

单词 at the top of
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔-topped〕a little shop at the top of the street.在街道那头的小店柯林斯高阶〔-topped〕the picture at the top of the page.书页天头的图片柯林斯高阶〔attic〕an attic bedroom at the top of the house 房子顶部的一间阁楼卧室剑桥高阶〔at〕at the top/bottom/end etc (of sth) At the top of the stairs, she paused.到了楼梯的最上面,她停了下来。朗文当代〔bar〕the main menu bar at the top of the screen 屏幕上方的主菜单栏朗文当代〔belt〕a singer belting out tunes at the top of her lungs 放声高歌的女歌手韦氏高阶〔blink〕the blinking lights at the top of the Tutweiler Hotel.塔特怀勒酒店楼顶闪烁的灯光柯林斯高阶〔block ... out〕to block out the unimportant part at the top of the picture把照片上部不重要的部分遮起来21世纪英汉〔form〕a musician at the top of her form.水平处于顶峰的音乐家美国传统〔form〕a singer at the top of his form 才能发挥到最佳状态的歌手英汉大词典〔heap〕those at the top of the social heap.那些身处社会高层的人们柯林斯高阶〔ladder〕the people at the top of the social ladder 处于社会最上层的人牛津搭配〔poised〕a skier poised at the top of the slope山顶上蓄势待发的滑雪者外研社新世纪〔put〕put sth in/on/under etc sth Put your name at the top of each answer sheet.在每张答卷的顶端写上你的名字。朗文当代〔top〕employees at the top of the pay scale 薪金等级最高的雇员韦氏高阶〔top〕place sb. at the top of the table 请某人坐首席英汉大词典〔top〕run at the top of one's speed 以最高的速度跑英汉大词典〔top〕shout at the top of one's voice 放声叫喊英汉大词典〔top〕the groups that are currently at the top of the tree (=the highest position in a profession) in the pop world 目前流行乐界最顶尖的乐队朗文当代〔wind〕wind the horses at the top of the hill 在山顶上遛马英汉大词典




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