

单词 checkmate
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔checkmate〕His king had been checkmated.他的王棋已被将死。牛津高阶〔checkmate〕His king was checkmated.他的王被将死了。韦氏高阶〔checkmate〕It was checkmate to years of resistance.多年抵抗就此以失败告终。英汉大词典〔checkmate〕She hoped the plan would checkmate her opponents.她希望这一计划能彻底战胜对手。牛津高阶〔checkmate〕The French and Russian armies would checkmate the armies of the Central Powers.法俄军队将会大败同盟国军队。外研社新世纪〔checkmate〕The challenger checkmated the champion and won the tournament.挑战者把上届冠军将死,赢得了锦标赛。韦氏高阶〔checkmate〕The challenger can force a checkmate with his next move.挑战者的下一步棋能迫使对方投子认输。韦氏高阶〔checkmate〕The king is checkmated and the game is over.王被将死,这局棋赛就结束了。朗文当代〔checkmate〕Used to declare the checkmate of an opponent's king in chess.将死!:国际象棋中宣告对手的“国王”被将死的感叹词美国传统〔checkmate〕While my attention was diverted he checkmated me.他趁我注意力转移时将了我。外研社新世纪〔check〕A move in chess that directly attacks an opponent's king but does not constitute a checkmate.将军:下棋中直接进攻对方的“国王”但并没有彻底将死的一着美国传统〔incoherent〕The player grew confused, made an incoherent move and was checkmated.棋手显得慌乱,错下一着,结果被将死了。英汉大词典〔king〕Abbr. K,k.The principal chess piece, which can move one square in any direction and must be protected against checkmate.缩写 K,k.王:象棋中主要的棋子,可以向任何方向移动一个方格,但必须保护它不被将死美国传统〔mate〕A checkmate.将死王棋美国传统〔mate〕To checkmate or achieve a checkmate.将死或使彻底失败美国传统〔under〕He found himself checkmated in under twenty moves.他发觉还没有下满20着棋自己已被将死了。英汉大词典He resigned at move 28 when facing inevitable checkmate.当他在第28步面临着不可避免的将死局面时,认了输。剑桥国际My Dad can always checkmate me/my king within twenty moves.我爸爸总能在20步内把我将死。剑桥国际The no-confidence vote is checkmate (=defeat) at last for the prime minister.对于总理来说这次不信任投票是以失败告终。剑桥国际Whichever way you play, it will be checkmate in three moves.不管你怎么下,三步以后就会被将死了。剑桥国际




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