

单词 a person
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔ATTACK〕an attack against a person 对某人的袭击朗文写作活用〔CRUEL〕to treat a person or animal in a cruel way 残忍地对待人或动物朗文写作活用〔FOOD〕to give food to a person or animal 给人或动物食物吃朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕someone whose job is to protect a person or place 以保护某人或保卫某地为业的人朗文写作活用〔adopt〕to adopt a person as a protégé认某人为被保护人21世纪英汉〔again〕answer a person again 回嘴,还口文馨英汉〔bachelor〕a confirmed bachelor(= a person who does not intend to marry; often used in newspapers to refer to a homosexual man) 信守独身主义的单身汉(报章上常用来指同性恋男子)牛津高阶〔boon〕ask a boon of a person 请求某人赐惠文馨英汉〔campaigner〕an old/veteran/seasoned campaigner(= a person with a lot of experience of a particular activity) 老练╱资深╱经验丰富的活动家牛津高阶〔career〕a careers adviser/officer(= a person whose job is to give people advice and information about jobs) 指导选择职业的顾问╱官员牛津高阶〔charge〕charge a library book to a borrower (或charge a person with a book borrowed from a library) 把图书馆出借的书记在借书人名下英汉大词典〔circumstance〕a victim of circumstance(= a person who has suffered because of a situation that they cannot control) 客观环境的牺牲品牛津高阶〔citizenship〕strip a person of his citizenship 褫夺某人的公民权文馨英汉〔clip〕clip a person on the ear 打在某人的耳朵上文馨英汉〔cloak〕a tall cloaked figure(= a person wearing a cloak) 一个穿着披风、身材很高的人牛津高阶〔crack〕give a person a crack on the jaw 对准某人颚部一击文馨英汉〔deal〕do a deal with a person 与某人交易;与某人妥协文馨英汉〔deceive〕delude is to mislead to the point where a person is unable to tell truth from falsehood or to form sound judgments: Delude 指欺骗到一个程度,致使受骗人无法分辨真伪,或做出可靠的判断: 美国传统〔devoid〕imprisonment that devoids a person of humanity剥夺某人人权的关押21世纪英汉〔dispense〕to dispense a person from an obligation免除某人的义务21世纪英汉〔draw〕a reporter's ability to draw a person out 一个记者引人开口的本领英汉大词典〔forgive〕to forgive a person for doing wrong.原谅某人做错了事。牛津同义词〔genius〕pl. ge.ni.i[jēʹnē-ī'] Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.【复数】 ge.ni.i[jēʹnē-ī'] 【罗马神话】 守护神:一个人或地方的保护神或守护神美国传统〔guest〕a paying guest(= a person who is living in a private house, but paying as if they were in a hotel) 寄宿客(付费住在私人家中的人)牛津高阶〔hale〕hale a person (off) to jail 强将某人拖入监狱文馨英汉〔in-person〕an in-person meeting with a person 亲自和某人见面文馨英汉〔leniency〕treat a person with leniency 待人以宽文馨英汉〔less〕no less a person than the ambassador.地位不比大使低的人美国传统〔license〕a license holder(= a person who has been given a license) 许可证持有人牛津高阶〔licking〕give a person a good licking 把某人好好揍一顿文馨英汉〔mete〕mete out severe punishment to a person 严惩某人文馨英汉〔of〕make a fool of a person 愚弄某人文馨英汉〔pass〕pass a word with a person 与某人交谈一句文馨英汉〔pathological〕a pathological liar(= a person who cannot stop telling lies) 说谎成性者牛津高阶〔pit〕dig a pit for a person 给某人设下圈套;设法坑陷某人文馨英汉〔rank〕rank a person above [below] him 将某人置于他之上[之下]文馨英汉〔relieve〕relieve a person of a psychological burden 解除某人的心理负担[重负]文馨英汉〔run〕give a person the run of the pool 给某人使用游泳池的自由文馨英汉〔run〕run a knife into a person 以刀子戳某人文馨英汉〔self-defense〕kill a person in self-defense 因正当防卫而杀人文馨英汉〔shade〕shades A present reminder of a person or situation in the past: shades 记忆:对过去的人或事的现时的记忆:美国传统〔sin〕sin against a person 冒犯一个人英汉大词典〔spring〕spring a surprise on a person 突然使某人一惊文馨英汉〔tap〕tap a person for dropsy 给水肿病人抽积水英汉大词典〔techno〕a technophile (= a person who loves technology) 技术爱好者剑桥高阶〔unwind〕to unwind a person with a drink给某人倒一杯酒使他身心松弛21世纪英汉〔wax〕put a person in a wax 使人暴跳如雷文馨英汉〔wish〕to wish a person good morning祝某人早安21世纪英汉〔with〕be angry with a person 对某人生气文馨英汉a scrap merchant/dealer (= a person who buys and sells scrap) 废品商人牛津商务




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