

单词 at the top
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Boston rocker〕A rocking chair having a high back with spindles, a decorative panel at the top, and a seat and arms that curve downward in front.波士顿摇椅:一种摇椅,带有纺锤形高靠背,顶上有装饰面板,前端有向下曲的座位或扶手美国传统〔COMPLETE/NOT COMPLETE〕Please write your full name and address at the top of the form. 请在表格的上端写上你的全名和详细地址。朗文写作活用〔LIST〕The fuel crisis will be at the top of the agenda for today's board meeting. 燃油危机将是今天这个董事会议议程上的首要议题。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The issue is at the top of the agenda. 该事件是最重要的一项议程。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕Women at the top often have to work harder than men. 身处最高职位的女性常常得比男性更努力工作。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The bus stops at the top of the hill. 那辆公共汽车在山顶停靠。朗文写作活用〔STRONG〕Huge beams have been added at the top of the walls to reinforce the carved medieval roof. 墙的上部加了大梁以加固这个中世纪的雕花穹顶。朗文写作活用〔agenda〕For the government, education is now at the top of the agenda(= most important).对政府来说,教育是当务之急。牛津高阶〔at the top of your voice〕She shouted his name at the top of her voice.她大声呼喊他的名字。剑桥高阶〔attelet〕A slender skewer, usually ornamented at the top, used decoratively, especially in serving garnishes.串肉杆:一种细长的叉状物,通常顶部有点缀,用作装饰,尤其在食品装饰中美国传统〔bracket〕The title appears in/within brackets at the top of the page.标题在页面上方的括号里。韦氏高阶〔breathless〕He arrived breathless at the top of the stairs.他爬上楼梯顶时气喘吁吁的。牛津高阶〔brow〕He paused at the top of the hill and mopped his brow (= rubbed the sweat away).他在山顶停了会儿,擦去额头上的汗。剑桥高阶〔cannon〕The loop at the top of a bell by which it is hung.钟环:用于挂钟的钟顶铁环美国传统〔cherry picker〕A mobile crane having a maneuverable vertical boom, at the top of which a passenger can do such work as tree pruning and street-light maintenance.移动升降台:一种可移动的具有可调的垂直支臂的升降台架,人可站在顶部做剪树枝和修路灯等工作美国传统〔congeal〕Discard the fat that congeals at the top.把结在上面的脂肪撇掉。英汉大词典〔fashion〕He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music.在流行音乐的各种变化和各式潮流中他一直处于前沿。柯林斯高阶〔headband〕Printing An ornamental strip at the top of a page or beginning of a chapter or paragraph.【印刷术】 书眉线,顶线:书页顶端的章节或段落开始处的装饰性条纹美国传统〔heap〕She was determined to stay at the top of the heap now she had finally got there.既然终于到了最高层, 她决心要保住这个位置。外研社新世纪〔home〕Write your home address at the top of your letter.在信的上方写上家庭地址。麦克米伦高阶〔letterhead〕Colleagues at work enjoy having a letterhead with their name at the top.一起工作的同事喜欢信笺上端印有他们的名字。外研社新世纪〔level〕Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league.那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。柯林斯高阶〔light〕It was a ligh t spacious apartment at the top of the building.大楼顶层是一套宽敞明亮的房子。牛津高阶〔molder〕The leaves at the top rot and molder.在上面的叶子朽烂腐败。文馨英汉〔peck〕New Zealand is at the top of the pecking order of rugby nations.新西兰在橄榄球国家中首屈一指。牛津高阶〔permeate〕An obvious change of attitude at the top will permeate through the system.上级态度的明显改变将影响到整个体制。柯林斯高阶〔prick〕There were pricks at the top of the papers where they had been pinned together.这些文件的顶部用针别过的地方有小孔。英汉大词典〔putsch〕Spectacular changes have taken place at the top since the failed putsch.政变失败后,高层出现了急剧的变化。柯林斯高阶〔rumble〕A bus rumbled along the road at the top of the path.一辆公交车从小径尽头的路上缓慢地隆隆驶过。柯林斯高阶〔scale〕He is at the top of the pay scale for his position.在同级别职位中,他的工资级别最高。韦氏高阶〔screech〕She was screeching at him at the top of her voice.她冲他声嘶力竭地尖叫着。剑桥高阶〔stand〕Their house stood at the top of a hill.他们的房子坐落在山顶。麦克米伦高阶〔strap〕The carer will have to do all the work: placing the patient on the seat, strapping him in, taking him off again at the top.护工将要全程照顾:将病人抱到座位上,替他系好安全带,到顶层后再将他抱下来。柯林斯高阶〔surmount〕The snow surmounted at the top of the mountain has not thawed for years.山顶上的积雪终年不化。21世纪英汉〔top〕He talked at the top of his voice.他以最大[最高]的声音谈话。文馨英汉〔top〕He was standing at the top of the stairs.他站在楼梯顶端。朗文当代〔top〕She waited for me at the top of the stairs.她在楼梯梯顶位置等我。剑桥高阶〔top〕She was singing at the top of her lungs.她在放声歌唱。麦克米伦高阶〔top〕They finished the season at the top of the league.他们打完这个赛季之后积分高居联赛的榜首。牛津高阶〔unbeatable〕United remain unbeatable at the top of the League.联队以不败战绩排在联赛第一位。牛津搭配〔voice〕She banged on the door, yelling at the top of her voice .她砰砰打门,扯着嗓子大喊大叫。朗文当代〔work down〕Some people use their time and money badly and start at the top only to work down to the proper level of their poor abilities.有些人滥用他们的时间和金钱,开始时地位很高,以后只好走下坡路,降到跟他们的低能相当的地步了。21世纪英汉Although she is at the top of the medical profession, she has an informality of approach that is very appealing.虽然她在医学界的地位极高,但她有一种很吸引人的不拘礼节的态度。剑桥国际How-to books (= books offering advice) on dieting are often at the top of the bestseller lists.教人如何减肥的书往往是畅销书中卖得最好的。剑桥国际She circled (=drew a circle round) the initials at the top of the page.她在书页上方的(姓名)首字母上画圈。剑桥国际She was sailing along on her bike, singing at the top of her voice.她高声唱着歌,骑在自行车上轻快地驶过。剑桥国际There are not enough women at the top of the corporate pyramid.位于公司金字塔顶端的妇女人数不多。牛津商务They stopped at the top of the hill to admire the scenery.他们在山顶驻足,欣赏起风景来了。剑桥国际We ran up the hill and arrived at the top panting and covered in sweat.我们一路跑上山,到达山顶时又是气喘又是大汗淋漓。剑桥国际You'll find a dusty attic up (= at the top of) these stairs.你会在这楼梯的上面发现一个积满灰尘的阁楼。剑桥国际




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