

单词 armour
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔armour〕a chink in sb.'s political armour 某人政治防御层上的一个缺口英汉大词典〔armour〕a formidable warhead that can penetrate the armour of most tanks.能穿透大多数坦克装甲的威力巨大的弹头柯林斯高阶〔armour〕a knight in armour 披挂盔甲的骑士麦克米伦高阶〔armour〕a knight in full armour 全身披挂盔甲的骑士英汉大词典〔armour〕a knight wearing a suit of armour 全身披挂的骑士朗文当代〔armour〕a suit of armour 一副盔甲牛津高阶〔armour〕a suit of armour 一套盔甲麦克米伦高阶〔armour〕an attack by infantry and armour 步兵和装甲兵的进攻牛津高阶〔armour〕missiles that are capable of penetrating a tank's armour 能穿透坦克装甲的导弹麦克米伦高阶〔armour〕police officers in full body armour 全身穿着防弹衣的警察牛津搭配〔armour〕the armour of prosperity 繁荣昌盛给予的保障英汉大词典〔armour〕the biggest movement of armour since the war开战以来规模最大的装甲部队调动外研社新世纪〔armour〕the biggest movement of heavy British armour since the Second World War.二战以来规模最大的英国重型装甲部队调动柯林斯高阶〔armour〕the collection of weapons and armour in the historic White Tower.历史古迹白塔中所收藏的武器和盔甲柯林斯高阶〔armour〕the impenetrable armour of the rhinoceros无法穿透的犀牛的保护层外研社新世纪〔armour〕to armour a division把一个师装备成装甲师21世纪英汉〔armour〕to armour cruiser将巡洋舰装甲21世纪英汉〔armour〕to armour oneself against为自己作好…的防御准备21世纪英汉〔armour〕warriors in full armour 全身披挂盔甲的勇士牛津搭配〔chink〕a chink in sb.'s armour 某人性格或思想上的薄弱之处英汉大词典〔frontal〕the frontal armour of the new tanks 新型坦克的正面装甲朗文当代〔gird〕gird on one's armour (sword) 系上铠甲(宝剑)英汉大词典〔inflexible〕the heavy, inflexible armour of the beetles甲虫又重又硬的甲壳外研社新世纪〔knight〕knights in armour 披盔戴甲的骑士朗文当代〔knight〕knights in black armour 身着黑色盔甲的骑士剑桥高阶〔penetrate〕bullets that penetrate thick armour plating 穿过厚装甲的子弹朗文当代〔plating〕armour plating 装甲敷板牛津高阶〔proof〕proof armour 坚甲英汉大词典〔scaly〕a scaly armour 鱼鳞铠甲英汉大词典〔suit〕a suit of armour 一套盔甲牛津高阶〔suit〕a suit of armour 甲胄,盔甲剑桥高阶




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