

单词 celestial
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Magellanic Clouds〕Two small, irregularly shaped galaxies that are the galaxies closest to the Milky Way and are faintly visible near the south celestial pole.麦哲伦云:两个小的,形状不规则的星系,是距离银河最近的星系,并且可以在南天极附近隐约地看到美国传统〔North Pole〕The celestial zenith of this terrestrial point.北天极:这个地球点的天顶美国传统〔Northern Hemisphere〕Astronomy The half of the celestial sphere north of the celestial equator.【天文学】 北半球:天赤道以北的半个天球美国传统〔Octans〕The constellation that includes the southern celestial pole.南极座:包括南天极的星座美国传统〔Orion〕A constellation in the celestial equator near Gemini and Taurus, containing the stars Betelgeuse and Rigel.猎户座:在天球赤道上靠近双子座和金牛座的星座,包括参宿四和参宿七美国传统〔Schwarzschild radius〕The radius of a collapsing celestial object at which gravitational forces exceed the ability of matter and energy to escape, resulting in a black hole.史瓦西半径:收缩中星体的半径,在此半径下,重力超过物质和能量逃逸的能力,从而形成了黑洞美国传统〔South Pole〕The celestial zenith of this terrestrial point.南天极:该地球所对点的天顶点美国传统〔Southern Hemisphere〕Astronomy The half of the celestial sphere south of the celestial equator.【天文学】 南天球:天赤道以南的半个天球美国传统〔Volans〕A constellation in the polar region of the celestial Southern Hemisphere near Carina and Dorado.飞鱼星座:南天球极部地区船底座和剑鱼座附近的一个星座美国传统〔Vulpecula〕A constellation in the celestial Northern Hemisphere near Cygnus and Sagitta.狐狸星座:北天球天鹅星座和天箭星座附近的一个星座美国传统〔accretion disk〕A disk of interstellar material surrounding a celestial object with an intense gravitational field, such as a black hole.碟形吸积体:天体周围有强大吸引力场的圆盘形星际物质,如黑洞美国传统〔accretion〕Astronomy An increase in the mass of a celestial object by the collection of surrounding interstellar gases and objects by gravity.【天文学】 吸积,天体增大:因重力吸引星际间的物质而引起天体的增大美国传统〔albedo〕The fraction of incident electromagnetic radiation reflected by a surface, especially of a celestial body.反照率:被一平面,尤指一天体反射的投射电磁辐射的微量美国传统〔altitude〕Astronomy The angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon.【天文学】 地平纬度:地平线以上天体的角度距离美国传统〔amplitude〕Astronomy The angular distance along the horizon from true east or west to the intersection of the vertical circle of a celestial body with the horizon.【天文学】 天体出没方位角:沿地平线从准确的东或西方向到一个天体与地平线竖直圈交叉角的角距离美国传统〔aphelion〕The point on the orbit of a celestial body that is farthest from the sun.远日点:在天体运行轨道上距离太阳最远的点美国传统〔apsis〕Astronomy The point of greatest or least distance of the orbit of a celestial body from a center of attraction.【天文学】 远近点:天体轨道离吸引中心最远或最近距离的点美国传统〔archaeoastronomy〕The study of the knowledge, interpretations, and practices of ancient cultures regarding celestial objects or phenomena.考古天文学:对有关天体或天文现象的古文化知识、古文化阐释以及古文化习惯的研究美国传统〔arc〕Astronomy The apparent path of a celestial body as it rises above and falls below the horizon.【天文学】 周日弧,夜间弧:天体升起或落下地平线时的明显路径美国传统〔armillary sphere〕An old astronomical model with solid rings, all circles of a single sphere, used to display relationships among the principal celestial circles.浑天仪:一种古代天文模型,带有若干连续的圈,都环绕在一个天体仪上,用以演示主要天体运转的关系美国传统〔astrodome〕A transparent dome on the top of an aircraft, through which celestial observations are made for navigation.天文观测舱,领航舱:飞机顶部的一个透明圆顶形结构,航行时可通过它作天文观测美国传统〔astrogate〕To navigate a spacecraft, as in celestial flight.导航:为宇宙飞船导航,如在航天飞行中美国传统〔astrogeology〕The geology of celestial bodies.天体地质学:有关天体研究的地质学美国传统〔astrolabe〕A medieval instrument, now replaced by the sextant, that was once used to determine the altitude of the sun or other celestial bodies.星盘:一种中世纪的仪器,曾用来测量太阳或其它天体的高度,现在已被六分仪取代美国传统〔astrometry〕The scientific measurement of the positions and motions of celestial bodies.天体测量学:天体位置及运动的科学测量美国传统〔astronomical distance〕The distance from one celestial body to another, measured in light-years, parsecs, or astronomical units.天文距离:从一天体到另一天体的距离,以光年,秒差距和天文单位来度量美国传统〔autumnal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a southerly motion.秋分:指黄道与天赤道相交的一点,自此太阳向南运动美国传统〔bearing〕Direction, especially angular direction measured from one position to another using geographical or celestial reference lines.方位,相对位置:方向,尤指用地理学的或天体图线测量的从一个固定位置到另一个位置的带有角度的方向美国传统〔blue shift〕A decrease in the wavelength of radiation emitted by an approaching celestial body as a consequence of the Doppler effect.蓝移:飞近的天体发射出的幅射波长之减小,是杜普勒效应的结果美国传统〔body〕Stars are celestial bodies.星星是天体。牛津搭配〔celestial globe〕A model of the celestial sphere showing the positions of the stars and other celestial bodies.天体仪:显示恒星和其它天体位置的天体结构模型美国传统〔celestial longitude〕The angular distance eastward from the vernal equinox to the great circle drawn through the pole of the ecliptic and a celestial body.黄经:向东从春分至通过黄经极及一个天体所画的大圆圈之间的角距离美国传统〔celestial mechanics〕The science of the motion of celestial bodies under the influence of gravitational forces.天体力学:研究在万有引力的影响下天体运动的科学美国传统〔celestial pole〕Either of two diametrically opposite points at which the extensions of the earth's axis intersect the celestial sphere.天极:两个呈对角线方向相对的点之一,穿过此点的地轴延线与天球相交美国传统〔celestial〕Celestial Of or relating to the Chinese people or to the former Chinese Empire. Celestial 中国人(王朝)的:中国人的、与中国人有关的或与前中国朝廷有关的美国传统〔celestial〕Angels are celestial beings.天使是天神。韦氏高阶〔celestial〕Gravity governs the motions of celestial bodies.万有引力控制着天体的运动。柯林斯高阶〔celestial〕In the process of their careful watching and recording the celestial movements the Chinese provided valuable and interesting information for succeeding generations.古代中国人在仔细观察、认真记录天体运动的过程里,为后代留下了宝贵而又有趣的资料。柯林斯高阶〔celestial〕Planets are celestial bodies.行星是天体美国传统〔celestial〕The late afternoon sunlight gave the room a celestial glow.夕阳的余晖照得房间熠熠生辉。韦氏高阶〔celestial〕The moon is a celestial body.月亮是天体中的一员。剑桥高阶〔cherub〕A winged celestial being.天使:长有翅膀的天神美国传统〔co-orbital〕Of or relating to two or more celestial bodies that share, or very nearly share, the same orbit, such as Epimetheus and Janus, two of Saturn's moons.同轨道的:属于或关于两个或更多个天体,如土卫十一和土卫十、土星的两个卫星,共享或几乎分享一样轨道的美国传统〔conjunction〕Abbr. conj.Astronomy The position of two celestial bodies on the celestial sphere when they have the same celestial longitude.缩写 conj.【天文学】 合:两个天体在天球中处于同一天球经线的位置美国传统〔culminate〕Astronomy To reach the highest point above an observer's horizon. Used of stars and other celestial bodies.【天文学】 中天:到达观察者视域之外的最高点。用于指恒星和其它天体美国传统〔cycle〕The orbit of a celestial body.天体的轨道美国传统〔day〕The period during which a celestial body makes a similar rotation.天体自转一周的时间:天体做类似自转的一段时间美国传统〔declination〕Astronomy The angular distance to a point on a celestial object, measured north or south from the celestial equator.【天文学】 赤纬:到达某天体一点的角距,从天体赤道向北或向南测量得出美国传统〔depression〕Astronomy The angular distance of a celestial body below the horizon.【天文学】 俯角:天体在地平线下的角距离美国传统〔eclipse〕The partial or complete obscuring, relative to a designated observer, of one celestial body by another.蚀:天体的部分或全部受到其他天体的遮掩而变得晦暗,这种现象与特定观测者相关美国传统〔ecliptic〕The intersection plane of the earth's orbit with the celestial sphere, along which the sun appears to move as viewed from the earth.黄道:地球运行轨道与天球的交界面,在地球上看,太阳似乎沿着黄道运行美国传统〔egress〕Astronomy The emergence of a celestial body from eclipse or occultation.【天文学】 终切;出凌:天体从蚀或掩星中的出现美国传统〔elongation〕The angular distance between two celestial bodies as seen from Earth.距角:从地球上看的两个天体之间的角距离美国传统〔empyreal〕Of the sky; celestial.天空的;苍天的美国传统〔ephemeris〕A table giving the coordinates of a celestial body at a number of specific times during a given period.星历表:一张给出一定时期内一个天体在一些特定时间的坐标的表美国传统〔equator〕A similar great circle drawn on the surface of a celestial body at right angles to the axis of rotation.天球赤道:在天体表面与自转轴成直角的大圆美国传统〔equator〕The celestial equator.天球赤道美国传统〔equinoctial〕Relating to the celestial equator.与天赤道有关的美国传统〔equinox〕Either of two points on the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator.二分点:在天球上天赤道与黄道相切的两点中的任一点美国传统〔ethereal〕Of the celestial spheres; heavenly.天上的;天国的美国传统〔ethnoastronomy〕The study of the knowledge, interpretations, and practices of contemporary cultures regarding celestial objects or phenomena.天文学:研究与外层空间物体或是天文现象有关的知识、诠释方式及实行有关的课题美国传统〔geochemistry〕The chemistry of the composition and alterations of the solid matter of the earth or a celestial body.地球化学:研究地球或天体的地壳构成及变化的化学美国传统〔geology〕The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the solid matter of a celestial body.天体学:对天体的固体物质的来源、历史和结构的科学研究美国传统〔gravisphere〕The spherical region of space dominated by the gravitational field of a celestial body.引力层:一个天体引力场所支配的球状空间区域美国传统〔heavenly〕Of or relating to the firmament; celestial.天国的:天国的或与其有关的;天国的美国传统〔heliometer〕A telescope equipped to measure small angular distances between celestial bodies.量日仪:一种望远镜,用以测量天体之间微小的角距离美国传统〔hemisphere〕Either half of the celestial sphere as divided by the ecliptic, the celestial equator, or the horizon.半天球:被黄道,天赤道或地平圈分成两半的天球的一半美国传统〔horizon〕The celestial horizon.天球地平线美国传统〔hour circle〕A great circle passing through the poles of the celestial sphere and intersecting the celestial equator at right angles.子午线:通过天体球两极,与天体赤道成直角相切的大圈美国传统〔immersion〕Astronomy The obscuring of a celestial body by another or by the shadow of another.【天文学】 掩始:一个天体被另一个天体或另一个天体的阴影遮掩美国传统〔lamp〕A celestial body that gives off or reflects light.自然光源:发光或反射光的天体美国传统〔lander〕A space vehicle designed to land on a celestial body, such as the moon or a planet.着陆器:一种用于在诸如月亮或行星等天体上着陆的空间机械器具美国传统〔latitude〕Astronomy The angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the ecliptic.【天文学】 黄纬:黄道以南或以北天体的用角度量的距离美国传统〔libration〕A very slow oscillation, real or apparent, of a satellite as viewed from the larger celestial body around which it revolves.天平动:卫星的真正或是表面上的缓慢摆动,可以从卫星所公转的较大天体上观测到美国传统〔limb〕Astronomy The circumferential edge of the apparent disk of a celestial body.【天文学】 天体的边缘美国传统〔longitude〕Celestial longitude.黄经美国传统〔luminary〕An object, such as a celestial body, that gives light.发光体:发光的物体,比如天体美国传统〔meridian〕Astronomy A great circle passing through the two poles of the celestial sphere and the zenith of a given observer.【天文学】 天体的经线:通过天体上两极和一假定观测物天顶的大圈美国传统〔meridian〕The highest point in the sky reached by the sun or another celestial body; a zenith.天顶:太阳或别的天体在天空中所达到的最高点;天顶美国传统〔nadir〕Astronomy A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer, diametrically opposite the zenith.【天文学】 天底:天球上,在观测者垂直向下的一点,与天顶完全相对美国传统〔nutation〕Astronomy A small periodic motion of the celestial pole of Earth with respect to the pole of the ecliptic.【天文学】 章动:地球天极就黄道极而言的小的周期性转动美国传统〔occultation〕The progressive blocking of light, radio waves, or other radiation from a celestial source during such a passage.星掩:在上述运行中,从一天体源发出的光,无线电波或其它射线被逐渐掩蔽美国传统〔orbit〕The path of a celestial body or an artificial satellite as it revolves around another body.运行轨道:天体绕另一天体或人造卫星绕一天体旋转所运行的轨道美国传统〔orb〕A celestial body, such as the sun or moon.天体,如太阳或月球美国传统〔orb〕One of a series of concentric transparent spheres thought by ancient and medieval astronomers to revolve about Earth and carry the celestial bodies.透明天球层:古代和中世纪天文学家想象的、围绕地球并承载着天体的一系列透明天球之一美国传统〔perihelion〕The point nearest the sun in the orbit of a planet or other celestial body.近日点:绕日运行的行星或其它天体的椭圆轨道上离太阳最近的一点美国传统〔perturb〕Physics Astronomy To cause perturbation, as of a celestial orbit.【物理学】 【天文学】 摄动:引起摄动,如天空中轨道的美国传统〔planetarium〕An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome.天象仪:一种能将天体和其它天文学现象的影象投射到半球状圆屋顶内表面的光学设备美国传统〔planet〕One of the seven revolving astrological celestial bodies that in conjunction with the stars are believed to influence human affairs and personalities.命运星辰:七个涉及占星术的天体之一,它与恒星一起被相信能影响人类事务和人的性格美国传统〔pole〕Astronomy A celestial pole.【天文学】 天体的极地美国传统〔primary〕A celestial body, especially a star, relative to other bodies in orbit around it.恒星:在轨道上圈绕其相对其他天体的天体,尤指恒星美国传统〔radiant〕Astronomy The apparent celestial origin of a meteoric shower.【天文学】 流星群的辐射点:明显的流星雨太空光源美国传统〔red shift〕An increase in the wavelength of radiation emitted by a celestial body as a consequence of the Doppler effect.红移:天体发出的辐射波长的增加,是多普勒作用的结果美国传统〔refraction〕Astronomy The apparent change in position of celestial objects caused by the bending of light rays entering Earth's atmosphere.【天文学】 大气折射:由于天体的光线进入地球大气层时发生折射而造成的其位置明显改变美国传统〔regression〕Astronomy Retrograde motion of a celestial body.【天文学】 退行:天体的逆行的动态美国传统〔rise〕The appearance of the sun or other celestial body above the horizon.开,启:太阳或其他天体出现在地平线之上美国传统〔satellite〕Aerospace An object launched to orbit Earth or another celestial body.【太空学】 人造卫星:发射到环地球或其它天体轨道中的人造物体美国传统〔satellite〕Astronomy A celestial body that orbits a planet; a moon.【天文学】 卫星:按一定轨道绕行星旋转的天体;月亮美国传统〔scintillation〕Astronomy Rapid variation in the light of a celestial body caused by turbulence in Earth's atmosphere; a twinkling.【天文学】 闪烁:由地球大气紊乱引起天体光线的迅速转变;闪光美国传统〔secondary〕Astronomy A celestial body that revolves around another; a satellite.【天文学】 行星,卫星:围绕另外一个天体转动的天体;卫星美国传统〔semidiameter〕The apparent radius of a celestial body when viewed as a disk from Earth.半径:一般指从地球上看到的象圆盘的球形天体的二维平面半径美国传统〔semidiurnal〕Of or relating to the arc described by a celestial body between its meridian passage and its points of rising or setting.半日圆拱:天体在其子午圈与升落位置之间描出的圆拱轨迹的或与之相关的美国传统〔seraph〕A celestial being having three pairs of wings.撒拉弗:有三对翅膀的天使美国传统〔soft landing〕The landing of a space vehicle on a celestial body or on Earth in such a way as to prevent damage or destruction of the vehicle.软着陆:飞船在天体或地球上为防止造成飞船破坏或毁坏而进行的着陆美国传统〔solar system〕The sun together with the nine planets and all other celestial bodies that orbit the sun.太阳系:太阳和九大行星,以及围绕太阳运行的所有其他天体美国传统〔space probe〕A spacecraft carrying instruments intended for use in exploration of the physical properties of outer space or celestial bodies other than Earth.太空探测器:携带用于对地球外的太空和其他天体的物理性质进行探测的工具的航天器美国传统〔sphere〕A celestial body, such as a planet or star.天体,如行星或恒星美国传统〔spherical〕Of or relating to celestial bodies.天体的:天体的,有关天体的美国传统〔sphery〕Of or relating to the celestial spheres.天体的,与天体有关的美国传统〔sphery〕Resembling a celestial body.与天体相似的美国传统〔star〕Any of the celestial bodies visible at night from Earth as relatively stationary, usually twinkling points of light.恒星:地球夜晚可见到的相对不动的,通常眨眼般闪烁的天体美国传统〔star〕Something regarded as resembling such a celestial body.被描述为类似于这样天体的东西美国传统〔superior conjunction〕The position of a celestial body when it is on the opposite side of the sun from Earth.上合:天体中一组星群的位置,从地球上看这座星群位于 太阳的相反方向美国传统〔synodic〕Relating to the conjunction of celestial bodies, especially the interval between two successive conjunctions of a planet or the moon with the sun.会合的,会合周期的:与天体的会合,尤指某颗行星或月亮与太阳的两次连续会合的间隔有关的美国传统〔syzygy〕Either of two points in the orbit of a celestial body where the body is in opposition to or in conjunction with the sun.望:天体轨道中该天体与太阳位置相反或会合的两点之一美国传统〔total eclipse〕An eclipse in which the entire surface of a celestial body is obscured.(日或月)全食,(日或月)全蚀:一种天体表面全部都变暗的日蚀或月蚀美国传统〔transit〕The passage of a celestial body across the observer's meridian.凌日:一个天体经过观测者的最高点美国传统〔transit〕The passage of a smaller celestial body or its shadow across the disk of a larger celestial body.掩星:一个较小的星体或它的阴影通过一个较大天体的圆平面美国传统〔tropic〕Astronomy Either of two corresponding parallels of celestial latitude that are the limits of the apparent northern and southern passages of the sun.【天文学】 (天球的)回归线:代表太阳经过的最北视界线与最南视界线的两条相应的天球纬线美国传统〔uranic〕Of or relating to the heavens; celestial.天的,天空的:天上的,与天有联系的;天上的;天空的美国传统〔uranography〕The branch of astronomy concerned with mapping the stars, galaxies, or other celestial bodies.星图学:天文学分支,涉及在地图上描绘星星、银河以及其它天体美国传统〔vernal equinox〕The point at which the ecliptic intersects the celestial equator, the sun having a northerly motion.春分点:黄道与天赤道相交的一点,太阳向北移动美国传统〔vertex〕Astronomy The highest point reached in the apparent motion of a celestial body.【天文学】 天顶:一个天体的明显运动达到最高点美国传统〔vertical circle〕A great circle on the celestial sphere that passes through the zenith and the nadir and thus is perpendicular to the horizon.平经圈:与水平线垂直的宇宙天体范围内的大圈,它经过天顶和地点美国传统〔weight〕The force with which a body is attracted to Earth or another celestial body, equal to the product of the object's mass and the acceleration of gravity.重力:地球和其它天体对某物体的作用力,它等于物体的质量与重力加速度的乘积美国传统〔white hole〕A hypothetical hole in outer space from which energy, stars, and other celestial matter emerge or explode.白洞:假想的外层空间的洞,从该洞中能量、星辰及其它天体物质显现或爆发美国传统〔wing〕Seraphim are represented in the Bible as the celestial beings with 3 pairs of wings.《圣经》中所描绘的撒拉弗是长着3对翅膀的天使。英汉大词典〔x-ray astronomy〕The branch of astronomy that deals with the properties of celestial bodies as indicated by the x-rays they emit.X射线天文学:天文学的分支学科,它利用天体放射的X光来研究天体的特性美国传统〔x-ray burster〕Any of several celestial phenomena characterized by the emission of very powerful bursts of x-radiation in cycles lasting from a few seconds to a few minutes.X射线爆发源:在几秒或几分钟之内爆发出环状X射线的一种天体现象美国传统〔x-ray star〕A celestial object, especially a star, that emits a major portion of its radiation in x-rays.X射线星:以X射线形式放射出大部分射线的一种天体,尤指恒星美国传统〔zenith〕The highest point above the observer's horizon attained by a celestial body.天体的最高点:通过天体到达的在观测者视平线之上的最高点美国传统〔zenith〕The point on the celestial sphere that is directly above the observer.天顶:在观测者正上方的天体上的一点美国传统Angels are celestial beings. 天使是天神。译典通The moon is a celestial body.月亮是天体。剑桥国际The sun, moon, stars, etc. are celestial bodies. 太阳、月亮、星星等都是天体。译典通




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