

单词 connivance
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔connivance〕He stole millions of dollars with the connivance of his partner.他串通同伙偷走了数百万美元。韦氏高阶〔connivance〕He was accused of connivance in the riot.他被指控纵容暴动。文馨英汉〔connivance〕The crime was committed with the connivance of (或in connivance with) his parents.他的罪行是在他父母的纵容下犯的。英汉大词典〔connivance〕The crime was committed with the connivance of a police officer.这项罪行是在警察的纵容下发生的。牛津高阶〔connivance〕The criminals could not have escaped without your connivance.这些罪犯要是没有你的纵容是不可能逃跑的。英汉大词典〔connivance〕The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks.在银行的放纵之下,赤字增加了。柯林斯高阶〔connivance〕The deficit had grown with the connivance of the banks.在银行的纵容下赤字不断上升。外研社新世纪〔connivance〕The goods were exported with official connivance.这些商品是在官方的默许下出口的。外研社新世纪〔connivance〕The goods were exported with official connivance.这些商品是在官方的默许下出口的。柯林斯高阶〔connivance〕Their appalling treatment of their child could only have happened with the connivance of their neighbours.他们对孩子可怕的虐待如果没有邻居的纵容是不会发生的。剑桥高阶〔connive〕We could not have escaped without the connivance of the guards.如果不是警卫默许,我们是逃不出来的。朗文当代Their appalling treatment of their child could only have happened with the connivance of their neighbours.他们虐待孩子的方式骇人听闻,这只有在邻居默许的情况下才会发生。剑桥国际




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