

单词 clients
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔bilk〕made millions bilking wealthy clients on art sales.在艺术品销售中骗取富有顾客的大量钱财美国传统〔client〕clients of the hotel.饭店的客人美国传统〔client〕a campaign to attract new clients 吸引新客户的活动牛津搭配〔client〕a lawyer with many famous clients 接受许多名人委托的律师牛津高阶〔client〕a lawyer's clients 律师的委托人韦氏高阶〔client〕hotel clients 旅馆主顾英汉大词典〔client〕the spa's wealthy clients 水疗馆里有钱的顾客韦氏高阶〔common〕questions and issues that are common to all our clients 我们所有的客户所遇到的共同的问题麦克米伦高阶〔core〕a core group of clients 一批核心客户朗文当代〔customer〕a hairdresser and her clients 美发师和她的顾客朗文当代〔dissatisfied〕dissatisfied clients 感到不满意的客户朗文当代〔draw〕draw clients from all levels of society.从社会各阶层吸收职员美国传统〔entertainment〕a budget for the entertainment of clients 用于招待客户的专项开支牛津高阶〔finagle〕shady stockbrokers who finagle their clients out of fortunes.把客户的钱都骗光的可疑的证券经纪人美国传统〔fossick〕fossick for clients 招揽委托客户英汉大词典〔hospitality suite〕entertaining potential clients in a hospitality suite 在迎宾套间里招待潜在的客户韦氏高阶〔individual〕always treated her clients as individuals.她将每个客户视为不同的个体美国传统〔prospect〕to prospect for new clients 寻找新客户牛津高阶〔ransom〕clients happy to pay a king's ransom for a haircut.乐意为理发出高价的顾客柯林斯高阶〔spreadsheet〕a spreadsheet with the names and addresses of all my clients 有我所有客户的姓名和地址的电子表格牛津搭配〔themselves〕clients who were too elderly to come themselves年纪太大、不能亲自过来的顾客外研社新世纪〔under-〕clients who wouldn't deal with an undermanager.不愿与副经理打交道的客户柯林斯高阶〔unrealistic〕clients who make unrealistic demands提出不切实际的要求的顾客外研社新世纪getting more face time with clients 获得更多面见顾客的时间牛津商务meetings with prestigious clients 与优质客户的会面牛津商务




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