

单词 combines
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GOOD AT〕He is a highly gifted young singer, who combines a beautiful voice with unusual musical sensitivity. 他是一位天赋很高的年轻歌手,既有优美的歌喉,对于音乐又有非常敏锐的感觉。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕He designed the first great suspension bridge, an idea that combines beauty and function perfectly. 他设计了第一座大型吊桥,这种设计理念把美观和实用性结合得十分好。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕This is a computer system that combines maximum flexibility with absolute accuracy. 这是一种把最大程度的灵活性和绝对的可靠性结合在一起的电脑系统。朗文写作活用〔REAL〕His style combines plain language and gritty realism. 他的文风将平实的语言和不折不扣的现实性合二为一。朗文写作活用〔SUCCEED/SUCCESSFUL〕The film successfully combines a good story line with a serious political message. 这部影片成功地在一个很好的故事情节中掺和进了一个严肃的政治信息。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕The program combines schoolwork with job experience. 这个计划将课业和工作实践结合在一起。朗文写作活用〔admixture〕Platinum combines with phosphorus and arsenic and is seldom found without an admixture of related metals.铂见于含磷、砷的铂化合物中,并且绝大多数情况下都和一些铂族金属共生。剑桥高阶〔b-boying〕A style of urban dance that combines energetic footwork with tumbling and spins, usually performed to funk music.街舞:市区的舞蹈样式,将急剧变化的舞步同空翻、旋转相结合,通常伴随烈节奏音乐表演美国传统〔biathlon〕A competition that combines events in cross-country skiing and rifle shooting.滑雪射击:一种把越野滑雪和射击结合在一起的比赛项目美国传统〔blues-rock〕A style of music that combines blues and rock 'n' roll.蓝色摇滚:综合了蓝色音乐及摇滚乐的音乐美国传统〔carboxyhemoglobin〕The compound that is formed when inhaled carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin in the blood.羧血蛋白:当吸收的一氧化碳与血液中的血蛋白结合时所形成的化合物美国传统〔cgi〕The movie ‘Dinosaur’ combines CGI animation with live-action location shots.《恐龙》这部电影结合了计算机成像动画和实地拍摄的画面。牛津高阶〔chorionic villus〕One of the minute vascular projections of the fetal chorion that combines with maternal uterine tissue to form the placenta.绒毛膜绒毛:是一种具有微血管的胎膜的突出物,由母亲的子宫组织组成,用以形成胎盘美国传统〔combine〕Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.氢与氧化合成水。牛津高阶〔combine〕Hydrogen combines with oxygen to form water.氢和氧化合成水。英汉大词典〔combine〕She successfully combines her career with family life.她成功地兼顾事业和家庭。牛津搭配〔combine〕The choreography, which combines artistry and athletics, is extremely innovative.兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的美国传统〔combine〕The film combines humour with suspense.这部影片既妙趣横生, 又不乏悬念。外研社新世纪〔combine〕The hotel combines comfort with convenience.这家旅馆既舒适又方便。牛津高阶〔combine〕This method of payment combines the advantages of cash with the convenience of a check.这种付款方式兼具了现金的优势和支票的便捷。韦氏高阶〔combine〕This model combines a telephone and fax machine.这种型号同时具备电话机和传真机的功能。牛津高阶〔combine〕We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.我们仍在寻觅兼备所有必要才能的人选。牛津高阶〔combining form〕The combining form "Anglo" combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile.构词成分 Anglo 意为“英国的”,可构成许多词,如 Anglo-American(英美的)和 Anglophile(亲英的)。剑桥高阶〔continental〕The hotel combines American comfort with continental elegance.这家旅馆将美式的舒适与欧式的典雅融为一体。韦氏高阶〔corepressor〕A substance that combines with and activates a genetic repressor, thus preventing gene transcription and inhibiting protein synthesis.辅阻遏物:一种与遗传阻遏物质结合并使其活跃的物质,以此来抑制遗传因子转录和阻止蛋白质的合成美国传统〔cultivate〕They hope to cultivate a new strain that combines all these merits but does not have the defects.他们希望培育出一种新的品种,兼有所有这些优点,而没有缺点。21世纪英汉〔deposit〕Soap combines with the alkaline salts in water to form a powdery deposit that clings to hair.肥皂结合水中的碱盐形成一种粉状的沉淀物, 这种沉淀物能够附着在头发上。外研社新世纪〔dryness〕It combines the dryness of red wine with the fresh lightness of white.它融合了红葡萄酒的无甜味与白葡萄酒的清新淡雅。外研社新世纪〔elegant〕His writing combines elegance and wit.他的文章典雅而风趣。牛津高阶〔elevon〕A control surface on an airplane that combines the functions of an elevator and an aileron.升降副翼:兼有升降舵和副翼两种功能的飞机控制平面美国传统〔equal〕The play combines tragedy and comedy in equal measure/proportions.这部剧的悲剧戏份和喜剧戏份一样多。韦氏高阶〔eye〕The magazine combines the accuracy of the scientist with the eye of the artist.这份杂志既反映科学家的准确又展现艺术家的眼光。朗文当代〔fable〕He combines fact and fable to make a more interesting story.他将事实与传说结合起来,编了一个更加有趣的故事。韦氏高阶〔farm〕The area combines a working farm and a farming museum.这个地区既是农场又是一个农业博物馆。牛津搭配〔feature〕His plan combines the best features of the earlier proposals.他的计划综合了前几个提议的最优之处。韦氏高阶〔freeze〕Some of the smaller traders are being frozen out by the big combines.一些小商人正在被联合大企业淘汰。英汉大词典〔function〕His job combines the functions of a manager and a worker.他既当经理又当工人。韦氏高阶〔interview〕The documentary combines interview footage and clips from his films.纪录片由访谈镜头和他参演的电影片段构成。牛津搭配〔magical realism〕A chiefly literary style or genre originating in Latin America that combines fantastic or dreamlike elements with realism.魔幻写实主义:起源于拉丁美洲的主要文学风格或体裁,将写实主义与幻想或梦幻元素结合美国传统〔misty〕The bathroom combines misty blues with bright splashes of colour.浴室结合了朦胧的蓝色和鲜艳的色块。外研社新世纪〔monster〕An imaginary or legendary creature, such as a centaur or Harpy, that combines parts from various animal or human forms.怪物:一个想象或传说中的由各种兽形或人形组成的怪物,如半人半马的怪物或哈比(一种怪物)美国传统〔myosin〕The commonest protein in muscle cells, responsible for the elastic and contractile properties of muscle. It combines with actin to form actomyosin.肌球蛋白:在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋白质,对肌肉的弹性和收缩性的特性很重要,它与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊美国传统〔pop〕Her music combines funk and pop.她的音乐结合了乡土爵士乐和通俗音乐两种风格。麦克米伦高阶〔rare〕It's very rare to find someone who combines such qualities.具有此类综合素质的人是非常罕见的。剑桥高阶〔rate〕The new council tax combines elements of both the community charge and the rates.新的家庭税合并了人头税和地方税两个税种。柯林斯高阶〔reaction〕Chemistry A change or transformation in which a substance decomposes, combines with other substances, or interchanges constituents with other substances.【化学】 反应:一种物质分解,同其它物质结合或与其它物质交换元素的变化或转变美国传统〔ruggedly〕The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed.这款相机既坚固耐用,又有超凡的光学性能和快门速度。柯林斯高阶〔song and dance〕A theatrical performance that combines singing and dancing.歌舞表演:把歌唱与舞蹈结为一体的戏剧表演美国传统〔technique〕The artist combines different techniques in the same painting.这位艺术家在同一幅画中把不同的画法结合在一起。牛津高阶〔transaxle〕An automotive part that combines the transmission and the differential and is used on vehicles with front-wheel drive.驱动桥:汽车的一个部件,将传动装置和分速器箱结合起来,用于前轮驱动的汽车美国传统〔transferrin〕A beta globulin in blood serum that combines with and transports iron.转铁蛋白:血清中的β球蛋白与铁结合输送铁离子美国传统〔whimsy〕The film combines whimsy and tragedy in equal measure. 这部电影同时融合了怪诞与悲剧。剑桥高阶〔word〕She combines visual images and the spoken word to great effect in her presentations.在介绍会上,她将视觉影像和语言结合起来,达到了非常好的效果。牛津搭配〔word〕The portmanteau word 'synergy' combines 'synthesis' and 'energy'.synergy (协同作用)这个缩合词是由 synthesis (合成)和 energy (能量)这两个词缩合而成的。牛津搭配An ingenious plot combines with a powerful evocation of rural life between the wars to produce a highly enjoyable film.别出心裁的情节结合两次战争期间对乡村生活回忆的强烈召唤,制作出一部娱乐性很高的电影。剑桥国际Her writing successfully combines fluency with cogency.她的作品融流畅性与说服力于一体。剑桥国际Platinum combines with phosphorus and arsenic and is seldom found without an admixture of related metals.铂与磷和砷化合很少会没有相关金属的混合物。剑桥国际She speaks good grammatical French (= she combines the words correctly).她说着一口语法规范的法语。剑桥国际The course combines classroom training with online learning.这个课程将课堂练习与在线学习结合起来。牛津商务The device combines a computer and mobile phone.这种设备同时具备计算机和手机的功能。牛津商务The dress combines stylish lines with an attractive floral print for a classically feminine look.这件女装将时髦的线条和迷人的印花图案结合起来,形成一种典型的具有女性韵味的外观。剑桥国际The new store combines upmarket food retail with home products.新商店既有高档零售食品又有家居产品。牛津商务The program combines practicums with business and general studies courses.这门课程将企业实习课和普通学习课程结合起来。牛津商务The store combines food retail with home products.这家商店兼营食品零售和家用产品。牛津商务This computer combines portability and usability in a sleek design.这款电脑设计时尚,兼具便携性和易用性。牛津商务We are still looking for someone who combines all the necessary qualities.我们仍在寻找具有所有必备才能的人选。牛津商务White marble is often used for stonecarving because it combines the right level of hardness with tensile strength.白色大理石常被用来做石雕,因为它既有合适的硬度又有抗拉强度。剑桥国际




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