

单词 closes
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARRIVE〕I want to get there before the store closes. 我想在商店关门之前到达那里。朗文写作活用〔FAIL〕If the factory closes down, 600 people will lose their jobs. 工厂一旦关闭,600名员工将失去饭碗。朗文写作活用〔HAVE/NOT HAVE〕I'll lose my job if the factory closes. 如果工厂关门,我就要失业。朗文写作活用〔at dusk〕The park closes at dusk.公园在黄昏时关门。韦氏高阶〔ballot〕The ticket ballot for the Games closes at midnight on Friday.比赛门票的抽签在星期五午夜截止。外研社新世纪〔bolt〕A sliding metal bar that positions the cartridge in breechloading rifles, closes the breech, and ejects the spent cartridge.枪栓,枪机:装在后枪膛中为子弹定位的滑动金属条,可关闭枪膛和输入将用的子弹美国传统〔breechblock〕The metal part that closes the breech end of the barrel of a breechloading gun and that is removed to insert a cartridge and replaced before firing.炮闩,枪闩:关闭后膛装弹枪的枪后部的后膛的金属部分,可以拆卸下来装子弹并在射击前被替换美国传统〔chance〕Friday is your last chance to see the show before it closes.星期五是演出谢幕前最后的观看机会。朗文当代〔clack valve〕A hinged valve that permits fluids to flow in only one direction and clacks when the valve closes.瓣阀:一种铰接的阀,只容许流体单向流动,关闭时发出卡嗒声美国传统〔closable〕The post office closes at half past five.邮局五点半关门。21世纪英汉〔close up〕She closes up when people ask her about her parents.当人们问及她父母时,她沉默不语。韦氏高阶〔close up〕The seaside café closes up in the winter.海滨咖啡馆冬季歇业。21世纪英汉〔close〕BBC 2 closes down at 12:45 tonight.今晚英国广播公司二台于 12 点 45 分停止广播。朗文当代〔close〕Harry usually closes the store completely when he goes on vacation.哈里去度假时通常把店完全关了。朗文当代〔close〕Our special offer closes on June 3.我们的特价优惠于 6 月 3 日截止。朗文当代〔close〕The Blue Café closes on Mondays.蓝色咖啡馆每星期一歇业休息。麦克米伦高阶〔close〕The bank closes at noon on Saturdays.银行周六中午停业。韦氏高阶〔close〕The book closes on a hopeful note.书在充满希望的结尾中结束了美国传统〔close〕The film closes with a scene of sickening violence.这部电影以令人作呕的暴力镜头结尾。外研社新世纪〔close〕The letter closes with an appeal for money.信的末尾是要钱。麦克米伦高阶〔close〕The movie closes with an emotional reunion in Prague.影片以在布拉格重逢的激动场面结束。朗文当代〔close〕The museum closes at 5.30.博物馆5点半闭馆。剑桥高阶〔close〕The museum closes on Sundays.那家博物馆星期日关门。文馨英汉〔close〕The offer closes at the end of the week.优惠将在本周末截止。牛津高阶〔close〕The park closes every evening at dusk.这个公园每天傍晚时静园。韦氏高阶〔close〕The shop closes at six.商店六点关门美国传统〔close〕The store closes OR 或 shuts at 7.这家商店 7 点关门。朗文当代〔close〕The store closes for lunch from 1 to 2 p.m.下午1点至2点钟为午餐时间,商店停业。韦氏高阶〔close〕Tomorrow college officially closes for the vacation.明天学院就正式放假了。牛津搭配〔close〕When the deal closes, Affinity will own 80 per cent of the company.交易达成后, 阿芬尼提将拥有公司80%的股权。外研社新世纪〔closure〕Something that closes or shuts.封闭物,关闭物:关闭或合上的某物美国传统〔devastating〕It will be a devastating blow for the town if the factory closes.如果工厂关闭,对该镇来说将是沉重的打击。朗文当代〔devastating〕It will be a devastating blow to the local community if the factory closes.如果这家工厂倒闭,将给当地居民以毁灭性的打击。牛津高阶〔door〕After he makes up his mind, he closes the door to any more arguments.他一旦打定主意,对任何其他论点就充耳不闻了。英汉大词典〔down the drain〕If the factory closes, that will be a million dollars' worth of investment down the drain.如果工厂关闭,那么100万美元的投资就打水漂了。剑桥高阶〔dusk〕The park closes at dusk.公园在黄昏时关闭。麦克米伦高阶〔gatepost〕An upright post on which a gate is hung or against which it closes.门柱:一竖直的柱子,在其上有一大门,或一大门朝此方向关闭美国传统〔go through〕Every night, they go through the same routine: he throws open the bedroom window, she closes it.他们每天晚上都要上演这么一出戏:他打开卧室的窗户,她又把它关上。柯林斯高阶〔interrupter〕Electronics A device that periodically and automatically opens and closes an electric circuit, producing pulses.【电子学】 断续器:一种阶段性的能自动打开及关闭电路并产生脉冲的仪器美国传统〔iris〕The camcorder's iris opens and closes just like the iris in the human eye.摄录机的虹彩光圈就像人眼的虹膜一样开合。外研社新世纪〔it〕When does the pool close?—It closes at 8.游泳池什么时候关门?——8点关门。外研社新世纪〔it〕When the factory closes, it will mean 500 people losing their jobs.工厂如果关闭,就意味着 500 人要失业。牛津高阶〔lose〕At least 600 staff will lose their jobs if the factory closes.如果公司关闭,至少将有600名员工失去工作。剑桥高阶〔loss〕If the school closes, it will be a great loss to the community.学校关闭对该社区而言将是个巨大的损失。麦克米伦高阶〔loss〕There will be substantial job losses if the factory closes down.如果工厂关闭,大批工人将会失业。剑桥高阶〔luck〕With luck, we'll get there before it closes.走运的话,我们会在关门之前赶到。牛津搭配〔masseter〕A thick muscle in the cheek that closes the jaws during chewing.咬肌:一块颊内咀嚼时靠近下颔厚块肌肉美国传统〔mend〕The gate needs to be mended so it closes properly.大门需要修理一下,这样才好关。麦克米伦高阶〔obturator〕An organic structure, such as the soft palate, that closes an opening in the body.闭孔肌:器官性构造,如软腭,用以关闭身体开口美国传统〔p.m.〕The spa closes at 8 p.m.温泉浴场晚上8点关门。外研社新世纪〔p.m.〕The spa closes at 9:00 pm.休闲健身中心晚上9点关门。柯林斯高阶〔palate〕Botany The projecting part on the lower lip of a bilabiate corolla that closes the throat, as in a snapdragon.【植物学】 似颚的突出部位:从下唇瓣基部伸入一假面状花冠窄口的突出体美国传统〔pay〕Over 1,000 workers will be paid off if this factory closes.如果这家工厂倒闭,就会有1000多工人在结清工资后被辞退。麦克米伦高阶〔rank〕When the establishment is attacked, it closes ranks (= unites to protect itself).当该机构受到攻击时,其员工们紧紧团结在一起。牛津搭配〔redundancy〕Over 500 workers face redundancy if the factory closes.如果工厂倒闭,500多名工人会被解雇。麦克米伦高阶〔snugly〕The door closes snugly.门关得严丝合缝。英汉大词典〔tailspin〕After the mill closes,the local economy may tailspin.制造厂关闭后,当地经济可能突然陷于困境。21世纪英汉〔time〕Chiefly British The hour at which a pub closes.【多用于英国】 酒馆关门时间美国传统〔unemployment〕Five hundred workers will face unemployment if the factory closes.如果该工厂关闭,五百名工人将面临失业。文馨英汉At least 600 staff will lose their jobs if the firm closes.如果公司解散,至少600名员工会失业。剑桥国际If the factory closes it will make the town an industrial wasteland--to avoid an apocalypse of this kind we must attract new industry.如果这家工厂倒闭,这座城市将变为工业的荒原----为了避免这种大灾变,我们必须吸引新的工业。剑桥国际If the factory closes, that will be a million pounds’worth of investment down the toilet.如果工厂关闭了,那么价值一百万英镑的投资都白白浪费了。剑桥国际Line filling closes gaps in the market and keeps competitors out.产品线填充弥补了市场的缺口,并阻止竞争者打入市场。牛津商务Pressing the ‘cmd’ and ‘W’ keys together closes the active window.同时按“ cmd ”和“ W ”键关闭当前窗口。牛津商务The company closes its books (= completes its financial records) on a quarterly basis.公司每季度结账一次。牛津商务The door closes quietly. 这门关起来不发出什么声音。译典通The offer closes on March 12th.此报盘截止日期为 3 月 12 日。牛津商务The post office closes at 6. 邮局六点关门。译典通There will be substantial job losses if the factory closes down.如果工厂倒闭,会导致大量失业。剑桥国际




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