

单词 army
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-aided〕The hunt for her killer will continue, with police aided by the army and air force.警方将在陆军和空军的帮助下,继续追踪谋杀她的凶手。柯林斯高阶〔-populated〕Shelling from federal army tanks razed half the houses in the Croat-populated part of Glina.联邦军坦克的炮击将格利纳的克罗地亚人居住区一半的房屋夷为平地。柯林斯高阶〔ARMY〕An army jeep was parked outside their house. 一辆军用吉普车停在他们家门外。朗文写作活用〔ARMY〕Many of the young soldiers who were conscripted into the army in World War I did not want to fight. 在第一次世界大战中有许多应征入伍的年轻士兵并不愿意上战场作战。朗文写作活用〔ARMY〕My sons are both in the army. 我的两个儿子都在陆军服役。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕Less than 24 hours after this cross-border raid, army jets hit back with a devastating air strike. 这次越界侵袭之后不到24小时,军队的喷气式飞机就进行了反击,发动了一次毁灭性的空袭。朗文写作活用〔Admiral of the Fleet〕The highest rank in the U.S. Navy, equivalent to General of the Army.海军元帅:美国海军之最高军衔,相当于陆军元帅美国传统〔CATCH〕Army troops are hunting down the guerrillas. 军队正在追捕游击队员。朗文写作活用〔DELIBERATELY〕Rogers was dismissed from the army for deliberately disobeying an order. 罗杰斯因故意违反命令而被军队开除。朗文写作活用〔EXPLODE〕Army experts detonated the bomb safely in a nearby field. 军队爆破专家在附近的田野里安全引爆了这颗炸弹。朗文写作活用〔Green Beret〕A member of the U.S. Army Special Forces.“绿色贝雷帽”:美国陆军特种部队成员美国传统〔INCREASE〕An army of 1650 plows and 2000 workers will be out this afternoon as snow begins to accumulate. 积雪越来越厚,一支由1,650台扫雪机和2,000名工人组成的队伍今天下午将出动。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕The defeated army retreated in disarray. 溃军仓皇撤退。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕In March, the Popular Liberation Army laid down arms and registered as a political party. 3月,民众解放军放下武器,注册为政党。朗文写作活用〔PREFER〕A significant group of young men would rather go to jail than join the army. 相当多的年轻人宁愿入狱也不愿参军。朗文写作活用〔REJECT〕When Uncle John tried to join the army, they turned him down because he was too old. 约翰叔叔想参军,但因为他年纪太大了,他们没有录取他。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕After a stint in the army, Bill worked in sales. 服了一段时间的兵役后,比尔从事销售行业。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕The fighting in the Ardennes came as a timely reminder that the West still needed the Russian army. 阿登高原的战事及时起到提醒作用,即西方仍需要苏联军队。朗文写作活用〔UNCERTAIN〕The situation on the island is still very uncertain and the army is on full alert. 岛上局势仍然很不稳定,军队处于高度戒备状态。朗文写作活用〔UNITE〕The 55 army battalions would be amalgamated into 23 units. 55个军营将合并成23个单位。朗文写作活用〔Uriah〕In the Old Testament, an officer in the Israelite army and the husband of Bathsheba. He was sent to die in battle so that David could marry his wife.乌利亚:在旧约中以色列军队中的一个军官,是拔示巴的丈夫。大卫送他到战场以致于大卫能娶他的妻子美国传统〔VIOLENT〕The army was called in to put down the riots. 军队奉召来平息骚乱。朗文写作活用〔WAC〕A member of the Women's Army Corps, organized during World War II, but now no longer a separate branch.陆军妇女队成员:陆军妇女队的一员,组建于二次世界大战期间,但现在已不是独立部队美国传统〔WEAPON〕The army allegedly shot dead over 300 unarmed civilians. 据说军队射杀了三百多名手无寸铁的平民。朗文写作活用〔acknowledge〕The army sent me a postcard acknowledging my request.军队寄给我一张明信片告知我的申请书已收到。柯林斯高阶〔advance〕The army advanced across the plain.军队前进穿过平原。朗文当代〔army〕After finishing school, Mike went into the army.毕业后,迈克参了军。牛津搭配〔army〕He joined the army when he was 17.他 17 岁参加了陆军。朗文当代〔army〕Her husband is in the army.她的丈夫在陆军服役。牛津高阶〔army〕Scotland's 1 - 0 victory over France gave the Tartan Army something to celebrate.苏格兰一比零赢了法国队,“格子军团”有理由欢庆一场。剑桥高阶〔army〕She brought an army of supporters with her.她带来一大群支持者。剑桥高阶〔army〕There was an army of technicians ready to help.一大批技术人员已做好支援准备。牛津搭配〔assumption〕The revolutionaries' assumption of power took the army by surprise.革命者突然夺取政权,使军队措手不及。剑桥高阶〔augmentation〕The augmentation of the army began along traditional lines.军队扩编是沿着传统路线开始的。柯林斯高阶〔auxiliary〕The government's first concern was to augment the army and auxiliary forces.政府关心的首要问题是扩充军队及辅助队伍。柯林斯高阶〔backup〕Army units can only operate if they have sufficient backup.部队有足够的后备力量时才能作战。朗文当代〔badly〕The army behaved badly toward the war prisoners.官兵们残酷虐待战俘。英汉大词典〔base〕Gunfire was heard at an army base close to the airport.机场附近的一个军事基地传来了枪炮声。外研社新世纪〔bastion〕The army is still one of the last male bastions.军队仍然是男人世界最后的堡垒之一。外研社新世纪〔big〕Their father was very big in the army.他们的父亲在军中很有影响力。柯林斯高阶〔buddy〕He's one of my old army buddies.他是我的一位老战友。韦氏高阶〔buy〕He bought himself out of the army.他出钱使自己提前退伍。麦克米伦高阶〔call out〕Colombia has called out the army and imposed emergency measures.哥伦比亚调动军队实施了紧急措施。外研社新世纪〔camp〕Militants raided an army camp.武装分子突袭了一座军营。牛津搭配〔cashier〕He was cashiered from the army.他被开除了军籍。韦氏高阶〔chalk up〕For almost 11 months, the Bosnian army chalked up one victory after another.在将近11个月时间里,波斯尼亚军队节节获胜。柯林斯高阶〔circumscribe〕The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.军方显然担心在他的领导下,其活动将受到严重制约。柯林斯高阶〔clamp〕The army clamped a curfew on the city.军队对这座城市实行了宵禁。牛津高阶〔command〕He hated being in the army because he had to obey commands.他讨厌当兵,因为当兵必须服从命令。剑桥高阶〔comrade〕He enjoys spending time with his old army comrades.他喜欢和老战友们待在一起。韦氏高阶〔comrade〕They were old army comrades.他们是部队的老战友。牛津高阶〔concede〕The President was obliged to concede power to the army.总统被迫把权力让给军队。牛津高阶〔conjunction〕The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本来应该与舰队协同作战, 突袭敌人的海岸。外研社新世纪〔conscript〕The government is conscripting men for the army.政府正在征兵。韦氏高阶〔cooperate〕The army, navy, and air force cooperated in the assault.陆海空三军协同实施突击。英汉大词典〔crash〕He crashed into army exercises and was blown to bits.他擅自闯入军事演习区而被炸成肉酱。英汉大词典〔crushing〕Their army had suffered a crushing defeat.他们的军队遭到了重挫。剑桥高阶〔cut〕The army was cut off from its base.那支部队与基地失去了联络。牛津高阶〔day〕I used to run six miles a day in my army days.我当兵的时候每天跑六英里。朗文当代〔deal〕They are hoping to clinch a major deal to supply computers to the army.他们希望达成一笔向军队供应计算机的大宗交易。牛津搭配〔depose〕The head of state was deposed by the army.国家首脑被军队废黜了。英汉大词典〔detail〕The Army has detailed him to investigate the complaints.军队指派他去调查投诉。韦氏高阶〔disbar〕His poor health disbarred him from further service in the army.因身体欠佳,他不能继续在军队服役。21世纪英汉〔discharge〕He went to college after receiving an honorable discharge from the army.他从部队光荣退役后进了大学。韦氏高阶〔dispose〕I shall dispose of this clothing to the Salvation Army.我将把这批衣物送给救世军。英汉大词典〔draft〕During the Second World War, he was drafted into the US Army.二战期间,他应征加入了美国陆军。柯林斯高阶〔draft〕They were drafted into the army.他们应征入伍。牛津高阶〔drift〕After he left the army he just drifted for a few years.离开军队后,他在外漂泊了几年。韦氏高阶〔eight〕The bus blew up near an army convoy, killing two people and wounding eight.公共汽车在一支军方车队附近爆炸, 造成两人死亡、八人受伤。外研社新世纪〔either〕Who answers for the Irish parliament? Or army either? 谁对爱尔兰议会负责? 谁又对军队负责?英汉大词典〔emergency〕The army provided emergency cover when the ambulance service went on strike.救护车队罢工期间,军队紧急顶了上去。 牛津搭配〔empower〕The army is now empowered to operate on a shoot-to-kill basis.军队得到授权,在行动中可以开枪射杀。柯林斯高阶〔engage〕The army was regularly engaged in combat.陆军经常参与战斗。牛津搭配〔engineer〕Army engineers were called in to construct the canal.工兵们奉命去修建运河。韦氏高阶〔enlist〕The men enlisted in the army.那些男子应募入伍了。牛津同义词〔enrol〕He enrolled himself in the army.他参军了。21世纪英汉〔envelop〕They intended to envelop the northern wing of Army Group South.他们打算包围南方集团军的北翼。英汉大词典〔fall〕The army took control of the city after the president's fall from power.总统垮台后,军队控制了这座城市。剑桥高阶〔fight〕In a straight fight the army usually won.在面对面的硬拼中,陆军通常会赢。牛津搭配〔finagle〕He somehow finagled his way into the army as a lieutenant.他不知耍什么花招以中尉的身份混进了军队。剑桥高阶〔flight〕The rebels were put to flight by the advancing army.军队步步逼近使造反者溃逃。韦氏高阶〔forward〕Army roadblocks prevented any further forward movement .有军队的路障,不能继续前行了。朗文当代〔general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above lieutenant general.一级上将:美国陆军、空军或海军中在上尉之上一军阶美国传统〔headlong〕The army was in headlong flight.军队当时在仓皇逃窜。外研社新世纪〔here〕My father was over here with the US army.这边麦克米伦高阶〔home guard〕A volunteer force formed to defend a homeland while the regular army is fighting elsewhere.国民自卫军:一支志愿组成的军队,在正规军在别处战斗时以保卫国土美国传统〔hook〕The French army hooked up with the Americans for the march to Paris.法军与美军汇合,挺进巴黎。英汉大词典〔horizon〕Suddenly, with war on the horizon, the army seemed in danger of disintegration.忽然间, 随着战争的临近, 军队似乎面临着瓦解的危险。外研社新世纪〔hostile〕The city is encircled by a hostile army.该市被敌军包围了。柯林斯高阶〔identify〕Eye witnesses identified the gunman as an army sergeant.目击者认出了枪手是一名陆军中士。朗文当代〔incapable〕The army was badly equipped, and incapable of offering serious resistance.军队装备简陋,无法进行有力的抗击。麦克米伦高阶〔install〕The army has promised to install a new government within a week.军队已经承诺在一周内成立新政府。外研社新世纪〔invalid〕He was invalided out of the army.他因伤病被令退役。韦氏高阶〔in〕The army retreated in confusion.军队在混乱中撤退了。麦克米伦高阶〔knock (some) sense into sb〕A couple of years in the army will knock some sense into him.在部队里呆上几年会让他懂些道理。剑桥高阶〔latitude〕The army must cease military operations above 36 degrees latitude north.在北纬36度以北地区,军队必须停止军事行动。柯林斯高阶〔lay siege to (something or someone)〕The army laid siege to the city.军队围攻了这座城市。韦氏高阶〔leave〕He has one more year before he leaves the army.他还有一年就要从军队退伍了。韦氏高阶〔leave〕Wherever army ants go, they leave a chemical trail for other ants to follow.行军蚁所到之处都会留下化学痕迹以便让其他蚂蚁追随。麦克米伦高阶〔lieutenant general〕A commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps that is above major general and below general.陆军(或空军、海军陆战队)中将:美国陆军、空军或海军陆战队的军衔,高于陆军少将,低于陆军上将美国传统〔life〕He missed the routine of army life.他怀念军队里稳定的生活。朗文当代〔life〕Now a celebrity chef, he rarely talks about his life as an army cook.他现在是一位名厨,很少谈起自己在部队里当炊事员的生活。朗文当代〔machine〕Their army is a well-oiled machine.他们的军队就像是一台运转良好的军事机器。韦氏高阶〔maintain〕The army has been brought in to maintain order in the region.军队已被调来维持这一地区的秩序。剑桥高阶〔march〕The army began their long march to the coast.部队开始了他们开往沿海地区的长途行军。牛津高阶〔march〕The army set off on a forced march north.部队开始向北急行军。牛津搭配〔march〕The army were on the march at 6 o'clock.部队6时开始进军。英汉大词典〔march〕The invading army marched on Rome.入侵的军队向罗马进发。牛津搭配〔massacre〕The army massacred more than 150 unarmed civilians.军队屠杀了 150 多名徒手的平民。朗文当代〔mass〕The army was massing on the frontier.军队集结在边境上。英汉大词典〔might〕The might of the army could prove decisive.军事力量可能会成为决定性的因素。外研社新世纪〔militia〕An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.民兵组织:由普通公民而非职业士兵组成的部队美国传统〔morale〕The failed coup caused a loss of morale within the army.政变未遂挫伤了军队的士气。朗文当代〔no〕He was no mama's boy, but already a veteran of the army.他早已不是妈妈身边的宝贝儿子,而是一名久经沙场的陆军战士。英汉大词典〔occupy〕The army is occupying half of the country.那支军队占领了国家的半壁江山。韦氏高阶〔out〕He gets out of the army in a few weeks.几周之后他就要离开部队。牛津高阶〔overlook〕The Army overlooked the fact that the caves were on the other side.军队忽略了这些洞穴在另一边这一事实。外研社新世纪〔paralysis〕The paralysis of the leadership leaves the army without its supreme command.领导层的瘫痪导致军队没有最高指挥。外研社新世纪〔passing〕The army is only mentioned in passing.只是顺带提了一下陆军。柯林斯高阶〔patrol〕The border is patrolled by the army.边境有部队巡逻。韦氏高阶〔peacetime〕The size of the army was reduced during/in peacetime.和平时期部队进行了裁军。韦氏高阶〔perfect〕In a perfect world , we wouldn't need an army.在理想世界中,我们不需要军队。朗文当代〔platoon sergeant〕The senior noncommissioned officer in an army platoon or comparable unit.副排长:在军队的排或类似单位中未受军衔的高级军官美国传统〔police〕The army was brought in to police the city centre.调来军队对市中心实施管制。朗文当代〔poor relation〕The air force and navy were modernized but the army, very much the poor relation, was not.空军和海军都已实现了现代化,而陆军却相形见绌。剑桥高阶〔posthumously〕The Army posthumously awarded him a medal for bravery.他死后美国陆军授予他英勇勋章。韦氏高阶〔post〕He joined the British Army and was posted to Germany.他参加了英国陆军,被派到德国。朗文当代〔post〕I posted a letter to Stanley saying I was an old Army friend.我给斯坦利寄了一封信, 说自己是他的老战友。外研社新世纪〔power〕The army seized power after five days of anti-government demonstrations.反政府示威5天后,军方夺取了政权。剑桥高阶〔private〕He'd been a private in the army.他早先当过兵。外研社新世纪〔promote〕The army major was promoted to lieutenant colonel.那名陆军少校晋升为中校了。韦氏高阶〔prop〕The army is one of the main props of the government.军队是政府的主要后盾之一。柯林斯高阶〔public〕The army was called out to protect public property.军队被调来保护公共财产。朗文当代〔push〕The army begin their push on the town at dawn.黄昏的时候,部队开始向那个城镇挺进。麦克米伦高阶〔push〕The army has launched a push toward the capital.军队对首都发起了猛攻。韦氏高阶〔push〕The army will push southwards into the border areas.军队将向南推进, 进入边境地区。外研社新世纪〔rally〕The commander tried to rally his scattered army.那名指挥官试图重整其四散的军队。文馨英汉〔recruit〕He was recruited by the army after high school.他高中毕业后应召入伍了。韦氏高阶〔recruit〕Some of the men were recruited into the army.一些男子被征召入伍。牛津搭配〔reduce〕Their army will be drastically reduced in size and influence.他们的部队将要大幅缩小规模,降低影响。麦克米伦高阶〔regain〕The army has regained the city.军队收复这座城市。英汉大词典〔regular〕A soldier belonging to a regular army.正规军士兵美国传统〔renew〕The army renewed its assault on the capital.军队重新发动对首都的攻击。牛津高阶〔resistance〕The army put up a stiff (或 strong) resistance to the enemy.部队对敌军进行了顽强的抵抗。英汉大词典〔resistance〕The advancing army met with little resistance.向前推进的军队没遇到什么抵抗。牛津搭配〔respond〕The army responded with gunfire and tear gas.军队用炮火和催泪瓦斯予以反击。柯林斯高阶〔reunite〕His first job will be to reunite the army.他的首要任务将是使军队重新团结一心。柯林斯高阶〔revolt〕It was feared that the army would revolt against the government.有人担心军队会起而反对政府。朗文当代〔revolt〕The army is in revolt (against its commanders).军队叛乱(调转枪口指向了指挥官们)。剑桥高阶〔score〕The army continued to score successes in the south.军队在南方不断取得胜利。牛津高阶〔second lieutenant〕The lowest commissioned rank in the U.S. Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps.少尉:在美国陆军、空军和海军中最低军衔的职称美国传统〔secure〕His promotion in the army is secure.他在军队中的升迁是有把握的。英汉大词典〔see〕Bill saw service in the Army.比尔在陆军中服过兵役。英汉大词典〔serve〕He served in the army for 22 years.他服了22年兵役。剑桥高阶〔shelter〕The army mounted the invasion under cover of darkness.军队在夜色的掩护下发动攻击。美国传统〔situation〕Army officers said the situation was under control.陆军军官称局面已经得到控制。外研社新世纪〔snipe〕Gunmen have repeatedly sniped at US Army positions.持枪匪徒一再朝美军阵地放冷枪。柯林斯高阶〔standard〕An emblem or flag of an army, raised on a pole to indicate the rallying point in battle.军旗:军队的象征或旗帜,飘扬在旗杆上表明战争地点美国传统〔stay〕He stayed in the army for ten years.他在部队里呆了10年。英汉大词典〔stint〕Mark did a two-year stint in the army.马克服过两年的兵役。朗文当代〔storm〕The army stormed the castle.军队猛攻城堡。牛津同义词〔subvert〕The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government.叛军试图推翻政府。剑桥高阶〔suicide〕According to the army, the teenager said he was on a 'suicide mission' for the movement.军方消息称,这个少年说他正在为这次运动执行“自杀性任务”。柯林斯高阶〔surprise〕The guerrillas were killed when army troops took them by surprise.这些游击队员是在遭到军队突袭时被杀的。朗文当代〔tendency〕The army has become increasingly restless over the mounting separatist tendencies of the northern republics.军方对于北方几个共和国不断加剧的分裂倾向感到越来越不安。柯林斯高阶〔territorial〕A member of a territorial army.本土防卫义勇军成员美国传统〔text〕The ancient text describes the food of the Egyptian army.古文本描述了埃及军队的食物。牛津搭配〔three〕The bus blew up near an army convoy, killing two people and wounding three.公共汽车在一支军方车队附近爆炸, 造成两人遇难、三人受伤。外研社新世纪〔tide〕The tide of battle turned against the Mexican army.战争的形势变得对墨西哥军队不利。朗文当代〔tie in〕Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army.我们的婚礼要和戴维退伍的时间吻合。外研社新世纪〔undefended〕The army withdrew and left the post undefended.军队撤出,要塞就成了不设防的了。牛津同义词〔under〕The army captured three forts while under the general's command.军队在这名将军的指挥下攻占了三个要塞。韦氏高阶〔unit〕Their army unit guarded the border.他们的军队分队驻守在边境。韦氏高阶〔untested〕The Egyptian Army remained an untested force.埃及军队依然有待考验。外研社新世纪〔volunteer〕He volunteered for the army in 1939.1939年他志愿参军。柯林斯高阶〔war〕The army had been placed on a war footing.部队是按战备状态部署的。牛津搭配〔withdraw〕The army withdrew.军队撤退了。英汉大词典〔without〕Suddenly and without any warning, the army opened fire.突然间没有任何警告,军队开火了。朗文当代A car from the army base at Aldershot has been stolen together with military documents described as very sensitive.阿尔特肖特的军事基地的一辆汽车连同车上被形容为高度机密的军事文件被偷走了。剑桥国际A colonel is above (=has a higher rank than) a major in the British army.在英国军队中上校的军阶比少校高。剑桥国际After a brief spell / stint in the army, he started working as a teacher.在军队里呆了一小段时间后,他当了教师。剑桥国际Alan's parents are trying to argue him out of joining the army.艾伦的父母想劝他不要去参军。剑桥国际All the able-bodied young men were forced to join the army.所有身体强壮的青年人都被迫参军。剑桥国际Even young boys are now being recruited to the army.甚至连男孩子现在也被招募入伍。剑桥国际I hadn't planned a career in the services (= the army, navy and/or air force).我没有计划过从事军旅生涯。剑桥国际Over half the army was com-posed of conscripts.军中一半以上是被征入伍者。剑桥国际The army came home victorious. 军队凯旋而归。译典通The army is in a state of preparedness for war.军队已处于战备状态。剑桥国际The army is moving from town to town, killing and plundering as it goes.军队从一镇到另一镇,所到之处又杀又抢。剑桥国际The army quelled the rebellion in September, arresting dozens of the participants.军队镇压了九月份的叛乱,逮捕了几十名参与者。剑桥国际The army swept over the border, eliminating all resistance.军队横扫了边境,消灭了所有抵抗力量。剑桥国际The army, navy and air force are coordinate branches of the armed services. 陆、海、空三军是部队的三个平行的军种。译典通The government have recruited the usual army of image-makers and propagandists.按照惯例,政府招收了一支为其塑造形象和进行宣传的队伍。剑桥国际The militarists (= people who want more powerful armed forces) are demanding that the army be expanded.军国主义者要求扩张军队。剑桥国际The rebel army is attempting to subvert the government.反叛军队企图颠覆政府统治。剑桥国际Their army still have the right to detain, arrest and interrogate.他们的军队仍有拘留、逮捕和审讯权。剑桥国际There was a gun and grenade attack on the army offices this morning.今天早上发生了对队部的枪击和手榴弹攻击。剑桥国际They planned to leapfrog the main army convoy and surprise them from the north.他们打算赶到大部队前头,从北面给他们一个惊奇。剑桥国际With the death of the president, opposition parties and the army have been jockeying for power.总统死后各反对党和军队一直在谋权。剑桥国际Your army has numerical superiority over theirs. 与他们相比你们的军队占有人数优势。译典通




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