

单词 cloth
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Maternity clothes are more stylish than they used to be. 现在的孕妇装比以前的漂亮。朗文写作活用〔BREAK〕The toy is made of a balloon in a cloth sack that can be hit without busting. 这件玩具是由一只汽球装在布袋里做成的,怎么打也不会打破。朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕She buys all her clothes dirt cheap in charity shops. 她所有衣物都是在慈善商店以极便宜的价格买的。朗文写作活用〔CHOOSE〕He's very particular about the clothes he buys. 他对自己买的服装很讲究。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕Her clothes were in tatters, but she held two bottles of expensive whiskey under her arms. 她的衣服破旧,但腋下夹着两瓶昂贵的威士忌。朗文写作活用〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕Despite her suburban clothes and appearance she was popular at college. 尽管她衣着古板、外表拘束,但她在大学里还是很有人缘。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Cover the pastry with a damp cloth to prevent it from drying out. 在油酥面团上盖块湿布以防它干硬。朗文写作活用〔DRY〕Wet clothes dry quickly on a sunny day. 在阳光充足的日子里,湿衣服很快就能干。朗文写作活用〔EXPLODE〕Traces of explosives were found on the clothing of the three men accused of the bombing. 这三名被指控制造炸弹袭击事件的男子,衣服上发现有炸药的痕迹。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕He's put on so much weight that his clothes don't fit any more. 他体重增加了这么多,衣服都穿不下了。朗文写作活用〔FOLD〕Before getting into bed, I usually fold my clothes and put them on the chair. 上床睡觉前,我通常把衣服折叠起来放在椅子上。朗文写作活用〔HABIT〕He has a really annoying habit of leaving his clothes all over the floor. 他有个很讨厌的习惯,就是在地上乱扔衣服。朗文写作活用〔MARK〕His clothes were torn and stained with blood. 他的衣服被撕破了,还染有血迹。朗文写作活用〔MATERIAL〕She ran her eye over the rolls of brightly-coloured cloth displayed on the stall. 她打量着摊位上陈列的一卷卷色彩鲜艳的布料。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Does your mom give you a clothing allowance? 你妈给你服装津贴吗?朗文写作活用〔RUB〕I gave the mirror a quick rub with a cloth and it was clean again. 我用一块布很快地把镜子擦了擦,它又干净了。朗文写作活用〔STYLE/ELEGANCE〕She wore her clothes with typical Italian panache. 她穿衣服有典型的意大利人的气度。朗文写作活用〔Sunday-go-to-meeting〕Sunday-go-to-meeting clothes 最体面的衣服文馨英汉〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕As film audiences get older, they will become more discriminating. 电影观众随着年龄增长会变得更有鉴赏力。朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕Don't wear that shirt with those slacks -- it looks naff. 穿那件衬衫时不要配那条宽松长裤——看上去很俗气。朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕Mrs Anderson has taste, and her home is lovely. 安德森夫人很有品味,她的家布置得很漂亮。朗文写作活用〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕The room was decorated to look like a cartoon Swiss village, but managed to be cheerfully tacky. 房间被装修成卡通里的瑞士村庄的模样,有趣却带点俗气。朗文写作活用〔UGLY〕Tight bras and knickers can cause unsightly bulges under close-fitting clothes. 紧绷的胸罩和短衬裤使紧身的衣服撑得胀鼓鼓的,十分不雅。朗文写作活用〔UNTIDY〕She used to dress so neatly, but now her hair and clothes had become unkempt and dirty. 她以前穿着打扮非常整洁,可现在她的头发和衣服又脏又乱。朗文写作活用〔WET〕You'd better change out of those wet clothes. 你最好把湿衣服换掉。朗文写作活用〔addition〕The latest addition to her business empire is a chain of clothes shops.最近她的商业帝国又增加了连锁服装店。麦克米伦高阶〔answer〕A piece of sail answered for clothes.一块篷帆布权作衣服。英汉大词典〔apparel〕To clothe or dress.给…穿衣,着装美国传统〔argue〕His clothes argue poverty.他的衣衫表明贫穷。21世纪英汉〔article〕She left articles of clothing all around the living room.她把衣物弄得整个起居室都是。麦克米伦高阶〔attic〕I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic.我的阁楼里放着好几箱子旧衣服。剑桥高阶〔banner〕A piece of cloth attached to a staff and used as a standard by a monarch, military commander, or knight.旗,旗帜:君主、将领或骑士当做旗帜绑于旗杆上的一块布美国传统〔beam〕Now quite broad in the beam, she wears dark, sexless clothes.她现在屁股肥大, 所以穿黑色中性衣服。外研社新世纪〔befit〕Her clothes befit the wedding ceremony.她的衣着与婚礼相称。21世纪英汉〔bleach〕Raw cloth is bleached and then dyed.原布被漂白,然后染色。麦克米伦高阶〔bloodstained〕Bloodstained clothing was found near the scene.在现场附近发现了沾有血迹的衣服。剑桥高阶〔brown〕Brown doesn't(= brown clothes do not)suit you.你不适合穿棕色衣服。牛津高阶〔bundle〕He bundled up the dirty clothes and stuffed them into the bag.他把脏衣服捆起来塞进袋子。牛津高阶〔bundle〕She was carrying a large bundle of clothes.她提着厚厚的一包衣服。牛津搭配〔bunting〕A light cotton or woolen cloth used for making flags.旗布:用来制作旗帜的轻的棉质或呢绒布料美国传统〔caboodle〕I had new clothes, a new hairstyle—the whole caboodle.我身着新衣服,头理新发型,上下一身新。牛津高阶〔carry〕The suitcase will carry enough clothes for a week.这衣箱可装足供一星期穿用的衣服。英汉大词典〔change〕He stuffed a bag with a few changes of clothing.他把几件换洗衣服塞满了一个包。外研社新世纪〔channel〕Food, clothes, and money were channeled through churches to the poor people of the village.食品、衣物和钱款通过教会组织送到了这个村子的穷人手中。韦氏高阶〔cloth ears〕Wake up cloth ears!醒醒, 你这个聋子!外研社新世纪〔clothed〕The valley was clothed in trees and shrubs.树林和灌木丛覆盖着山谷。牛津高阶〔clothes〕Why don't you take those wet clothes off? 你为什么不把那些湿衣服脱下来?麦克米伦高阶〔clothe〕They could barely keep the family fed and clothed.他们几乎无力为家人提供衣食。朗文当代〔clothing〕Wear protective clothing.请穿防护服。柯林斯高阶〔cloth〕Wipe the surface with a clean dry cloth.用一块干净的干抹布擦拭表面。韦氏高阶〔contrast〕His elegant clothes contrasted with his rough speech.他的精致讲究的服装与他的粗鲁的言语形成鲜明的对照。21世纪英汉〔cram〕Don't cram the washer too full of clothes.不要在洗衣机里塞进太多的衣服。英汉大词典〔crass〕He made crass comments about her worn-out clothes.他对她的破旧衣服说了些风凉话。剑桥高阶〔disapproval〕She looked at my clothes with disapproval.她不满意地看着我的衣服。牛津高阶〔diver〕One that works under water, especially one equipped with breathing apparatus and weighted clothing.潜水员:水下工作者,尤指配有呼吸器和加重衣服的水下工作者美国传统〔divest ... of〕He divested himself of his clothing.他脱下衣服。21世纪英汉〔donation〕Charities appealed for donations of food and clothing for victims of the hurricane.慈善机构呼吁向飓风受灾者捐赠食品和衣物。外研社新世纪〔double〕Is this cloth just 18 centimetres wide or is it double? 这布只有18公分宽还是双幅的?英汉大词典〔drive〕He leaves dirty clothes all over the floor and it's driving me mad.地板上到处都是他扔的脏衣服,真要把我给气疯了。剑桥高阶〔dryer〕If you buy a dryer, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.如果要买干衣机, 就找带感应装置的, 衣服烘干后自动断电。外研社新世纪〔duff〕A stiff flour pudding boiled in a cloth bag or steamed.杜夫布丁:一种硬面揉制的布丁,在布袋中煮或蒸熟美国传统〔each other〕We can wear each other's clothes.我们可以相互换着衣服穿。牛津高阶〔eccentricity〕Arthur was noted for the eccentricity of his clothes.阿瑟以穿奇装异服而著称。牛津高阶〔exhibit〕The museum has a fascinating collection of exhibits ranging from Iron Age pottery to Inuit clothing.这个博物馆收藏的展品,从铁器时代的陶器,到因纽特人的衣物,丰富多彩,令人称奇。剑桥高阶〔fine〕We waited in our fine clothes.我们身着华丽服装候场。外研社新世纪〔fold〕She folded up with laughter at the sight of the funny clothes.她一看见那奇装异服就笑弯了腰。英汉大词典〔footcloth〕A richly ornamented cloth draped over the back of a horse and touching the ground on both sides.装饰带:一块装饰花哨的布,搭在马背上并从两侧可触及地面美国传统〔form〕A proportioned model that may be adjusted for fitting clothes.可调整大小比例的模型:与人体相称的,常可调整的模型,以适用各种服装美国传统〔full〕They specialize in clothes for women with a fuller figure.他们专为体形较丰满的女士做衣服。牛津高阶〔fussy〕He was always fussy about clothes.他总是过分关注服饰美国传统〔garter belt〕A flexible band of cloth worn around the waist to which garters are attached to hold up socks or stockings.吊袜带:具松紧带的布料,穿戴于腰部让丝袜或袜子能上提不滑落美国传统〔get out of〕Let me get out of these wet clothes first.让我先把这身湿衣服脱掉。外研社新世纪〔glom onto sth/sb〕Retailers are glomming onto a new fashion among teens for outsize clothes.十几岁的孩子们新近流行穿特大号的服装,这引起零售商们的强烈兴趣。剑桥高阶〔hairstyle〕You may decide to try out a different hairstyle or buy some new clothes.你可以尝试一种新发型或是买些新衣服。外研社新世纪〔huddle〕He huddled on his clothes and hurried to the factory.他匆匆忙忙穿上衣服赶到工厂去。英汉大词典〔import〕Germany imports clothing, textiles, and leather goods from Pakistan.德国从巴基斯坦进口服装、纺织品和皮货。麦克米伦高阶〔indelible〕It leaves indelible stains on clothes.它会在衣物上留下洗不掉的污渍。柯林斯高阶〔inflated〕Clothing prices have not inflated as much as automobiles.服装价格的涨幅不及汽车那么高。柯林斯高阶〔informality〕Most of the time Jenny needs informal clothes.大部分时间珍妮需要休闲服装。柯林斯高阶〔jean〕A heavy, strong, twilled cotton, used in making uniforms and work clothes.斜纹布:一种厚重、结实的斜纹棉布,用来制作制服和工作服美国传统〔keep ... in〕She doesn't earn enough to keep herself in good clothes.她挣的钱不够给自己买好衣服穿。21世纪英汉〔knit〕I have already started knitting baby clothes.我已经开始给宝宝织衣服了。外研社新世纪〔layer〕He pulled off layer upon layer of clothing (=many layers of clothing) .他把衣服一件件地脱掉。朗文当代〔line〕He hung the towels out on the line(= clothes line).他把那些毛巾挂在晒衣绳上。牛津高阶〔line〕We are starting a new line in casual clothes.我们将着手经营一组新的休闲服系列。牛津高阶〔lint〕Downy material obtained by scraping linen cloth and used for dressing wounds.棉绒:由刮亚麻布得到的软绒,用于包扎伤口美国传统〔little〕He spent not a little on clothes.他买衣服用去许多钱。英汉大词典〔lived-in〕His clothes always seem to have that lived-in look.他的衣服似乎老是有那么一种穿旧了的样子。英汉大词典〔make〕This length of cloth will make me a suit.这段布足够给我做一套衣服。文馨英汉〔mangle〕Chiefly British A clothes wringer.【多用于英国】 绞衣机:用于绞衣的机器美国传统〔mark off〕Her clothes, of course, marked her off from a great number of the delegates at the conference.她的穿戴显然使她有别于与会的许多其他代表。外研社新世纪〔moiré〕A similar pattern produced on cloth by engraved rollers.波纹:用被雕的印色锟在布上制成的相似花样的美国传统〔money〕I spent all the money on clothes.我把那些钱全都花在衣服上了。牛津搭配〔muffle〕A gong can be muffled with cloth.用布包住锣,锣声就会变得低沉。英汉大词典〔nankeen〕A sturdy yellow or buff cotton cloth.本色布:一种略带黄褐色或浅黄棉布美国传统〔notice〕These clothes will get you noticed and enhance your image.这些衣服会让你引人注目,并改善你的形象。朗文当代〔off-the-rack〕Of, relating to, or being merchandise, especially clothing, made in standard sizes; ready-made.现成的:指与按标准尺寸制成的商品(尤指衣物)有关的或是用这种商品制成的美国传统〔order〕Casual clothes are the order of the day.休闲服装很合时宜。朗文当代〔outgrow〕Kids outgrow their clothes so quickly.孩子们长得太快,衣服很快就小了。韦氏高阶〔oversize〕My daughter loves to wear oversize clothes.我女儿喜欢穿特大号的衣服。剑桥高阶〔pack〕She packed her clothes into a suitcase.她将衣服装进手提箱里。牛津搭配〔pack〕The swathing of a patient or a body part in hot, cold, wet, or dry materials, such as cloth towels, sheets, or blankets.布裹疗法:在冷、热、湿或干的材料下病人或身体部分的包扎,如布毛巾、床单或毛毯等美国传统〔part with sth〕I was going to give away her old baby clothes, but I couldn't bring myself to part with them.我原打算把她旧的婴儿服送人,但就是舍不得。剑桥高阶〔patch〕She earned money by patching and selling old clothes.她靠缝补和出售旧衣服挣钱。外研社新世纪〔pile into〕He was piling clothes into the suitcase.他正把衣服塞进手提箱里。外研社新世纪〔precise〕Be sure to take precise measurements before you cut the cloth.剪裁布料前务必要量准确。韦氏高阶〔rack〕I looked through a rack of clothes at the back of the shop.我看遍了挂在商店尽里面的一架子衣服。牛津高阶〔rag〕Tom's clothes were torn [worn] to rags.汤姆的衣服撕得[穿得]破烂了。文馨英汉〔ram〕She quickly rammed some clothes into a suitcase and left.她匆匆地把一些衣服塞进手提箱,然后离开了。麦克米伦高阶〔reach down〕Mr Green reached down his coat from the clothes stand.格林先生从衣架上取下外衣。21世纪英汉〔retail〕We retail clothing at the best possible prices.我们以最合理的价格零售服装。韦氏高阶〔rifle〕She rifled through her clothes for something suitable to wear.她急匆匆地在衣服堆里找合适的衣服穿。牛津高阶〔rifle〕The men rifled through his clothing and snatched the wallet.那些人匆匆翻了翻他的衣服,然后一把抢走了钱包。柯林斯高阶〔rig〕If your clothes are all wet, I'm sure my mother can rig you out.假使你的衣服全湿了,我想我妈肯定会给你衣服穿的。英汉大词典〔rising〕Their clothes reflect a rising standard of living.他们的衣着反映出生活水平的提高。英汉大词典〔rumple〕Silk cloth rumples easily.丝绸容易起皱。21世纪英汉〔sachet〕A small packet of perfumed powder used to scent clothes, as in trunks or closets.香囊:(如放在箱子或壁橱里的)用于熏香衣物的一小包香粉美国传统〔scarf〕A decorative cloth for covering the top of a piece of furniture; a runner.桌布:盖在家具顶部的装饰性布;长条饰布美国传统〔scramble〕He scrambled into his clothes (= put them on quickly) and raced to get help.他匆匆套上衣服,跑去寻求救援。剑桥高阶〔shag〕Cloth having such a nap.有粗糙长绒毛的衣服美国传统〔shove〕Is it OK if I shove some clothes in the washing machine? 我可以扔几件衣服到洗衣机里吗?麦克米伦高阶〔show〕Light-coloured clothes tend to show the dirt.淡颜色的衣服容易显脏。朗文当代〔similarly〕The cost of food and clothing has come down in recent years. Similarly, fuel prices have fallen quite considerably.吃穿的费用近年来下降了。 同样地,燃料价格也有大幅回落。朗文当代〔skinny-dip〕They used to take off their clothes and go skinny dipping in the creek.他们以前常常脱了衣服在小河里裸泳。柯林斯高阶〔smell〕His clothes smelled strongly of fish.他的衣服有一股浓浓的鱼腥味。牛津搭配〔snap up〕Every time we get a new delivery of clothes, people are queuing to snap them up.每次新到一批服装时,人们都在排起长队来抢购。柯林斯高阶〔soil〕White clothes soil easily.白衣服容易脏。文馨英汉〔sort〕She was busily sorting through her clothes.她正忙着整理衣服。牛津搭配〔spat〕A cloth or leather gaiter covering the shoe upper and the ankle and fastening under the shoe with a strap. Often used in the plural.鞋罩:布质的或皮质的覆盖鞋面和脚踝的鞋罩,它在鞋底用一根带子系紧。常用复数形式美国传统〔specify〕Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes.订购服装时记着要详细说明你要的号码。牛津高阶〔spend〕They spend a lot on clothes and cars.他们在衣服和汽车上花很多钱。韦氏高阶〔spiritual〕A man in priestly clothes offered spiritual guidance.一位身着牧师袍的男子进行了宗教布道。外研社新世纪〔splash〕Her clean clothes were all splashed with mud.她的干净衣服溅得到处是泥。牛津搭配〔sportswear〕Clothes designed for comfort and casual wear.运动服装:为舒适和休闲穿而设计的衣服美国传统〔sprinkle〕She sprinkled the clothes before ironing them.她熨衣服前先将衣服喷湿。韦氏高阶〔squander〕She always squanders on clothing.她总是在购买服装上大手大脚。21世纪英汉〔squash〕She was squashing some clothes into a case.她在往手提箱里塞衣服。麦克米伦高阶〔squeal〕She always squealed about her clothes.她总对她的服装感到不满意。21世纪英汉〔squeeze〕Soak the cloth in warm water and then squeeze it dry.把衣服在温水里泡一下,然后把它拧干。牛津高阶〔stand〕Her bright clothes always make her stand out in a crowd.她那鲜艳的衣服总是使她在人群中很显眼。麦克米伦高阶〔statement〕The clothes you wear are a statement about yourself.衣着是对自我的一种诠释。牛津搭配〔steep〕Leave the cloth to steep in the dye overnight.把布放进染料里浸一夜。剑桥高阶〔strew〕Her clothes lay strewn on the floor.她的衣服散落在地板上,到处都是。剑桥高阶〔stuff〕He hastily stuffed a few clothes into a bag.他匆匆地把几件衣服塞进一个包里。牛津搭配〔such〕I'm looking for a cloth for cleaning silver. Do you have such a thing? 我在找擦银器的布。你有这样的东西吗?剑桥高阶〔superstitious〕I'm very superstitious about clothing.我对于服装很迷信。外研社新世纪〔taste〕She has terrible taste in clothing.她在着装方面品味极差。牛津搭配〔tear at〕Female fans tore at his clothes.女歌迷撕扯他的衣服。外研社新世纪〔tear sth off〕I tore my sweaty clothes off and jumped into the shower.我匆匆脱下汗津津的衣服,跳进淋浴间。剑桥高阶〔tear〕He tore his clothes off(= took them off quickly and carelessly)and dived into the lake.他把衣服从身上扯下,一头跳入湖中。牛津高阶〔textile〕A cloth, especially one manufactured by weaving or knitting; a fabric.纺织品:布料,尤指编织所制成的布料;纺织品美国传统〔thrum〕The fringe of warp threads left on a loom after the cloth has been cut off.机回丝,接头纱:布料割下后留在织布机上的经线毛边美国传统〔time〕The times I've told you, ask before you borrow my clothes.我已经告诉你许多次了,在借用我的衣服之前要先问一声。剑桥高阶〔toddler〕A size of clothing for children between the ages of about one and three years.学步儿童穿的衣服尺码:大约一岁到三岁之间的儿童穿的衣服的尺码美国传统〔travel-stained〕Some even reached out to touch his travel-stained clothes, to assure themselves that he was real.一些人甚至伸手去摸他那因四处奔波弄得脏兮兮的衣服, 目的是要确定真的是他。外研社新世纪〔trousseau〕The possessions, such as clothing and linens, that a bride assembles for her marriage.嫁妆:新娘为其婚姻而置办的财物,如衣服和亚麻制品美国传统〔trunk show〕A traveling collection of designer clothing or jewelry, displayed in various stores.在不同商店作巡回展出的一系列时装和珠宝美国传统〔type〕What type of clothes does she wear? 她穿什么类型的衣服?剑桥高阶〔unnoticeable〕Her clothes were simple and unnoticeable.她的服装简朴而平常。英汉大词典〔untreated〕In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth.原始的碳纤维材料很像布料。柯林斯高阶〔utilitarian〕A good cloth coat is more utilitarian than a fur one.一件优质的布外衣要比一件毛皮外衣更有用。英汉大词典〔velour〕A closely napped fabric resembling velvet, used chiefly for clothing and upholstery.拉绒织物:一种以丝绒的拉毛紧密的织物,主要用于制衣业和家具装饰用品业美国传统〔weave〕They spun and wove cloth.他们纺纱、织布。外研社新世纪〔web〕The structural part of cloth.纹理:布匹的构造部分美国传统〔whirl〕Clothes were whirling in the washing machine.衣服在洗衣机里旋转。韦氏高阶〔wholesale〕The company wholesales clothing to boutiques in the area.这家公司将衣服批发销售给该地区的时装店。韦氏高阶〔willy-nilly〕She threw her clothes willy-nilly into a drawer.她把她的衣服乱糟糟地扔进抽屉里。剑桥高阶〔wipe〕To subject to light rubbing or friction, as with a cloth or paper, in order to clean or dry.擦,拭:为清洁或干燥用布或纸轻轻地抹或摩擦美国传统〔yardage〕What yardage of cloth do you need? 你需要几码布?文馨英汉Clothes, of course, say a lot about the wearer.衣服当然揭示出其穿戴者的许多方面。剑桥国际A tent basically consists of a frame of metal or wooden poles covered by a sheet of cloth or plastic.一个帐篷基本上由一副金属构架或者一些木杆子上面覆盖一张布或塑料搭成。剑桥国际All children should bring a spare set of clothes in case they get wet.所有的孩子都要带上一套备用衣服以防淋湿。剑桥国际Don't stand too near the fire or your clothes will scorch.别站得离火太近,要不你的衣服会被烤焦的。剑桥国际Get a cloth to mop up the milk from the floor.用布将牛奶从地板上擦去。剑桥国际He always leaves his clothes lying around (on the floor).他总是随手把衣服(在地板上)一扔。剑桥国际He designs clothes in soft woollen fabrics because he says they drape so well.他用软的羊毛织品设计衣服,因为他说这种面料垂吊性好。剑桥国际He is a slave to the dictates of fashion (= He only wears clothes that are extremely fashionable).他盲目地受时尚支配。剑桥国际He was usually very concerned about his creature comforts (=food, clothes and all the things that make life pleasant).他通常十分关心的是物质享受。剑桥国际Her clothes were tattered and her face was lined and full of woe.她衣衫褴褛,满脸皱纹,充满了悲哀。剑桥国际His clothes were artfully arranged to look stylishly casual.他的穿着搭配很巧妙,既随意轻松,又风度翩翩。剑桥国际His very clothes seemed to partake of his hospitable nature. 他这身装束似乎显示了他的好客。译典通I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic, which I really should throw away.我在阁楼上有好几箱旧衣服,真该都扔了。剑桥国际In working with this cloth, be sure to allow for shrinking. 用这种布缝衣,务必考虑到洗后会缩水。译典通Margot dresses almost exclusively in designer clothes.马戈特几乎只穿专门设计的服装。剑桥国际Most of the people at the rock concert were wearing denims (= clothes, esp. JEANS, made of denim).摇滚音乐会上大多数人穿着牛仔服。剑桥国际Protective clothing must be worn at all times.防护服必须时刻穿着。牛津商务Rachel is always asking for more clothes --she's never satisfied with what she's got.雷切尔老是要买更多的衣服----她对已有的衣服永不满足。剑桥国际Rayon is a synthetic cellulose fibre used to make silky cloth.人造丝是一种合成纤维用来织丝布。剑桥国际Sales of children's clothing has outperformed other clothing by a considerable margin.儿童服装的销售业绩大大超过了其他服装。牛津商务She looked at his shabby clothes with distaste. 她厌恶地看著他褴褛的衣衫。译典通She takes an excessive interest in clothes. 她对服装有极度的兴趣。译典通She wore workday clothes. 她穿著平时穿的服装。译典通The children were wearing dirty ragged clothes.孩子们穿着肮脏破旧的衣服。剑桥国际The children's names are indelibly written inside their school clothes.孩子们的名字被洗不掉地写在他们的校服里面。剑桥国际The sun will take the moisture out of the clothes. 太阳光会把衣服上的水分蒸发掉。译典通Their clothes are so sloppily made--they fall to bits after you've worn them a couple of months.他们的衣服制作得很马虎----穿了几个月后就成了碎片了。剑桥国际They spent half the time sniggering at the clothes people were wearing.他们一半时间是在窃笑人们穿的衣服。剑桥国际We have only a small amount of food and clothing to deal out to each refugee.我们只有少量的食物和衣物可分发给每个难民。剑桥国际We're supposed to wear casual clothes for the conference.按说我们应当穿便装开会。牛津商务Wearing so few clothes gave her a marvellous feeling of freedom.穿这么少的衣服让她有一种极其奇妙的自由的感觉。剑桥国际




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