

单词 cheat
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕I was still under the delusion that everyone was trying to cheat me. 我仍有一种错觉,以为人人都想欺骗我。朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕Don't pretend you can't afford to pay me that money back -- you're nothing but a cheat and a liar! 不要假装你还不起欠我的那笔钱——你是个彻头彻尾的骗子、撒谎精!朗文写作活用〔CHEAT〕He doesn't trust car mechanics -- he thinks they're all trying to cheat him. 他不相信汽车维修工——他觉得他们都在骗他。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕I've been around the block a few times, and I think I know when someone's trying to cheat me. 我也见过一些世面,我想我看得出什么时候有人想骗我。朗文写作活用〔Even worse〕She found out that he was cheating on her. Even worse, her friends knew that he was and never told her.她发现他在欺骗她。更恶劣的是,她的朋友们知道这点却从没告诉过她。韦氏高阶〔PUNISH〕In the examinations we shall come down hard on any student who attempts to cheat. 考试期间,我们将严厉惩罚任何企图作弊的学生。朗文写作活用〔STEAL〕Many people don't regard cheating on their taxes as stealing. 很多人并不认为骗税是一种偷窃行为。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕The two men were involved in an elaborate con to cheat investors out of their money. 这两个人涉及一宗精心策划的诈骗投资者金钱的案子。朗文写作活用〔action〕Disciplinary action will be taken against students who cheat.对作弊的学生将予以惩戒。牛津搭配〔apple〕A few bad apples cheated on the test, and now everyone has to take the test again.几个害群之马考试作弊,弄得大家现在都得重考。韦氏高阶〔at〕He's at it again, trying to cheat the customers.他又那样,想欺骗顾客。麦克米伦高阶〔banish〕The children banished him from their game because he always cheated.孩子们不让他参加游戏,因为他老是作弊。英汉大词典〔bawl ... out〕The dean bawled out the students who had been caught cheating.训导主任斥责那些作弊被当场抓住的学生们。21世纪英汉〔believe〕I believe she cheated.我猜想她欺骗了人。牛津同义词〔bitterness〕He remembered with bitterness how she had cheated him.他痛苦地回想起她如何欺骗了他。文馨英汉〔blackleg〕One who cheats at cards; a cardsharp.骗子:在打牌时作弊者;作弊老手美国传统〔blaze〕Her eyes blazed when she saw him cheating.当她看见他行骗时,她双眼直冒火。21世纪英汉〔boast〕Cheating on somebody is hardly something to boast about.欺骗某人算不上是什么值得吹嘘的事。麦克米伦高阶〔book〕That's cheating in my book.依我看那是欺骗。牛津高阶〔brand〕They were branded as liars and cheats.他们被说成是说谎者和骗子。牛津高阶〔cardsharp〕An expert in cheating at cards.玩纸牌时的作弊老手美国传统〔catch〕My teacher caught me cheating on a test.老师当场发现我考试作弊。韦氏高阶〔catch〕We knew he'd been cheating, but we'd never caught him at it before.我们知道他一直在做手脚,不过我们以前从来没有当场抓到过他。朗文当代〔cheat (out) of〕He cheated me out of my money.他骗了我的钱。21世纪英汉〔cheat at〕He always cheats at cards.他玩牌总是作弊。21世纪英汉〔cheat into〕He cheated her into marrying a rich married man.他诱骗她嫁给一个有钱的已婚男子。21世纪英汉〔cheat into〕He cheated his friends into the belief that he was an honest man.他哄骗友人相信他是个老实人。21世纪英汉〔cheat on sb〕She found out that he'd been cheating on her.她发现他对她不忠。剑桥高阶〔cheat on〕A private detective has been assigned to find out whether she's cheating on her husband.请了个私家侦探以查明她是否对丈夫不忠。外研社新世纪〔cheat on〕He cheated on his wife/girlfriend.他对妻子/女友不忠。韦氏高阶〔cheat on〕Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.他们的工作是核查是否各签约国都没有违反协议。外研社新世纪〔cheat sb out of sth〕She claimed that her cousin had cheated her out of her inheritance.她声称她的表兄骗取了本该由她继承的遗产。剑桥高阶〔cheating〕In an election in 1988, he was accused of cheating by his opponent.在1988年的一次选举中,他被对手指控舞弊。柯林斯高阶〔cheating〕In an election in 1988, he was accused of cheating by his opponent.在1988年的选举中, 他被对手指控舞弊。外研社新世纪〔cheating〕Many brokers were charged with cheating customers in commodity trades.许多经纪人被指控在商品交易中欺骗顾客。柯林斯高阶〔cheating〕Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.为了能进入一流学校,学生们会忍不住想作弊。柯林斯高阶〔cheating〕The storyline is fatally compromised by an ending that leaves you feeling horribly cheated.故事结尾让人很失望,这样的结尾严重削弱了故事情节。柯林斯高阶〔cheat〕Amy protested she was being cheated of her rightful share.艾米提出抗议,说她被人骗取了她依法应得的份额。英汉大词典〔cheat〕Don’t trust him — he’s a cheat.别信任他—— 他是个骗子。牛津同义词〔cheat〕Even if I had the time, I'd never cheat and I'm sure he wouldn't either.即便有机会, 我也绝不会不忠而且我肯定他也不会。外研社新世纪〔cheat〕He cheated his way into the job.他骗取了这份工作。牛津高阶〔cheat〕He cheats at cards.他玩纸牌时作弊。韦氏高阶〔cheat〕He cheats at cards? 他打牌作弊吗?剑桥高阶〔cheat〕He had cheated in the test by using a calculator.他在考试时作弊,用了计算器。朗文当代〔cheat〕His addiction has turned him into a cheat and a liar.毒瘾把他变成了一个骗子和说谎者。朗文当代〔cheat〕His financial activity turned out to be a shameful cheat.他的财务活动原来是见不得人的欺骗勾当。英汉大词典〔cheat〕I felt cheated by all the drawbacks and delays.种种的不利条件和延误让我觉得自己上当受骗了。麦克米伦高阶〔cheat〕I suspect he cheats on his taxes (= avoids paying as much tax as he should).我怀疑他逃税。剑桥高阶〔cheat〕I was cheated out of 20 dollars.我被骗走了20美元。韦氏高阶〔cheat〕It's really a cheat, but you can use ready-made pastry if you want.这样做其实是骗人,但如果你愿意的话,可以用现成的油酥面团。牛津高阶〔cheat〕Kids have always found ways of cheating in school exams.孩子们总能找到考试作弊的办法。麦克米伦高阶〔cheat〕Many people feel cheated by the government's refusal to hold a referendum.由于政府拒绝举行公民投票表决,许多人都觉得上当受骗。牛津高阶〔cheat〕Several students were expelled for cheating in examinations.有几个学生因考试作弊而被开除。21世纪英汉〔cheat〕She cheated her aged aunt out of her fortune.她从年迈的姑妈那里骗得了财产。朗文当代〔cheat〕She cheated her little sister out of some money.她从自己的小妹妹身上骗了些钱。外研社新世纪〔cheat〕She felt cheated and used.她感觉自己被人欺骗和利用了。朗文当代〔cheat〕She has been cheating on her husband for years.多年来她对丈夫一直不忠实。21世纪英汉〔cheat〕She is accused of attempting to cheat the taxman.她被指控企图蒙骗税务员。牛津高阶〔cheat〕Students may be tempted to cheat in order to get into top schools.为了考进好学校, 学生们有可能会作弊。外研社新世纪〔cheat〕The magazine claims that almost half of Britain's women cheat on their partners.该杂志称几乎有一半的英国妇女对自己的伴侣不忠。朗文当代〔cheat〕The players were accused of cheating.那些运动员被指控犯规。韦氏高阶〔cheat〕The store cheats its customers through false advertising.这家商店利用虚假广告欺骗顾客。韦氏高阶〔cheat〕The swimmers cheated death in spite of the storm.尽管风狂雨暴,游泳者幸免于难。英汉大词典〔cheat〕The tricky street pedlar cheated the girl into giving him all her money.狡猾的摊贩把小姑娘的钱全骗走了。21世纪英汉〔cheat〕There's a cheat you can use to get to the next level.有种秘技,你可以用来到达下一关。牛津高阶〔cheat〕You can use cocoa powder to make the cake rather than chocolate - it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody notices the difference.你可以用可可粉而不是巧克力做蛋糕——这有点骗人,可是没人会注意到其中的差别。剑桥高阶〔cheat〕You're not allowed to look at the answers—that's cheating.你们不许看答案,那是作弊。牛津高阶〔cheat〕You've been cheated.你受骗了。21世纪英汉〔chess〕Any of several species of brome grass, especially the cheat.雀麦:数种雀麦草,尤指雀麦美国传统〔clear-cut〕She has clear-cut evidence that the company cheated her.她有确凿的证据表明公司欺骗了她。剑桥高阶〔clip〕Slang To cheat, swindle, or rob.【俚语】 欺骗,诈骗,抢劫美国传统〔come to〕He's a dirty cheat, and I'm going to see that he gets what's coming to him.他是个卑鄙的骗子,我倒要看看他的下场。韦氏高阶〔come〕It comes down to this: the man is a cheat.事实是这样:那人是个骗子美国传统〔connive〕The student connived with her friend to cheat on the examination.那个学生同她的朋友暗地里商量考试作弊。英汉大词典〔cook〕The speeding ticket cooked his goose with his father. Her goose was cooked when she was caught cheating on the test.超速驾驶罚款单使他在他父亲那儿倒了霉。当她考试作弊被抓住时,一下名声扫地美国传统〔copy〕He was always copying from/off other students (= cheating by copying), but never got caught.他总是抄袭别的学生,可从未被抓到过。剑桥高阶〔counter〕The smugglers allegedly sold the gold under the counter, cheating the VAT man out of £5 million.据说走私者偷偷摸摸出售了黄金, 偷逃增值税500万英镑。外研社新世纪〔credible〕It is just not credible that she would cheat.她会行骗简直难以置信。牛津高阶〔cully〕To fool; cheat.愚弄;欺骗美国传统〔defraud〕He faces charges of theft and conspiracy to defraud (=a secret plan to cheat someone, made by two or more people) .他面临偷窃和合谋诈骗的指控。朗文当代〔degrade oneself〕She degraded herself by cheating and telling lies.她欺骗说谎自甘堕落。21世纪英汉〔denial〕When I asked if she had cheated in the exam, she answered with a vehement denial.我问她是否考试作弊时,她强烈地否认了。牛津搭配〔denounce as〕He was denounced as a cheat.他被谴责为骗子。21世纪英汉〔derogatory〕Cheating is regarded as derogatory.作弊被认作卑劣行为。英汉大词典〔detection〕They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection.他们在作弊, 但因为手法老练没有被发现。外研社新世纪〔detection〕They are cheating but are sophisticated enough to avoid detection.他们在作弊,但因为手法老练没有被发现。柯林斯高阶〔detect〕I detected her cheating.我发觉她在欺骗。21世纪英汉〔disapprove〕I strongly disapprove of cheating.我强烈反对作弊。麦克米伦高阶〔dishonest〕Disposed to lie, cheat, defraud, or deceive.说谎的、欺瞒的:有意撒谎、欺骗、诈骗或蒙蔽的美国传统〔disqualify〕Any form of cheating means automatic disqualification.任何形式的作弊都意味着自动取消资格。牛津高阶〔disqualify〕He was disqualified from the competition for cheating.他因作弊被取消比赛资格。麦克米伦高阶〔duck〕The ruling body wanted to duck the issue of whether players had been cheating.管理机构想避开运动员是否有欺骗行为的争议。朗文当代〔erupt〕Newman fled barefoot as the cheated husband erupted in fury.被妻子戴绿帽子的丈夫勃然大怒, 纽曼则光着脚溜了。外研社新世纪〔exhort〕He exhorted his fellow students not to expose his cheating in the examination.他恳求同学们不要揭发他在考试中的作弊行为。英汉大词典〔exonerate〕Lyndon was exonerated from the accusation of cheating.林登被免受进行欺骗的指控。21世纪英汉〔expel〕More than 5,000 secondary-school students have been expelled for cheating.5,000多名中学生因为作弊被开除。外研社新世纪〔expel〕The student was expelled for cheating.这个学生因作弊被开除。英汉大词典〔expose〕The baron was exposed as a liar and a cheat.这个工商业巨头说谎和欺骗的面目被揭穿了。朗文当代〔find〕He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out.他过去一直在欺骗税务部门,只是多年以后才被查出来。牛津高阶〔gamesmanship〕Gamesmanship is acceptable, but cheating isn't.用战术取胜可以接受, 但作弊不行。外研社新世纪〔get away with〕Don't try to cheat on your income tax,you'll never get away with it.不要在你的所得税上耍花招,你绝不可能侥幸成功。21世纪英汉〔get wise to〕I've got wise to his tricks, he can't cheat me any more.我已经识破了他的诡计,他再也骗不了我了。21世纪英汉〔get〕Watch Frank – he'll cheat if he thinks he can get away with it.看着弗兰克 — 他逮到机会就会作弊。朗文当代〔grift〕To engage in swindling or cheating.参与诈骗或欺骗美国传统〔have something/nothing/much (etc.) to say for yourself〕Your teacher says you were caught cheating. What do you have to say for yourself? 你的老师说你作弊被逮住了。你有什么要解释的吗?韦氏高阶〔have〕I won't have him cheat me.我不允许他欺骗我。英汉大词典〔high〕He was still on a natural high after cheating death.死里逃生后,他依旧表现出自然的亢奋。牛津搭配〔history〕He's got a history of cheating on his girlfriends.他有对女朋友不忠的先例。麦克米伦高阶〔illegal〕If people are taking illegal substances, they're cheating.服用违禁品就是在舞弊。外研社新世纪〔indignation〕They were full of righteous indignation at the thought of being cheated.一想到受骗了他们就义愤填膺。牛津搭配〔intent〕He sold the house with intent to cheat her.他出售那栋房子存心要诈骗她。文馨英汉〔in〕He didn't have it in him to cheat.他这人不会骗人。英汉大词典〔isolated〕They said the allegations related to an isolated case of cheating.他们说这些指控与另一件欺诈案有关。柯林斯高阶〔jockey〕To trick; cheat.戏弄;欺骗美国传统〔lay ... out〕The teacher laid the student out for cheat at the examination.老师斥责学生在考试中作弊。21世纪英汉〔let〕If he thinks he can cheat me, just let him try! 要是他以为能够骗过我,就让他来试一下吧!牛津高阶〔like〕It's not like him to cheat and lie.他不像是那种会欺骗和撒谎的人。麦克米伦高阶〔look〕We don't look kindly on people who cheat us.我们不能容忍欺骗我们的人。麦克米伦高阶〔look〕You can't trust him at all. He would cheat you as soon as look at you.你决不能相信他。他这人转眼就要叫你上当。英汉大词典〔mar〕That election was marred by massive cheating.大范围的舞弊破坏了那次选举。外研社新世纪〔mar〕That election was marred by massive cheating.大范围的舞弊破坏了那次选举。柯林斯高阶〔mate〕He's a cheat and a gambler; hardly an ideal mate.他是个骗子兼赌徒,不可能是理想的伴侣。牛津搭配〔may〕I think he may be trying to cheat us.我认为他可能在试图欺骗我们。韦氏高阶〔might〕I think he might be trying to cheat us.我认为他可能在试图骗我们。韦氏高阶〔nasty〕When you feel you've been cheated, it always leaves a nasty taste in the mouth (=makes you feel upset or angry afterwards) .你发现受骗时,总会有一种懊恼的感觉。朗文当代〔no-no〕We all know that cheating on our taxes is a no-no.我们都知道在税务上弄虚作假是干不得的事。外研社新世纪〔old lady〕He cheated on his old lady.他对自己的老婆不忠。韦氏高阶〔open invitation〕These lax laws are an open invitation to cheat the system.这些不严密的法律是人们钻制度空子的诱因。麦克米伦高阶〔palm〕To conceal (something) in the palm of the hand, as in cheating at dice or cards or in a sleight-of-hand trick.将东西藏在手中:在手掌上隐藏一些东西,如在赌搏掷骰子或玩牌或变戏法中的戏法欺骗行为美国传统〔past〕I wouldn't put it past Colin to cheat.我认为很有可能科林骗了人。朗文当代〔patsy〕A person easily taken advantage of, cheated, blamed, or ridiculed.易上当者,傻瓜:易受利用、欺骗、归咎或嘲笑的人美国传统〔plain〕It was cheating, plain and simple.那是欺骗,明摆着的。麦克米伦高阶〔punishment〕He has cheated people and escaped punishment.他欺骗了人们,而且逃过了惩罚。麦克米伦高阶〔queer〕His cheating on the final examination queered his chances of graduation.他在期终考试中作弊使他失掉了毕业的机会。21世纪英汉〔reach〕It reached her only slowly that he was cheating her.她只是慢慢地才醒悟到他在骗她。英汉大词典〔rebuke〕The boy was rebuked by his teacher for cheating.那男生因作弊受到老师的责备。英汉大词典〔rebuttal〕He said in rebuttal that he hadn't cheated.他反驳说自己没有作弊。韦氏高阶〔recur〕If this cheating recurs, you will be expelled.如果这样的作弊行为再发生,你将被开除。英汉大词典〔regular〕I can assure you that cheating is not a regular occurrence at this school.我可以向你保证,考试作弊在本校不常发生。麦克米伦高阶〔remain〕The fact remains that she tried to cheat in the test.事实是她企图在考试中作弊。麦克米伦高阶〔respecter〕The British Sports Council is no respecter of privacy or careers as it tries to stamp out the cheats.为了杜绝舞弊行为,英国体育委员会丝毫不会顾及个人的隐私或职业。柯林斯高阶〔right〕You were right to tell the teacher about the girl who you saw cheating.你把看见那个女生作弊的事告诉给老师是正确的。韦氏高阶〔rook〕A swindler or cheat, especially at games.骗子:尤指以赌搏骗钱的骗子美国传统〔save〕A police officer saved the tourist from being cheated.一位警官使旅游者免于受骗。美国传统〔send〕Eric was sent down for cheating in examinations.埃里克因考试舞弊而被开除。麦克米伦高阶〔shameless〕He’s shameless about his cheating and lying.他欺骗、说谎,却不以为耻。牛津同义词〔shame〕It is a shame that they were cheated.他们竟受了骗,真是太不像话了。英汉大词典〔small〕He felt very small to be caught cheating.被发现作弊,他感到羞愧不已。韦氏高阶〔stick〕He wouldn't stick at cheating to get what he wanted.他为了得到想要的东西会不惜行骗。英汉大词典〔sting〕Slang To cheat or overcharge.【俚语】 骗,敲竹杠:欺骗或多要钱美国传统〔stoop〕She stooped to cheating 她自甘堕落行骗。英汉大词典〔swindle〕Swindlers have cheated investors out of £2 million.诈骗犯们已经骗取了投资者 200 万英镑。柯林斯高阶〔swindle〕To cheat or defraud of money or property.诈骗:骗走钱财或财产美国传统〔sympathy〕I have absolutely no sympathy for students who get caught cheating in exams.我对考试作弊被抓到的学生丝毫都不同情。朗文当代〔taxman〕He had been cheating the taxman for years.多年来他一直欺骗税务部门。牛津高阶〔temptingly〕It is temptingly easy to cheat on taxes.人们禁不住就想骗税。韦氏高阶〔think〕I can't think why they cheated in the examination.我不明白他们干吗考试作弊。21世纪英汉〔thought〕The thought struck him that maybe they were trying to cheat him.某人忽然想到…麦克米伦高阶〔throw out〕She got thrown out of school for cheating.她因作弊被学校开除。韦氏高阶〔throw〕Anybody who cheats will be thrown out of the team.作弊的人将被开除出队。麦克米伦高阶〔tumble〕I finally tumbled to the reality that I was being cheated.最后我突然意识到我已被欺骗的现实美国传统〔type〕When they cheat at cards, I'm not at all surprised; they're just acting true to type.他们打牌作弊的话,我一点也不会感到意外,因为这种行为合乎他们的本性。英汉大词典〔unbelievable〕I know it sounds unbelievable, but I never wanted to cheat.我知道听上去难以置信, 但我从不想撒谎。外研社新世纪〔untrue〕I feel cheated and disgusted by untrue accusations.虚假指控让我感觉受到欺骗、十分厌恶。外研社新世纪〔wise up〕They finally wised up to the fact that they were being cheated.他们终于发现上当受骗了。韦氏高阶〔worse〕It may be no worse to cheat than to steal.与偷窃相比,欺骗同样不道德。韦氏高阶〔worse〕Of the two routes, the eastern one is the worse. She was accused of cheating on exams, lying, and worse.这两条路比起来,东边那条更差劲。她被指责考试作弊,更糟糕的是她还说谎美国传统Cheating deserves our harshest condemnation. 作弊理应受到我们最严厉的谴责。译典通A husband should never cheat on his wife. Conversely, a wife should never have an extra-marital affair. 作为丈夫的不应该劈腿。反过来说,作为妻子的也不应该有婚外情。译典通A person of character would not cheat. 品德高尚的人是不会欺诈的。译典通Anger flooded (into / over) him when he realised he had been cheated. [T; I + prep] 他意识到自己被欺骗时,不由满腔怒气。剑桥国际Anyone caught cheating will be immediately disqualified from the exam.任何人被发现作弊将被立即取消考试资格。剑桥国际Bill took stock of the situation after Christine cheated on him. 在克丽丝汀欺骗了他后,比尔评估一下现状。译典通By using a simple cheat, it was possible to avoid paying for phone calls.采用一种简单的欺骗手段,便有可能达到免交电话费的目的。牛津商务Customers felt cheated by the sudden rise in price.由于突然涨价,顾客觉得被欺骗了。牛津商务Ever since a property developer cheated her out of £10 000, she's distrusted all business people.自从房地产开发商骗走她一万英镑之后,她就不相信生意人了。剑桥国际He became hot under the collar when he realized that he had been cheated. 当他意识到自己被骗时,不禁勃然大怒。译典通He confessed to cheating on the exam. 他承认考试作弊。译典通He dishonored his team by cheating during the competition. 他在比赛时作弊,使他的队蒙受耻辱。译典通He explained that he had been cheated. 他解释说他是上当受骗了。译典通He got (=was hit with) the cane for cheating.他因作弊而受到笞杖抽打。剑桥国际He is infamous for saying that cheating “has become absolutely necessary in professional cricket today”.他因为说“在当今的职业板球运动中欺骗是绝对必要的”而声名狼藉。剑桥国际He never cheated in exams. 他考试从不作弊。译典通He served six months in prison for cheating his employer, but is now going back to work with the slate wiped clean (= with his past crimes forgotten).他因欺骗雇主而坐了六个月的牢,但现在他的过往罪行已被人们忘记并且回去工作。剑桥国际His was a life of thieving (= stealing) and cheating.他靠偷窃和行骗过活。剑桥国际I feel nothing but contempt for cheating. 我对作弊十分蔑视。译典通I made the cake using cocoa powder rather than chocolate -- it's a bit of a cheat, but nobody will notice the difference.我用可可粉而不是巧克力粉做蛋糕----这算是假货,可是谁都不会注意到其中的差别。剑桥国际She cheated in the test by copying from the boy in front.她在考试中作弊,抄坐在前面的男孩的答案。剑桥国际Tax cheats have declined. 偷税逃税事件已有所减少。译典通The boy has made a practice of cheating at examinations. 那男孩经常考试时作弊。译典通The examiner never left the classroom to make sure there was no cheating. 主考人一刻也没有离开教室以确保不发生作弊。译典通The local business community has been destroyed by corruption, cheating and double-dealing.当地的经贸团体因腐败、诈骗和两面派行为而破产。剑桥国际The salesman cheated me into buying a fake. 那个推销员骗我买了假货。译典通The winner has been disqualified for cheating, so justice has been done (= a fair situation has been achieved).那个冠军因为作弊而被取消了称号,罪有应得。剑桥国际There were instances of brazen cheating in the exams.考试中有明目张胆的作弊行为。剑桥国际They cheated me, but I feel no rancour towards/against them.他们骗了我,但我并不对他们怀恨在心。剑桥国际They cheated the old woman of her house and money. 他们骗取了老妇人的房屋和钱财。译典通They thundered against cheating on exams. 他们大声疾呼反对考试作弊。译典通Unusually, there were a number of disqualifications in the games for cheating.不同寻常的是,运动会上有几起作弊引起的资格取消事件。剑桥国际You cheated me, you dirty rat! 你欺骗了我,你这肮脏小人!剑桥国际




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