

单词 carriages
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMFORTABLE/UNCOMFORTABLE〕I hate travelling by train - the carriages are always so dirty and uncomfortable. 我讨厌乘火车旅行—车厢里总是又脏又不舒服。朗文写作活用〔LIFT〕Firemen had to use a mobile crane to lift the carriages back onto the rails. 消防队员不得不使用移动式起重机把车厢吊起来,重新放回铁轨上。朗文写作活用〔PAST〕There were several horse-drawn carriages, as a nostalgic reminder of the past. 那里有几辆马车,让人回想过去,激起怀旧之情。朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The train's carriages clanked and rattled as it crept into the station. 列车徐徐驶进车站,车厢发出当啷响。朗文写作活用〔carriage〕In the past, people travelled in carriages and on horseback.从前人们乘马车和骑马旅行。英汉大词典〔carriage〕They rode to the city in carriages.他们乘着四轮马车进城去了。韦氏高阶〔carriage〕Visitors can marvel at the enormous range of locomotives and original wooden carriages.参观者可能对形形色色的火车头以及最初的木制车厢感到惊奇。外研社新世纪〔cavalcade〕A procession of riders or horse-drawn carriages.一队骑兵队,一队马车队美国传统〔chaise〕Any of various light, open carriages, often with a collapsible hood, especially a two-wheeled carriage drawn by one horse.轻便马车:一种常带有可折式车篷的轻便敞篷马车,尤指一马拉的二轮马车美国传统〔couple〕The train will be ready to leave when all the carriages have been coupled.在所有车厢都连接好时列车即可开出。21世纪英汉〔footman〕He had an estate with footmen in Russian livery and carriages.他有一座庄园, 内有身穿俄罗斯制服的仆人和马车。外研社新世纪〔join on〕The train will stop at the next station to join two more carriages on.火车将在下一站停靠,增加两节车厢。21世纪英汉〔join〕The train will stop at the next station to join two more carriages on.火车将在下一站停下,再挂上两节车厢。英汉大词典〔livery stable〕A stable that boards horses and keeps horses and carriages for hire.马房:为马提供食宿并出租马和马车的马厩美国传统〔livery〕The hiring out of horses and carriages.马或马车的出租美国传统〔lock on〕They have locked the carriages onto the engine with a special hook.他们已经用特制挂钩将车厢和车头接牢了。21世纪英汉〔motorized〕Around 1910 motorized carriages were beginning to replace horse-drawn cabs.大约从1910年起,机动车开始取代马车。柯林斯高阶〔nowadays〕Nowadays people travel in automobiles rather than carriages.现今人们旅行都坐汽车,而不使用马车。英汉大词典〔party〕The wedding party climbed into the carriages.婚礼队伍爬进了车厢。牛津搭配〔pin〕The train derailed and a number of passengers were pinned under the carriages.火车出了轨,一些旅客被困在车厢下。英汉大词典〔post〕He posted in private carriages to London.他乘坐自备的四轮马车去伦敦旅游。21世纪英汉〔pull〕Horses pull carriages around the park.马拉着马车绕公园走。韦氏高阶〔stock〕The long supporting structure and mooring beam of field-gun carriages that trails along the ground to provide stability and support.底座长杆:野战炮炮车的长支撑结构和停止时用的撑梁,供野战炮在地面运行时加强其稳定度并起支撑作用美国传统I (can) remember when there were horse-drawn carriages in London.我记得那时在伦敦有许多马车。剑桥国际The average traffic speed in London is only 4 mph faster than 100 years ago when there were horses and carriages.伦敦的车辆速度只比100年前快4英里/小时,而那时的交通工具是马和马车。剑桥国际The first-class carriages are shunted into the sidings when they are not in use.头等车厢在不使用时被转到了岔线上。剑桥国际The flange around the wheels on railway trains and carriages helps to keep them on the rails.铁路火车及车厢轮子上的凸缘可以使轮子卡住轨道。剑桥国际Two more carriages will be joined on at the next station. 在下一站将加挂两节车厢。译典通




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