬并以求指引的奉给先知神灵的场所,如特尔斐的阿波罗殿美国传统〔particle〕A small piece of a consecrated host.一小块圣饼美国传统〔refuse〕He was refused burial in consecrated ground.他被禁葬于神圣墓地。英汉大词典〔sacrament〕The consecrated elements of the Eucharist, especially the bread or host.圣餐面包和酒:圣餐时神圣化的要素,尤指圣餐面包和酒美国传统〔sanctify〕To set apart for sacred use; consecrate.使神圣:专供某种神圣用途;使神圣化美国传统〔sign〕To consecrate with the sign of the cross.划十字祝福美国传统〔species〕Either of the consecrated elements of the Eucharist.圣餐物:两种祭祀用圣餐品之一美国传统〔tabernacle〕Often Tabernacle A case or box on a church altar containing the consecrated host and wine of the Eucharist. 常作 Tabernacle 圣体盒:教堂圣坛上装献祭的圣体及圣餐酒的盒子或箱子美国传统〔unhallowed〕Not hallowed or consecrated.不敬神的或不献祭的美国传统〔unholy〕Not hallowed or consecrated.不神圣的或不敬神的美国传统She consecrated her life to art. 她献身于艺术。译典通The new cathedral was completed and consecrated in 1962.新的大教堂于1962年落成并被圣化。剑桥国际




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