

单词 a number of
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔PERFORM/PERFORMANCE〕Pavarotti will be appearing in a number of concerts over the summer. 帕瓦罗蒂将在夏季许多音乐会上演出。朗文写作活用〔START〕After a number of false starts, the Channel Tunnel between England and France finally went ahead in the late 80s. 经过几次失败的尝试以后,英法之间的海峡隧道终于在80年代末动工了。朗文写作活用〔alternative〕Usage Problem One of a number of things from which one must be chosen.【用法疑难】 选项:一组供选择的事物中必须选出的一项的美国传统〔antiquity〕A number of the monuments are of considerable antiquity.有些历史遗迹相当古老。牛津高阶〔appear〕She has already appeared in a number of films.她已参演过一些影片。朗文当代〔appreciation〕Based on the history of the company, you can expect a significant appreciation in your investment over a number of years.考虑到这家公司的历史,你的投资过几年会大幅增值。韦氏高阶〔attach〕They have attached a number of conditions to the agreement(= said that the conditions must be part of the agreement).他们在协议上附加了一些条件。牛津高阶〔business〕We do business with a number of Italian companies.我们和一些意大利公司做生意。朗文当代〔cannibalization〕They cannibalized three aircraft carriers and a number of warships to form a task force.他们抽调了三艘航空母舰和一些战舰组成一支特遣部队。21世纪英汉〔challenge〕A number of doctors are challenging the study's claims.许多医生都在质疑这项研究的论断。韦氏高阶〔compel〕They gained the authority to compel sworn testimony from a number of women about Mr Clinton's sex life.他们得到授权, 可以强令几名女性就克林顿先生的性生活宣誓作证。外研社新世纪〔concede〕I conceded that I had made a number of errors.我承认自己犯了一些错误。朗文当代〔conglobulate〕A number of swallows conglobulated together by flying round and round.一群燕子盘旋着飞成一团。英汉大词典〔demonstration〕There were a number of demonstrations against the new tax.出现了一些反对新税收的示威活动。麦克米伦高阶〔dictate〕Of course, a number of factors will dictate how long an apple tree can survive.当然,影响一棵苹果树寿命的因素有很多。柯林斯高阶〔do〕I have a number of things to do today.我今天有些事情要做。牛津高阶〔earnings〕The company's future earnings will be influenced by a number of external factors.公司未来的盈利将受许多外部因素的影响。外研社新世纪〔emotional〕Ann suffered from depression and a number of other emotional problems .安患了抑郁症,还遇到一些其他的情感问题。朗文当代〔error〕The letter contains a number of typing errors.信中有一些打字错误。剑桥高阶〔freemasonry〕Spontaneous fellowship and sympathy among a number of people.本能的同情:一群人自然产生的友谊和同情美国传统〔fusillade〕A discharge from a number of firearms, fired simultaneously or in rapid succession.一齐射击,快速连续射击:大批火器同时连续急速地发射美国传统〔harass〕A number of black youths have complained of being harassed by the police.一些黑人青年投诉受到警察骚扰。朗文当代〔hike〕The school lost a number of students after the tuition hike.学校突然提高学费,许多学生不来了。韦氏高阶〔illustrate〕She has illustrated a number of books.她为好几部书加了插图。英汉大词典〔impediment〕In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to progress.在一些发展中国家,战争成了发展的另一阻碍。剑桥高阶〔influence〕There were a number of influences at work in Wright's architecture.赖特的建筑受到多种影响。牛津搭配〔inspection〕On closer inspection, a number of problems emerge.进一步审查的话,一大堆问题就会出现。麦克米伦高阶〔instance〕There are a number of improvements; for instance, both mouse buttons can now be used.很多地方都有了改进, 比如鼠标的两个按键现在都可以使用了。外研社新世纪〔keep〕It may take a number of attempts, but it is worth keeping at it.可能要试几次,但还是值得坚持的。柯林斯高阶〔keep〕It may take a number of attempts, but it's worth keeping at it.可能要尝试很多次, 但是这值得坚持。外研社新世纪〔latter〕He did well in both schoolwork and sport and won a number of medals in the latter(=in sport).他在学业和体育两方面表现都很出色,在后者上还赢得了数枚奖牌。麦克米伦高阶〔me-too〕The magazine ‘Hello!’ gave rise to a number of me-too publications.《你好!》杂志带动了许多效仿它的刊物问世。牛津高阶〔measure〕The governor has proposed a number of cost-cutting measures.州长提出了一些削减成本的措施。韦氏高阶〔minor〕She is known in Italy for a number of minor roles in films.她因在电影中饰演了一些配角而在意大利为人所知。柯林斯高阶〔musical〕Carroll appeared in a number of Broadway musicals.卡罗尔出演过许多百老汇音乐剧。朗文当代〔pain〕Harry has been enduring considerable back pain for a number of years.哈里多年来一直忍受着剧烈的背痛。麦克米伦高阶〔patent〕They held a number of patents for their inventions.他们持有几项发明专利。外研社新世纪〔puzzling〕His letter poses a number of puzzling questions.他的信中提出了许多令人困惑的问题。外研社新世纪〔simplification〕A number of simplifications have been made to the taxation system.税收制度已经历过多次简化。牛津高阶〔spill〕A number of bags had split and were spilling their contents.有几只袋子裂开了,里面的东西撒了出来。柯林斯高阶〔stuck〕The negotiations have got stuck on a number of key issues.谈判在一些重大问题上陷入了僵局。柯林斯高阶〔subdivide〕To divide into a number of parts, especially to divide (land) into lots.把…分或几块:把…分成几份,尤指把(一块地)分成几块小块美国传统〔transmitter〕Monkeys are transmitters of a number of dangerous diseases.猴子是许多危险疾病的传播媒介。英汉大词典〔turn〕A number of new species will turn up.将会出现一些新的物种。英汉大词典〔type〕A number of people or things having in common traits or characteristics that distinguish them as a group or class.类型:一定数量的人或事物,具有把他们与一个集体或种类区分开的共同特征或特点美国传统〔vas efferens〕Any of a number of small ducts that carry semen from the testis to the epididymis.输精管道:把精液从精巢输送到附睾的许多小导管之一美国传统〔wrought〕The new album contains some carefully-wrought new songs and a number of familiar hits.这张新专辑包含了一些精心打造的新歌和许多为人熟知的老歌。剑桥高阶A number of fatal accidents have been caused by shoddy (= bad) workmanship.工艺粗劣已造成多宗致命事故。牛津商务A number of local personalities were present at the meeting. 一些当地名人出席了会议。译典通I inherited a number of problems from my predecessor.我的前任遗留给我很多问题。牛津商务




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