

单词 checked
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔all right〕checked to see if the tires were all right.检查一下轮胎是否正常美国传统〔book〕checked the expenditures on the books.查对帐目上的支出情况美国传统〔checked〕checked cloth.格子布美国传统〔checked〕checked material 印有方格图案的布料牛津高阶〔checked〕a checked blouse 格子女衬衫朗文当代〔checked〕a checked shirt 方格图案的衬衫韦氏高阶〔checked〕a checked vowel.闭音节元音美国传统〔checked〕a faded checked dress 已退色的格子花女服英汉大词典〔checked〕a red and blue checked shirt 红蓝相间的方格衬衣麦克米伦高阶〔checked〕a red and white checked tablecloth 红白相间的格子桌布剑桥高阶〔check〕checked her bags and boarded the plane.托运了她的旅行袋并登上了飞机美国传统〔check〕checked her facts before speaking; check a spelling in the dictionary.在演讲之前核查她的事实;翻看字典检查一个词的拼写美国传统〔check〕checked his coat at the door.把衣服暂放在门边美国传统〔check〕checked off each item on the shopping list.把购物清单上每一项都勾掉美国传统〔check〕checked the brakes and lights for defects; checked out the system to make sure there were no errors in the software.检查刹车和车灯有没有毛病;对系统进行检查以确保软件没有任何错误美国传统〔check〕checked the flow by shutting a valve.关上阀门阻止水流美国传统〔check〕carry-on or checked luggage 随身携带的或托运的行李英汉大词典〔check〕phoned to check on the departure time; checked into the rumor.打电话查问出发时间;对传闻进行调查美国传统〔ginger〕an open-necked blue and ginger checked shirt一件蓝色和姜黄色相间的开领方格衬衫外研社新世纪〔loud〕a loud checked suit 扎眼的格子套装朗文当代




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