

单词 connections
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔Mafia〕a politician accused of having Mafia connections 被控与黑手党有瓜葛的政客韦氏高阶〔child〕the emotional connections which ensure healthy child development 确保儿童健康发育的情感联系牛津搭配〔circuit〕a circuit diagram(= one showing all the connections in the different parts of the circuit) 电路图牛津高阶〔connection〕connections between thought and language 思维与语言之间的联系韦氏高阶〔connection〕connections in high places 在高层的人脉关系朗文当代〔connection〕a firm's foreign connections 一家公司的国外业务往来英汉大词典〔connection〕a government initiative to forge new connections with industry 与产业建立新的联系的政府倡议牛津搭配〔connection〕a set of connections among brain regions 大脑各个区域间的一系列关联牛津搭配〔connection〕pipe/hose connections 管道/软管接头韦氏高阶〔connection〕speedy, always-on Internet connections 高速、永远在线的因特网连接牛津搭配〔connection〕the network of family connections in Italy 在意大利的家庭关系网朗文当代〔connection〕used her connections to land a job.用她的各种人际关系找工作美国传统〔diaspora〕the connections between Israel and the Jewish diaspora 以色列和犹太移民社群的联系麦克米伦高阶〔network〕all the connections you need to network the computers in your house将你室内所有计算机联网所需的连接外研社新世纪〔nurture〕nurture connections with sb.同某人拉关系英汉大词典〔point〕connections to Chicago and points west.连接芝加哥及其以西的一些地点美国传统〔sever〕to sever one's connections with与…断绝关系21世纪英汉〔synapse〕synaptic connections 突触连接韦氏高阶〔unsolder〕unsolder all electrical connections 使所有电接头脱焊英汉大词典〔wizardry〕high-speed Internet connections and other technical wizardry 因特网的高速连接和其他技术成就朗文当代〔work〕work one' s connections 利用私人关系 英汉大词典a circuit diagram (= one showing all the connections in the different parts of the circuit) 电路图牛津商务




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