

单词 climb
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-walled〕Sitting at home would only have had him climbing the walls with frustration.呆在家里只会让他沮丧得抓狂。柯林斯高阶〔CAN/CAN'T〕I could never have climbed that ridge - I'm too out of shape. 那山脊我是不可能爬上去的—我身体太虚弱了。朗文写作活用〔CLIMB〕Accident insurance does not cover you for dangerous activities such as rock climbing. 意外保险责任范围并不包括你所从事的危险活动,譬如攀岩。朗文写作活用〔FIT/NOT FIT〕He knew that he was out of condition and it would be risky to attempt the climb. 他知道自己身体状况不好,爬那座山可能很危险。朗文写作活用〔FLAT/NOT FLAT〕After climbing steeply through woodland the lane levelled off. 爬过陡峭的林地后,小路变平坦了。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕As the sun climbed higher in the sky, the heat grew gradually more oppressive. 太阳在天空中越爬越高,气温渐渐升高,令人窒息。朗文写作活用〔IN ORDER TO〕We climbed up here for the view, and also because we wanted to get some exercise. 我们登上这里是为了看风景,另外也因为我们要锻炼身体。朗文写作活用〔INCREASE〕Temperatures are expected to climb to record levels this weekend. 本周末气温预计将升至创纪录的水平。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕There is always an element of risk in mountain climbing. 登山总是有些风险的。朗文写作活用〔OUT/OUTSIDE〕The program of outdoor activities includes skiing, climbing, and hiking. 户外活动计划包括滑雪、登山和远足。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕I didn't have the strength to climb any further. 我没有力气再往上爬了。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕They are attempting to become the first to climb Everest without oxygen tanks. 他们试图成为第一批不携带氧气瓶登上珠穆朗玛峰的人。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The geese climbed high above us and set off on their long journey south. 一群大雁在我们头上高飞,开始了它们漫长的南徙之旅。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The old man slowly climbed up the stairs to his room. 老人慢慢地爬上楼到自己的房间去。朗文写作活用〔UP〕The path climbs high into the hills above the village of Glenridding. 这条小径通往格伦里丁村上面的山上。朗文写作活用〔UP〕We had to climb a pretty big hill to get to the temple. 我们得爬一座相当大的山才到寺庙。朗文写作活用〔above〕Temperatures climbed to 31 degrees Celsius – 10 degrees above normal.气温攀升至31摄氏度,高出正常水平10度。麦克米伦高阶〔anabas〕A freshwater fish of the family Anabantidae, native to Africa and southeast Asia and including the gourami and climbing perch.攀鲈:一种攀鲈科淡水鱼,产于非洲和东南亚,包括丝足鱼和攀鲈美国传统〔arthritic〕Many arthritics find it difficult to climb stairs.很多关节炎患者感到爬楼梯非常困难。剑桥高阶〔assault〕Three people died during an assault on the mountain(= while trying to climb it).登山过程中有三人死亡。牛津高阶〔bankruptcy〕The number of corporate bankruptcies climbed in August.8月份企业破产数字攀升。柯林斯高阶〔bankruptcy〕The number of corporate bankruptcies climbed in August.8月份破产公司的数目出现攀升。外研社新世纪〔below〕We climbed rather perilously down a rope-ladder to the boat below.我们冒着相当大的危险沿着绳梯爬到了下面的船上。柯林斯高阶〔bine〕The flexible twining or climbing stem of certain plants, such as the hop, woodbine, or bindweed.蔓,藤:某些蔓生或缠绕植物的茎,如啤酒花、紫茎忍冬或旋花美国传统〔boot〕I haven't got any climbing boots.我没有登山靴。外研社新世纪〔breathless〕The long climb left Jan feeling breathless.攀爬了那么长时间使简感到喘不过气来。朗文当代〔breath〕He took a deep breath, and began to climb the stairs.他深吸了一口气,然后开始爬楼梯。柯林斯高阶〔breath〕She was out of breath from climbing the stairs.她爬楼梯爬得上气不接下气。麦克米伦高阶〔buildering〕The art or practice of climbing tall buildings, especially skyscrapers.爬楼运动:爬高楼,尤其是爬摩天大楼的运动美国传统〔by〕The death toll from the hurricane was climbing minute by minute/by the minute.随着每分钟的过去,飓风造成的死亡人数一直在增加。剑桥高阶〔chicken〕She promised to climb up the perilous peak along with us the next day,but she chickened out at the last moment.她答应第二天和我们一道去攀登险峰,但到时候却不敢去了。21世纪英汉〔clear〕The plane climbed until it was clear of the clouds.飞机爬升直至穿出了云层。牛津高阶〔climb〕Climbing the first hill took half an hour.爬第一座山用了半个小时。外研社新世纪〔climb〕A thin column of smoke climbed into the sky.一缕淡烟徐徐升入空中。英汉大词典〔climb〕Boys were climbing trees along the river bank.男孩们在河边爬树。朗文当代〔climb〕Children love to climb.小孩子喜欢攀爬。外研社新世纪〔climb〕Don't climb too high.不要爬得太高。牛津搭配〔climb〕He's planning to attempt one of the most difficult climbs in South America this summer.他正计划今年夏天去征服南美最难爬的高山中的一座。韦氏高阶〔climb〕Her climb to power has been very rapid.她很快就上台掌权了。剑桥高阶〔climb〕His climb to power was very fast.他很快爬上了有权有势的地位。英汉大词典〔climb〕I told her about him climbing up the drainpipe.我对她讲了他从排水管爬上去的事儿。柯林斯高阶〔climb〕If you go climbing you need the right boots.你如果去爬山,要穿上合适的靴子。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕It took them six days to climb the mountain.他们花了六天时间才登上那座山。韦氏高阶〔climb〕She climbed the rope.她爬上了索子。牛津同义词〔climb〕She has climbed seriously for several years now.她热衷于登山运动已经好几年了。韦氏高阶〔climb〕She loves to hike and climb.她喜欢远足和爬山。朗文当代〔climb〕The climb down the mountain took longer than the climb up.下山比上山用的时间更长。剑桥高阶〔climb〕The Southwest climb is recommended only for more experienced climbers.西南面的登山线路只推荐给更有经验的登山者。外研社新世纪〔climb〕The actors were climbing down from the stage.演员们正从舞台上走下来。韦氏高阶〔climb〕The book climbed steadily to number one on the New York Times bestseller list.这本书稳稳上升到《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜的第一位。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕The diver climbed outof his heavy suit.潜水员费力地脱下笨重的潜水服。英汉大词典〔climb〕The divorce rate had climbed to almost 30% of all marriages.离婚率已经上升到了婚姻总数的近30%。朗文当代〔climb〕The dollar has been climbing all week.整个星期美元一直在升值。牛津高阶〔climb〕The firemen climbed into their clothes.消防队员们急急忙忙穿上衣服。英汉大词典〔climb〕The north face of the Eiger is a very difficult climb.艾格尔山的北坡很难攀登。剑桥高阶〔climb〕The plane climbed steeply.飞机陡急地爬高。牛津同义词〔climb〕The plane took off and climbed to 20 000 feet.飞机起飞后爬升到 2 万英尺。牛津搭配〔climb〕The road climbed steeply.这条公路的上坡很陡。21世纪英汉〔climb〕The song climbed to number 2 in the US charts.这首歌曲在美国流行唱片排行榜上升到了第二位。朗文当代〔climb〕The summit is only a short climb from here.从这儿到山顶只需爬一小段路。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕The temperature climbed.温度慢慢上升了。英汉大词典〔climb〕Their second album is climbing the charts.他们的第二张专辑在排行榜上一路攀升。韦氏高阶〔climb〕There is ivy climbing the walls of the old building.那座老楼的墙上爬满了常春藤。韦氏高阶〔climb〕They climbed up into the loft of the old barn.他们爬进了旧谷仓的阁楼里。朗文当代〔climb〕They had to climb ten flights of stairs because the lift was broken.因为电梯坏了,他们不得不爬10层楼梯。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕We escaped by climbing through a window.我们是爬窗户逃出去的。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕We left before the temperature began its daily climb to 30 degrees.我们在气温上升到日常的30度之前就离开了。麦克米伦高阶〔climb〕We rode to Pamba then made the final climb on foot.我们骑车到潘巴,然后步行做最后的攀登。牛津搭配〔climb〕We were still out of breath from the climb.因为这番攀登我们仍然喘不过气来。外研社新世纪〔come along〕I gave up climbing when my first child came along.我的第一个小孩出生后我就不爬山了。剑桥高阶〔crack〕I'd like a crack at climbing that mountain.我想试试爬那座山。朗文当代〔dip〕To drop suddenly before climbing. Used of an aircraft.骤降:上升前的急降。用于飞机美国传统〔discourage from〕The bad weather discouraged us from climbing the Great Wall.恶劣天气使我们打消了爬长城的念头。21世纪英汉〔dislodge〕Ian dislodged a few stones as he climbed up the rock.伊恩攀岩的时候敲掉了几块石头。朗文当代〔dizzy〕Climbing so high made me feel dizzy.爬那么高使我感到头晕目眩。牛津高阶〔drag〕He dragged himself up the stairs and climbed into bed.他拖着疲惫的身子上了楼,然后爬上床。韦氏高阶〔draw〕That final climb seemed to draw his strength away.那最后一段的攀登似乎把他的气力都耗尽了。英汉大词典〔ease back〕You can ease the throttle back now that we have climbed high enough.既然我们已升得够高了,你可以把油门关小一点。21世纪英汉〔eighth〕He was the eighth to climb the mountain.他是第八个爬这座山的人。英汉大词典〔elite〕Only a small elite among mountaineers can climb these routes.登山者中只有少数佼佼者才能攀登这些线路。麦克米伦高阶〔endurance〕The big climb was a test of endurance.那次艰险的攀登对攀登者的耐力是个考验。牛津同义词〔enterprise〕Her latest enterprise (= plan) is to climb Mount Everest.她最近的雄伟计划是攀登珠穆朗玛峰。剑桥高阶〔even〕We finally reached even ground after the long climb.我们攀登了很长时间,终于到达了平地。韦氏高阶〔face〕We slowly climbed the steep face of the crag.我们沿着悬崖峭壁缓慢地往上爬。牛津搭配〔fag〕The long climb fagged us out.长时间爬山使我们疲劳极了。英汉大词典〔fasting〕She climbed the staircase cautiously, holding fast to the rail.她紧紧地抓着栏杆,小心翼翼地爬楼梯。柯林斯高阶〔firmly〕Make sure the rope is firmly attached before attempting to climb down.在顺着绳子往下爬之前,确保绳子已系牢。剑桥高阶〔firm〕Make sure the ladder feels firm before you climb up.要确保梯子稳固了再爬上去。朗文当代〔front〕Children may be tempted to climb into the front seat while the car is in motion.车辆行驶时,孩子可能会被前排的座位吸引而想要爬过去。柯林斯高阶〔gaff〕A climbing hook used by telephone and electric line workers.攀钩:架设电话线或电线的工人所用的爬钩美国传统〔gear〕Any cyclist can climb a difficult hill; you just change gear .谁都能骑上难爬的山坡,只要换挡就行了。朗文当代〔glance〕The man glanced the burglar climbing out of the window.那人瞥见小偷爬出窗户。21世纪英汉〔hairy〕It was pretty hairy climbing down the cliff.爬下悬崖真吓人。朗文当代〔herringbone〕Sports A method of climbing a ski slope with the tips of the skis pointed outward.【体育运动】 倒八字形上坡:一种滑过斜坡的滑雪方法,即使滑橇的末端向外指美国传统〔high〕The gate was too high for a man of his age to climb.大门太高了, 他这个年纪的人爬不上去。外研社新世纪〔hike〕She hiked her skirt up to climb the stairs.她提起裙子上楼。朗文当代〔hold〕She held the ladder steady while he climbed up it.她稳稳地扶着梯子,好让他往上爬。韦氏高阶〔household〕At eleven the household climbed into a car to go to church services.11点钟全家坐上汽车到教堂去做礼拜。英汉大词典〔hurt〕A child could get hurt, climbing that thing.小孩攀爬那个东西可能会受伤。麦克米伦高阶〔injury〕There is a real risk of injury in sports such as climbing.攀登之类的运动的确有受伤的危险。牛津搭配〔killing〕The climb was killing.这次登山累死人了。外研社新世纪〔knee-high〕Richey set out in knee-high snow for the last stage of the climb.里奇从没膝深的雪地出发, 准备做最后阶段的攀登。外研社新世纪〔ladder〕A fireman climbed the ladder.一名消防员爬上梯子。麦克米伦高阶〔ladder〕She climbed up the ladder .她爬上梯子。朗文当代〔liana〕Any climbing, woody, usually tropical vine.藤本植物:一种通常生长在热带的攀爬藤本植物美国传统〔lift〕The boys lifted up their legs, indicating they wanted to climb in.男孩们抬起腿,示意想要爬进来。柯林斯高阶〔lose〕Peter lost a leg in a climbing accident.彼得在一次登山事故中失去了一条腿。麦克米伦高阶〔make〕The hill is not too steep to climb, but only eleven of us made it.那座山并非陡峭得难以攀登,可是我们只有11个人爬了上去。英汉大词典〔mountain climbing〕The climbing of mountains, especially the scaling of rock faces by means of special equipment and technique.爬山运动:爬山,尤指运用特定装备和技术于岩石表面攀登美国传统〔mountaineer〕To climb mountains for sport.把爬山当作运动的人美国传统〔natural〕She loved rock climbing from the start. She's a natural.她从一开始就爱上了攀岩运动。她是个攀岩高手。韦氏高阶〔on〕She climbed on to the bed.她爬上了床。牛津高阶〔open〕He climbed through the open window.他从开着的窗户爬了进去。外研社新世纪〔over〕She climbed over the wall.她翻过墙去。牛津高阶〔over〕Three prisoners had escaped by climbing over a six-metre high fence.3名囚犯爬过6米高的围栏逃走了。麦克米伦高阶〔peak〕We climbed the peak to reach the summit.我们爬上山,朝着顶峰进发。英汉大词典〔peel off〕The rearmost aircraft peeled off into a vertical climb.最后面那架飞机脱离机群, 开始垂直爬升。外研社新世纪〔petrifying〕I found the climb absolutely petrifying.我觉得这次爬山太吓人了。外研社新世纪〔piton〕A metal spike fitted at one end with an eye for securing a rope and driven into rock or ice as a support in mountain climbing.钢锥:一头有眼可固定绳索的金属锥子,钉在岩石或冰中可助登山之用美国传统〔pole bean〕Any of various cultivated climbing beans that grow on poles or supports.架菜豆;蔓生菜豆:在杆上或支架上生长的一种人工栽培的攀缘性豆科植物美国传统〔puff〕I was starting to puff a little from the climb.爬坡弄得我有点喘息起来。牛津高阶〔puff〕She had no puff left after climbing the hill.她爬上那座山后连气也喘不过来了。英汉大词典〔pull〕The bomber pulled out of the dive and climbed straight up into the sky.轰炸机从俯冲拉起,爬高直冲云天。英汉大词典〔refuge〕We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。柯林斯高阶〔regardless〕Regardless of danger, he climbed the tower.他不顾危险攀登高塔。英汉大词典〔rickety〕She slowly climbed the rickety wooden steps.她慢慢爬上摇摇欲坠的的木楼梯。剑桥高阶〔right〕As we climbed, we saw a row of mountains to our right.我们攀登时,看见一座座山峰就在我们的右边。麦克米伦高阶〔rise〕As the sun rose in the sky the temperature climbed.随着太阳的升起,温度也逐渐升高。麦克米伦高阶〔road〕The road climbs steeply from the beach.这条路从海滩处上了个陡坡。牛津搭配〔rock climbing〕He rock climbs and skydives.他既攀岩又玩跳伞。韦氏高阶〔rock〕The rocks were slippery as I tried to climb them.我试图攀上这些岩石,但发现很滑。牛津搭配〔sap〕The climb sapped our energy.这次的攀登耗尽了我们的精力。牛津同义词〔scale〕The men scaled a wall and climbed down scaffolding on the other side.那些男人攀上一堵墙然后顺着另一侧的脚手架爬了下去。柯林斯高阶〔scansorial〕Adapted to or specialized for climbing.惯攀爬的:适于或专门用作攀爬的美国传统〔scramble〕An arduous hike or climb over rough terrain.爬行:费力的跋涉或者爬过崎岖的地形美国传统〔shin〕To climb something by shinning it.用手脚攀爬的方式爬上某物美国传统〔skirt〕He gathered up the skirts of his robe as he climbed the stairs.他上楼梯时捋起了长袍的下摆。韦氏高阶〔slick back/down〕He climbed out of the pool and slicked back his hair.他爬出游泳池,往脑后抚平头发。韦氏高阶〔soften〕Climbing plants soften the outline of a fence.攀缘植物可以使围栏的轮廓变得柔和。朗文当代〔sort〕He goes climbing up cliffs without ropes or anything? Oh well, it takes all sorts.他去攀岩不带绳子什么的? 哇,真是什么人都有啊。朗文当代〔steep〕The track began to climb fairly steeply upwards.道路开始向上陡升。麦克米伦高阶〔stiffly〕He climbed stiffly from the Volkswagen.他浑身酸痛地从大众轿车里爬出来。柯林斯高阶〔strap〕She climbed the mountain with a 40-pound pack strapped to her back.她背着40磅重的背包登山。韦氏高阶〔tank〕At a picture show a latecomer tanked over my feet climbing into his seat.在看电影时,一个迟到的观众横冲直撞地从我的脚上跨过,摸到自己的座位上去。英汉大词典〔tempt〕It's tempting God to climb that cliff.攀登那座悬崖是玩命。英汉大词典〔test〕The long climb tested their powers of endurance.长时间的攀登考验他们的耐力。英汉大词典〔thing〕They go canoeing, climbing, that sort of thing.他们去划独木舟、爬山什么的。牛津搭配〔tip up〕The aircraft levelled out, and tipped up again for its climb to 20,000 feet.飞机上升后平直飞行, 随后又再一次爬升, 高度升至两万英尺。外研社新世纪〔toehold〕A small indentation or ledge on which the toe of a shoe can find support in climbing.立足点:在爬山中鞋尖可以找到支撑的小凹陷或岩石空出部美国传统〔too〕The climb up the mountain was not too hard.爬山不是很难。韦氏高阶〔train〕You can train this vine to climb up a wall.你可以修剪这棵葡萄藤使它爬墙生长。韦氏高阶〔traverse〕The ridge could not be climbed, and the two had to traverse the face instead.从山脊无法登上去, 两人只得在脊面作横向攀爬。外研社新世纪〔trio〕He climbed a trio of steps to the glass-fronted door.他走上三级台阶,到了那扇玻璃门前。英汉大词典〔trot〕He climbed onto his horse and headed off at a relaxed trot.他骑上马,轻快地小跑着出发了。剑桥高阶〔twine〕Climbing plants had twined round the branches of the dead tree.攀缘植物缠绕着这棵枯树的树枝。麦克米伦高阶〔upward〕She started once again on the steep upward climb.她又开始沿着陡峭的山路往上爬。柯林斯高阶〔up〕She climbed up the flight of steps.她爬上了那层台阶。牛津高阶〔up〕The bus climbed up the hill.公共汽车爬上了小山。外研社新世纪〔up〕Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view.蒂姆为看得更清楚些爬到了树上。朗文当代〔vary〕The terrain varies as you climb higher.你越往高处攀爬,地形也随之产生变化。韦氏高阶〔vista〕After a hard climb, we were rewarded by a picture-postcard vista of rolling hills under a deep blue summer sky.一番艰苦的攀登之后,我们得到了回报,看见了蔚蓝的夏日晴空下群山起伏的如画美景。剑桥高阶〔wade〕We had to wade the river Genal and then climb out of the valley to get to Juzcar.我们必须蹚过赫纳尔河,爬出山谷,才能到达朱斯卡。柯林斯高阶〔wall〕Sitting at home would only have had him climbing the walls with frustration.待在家里只会让他沮丧得抓狂。外研社新世纪〔weigh sb/sth down〕Weighed down with supplies, they found the steep path difficult to climb.由于背着沉重的补给品,他们觉得陡峭的小路很难攀爬。剑桥高阶〔whipstall〕A usually intentional stall in which a small aircraft enters a vertical climb, pauses, slips backward momentarily, then drops nose downward.机头急坠失速:通常为故意失速,在此过程中一架小的习机进入垂直爬升、停顿及暂时向后滑行,随后机头向下降落美国传统〔wind〕She was totally winded from climbing to the top of the mountain.攀登到山顶使她完全喘不过气来。文馨英汉〔work up sth〕We worked up a real appetite climbing in the mountains.我们突然很想爬山。剑桥高阶〔zygodactyl〕Having two toes projecting forward and two projecting backward, as certain climbing birds.对趾的:有两个脚趾向前突和两个脚趾向后突,象某些攀爬鸟美国传统Climbing up the knotted rope was the only way into the tree house.进入树上小屋的唯一方法是顺着打结的绳子爬上去。剑桥国际A teacher observed her climbing over the gate. 一位老师看到她正在翻过大门。剑桥国际Above the dust we could see a rocket climbing up into a blue sky.在烟尘的上方我们可以看到一枚向蔚蓝天空高飞的火箭。剑桥国际After a hard climb, we were rewarded by a picture-postcard vista of rolling hills under a deep blue summer sky.艰难地攀登之后,我们得到了报偿,看到在深蓝色的夏日天空下,群山起伏,就像明信片上的一幅美景画。剑桥国际Breaking both his legs hasn't tempered his enthusiasm for rock climbing.两条腿都摔伤并没有削弱他对攀岩运动的热情。剑桥国际Chris has just taken up climbing (=the sport of climbing mountains).克里斯刚开始从事登山运动。剑桥国际He climbed upon his horse. 他爬上马背。译典通He made a foolhardy attempt to climb the tree in order to rescue the kitten.他鲁莽地试图爬上树去救那只小猫。剑桥国际He needs some climbing boots.他需要一些登山靴。剑桥国际Her latest enterprise (= plan) is to climb Mount Everest.她最近的计划是攀登珠穆朗玛峰。剑桥国际I can't face climbing those stairs again. 我再也没有勇气去爬那些楼梯。剑桥国际I enjoy outdoor pursuits, like hiking, climbing and riding.我喜欢户外的业余活动,例如说远足,爬山和骑马。剑桥国际It's hard work climbing up and down a ladder (= moving to a higher and then a lower position, esp. repeatedly) when you're carrying bricks.当你携带砖头时,来回上下爬梯子是很费力的事。剑桥国际Many arthritics (=people suffering from arthritis) find it difficult to climb stairs.很多关节炎病人感到上下楼梯很困难。剑桥国际Many millions of years ago, our ancestors climbed out of the primeval ooze onto dry land.数百万年以前,我们的祖先从远古时期的沼泽地里爬出来,来到了干燥的陆地上。剑桥国际Of course she'll finish the climb, she's very sturdy.她当然能爬到山顶,她非常强壮。剑桥国际She slowly climbed the rickety wooden steps.她慢慢地爬上了摇摇晃晃的木制楼梯。剑桥国际The climb got all of us tired. 爬山使我们都累了。译典通The Dow Jones industrials climbed above the 9 000 level.道琼斯工业平均指数攀升到了 9 000 点以上。牛津商务The boy climbed onto the roof top. 男孩爬到屋顶上。译典通The cat had climbed onto an upper limb of the tree.猫已经爬上树顶的枝干。剑桥国际The lack of handholds made climbing the cliff very dangerous.缺少抓手的地方使攀登悬崖十分危险。剑桥国际The old man clenched his fist and waved it angrily at the girls who had climbed over his fence.这个老人紧握拳头,愤怒地朝爬过他的篱笆墙的女孩们挥舞着。剑桥国际The old man had difficulty climbing the rapid ascent. 这位老人攀登这条陡峭的上坡路有困难。译典通Their profits climbed from $12.7 million to $185.7 million.他们的利润从 1 270 万元上升到 1.857 亿元。牛津商务They beseeched her not to climb the mountain that day, but she wouldn't listen.他们恳求她那天别去爬山,可她根本不听。剑桥国际We had to climb over a knife-edge mountain ridge.我们必须翻越一道陡峭的山脊。剑桥国际We had to climb over a ten-foot wall.我们只得从一堵10英尺高的墙头爬过去。剑桥国际We spent the night in a mountain hut, continuing our climb the next day.我们在山中的小屋住了一夜,第二天继续登山。剑桥国际We started to climb the hill. 我们开始爬山。译典通When you've been climbing alone for hours there's a tremendous sense of camaraderie when you meet another climber.独自攀登数小时后,当你遇到另一个攀登者时,会感到强烈的志同道合感。剑桥国际You must be nuts to go climbing mountains in winter.你冬天去爬山,准是发疯了。剑桥国际




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