

单词 at the time of
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔boy〕a photo of his father taken at the time of the boy's birth男孩出生时他爸爸照的一张相片外研社新世纪〔fashion〕the voluptuous figure in vogue at the time of Rubens); the term often suggests enthusiastic but short-lived acceptance ( 鲁本斯时代时髦的肉感身材); 这个词通常暗含有狂热但为时很短的接受( 美国传统〔peak〕a flourishing career that was at its peak at the time of his death.他去世时正处于巅峰的欣欣向荣的事业柯林斯高阶〔persecution〕flee abroad at the time of the persecution 在大迫害时期逃往国外英汉大词典〔prevail〕the confusion which had prevailed at the time of the revolution.在革命期间普遍存在的混乱柯林斯高阶〔prevail〕the confusion which had prevailed at the time of the revolution革命时期普遍存在的混乱情况外研社新世纪




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