

单词 clause
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔adverbial〕an adverbial clause 状语从句英汉大词典〔agreement〕a clause in the agreement 协议中的一个条款牛津搭配〔annex〕annex a clause to a contract 在合同上附加一项条款英汉大词典〔appositive〕an appositive clause 同位语从句英汉大词典〔ask away〕to ask away the clause in the contract要求把合同中的一条除去21世纪英汉〔build〕build a clause into an agreement 把一个条款订入协定英汉大词典〔cancel〕cancel a disputed clause in a contract 废除契约中有争执的条文英汉大词典〔catch-all〕a vague catch-all clause in the contract 合同中一条含糊不清的很笼统的条款朗文当代〔causal〕a causal clause 原因从句英汉大词典〔clause〕a clause in a legal document.法律文件里的一项条款。牛津同义词〔clause〕a clause in a sentence.句子里的从句。牛津同义词〔clause〕a clause in a will/contract 遗嘱/合同中的条款韦氏高阶〔clause〕a clause on pollution 关于污染的条款牛津搭配〔clause〕a complaint alleging a breach of clause 4 of the code.声称违犯了法规第4条有关规定的投诉柯林斯高阶〔clause〕a complaint alleging a breach of clause 4 of the code声称违犯了法规第4款有关规定的投诉外研社新世纪〔clause〕a principal (subordinate) clause 主(从)句英汉大词典〔clause〕a restrictive relative clause 限定性关系从句牛津搭配〔clause〕a saving clause 对例外情况作规定的附加条款英汉大词典〔clause〕an attributive clause 定语从词英汉大词典〔concessive〕a concessive clause 让步从句英汉大词典〔conditional〕a conditional clause 条件从句剑桥高阶〔consecutive〕a consecutive clause 结果从句(或结论从句)英汉大词典〔continuative〕a continuative clause 接续从句英汉大词典〔equative〕an equative clause 等价分句英汉大词典〔excision〕the excision of a clause 某条款的删除文馨英汉〔exclude〕a clause that seeks to exclude liability for death or serious injury 一项旨在免除对造成死亡及重伤担负责任的条款牛津搭配〔flexible〕an elastic clause in a contract), is quick to recover, as from illness or misfortune ( 合同中一条可酌情考虑的条款)、 能从疾病或不幸中迅速恢复的( 美国传统〔get-out〕a get-out clause 逃避义务的条款麦克米伦高阶〔get-out〕a get-out clause in the contract 合约里的规避条款牛津高阶〔lease〕a new clause in the lease 租约中的新条款牛津搭配〔let-out〕a let-out clause in the treaty 条约中可钻空子的条款英汉大词典〔most-favo(u)red-nation〕a most-favo(u)red-nation clause 最惠国条款英汉大词典〔most-favored-nation〕a most-favored-nation clause 最惠国条款文馨英汉〔nonrestrictive〕a nonrestrictive relative clause 非限定关系子句(例: She had two sons, who were both killed in the fire.她有两个儿子,都在那场火灾中丧生)文馨英汉〔opt-out〕an opt-out clause 退出条款朗文当代〔opt-out〕an opt-out clause 退出的条款牛津高阶〔penalty〕a penalty clause in a contract 合同中的惩罚条款牛津高阶〔penal〕a penal clause 刑事条款英汉大词典〔provisory〕a provisory clause 但书;附文文馨英汉〔proviso〕a proviso clause 限制性条款(或保留条款) 英汉大词典〔quibble〕pettifogging about a trivial clause in a contract. 就合同中一条无关紧要的条款挑理 美国传统〔residuary〕a residuary clause (遗嘱中的)余产处理条款英汉大词典〔resolutive〕a resolutive clause (契约等中的)解除条款英汉大词典〔restrictive〕a restrictive clause 限制性从句英汉大词典〔saving〕a saving clause 保留条款,但书文馨英汉〔set〕set off a clause by a comma 用逗号把从句分开英汉大词典〔sub-clause〕be subject to the provisions of sub-clause (e) of this clause 须按照本条(e)款的规定英汉大词典〔sunset〕a two-year sunset clause in the new law 新法律中的一条实施期限为两年的“日落条款”牛津高阶〔tack〕to tack a new clause to the end of a contract在合同末尾添加一个新条款21世纪英汉〔temporal〕a temporal clause 时间从句(如 I'll tell him when he comes 句中的when he comes)英汉大词典a force majeure clause (= in a written contract) (书面合同中的)不可抗力条款牛津商务a get-out clause in the contract 合同中的退出条款牛津商务




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