

单词 conserve
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SAVE〕Recycling helps conserve natural and often limited resources. 循环使用有助于节约往往是有限的自然资源。朗文写作活用〔Xeriscape〕A trademark used for a landscaping method that employs drought-resistant plants in an effort to conserve resources, especially water.旱生植物景观:园林式美化方法的商标,利用耐旱植物保存资源(尤其是水资源)美国传统〔conservator〕One that conserves or preserves from injury, violation, or infraction; a protector.保护者:保护或维护以防止受到伤害、侵犯或违背的人;保护者美国传统〔conserve〕Don't run around too much—you need to conserve your strength.不要到处东奔西跑,你得省点力气。韦氏高阶〔conserve〕He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.他在纸张的两面都写以节省用纸。英汉大词典〔conserve〕Help to conserve energy by insulating your home.对房屋做隔热处理来帮助节约能源。牛津高阶〔conserve〕Mrs Mueller reminded her that she should conserve her strength.米勒夫人提醒她说, 她应该保存体力。外研社新世纪〔conserve〕Steps were taken to conserve the supply of water.人们采取了措施保护供水。外研社新世纪〔conserve〕The nationalists are very eager to conserve their customs and language.民族主义者非常热衷于保留他们的习俗和语言。剑桥高阶〔conserve〕The republic's factories have closed for the weekend to conserve energy.为了节约能源,该共和国的工厂周末不开工。柯林斯高阶〔conserve〕To conserve electricity, we are cutting down on our heating.为了省电,我们在减少中央供热。剑桥高阶〔conserve〕We must conserve our woodlands for future generations.我们必须为后代子孙保护林地。朗文当代〔conserve〕We need to conserve our natural resources.我们需要节约自然资源。韦氏高阶〔conserve〕We turned the bicycle lights off to conserve the batteries.我们关掉了自行车车灯以节约电池。外研社新世纪〔conserve〕With so little rain, everyone had to conserve water.降雨量那么少,大家都得节约用水。韦氏高阶〔dehydrate〕Foods are dehydrated to conserve them for future use.把食物脱水弄干贮藏以备将来食用。21世纪英汉〔elastic collision〕A collision of particles in which the total kinetic energy of the particles is conserved.弹性碰撞:碰撞物体的总动能在碰撞中保持不变的碰撞美国传统〔energy audit〕An evaluation of energy consumption, as in a home or business, to determine ways in which energy can be conserved.能量审计:对能量消耗的一种估算,如在家里或商业中决定采用能够保存能量的方式美国传统〔energy〕It is important to conserve energy.节省能源十分重要。牛津高阶〔energy〕The newer appliances conserve more energy.较新的电器更节能。韦氏高阶〔expressly〕The building is expressly designed to conserve energy.这座建筑经特意设计以节约能源。朗文当代〔full〕We should conserve oil and gas by making full use of other energy sources.我们应该通过充分利用其他能源来节约石油和汽油。外研社新世纪〔future〕The future will depend on our willingness to conserve energy now.未来将取决于我们现在是否愿意保护能源。麦克米伦高阶〔get (sb) through sth〕We need to conserve our supplies so we can get through the winter.我们得节约使用日常用品,这样才能度过冬天。剑桥高阶〔incentive〕The rising cost of electricity provides a strong/powerful incentive to conserve energy.电费上涨为节约能源提供了强大的动力。韦氏高阶〔laborsaving〕Designed to conserve human energy in performing work or to decrease the amount of human labor needed.节省劳力的:设计用来在工作时保持人体能量或减轻劳动强度的美国传统〔mixed〕The mixed forest is cut commercially but is also carefully conserved to look good.这片混合林用于商业砍伐,但与此同时也进行妥善维护以保持景观。柯林斯高阶〔mummy bag〕A sleeping bag that is tapered at the ends to conserve additional heat.木乃伊袋:尾端变细以保持温暖的睡袋美国传统〔pace〕I set off at a snail's pace to conserve my energy for later in the race.比赛开始时我的速度很慢,目的是为比赛后半程保持体力。牛津搭配〔reuse〕To conserve resources, please reuse this carrier bag.为了节省资源,请重复利用本手提袋。剑桥高阶〔save〕To prevent the waste or loss of; conserve.节省:防止…的浪费或损失;保存美国传统〔upon〕They had to conserve the candles now with winter upon them.冬天眼看就要到了,他们不得不把蜡烛省着用。柯林斯高阶In an attempt to conserve electricity the building's owners are cutting down on their central heating.为了省电,房主缩减中央供热。剑桥国际Such laws exist only to conserve the privilege of this selfish minority. 这种法律的存在只会保护这一小部分自私自利者的特权。译典通The nationalists are very keen to conserve their customs and language.民族主义者非常热衷于保留他们的风俗和语言。剑桥国际The took extreme measures to conserve fuel. 他们采取极端的手段节约燃料。译典通To conserve resources please reuse this carrier bag.为了保护资源,请重复使用该购物袋。剑桥国际We turned the bicycle lights off to conserve the batteries. 我们把自行车的灯关了,以节省电池的用电。译典通




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