

单词 dimensions
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔PART〕a revival of interest in the spiritual and moral dimensions of life 对生活中精神和道德方面的兴趣的复苏朗文写作活用〔baronial〕logs of baronial dimensions 巨木英汉大词典〔come-and-go〕the come-and-go dimensions of a piece of glass 一块玻璃大约的尺寸英汉大词典〔dimension〕a building of vast dimensions (= size) 一座规模很大的建筑物剑桥高阶〔dimension〕a catastrophe of enormous dimensions 巨大的灾难朗文当代〔dimension〕a house of generous dimensions 宽敞的房屋英汉大词典〔dimension〕a model in three dimensions 三维模型牛津搭配〔dimension〕a problem of considerable dimensions 一个涉及面相当广的问题牛津高阶〔dimension〕a project of large (modest) dimensions 规模巨大(不大)的工程英汉大词典〔dimension〕a rectangle with the dimensions 5cm × 2cm 长五厘米、宽二厘米的长方形朗文当代〔dimension〕a structure of considerable dimensions 面积可观的建筑物牛津搭配〔dimension〕computer design tools that work in three dimensions 计算机三维设计工具牛津高阶〔dimension〕the dimensions of the new oilfield新油田的面积外研社新世纪〔dimension〕the grandiose dimensions of the building.建筑物的宏伟壮观柯林斯高阶〔dimension〕the true dimensions of the threat from pollution污染威胁的确切程度外研社新世纪〔royal〕a patronage of royal dimensions 多方面的丰厚赞助英汉大词典〔same〕two boxes of the same dimensions 同样大小的两只盒子英汉大词典〔spatial〕the spatial dimensions of a room 房间的空间尺寸韦氏高阶〔temporal〕a universe which has spatial and temporal dimensions 有时空维度的宇宙牛津高阶computer design tools that work in three dimensions 三维计算机设计工具牛津商务




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