

单词 comprehend
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕God cannot truly be seen or comprehended by the human mind. 上帝是凡人不能亲见或理解的。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Take the time to read, comprehend, and evaluate the report. 这篇报告要慢慢地阅读、理解,然后作出评价。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕The significance of the disappearance of the buffalo and the passenger pigeon was not fully comprehended until much later. 水牛和旅鸽消失这个问题的重要性直到很久以后才被完全理解。朗文写作活用〔blindfold〕To prevent from seeing and especially from comprehending.使看不见,尤指使不理解美国传统〔blind〕Difficult to comprehend or see; illegible.难以理解的:难以理解或看清的;难认的美国传统〔compass〕To understand; comprehend.懂得;理解美国传统〔comprehend〕Art comprehends all our activities from boatbuilding to poetry.艺术包括我们从造船到作诗的一切活动。外研社新世纪〔comprehend〕Can you comprehend what I’m saying?你懂我说的话的意思吗?牛津同义词〔comprehend〕Education comprehends the training of many kinds of ability.教育包括对各种能力的培养。21世纪英汉〔comprehend〕Finally, she comprehended that he wanted his pay.她终于明白了他是想要工钱。朗文当代〔comprehend〕He doesn't seem to comprehend the scale of the problem 他似乎没意识到问题的严重性。剑桥高阶〔comprehend〕He simply could not comprehend that she could be guilty.他就是搞不懂她怎么会有罪。牛津高阶〔comprehend〕He stood staring at the dead body, unable to comprehend.他站在那里,盯着那具尸体,弄不明白是怎么回事。牛津高阶〔comprehend〕How could you possibly comprehend the difficulties of my situation? 你怎么可能理解我的难处呢?麦克米伦高阶〔comprehend〕I did not fully comprehend what had happened.我没有完全理解发生了什么事。朗文当代〔comprehend〕I don't think he fully comprehends that she won't be here to help him.我看他还没有充分意识到她是不会来这里帮他的。剑桥高阶〔comprehend〕I fail to comprehend their attitude.我无法理解他们的态度。剑桥高阶〔comprehend〕I find his attitude impossible/difficult to comprehend.我觉得他的态度让人无法/难以理解。韦氏高阶〔comprehend〕I just cannot comprehend your attitude.我就是无法理解你的态度。柯林斯高阶〔comprehend〕I just cannot comprehend your attitude.我简直搞不懂你的态度。外研社新世纪〔comprehend〕I'll never comprehend why she did what she did.我永远也不会明白她为什么那么做。剑桥高阶〔comprehend〕It is difficult to comprehend how far away the stars are.很难理解星星有多远。牛津搭配〔comprehend〕It may be hard to comprehend how much this gift means for my country.上天的这个恩赐对我们国家来说意义之大,可能是很难想象的。朗文当代〔comprehend〕Laura gasped, hardly able to comprehend that her brother's life was in danger.劳拉深吸一口气,几乎无法理解她哥哥有生命危险。麦克米伦高阶〔comprehend〕Man does not yet comprehend the universe.人类还没有完全了解宇宙。英汉大词典〔comprehend〕She comprehended where her duties lay.她领悟到她的职责所在。英汉大词典〔comprehend〕She cannot comprehend the extent of the disaster.她无法理解这场灾难的程度。朗文当代〔comprehend〕She could barely comprehend what was happening to her.她几乎无法理解发生在她身上的事。牛津搭配〔comprehend〕She could not comprehend how someone would risk people's lives in that way.她不明白怎么会有人竟拿人民的生命那样去冒险。牛津高阶〔comprehend〕She failed to comprehend the seriousness of the situation.她没有意识到形势有多严峻。牛津搭配〔comprehend〕The Middle West comprehends many farming and industrial areas.(美国的)中西部拥有许多农业和工业区。英汉大词典〔comprehend〕The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning.这个孩子读了这篇故事,但不能理解它的意思。21世纪英汉〔comprehend〕The course will comprehend all facets of African culture.课程将包括非洲文化的各个方面。英汉大词典〔comprehend〕The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind to comprehend.太空的广阔无垠是人类无法理解的。牛津高阶〔comprehend〕They are unable to comprehend what had happened.他们无法理解所发生的事情。韦氏高阶〔comprehend〕We can scarcely comprehend how it all ended.我们简直无法理解这一切是怎么结束的。韦氏高阶〔comprehend〕We fully comprehend people's anxieties.我们完全理解人们焦急的心情。麦克米伦高阶〔comprehend〕Whenever she failed to comprehend she invariably laughed.她不懂的时候总是发笑。外研社新世纪〔comprehend〕Whenever she failed to comprehend she invariably laughed.每当她听不懂的时候,她总是会笑。柯林斯高阶〔comprehensible〕Readily comprehended or understood; intelligible.易懂的:易于理解或明白的;易懂的美国传统〔difficulty〕Something not easily done, accomplished, comprehended, or solved.难事:不容易做、完成、理解或解决的事情美国传统〔discern〕To recognize or comprehend mentally.理解,了解:从心理上认识或理解美国传统〔dyslexia〕A learning disorder marked by impairment of the ability to recognize and comprehend written words.诵读困难:一种学习障碍,症状是识别或理解书写文字的能力受到损伤美国传统〔fathom〕To penetrate to the meaning or nature of; comprehend.理解:对意思或本质的领会;理解美国传统〔include〕The study of art comprehends both aesthetic and intellectual considerations.艺术学习中既包括美学,又包括知识的学习。美国传统〔magnitude〕The magnitude of the flood was impossible to comprehend.这场水灾的危害性是无法了解的美国传统〔magnitude〕They failed to comprehend the magnitude of the problem.他们没有理解问题的严重性。牛津搭配〔nor〕They can neither read nor write, nor can they comprehend such concepts.他们不会读,不会写,也理解不了这样的概念。柯林斯高阶〔of〕The aim of the course is to help students to comprehend the structure of contemporary political and social systems.这门课程旨在帮助学生了解当代政治与社会体制的结构。柯林斯高阶〔psych〕To analyze, solve, or comprehend.进行分析,解决或理解美国传统〔realize〕To comprehend completely or correctly.体会,认知:完全地或正确地理解美国传统〔savvy〕To understand; comprehend.理解:懂得;领悟美国传统〔scale〕It is difficult to comprehend the sheer scale of the suffering caused by the war.人们很难理解战争造成的苦难有多严重。牛津搭配〔scale〕It was impossible to comprehend the full scale of the disaster.这场灾难的深重程度当时还无法充分认识。牛津高阶〔see〕To understand; comprehend.领会:理解;明白美国传统〔self-analysis〕An independent methodical attempt by one to study and comprehend one's own personality or emotions.自我分析:一个人去研究和了解他自己的人格或感情的独立的有条理的尝试美国传统〔slow-witted〕Slow to comprehend.智力迟钝的美国传统〔spell〕To puzzle out; comprehend by study.解除疑惑;经研究而理解美国传统〔superficial〕Concerned with or comprehending only what is apparent or obvious; shallow.肤浅的:只关心或只理解很明显或很显然的事物的;浅薄的美国传统〔understand〕The concept of infinity is almost impossible for the human mind to comprehend.无穷的概念几乎是人类的大脑无法理解的。牛津高阶〔understand〕To comprehend the language, sounds, form, or symbols of.理解:理解语言、声音、形式和符号美国传统I don't think he fully comprehends that she won't be here to help him.我看他还没有充分意识到她是不会来这里帮他的。剑桥国际I just don't comprehend their attitude.我就是不明白他们的态度。剑桥国际I'll never comprehend why she did what she did. 我永远不明白她为什么那么做。剑桥国际No one comprehended the magnitude of the problem then. 当时无人认识到这一问题的严重性。译典通The British fail to comprehend the deep European anxiety for progress towards unification because Britain hasn't been invaded since 1066.英国人不理解欧洲大陆的人对欧洲一体化进程的深刻忧虑,因为英国自1066年后未受到过外族侵占。剑桥国际The park comprehends all the land on the other side of the river. 这个公园包括河对岸的所有地方。译典通The students seemed to be struggling to comprehend.学生们看来正在努力想听懂。剑桥国际




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