

单词 conduct
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-mannered〕I'm a professional and I have to conduct myself in a professional manner.我是专业人士,必须以专业的态度行事。柯林斯高阶〔ASK〕The survey on consumer confidence was conducted in late December. 关于消费者信心的调查是12月底进行的。朗文写作活用〔BEHAVE〕By the end of the course, you should be able to conduct yourself with confidence in any meeting. 本课程结束时,你无论参加什么会议都能表现得充满自信。朗文写作活用〔BEHAVE〕Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves responsibly, even in their private lives. 公众人物应该行为端正负责,即使是在私生活方面也应如此。朗文写作活用〔Brahminism〕The attitude or conduct typical of a social or cultural elite.儒雅之风:典型的社会或文化名流的态度或行为美国传统〔LET/ALLOW〕In September, he gave Dr. Arning his consent to conduct the experiment. 9月份,他同意阿宁博士做这个实验。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕He questions whether the experiments were conducted properly. 他质疑实验进行得是否正确。朗文写作活用〔SHOW〕The visitors were conducted around the factory by senior managers. 来宾在高级经理的带领下参观了工厂。朗文写作活用〔TELL SB OFF〕The Senate science and space subcommittee chewed out NASA for failing to conduct the necessary tests. 参议院的科学与太空小组委员会严厉批评美国国家航空航天局没有进行必要的试验。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The U.S. conducted atomic weapons testing in Nevada during the 1950s. 20世纪50年代美国在内华达州进行了核武器试验。朗文写作活用〔TEST〕The company did not conduct adequate safety tests. 这家公司没有进行足够的安全试验。朗文写作活用〔UNKIND〕Someone is conducting a vicious campaign of false rumours against the Royal Family. 有人在恶意散布对皇室不利的谣言。朗文写作活用〔Valkyrie〕Any of Odin's handmaidens who conducted the souls of the slain to Valhalla.瓦尔基里:奥丁的女仆,她引导阵亡者的灵魂到瓦尔哈拉殿堂美国传统〔WORLD〕Scientists around the world have been conducting similar experiments. 世界各地的科学家一直在进行类似的实验。朗文写作活用〔above-the-line promotion〕For all maternity clothing retailers, most above-the-line promotion is conducted through focused sources such as mother and baby magazines.对于所有销售孕妇装的零售商来说,大多数的大众传媒促销都是通过母婴杂志等有具体受众的渠道进行的。柯林斯高阶〔acceptable〕This crosses the boundaries of acceptable conduct.这一行为超出了可容忍的范围。牛津搭配〔accompany〕The usher conducted us to our seats.领位员带我们到座位上。美国传统〔air lock〕A bubble or pocket of air or vapor, as in a pipe, that stops the normal flow of fluid through the conducting part.气穴,气窝:在输送部分阻止液体正常流动的气泡或气窝,如在管道中美国传统〔arraign〕He would have been the first to arraign their conduct had the campaign failed.假如这次活动失败了的话, 他会是第一个指责他们行为的人。外研社新世纪〔ascertain〕Tests were conducted to ascertain whether pollution levels have dropped.进行了化验以确定污染程度是否已经减轻。朗文当代〔attack〕She wrote an article attacking the judges and their conduct of the trial.她写了一篇文章抨击法官以及他们的审案方式。剑桥高阶〔auctioneer〕One that conducts an auction.拍卖商,拍卖人:指挥拍卖的人美国传统〔axon〕The usually long process of a nerve fiber that generally conducts impulses away from the body of the nerve cell.轴突:一般传导远离神经细胞体的冲动的神经纤维突,通常为长突美国传统〔bad faith〕There are laws prohibiting bad-faith conduct by insurers.有法律条文禁止保险公司的欺诈行为。剑桥高阶〔bandleader〕One who conducts a band, especially a dance band.领队:一个乐队,尤指伴舞乐队的指挥者美国传统〔beneath〕The conduct is beneath contempt.这种行为令人不齿。英汉大词典〔besmear〕His conduct at school besmeared his father's reputation.他在学校的表现败坏了他父亲的声誉。21世纪英汉〔beyond the pale〕Her recent conduct is beyond the pale.她最近的表现让人难以接受。剑桥高阶〔black bag job〕An act of entry, search, and sometimes removal or photographing of property, conducted by federal investigators without a warrant.非法秘密搜查:由联邦调查人员在没有许可证情况下执行的对财产登记、搜查及有时没收或拍照的行为美国传统〔black〕He was also alleged to have conducted black magic ceremonies.据称他还做了法。柯林斯高阶〔blush for〕I blushed for your degraded conduct.我为你的卑劣行为感到脸红。21世纪英汉〔breach〕The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。外研社新世纪〔breach〕The newspaper breached the code of conduct on privacy.该报违反了保护隐私的行为准则。柯林斯高阶〔breath test〕Police will conduct random breath tests.警察将随机进行呼吸测醉检查。柯林斯高阶〔bypass〕A pipe or channel used to conduct gas or liquid around another pipe or a fixture.迂回管道:用于引导气体或液体绕过其它管道或装置的一种管道或渠道美国传统〔call sb in〕A new team of detectives were called in to conduct a fresh inquiry.新调来一组侦探重新进行调查。剑桥高阶〔canvass〕Southwark electoral services conduct a canvass of the whole borough every year.南华克区选举服务中心每年都在全区进行意见征集活动。外研社新世纪〔check〕Conduct regular checks on your water quality.要经常检查水质。朗文当代〔climax〕His conduct in this affair caps the climax of absurdity.他在这件事情上的行为荒谬之极。英汉大词典〔code of conduct〕Doctors in Britain say a new code of conduct is urgently needed to protect the doctor-patient relationship.英国的医生说急需新的行为准则来保护医患关系。柯林斯高阶〔code〕Clinics will be subject to a new code of conduct and stronger controls by local authorities.诊所将要遵守新的行业规范,并受到地方当局更有力的掌控。剑桥高阶〔conduct yourself〕The way you conduct yourself in an interview often determines whether or not you get the job.面试中的表现常常决定你是否能得到那份工作。韦氏高阶〔conductivity〕The ability or power to conduct or transmit heat, electricity, or sound.传导性:传导热、电、或声音的能力或能量美国传统〔conduct〕A panel investigated her conduct and she was subsequently fired.一个专门小组调查了她的行为,随后她就被解雇了。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕Actors may hire agents to conduct their affairs.演员可以雇用经纪人掌管他们的事务。21世纪英汉〔conduct〕At the Curtis Institute he studied conducting with Fritz Reiner.在柯蒂斯音乐学院他师从弗里茨•莱纳学习指挥。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Copper conducts electricity better than other materials.铜的导电性比其他材料好。英汉大词典〔conduct〕Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not.铜导电,但塑料不导电。剑桥高阶〔conduct〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥, 事业发展得很成功。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Dennis had recently begun a successful career conducting opera in Europe.丹尼斯最近开始在欧洲担任歌剧指挥,事业发展得很成功。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕For Europeans, the law is a statement of basic principles of civilised conduct.对于欧洲人来说,法律是对基本文明行为准则的表述。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕He conducted himself impeccably.他的表现无可挑剔。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕He had personally conducted her round the village.他亲自领她在村子里转了转。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕He should learn how to conduct a meeting.他应当学习如何主持会议。21世纪英汉〔conduct〕He was arrested for disorderly conduct.他因扰乱社会治安行为而被捕。牛津搭配〔conduct〕It was the first time that I had conducted business in Brazil.那是我第一次在巴西做生意。朗文当代〔conduct〕Metals conduct electricity well.金属的导电性很强。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕Our guide slowly conducted us through the museum.导游带我们慢慢地参观博物馆。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕Parents should bear responsibility for their children's bad conduct.父母应对子女的不良品行承担责任。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕The committee concluded that the senators had engaged in improper conduct.委员会断定参议员们从事了不正当的活动。牛津搭配〔conduct〕The committee is expected to conduct hearings in May.委员会预期在五月举行听证会。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.地方议会对农场建筑的使用情况进行了一次调查。柯林斯高阶〔conduct〕The council conducted a survey of the uses to which farm buildings are put.委员会对农场建筑的使用情况进行了一次调查。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city.导游带领我们游览了古城遗迹。牛津高阶〔conduct〕The magazine conducted a survey.那家杂志做了一次调查。韦氏高阶〔conduct〕The negotiations have been conducted in a positive manner.已积极进行过谈判。牛津高阶〔conduct〕The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.管弦乐队由米拉‧沙普尔指挥。剑桥高阶〔conduct〕The police chief was asked to explain his conduct.人们要求警察局长对自己的行为作出解释。牛津搭配〔conduct〕The prisoner was released early for good conduct.这个囚犯因表现良好而被提前释放。牛津搭配〔conduct〕The protesters were conducted from the courtroom by two police officers.抗议者被两名警察带出了法庭。剑桥高阶〔conduct〕There was growing criticism of the government's conduct of the war.政府对战争的指挥方式受到越来越多的指责。牛津高阶〔conduct〕They have conducted themselves in a very professional manner.他们表现出非常专业的样子。牛津搭配〔conduct〕They were meticulously careful in their conduct of state affairs.在对国务的处理上他们小心谨慎, 一丝不苟。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕Water conducts heat faster than air.水比空气导热快。外研社新世纪〔conduct〕We are conducting a survey of consumer attitudes towards organic food.我们在进行一项顾客对有机食品态度的调查。朗文当代〔conform〕God will conform us to Christ in character and conduct.主会使我们的品格和行为合乎基督。外研社新世纪〔contravene〕He said the article did not contravene the industry's code of conduct.他说这个条款并没有违反该行业的行为规范。外研社新世纪〔cordial〕The talks were conducted in a cordial atmosphere.会谈在友好的气氛中进行。朗文当代〔credo〕Lord Clarendon's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct.克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。柯林斯高阶〔criminal〕Police are conducting a criminal investigation into his business affairs.警方正在对他的经营活动展开刑事调查。麦克米伦高阶〔defence〕He has insisted on conducting his own defence.他坚持自己为自己辩护。外研社新世纪〔defence〕He has insisted on conducting his own defence.他坚持自己进行辩护。柯林斯高阶〔derogate〕Such a conduct derogates from his merit.这种行为有损他的荣誉。21世纪英汉〔difference〕His retirement won't make any difference to the way we conduct our affairs.他的退休不会影响我们处理事情的方式。柯林斯高阶〔direct〕He recorded, conducted, directed, and inspired the budding musicians.他给初露头角的音乐人录唱片, 担任指挥和指导并鼓舞他们。外研社新世纪〔direct〕To conduct a performance or rehearsal.进行演出或排练美国传统〔dissatisfaction〕She expressed deep dissatisfaction at the way the interview had been conducted.她表达了对采访方式的强烈不满。牛津搭配〔distinguished〕Dignified in conduct or appearance.高贵的:行为、相貌显得高贵的美国传统〔drive-through〕A window at such an establishment, from which business is conducted.免下车窗口:提供免下车服务的免下车窗口设施美国传统〔enable〕This will enable users to conduct live video conversations.这将使用户能够进行视频交谈。麦克米伦高阶〔ethic〕A set of principles of right conduct.伦理,伦理观:一套道德原则美国传统〔experiment〕The process of conducting such a test; experimentation.实验过程:做这种试验的过程;实验美国传统〔experiment〕To conduct an experiment.进行试验美国传统〔extensive〕Scientists have conducted extensive research into the causes of cancer.科学家们已经对癌症病因作了广泛的研究。麦克米伦高阶〔feasibility study〕The company agreed to conduct a feasibility study for a hydroelectric plant at Elizabeth Falls.公司同意对在伊丽莎白瀑布建水电站进行可行性研究。剑桥高阶〔forage〕To conduct a search; rummage.翻寻:搜寻食物;搜索美国传统〔framework〕Negotiations were conducted outside the framework of the treaty talks.在协议谈判框架之外还举行了几次协商。牛津搭配〔full-scale〕The government will conduct a full-scale inquiry into the crash.政府将对坠机事故进行全面调查。朗文当代〔generalization〕The evaluation of conduct involves some amount of generalization.对操行的评价会含有一些泛泛之论。柯林斯高阶〔glare〕The divorce was conducted in the full glare of media publicity.这起离婚案全程受到媒体的密切关注。牛津搭配〔glare〕The divorce was conducted in the full glare of publicity(= with continuous attention from newspapers and television).这桩离婚案是在媒体的密切关注下进行的。牛津高阶〔grace〕He conducted himself with grace and dignity throughout the trial.在整个审讯过程中他表现得文雅而有尊严。牛津高阶〔grid〕A corrugated or perforated conducting plate in a storage battery.极板网栅,蓄电池电极板:蓄电池中呈波纹状或有孔的导电板美国传统〔ground〕A large conducting body, such as the earth or an electric circuit connected to the earth, used as an arbitrary zero of potential.接地:大面积导体,如地面或与地面连结的电路,用做任意零电位美国传统〔heresy〕He said it was a heresy to suggest that women should not conduct services.他说认为女性不应该主持宗教仪式的观点是一种异端邪说。柯林斯高阶〔heroism〕Heroic conduct or behavior.英雄行为,大无畏精神:英雄式的举止或行为美国传统〔high-spirited〕High-spirited resolution marked his conduct in his struggle with cancer.他在和癌症作斗争的过程中表现出昂扬的斗志。英汉大词典〔improper〕They claim to have evidence of improper police conduct.他们声称有证据证明警方行为不当。韦氏高阶〔incompetent〕Devoid of those qualities requisite for effective conduct or action.无能的,不适任的:对有效的指导或行动缺乏应有的能力美国传统〔inductance〕A circuit element, typically a conducting coil, in which electromotive force is generated by electromagnetic induction.电感线圈:环绕着的东西,通常是导线,由于电磁感应的原因,线圈可产生电动势能美国传统〔induction〕The charging of an isolated conducting object by momentarily grounding it while a charged body is nearby.感应:通过短暂地磨擦,使一个充电导体附近的独立导体产生电流美国传统〔interloper〕One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.私商,无照营业者:侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动美国传统〔interrogate〕He conducted a skillful interrogation of the witness.他巧妙地询问了证人。韦氏高阶〔interrogation〕The interrogation was conducted by senior police officers.审讯由几名高级警官进行。牛津搭配〔interview〕Remember to take the phone off the hook while you are conducting the interview .当你主持面试时,别忘记把电话听筒摘下。朗文当代〔investigation〕A private detective was hired to conduct the investigation .雇用了一个私人侦探来进行调查。朗文当代〔irreproachable〕His conduct as a police officer was irreproachable.作为一名警官,他的行为无可挑剔。韦氏高阶〔judge〕His conduct, judged objectively by what he has done, is dishonest.根据对他所作所为的客观评价,他的行为是不诚实的。朗文当代〔knight-errant〕One given to adventurous or quixotic conduct.侠义心肠的人,堂吉诃德式的人物:喜欢冒险或作出堂吉诃德式行为的人美国传统〔least〕His conduct that evening was to say the least curious.他那天晚上的举动,说得最客气,也是够古怪的了。英汉大词典〔licentious〕Lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct.放荡的,淫乱的:缺乏道德规范或不顾法律约束的,尤指性行为美国传统〔lodge〕We conducted an aerial survey to measure the proportion of the crop which was lodged.我们进行了一次空中勘察, 以估测倒伏庄稼的面积。外研社新世纪〔malpractice〕Improper or unethical conduct by the holder of a professional or official position.渎职:专业人员或官员不良的或不道德的行为美国传统〔manner〕The inspection was conducted in a thoroughly professional manner.这次检查的方式十分专业。牛津搭配〔manner〕The prevailing customs, social conduct, and norms of a specific society, period, or group, especially as the subject of a literary work.风俗:一个特定社会、时期或群体的大众习俗、社会准则和规范,特别是作为一部文学作品主题的美国传统〔marshal〕To guide ceremoniously; conduct or usher.正式地引领;指导或引导美国传统〔name〕This kind of conduct gives students a bad name.这种行为败坏学生的声誉。牛津搭配〔nature〕They define sexual harassment as unwanted conduct of a sexual nature.他们把性骚扰定义为不受欢迎的与性相关的行为。牛津搭配〔neither〕Neither wood nor plastic conducts heat like metal does.木头和塑料都不像金属那样导热。韦氏高阶〔nonconductor〕A material that conducts little or no electricity, heat, or sound.非导体:仅能在很小的程度上或不能传导电、热或声音的物质美国传统〔nuisance〕Law A use of property or course of conduct that interferes with the legal rights of others by causing damage, annoyance, or inconvenience.【法律】 妨害,损害:财产的使用或行为的过程通过造成损害、恼人或不便而干涉了他人的合法权利美国传统〔observer〕Observers were sent to check the conduct of the elections.已经派出观察员检查选举工作。牛津搭配〔of〕The police conducted an investigation of the crime.警方对罪行进行调查。韦氏高阶〔orderly〕The elections were conducted in an orderly fashion .选举进行得有条不紊。朗文当代〔party political〕The debate is being conducted almost exclusively on party political lines.辩论几乎完全是围绕政党路线展开的。外研社新世纪〔penalize〕They were penalized for unethical conduct.他们因不道德行为而受到惩罚。外研社新世纪〔philharmonic〕He will conduct the Vienna Philharmonic in the final concert of the season.他将在演出季闭幕音乐会上指挥维也纳爱乐乐团演奏。柯林斯高阶〔pipe〕A hollow cylinder or tube used to conduct a liquid, gas, or finely divided solid.管子,导管,输送管:用来输导液体、气体或固体细末的管状中空圆柱体美国传统〔postmortem〕Party leaders are conducting a postmortem of the election to try to find out what went wrong.政党领导们正在进行选举后的讨论分析,试图找出问题所在。韦氏高阶〔premiere〕He conducted the world premiere of the symphony.他指挥了这首交响乐的世界首演。牛津搭配〔pride〕Arrogant or disdainful conduct or treatment; haughtiness.傲慢,无礼:傲慢或轻视的行为或处理;高傲美国传统〔procedure〕A set of established forms or methods for conducting the affairs of a business, legislative body, or court of law.程序:一套处理商业事务、立法事务或法庭团体的既定模式或方式美国传统〔provocation〕The victim's conduct had involved an element of provocation.受害者的行为有些挑衅的成分。牛津搭配〔rape shield law〕A law that prohibits the defense in a rape case from cross-examination regarding the plaintiff's prior sexual conduct.强奸保护法:在强奸案中,禁止被告一方对原告以前的性行为进行交叉调查的法律美国传统〔raw〕Analyses were conducted on the raw data.已对原始数据进行分析。外研社新世纪〔reflection〕Young people's conduct is a direct reflection of adults'.年轻人的行为是成年人行为的直接反映。牛津搭配〔registration〕The organization will conduct voter registration for overseas nationals.该机构将对身居海外的公民进行选民登记。牛津搭配〔request〕They conducted the inquiry at the request of the Education Authority.他们应教育局的要求进行了调查。英汉大词典〔retain〕They have decided to retain a firm to conduct a survey.他们决定聘请一家公司开展调查。韦氏高阶〔review〕The company hired Bob to conduct an independent review of their workplace procedures.公司聘请鲍勃对他们的工作规程进行独立审查。朗文当代〔right〕We have a sovereign right to conduct scientific research on our soil.我们享有在我们的土地上从事科研的自主权。牛津搭配〔rouse〕His conduct roused the suspicion of the police.他的举动引起了警察的怀疑。21世纪英汉〔safe conduct〕The guerrillas were promised safe conduct out of the country.游击队员得到承诺,可以安全离开这个国家。牛津高阶〔secret service〕Intelligence-gathering activities conducted secretly by a government agency.情报局:由政府部门秘密指挥的搜集情报的活动美国传统〔shakedown〕The guards conducted a shakedown of the prisoners' cells to look for weapons.为了寻找武器,卫兵对囚徒的牢房进行了彻底搜查。韦氏高阶〔shuttle diplomacy〕Diplomatic negotiations conducted by an official intermediary who travels frequently between the nations involved.穿梭外交:由一经常在被牵涉的国家之间旅行的官方调解人进行的外交谈判美国传统〔sieve tube〕A series of cells joined end to end, forming a tube through which nutrients are conducted in flowering plants and brown algae.筛管:一系列细胞尾对尾连接成的一条管子,在有花植物及褐藻中养分经此传送美国传统〔society〕In this cramped area, the formal society of the household was conducted.在这块狭小的地方举行了正式的家庭交谊会。英汉大词典〔speedy〕This review is being conducted as speedily as possible.本次审查正在尽可能快地进行。柯林斯高阶〔sportsman〕A person whose conduct and attitude exhibit sportsmanship.具有运动特长或运动家品格之人美国传统〔sportswoman〕A woman whose conduct and attitude exhibit sportsmanship.女运动家:具有运动家品格,行为和态度能展示运动风格的妇女美国传统〔study〕The agency conducted an environmental study.这个机构开展了一项环境研究。韦氏高阶〔such〕His conduct was such that everybody disliked him.他的行为使得人人都讨厌他。文馨英汉〔survey〕To conduct a statistical survey on.对…进行数据调查美国传统〔survey〕We conducted an opinion survey on the issue and found that most people agree.我们对这个问题进行了民意调查,发现大部分人都同意。韦氏高阶〔symphony〕Bruckner's fourth symphony, conducted by Hugh Wolff 由休・沃尔夫指挥演奏的《布鲁克纳第四交响曲》牛津搭配〔temerity〕Conducting the premiere of a symphony without a rehearsal requires temerity.不排练而直接指挥一部交响乐的首次公演是鲁莽的。美国传统〔test〕Trading Standards officers conducted tests on more than 220 electric blankets.行业标准官员检验了220多种电热毯。麦克米伦高阶〔thermion〕An electrically charged particle, especially an electron, emitted by a conducting material at high temperatures.热离子:一带电粒子,尤指一电子,由导电材料在高温时发 射出美国传统〔think〕We all think better of him for his present conduct.鉴于他目前的行为,我们大家对他的评价比从前高了。 英汉大词典〔trusted〕The National Childbirth Trust has recently conducted a survey of 1,271 new mothers.国家生育信托基金会最近对 1,271 位新妈妈做了一个调查。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕To change, as one's attitude or conduct, for the better.改过一新:向好的方面转变,如自己的态度成举止美国传统〔ugly〕His conduct has an ugly look.他的行径丢人现眼。英汉大词典〔unbecoming〕He was accused of conduct unbecoming to an officer.他被谴责行为有失官员身分。牛津高阶〔unbecoming〕His conduct was totally unbecoming to an officer in the British armed services.作为一名英军军官,他的行为极不得体。柯林斯高阶〔unfit〕His conduct made him unfit to act as director of a company.他的行为已使他不再适合担任公司董事。牛津搭配〔unprofessional〕He was dismissed after being found guilty of unprofessional conduct.他因被发现有违反职业道德的行为而被开除。麦克米伦高阶〔unprofessional〕Johnson was fired for unprofessional conduct.约翰逊因为有违反职业道德的行为而被开除了。朗文当代〔vicious〕He conducted a vicious campaign to oust her from her job.他为了让她失去那个职位使尽了各种恶毒的手段。外研社新世纪〔villainy〕Viciousness of conduct or action.行为堕落:行为或行动的邪恶美国传统〔write up〕Mr Sadler conducted interviews, and his girlfriend wrote them up.萨德勒先生进行采访,他的女朋友将采访内容整理成文。柯林斯高阶For a five-year-old, the prince conducted himself very well, despite the length of the ceremony.尽管庆祝仪式很长,但作为一个五岁的小孩,王子举止很得体。剑桥国际Her light conduct left a bad impression on me. 她那轻浮的举止给我留下一个坏印象。译典通I must admit to feeling ashamed of my conduct. 我得承认因自己的行为而感到羞愧。译典通Parallel experiments are being conducted in Rome, Paris and London.类似的试验正在罗马、巴黎和伦敦同时进行。剑桥国际Rosalind conducted the meeting with characteristic aplomb/with her usual aplomb/with all the aplomb of an experienced speaker.罗莎琳德以她特有的泰然自信/以她一贯的镇定自若/以老练的演说家应具备的沉着镇静主持了会议。剑桥国际Sir Neville's conducting is precise and delicate, never overblown.尼维尔爵士的指挥准确细腻,从不夸张。剑桥国际Such lightness of conduct is not to be permitted in church. 做礼拜时,不允许这种轻浮行为。译典通The company is hamstrung by its traditional but inefficient ways of conducting business.这家公司由于其传统的低效率经营方法而陷于瘫痪。剑桥国际The magazine conducted a reader survey recently.那份杂志最近搞了一次读者调查。剑桥国际The meeting will be conducted by the sales manager.这次会议将由销售经理来主持。剑桥国际The orchestra was conducted by Mira Shapur.这个管弦乐队的指挥是米拉·夏普尔。剑桥国际The police investigation has been conducted with a heavy hand, in ways that have deeply annoyed the local community.警方的调查方式过于粗暴,使当地社会十分恼怒。剑桥国际The store may be forced to conduct a fire sale in order to stay alive.这家商店可能会为了维持生存而被迫廉价出售其商品。牛津商务Tom was suspended from school for bad conduct. 汤姆因行为不端被休学。译典通We conducted a thorough evaluation of the system.我们对这个系统进行了全面的评估。牛津商务We are conducting a survey to find out what our customers think of their local bus service.我们在进行一项调查以了解顾客对当地公共汽车服务的看法。剑桥国际We are conducting extensive research into treatments for hypertension and heart disease.我们正在对高血压和心脏病的治疗作大量的研究。剑桥国际We are conducting the final round of clinical trials.我们正进行最后一轮的临床试验。牛津商务We must respect the rights of sovereign (= completely independent) states/nations to conduct their own affairs.我们必须尊重独立国家的主权,让他们处理自己国家的事务。剑桥国际




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