

单词 constitution
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔amendment〕a call to repeal the 22nd amendment to the Constitution 撤销宪法第 22 条修正案的呼声牛津搭配〔amendment〕rights that were granted by amendment of the Constitution 美国宪法的修正赋予的权利韦氏高阶〔article〕the key articles of the constitution 宪法的主要条款牛津搭配〔article〕under Article 44 of the Chinese Constitution 根据中国宪法第44条英汉大词典〔bar〕forms of punishment barred by the Constitution 美国宪法禁止的处罚方式韦氏高阶〔cast-iron〕a cast-iron constitution 强壮的体格英汉大词典〔constitution〕a man of strong constitution 体格强壮的人英汉大词典〔constitution〕a written constitution 成文宪法英汉大词典〔constitution〕an old man with a weak constitution 体质虚弱的老人英汉大词典〔constitution〕plans to draft a new constitution 起草新宪法的计划牛津搭配〔constitution〕the Constitution of the United States 《美国宪法》剑桥高阶〔constitution〕the constitution of a chemical compound 化合物的结构剑桥高阶〔constitution〕the constitution of a committee.委员会的成员组合。牛津同义词〔constitution〕the constitution of coal煤的结构外研社新世纪〔constitution〕the South African Constitution 南非宪法牛津高阶〔constitution〕the genetic constitution of cells 细胞的基因构造牛津高阶〔constitution〕to have a healthy/strong/weak constitution 体质健康╱强壮╱虚弱牛津高阶〔constitution〕to propose a new amendment to the Constitution 提出一项新的宪法修正案牛津高阶〔constitution〕your right to vote under the constitution 根据宪法所拥有的选举权牛津高阶〔convention〕draft a new constitution at a convention 在会议上起草一部新宪法英汉大词典〔delicate〕a delicate constitution 孱弱的体质英汉大词典〔democratic〕the country's new democratic constitution 这个国家新的民主宪法韦氏高阶〔drafter〕the drafters of the Constitution of the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国宪法起草人英汉大词典〔draftsman, draftswoman〕the draftsmen of the constitution 宪法起草人牛津高阶〔draft〕draft a constitution 起草宪法英汉大词典〔entrenchment〕the entrenchment of language rights in the constitution 宪法中对各族语言权利的保证英汉大词典〔exposition〕an authoritative exposition of the constitution 对宪法的权威性解释文馨英汉〔fidelity〕swore fealty to the laws and Constitution of the United States.发誓绝对遵守和支持美利坚合众国的法律及宪章。美国传统〔frame〕frame a constitution 制定章程英汉大词典〔freedom〕rights and freedoms guaranteed by the constitution 宪法保障的权利和自由牛津高阶〔furniture〕the furniture of a constitution 章程的内容英汉大词典〔infringement〕an infringement of the constitution 违反宪法英汉大词典〔institution〕the central institutions of the nation's constitution 这个国家政体的中央机构牛津搭配〔interpret〕judges who will faithfully interpret the Constitution 将会忠实解释宪法的法官牛津搭配〔iron〕an iron constitution 铁一般强壮的体格英汉大词典〔model〕a constitution model(l)ed after that of the U.S.仿照美国宪法制订的宪法英汉大词典〔narrowly〕read (或interpret) the Constitution narrowly 紧扣字面地解释宪法英汉大词典〔passage〕the passage of the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 通过《美国宪法第25修正案》韦氏高阶〔preamble〕the preamble to the American Constitution 《美国宪法》的序言朗文当代〔promulgate〕promulgate a constitution 颁布宪法英汉大词典〔referendum〕a new constitution adopted by referendum 经全民投票通过的新宪法牛津搭配〔referendum〕a referendum on a new constitution 就新宪法进行的全民投票牛津搭配〔revise〕revise a constitution 修改宪法 英汉大词典〔revision〕the revision of the Party Constitution 党章的修改 英汉大词典〔revisory〕a constitution revisory committee 修宪委员会英汉大词典〔rework〕a reworked version of the old Constitution 旧宪法的修订本英汉大词典〔road map〕a road map to the United States Constitution 美国宪法指南朗文当代〔robust〕a robust constitution 强壮的体格 英汉大词典〔sanctity〕the sanctity of the Constitution 宪法的无上尊严朗文当代〔text〕the text of the Constitution 宪法的原文韦氏高阶〔undercut〕a law that undercuts the Constitution 削弱宪法的法律韦氏高阶〔unwritten〕an unwritten constitution 不成文宪法剑桥高阶〔value〕the principles and values embodied in the Constitution 宪法所体现的原则和价值观牛津搭配〔violation〕violations of the Constitution 违犯宪法的行为英汉大词典〔whereupon〕a constitution whereupon the country runs its government 国家赖以施政的宪法英汉大词典〔written〕a written constitution 成文宪法文馨英汉




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