

单词 capture
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔capture〕capture 60% of the vote 获得60%选票英汉大词典〔capture〕capture a city 攻占一座城市英汉大词典〔capture〕capture a likeness in a painting.保存一幅油画中的人物肖像美国传统〔capture〕capture butterflies 捕蝶英汉大词典〔capture〕capture sb.'s charm on canvas 把某人的美貌保存在画布上英汉大词典〔capture〕capture the queen in chess; captured the liberal vote.下国际象棋时吃掉王后;赢得自由党的选票美国传统〔capture〕a new system for data capture 新的数据处理系统麦克米伦高阶〔capture〕data capture 数据采集牛津高阶〔capture〕data capture 资料记录英汉大词典〔capture〕data/image capture 数据/影像存储韦氏高阶〔capture〕singing actors who capture the hearts of audience 使听众倾心的演唱家们英汉大词典〔capture〕tales of adventure that capture the imagination.引起想象的探险故事美国传统〔capture〕the capture of Jerusalem in 1099 1099 年攻占耶路撒冷朗文当代〔capture〕the capture of a huge sector of the satellite TV market 对卫星电视大块市场份额的抢占麦克米伦高阶〔capture〕the capture of enemy territory 占领敌方领土牛津高阶〔capture〕the capture of many wild animals 许多野兽的捕获英汉大词典〔capture〕the capture of sb.'s fancy by a piece of music 一段乐曲对某人的吸引英汉大词典〔capture〕the capture of the city by enemy forces 敌人对城市的控制韦氏高阶〔capture〕the capture of the party by extremists 过激分子对该政党的控制英汉大词典〔capture〕the capture of the town by the enemy 敌人对该镇的占领英汉大词典〔capture〕the final battles which led to the capture of the town导致该城被占领的最后几场战斗外研社新世纪〔capture〕the final battles which led to the army's capture of the town.军队攻占该城镇前的最后几场战斗柯林斯高阶〔capture〕the great names of the Tory party who usually capture the historian's attention.往往会引起历史学家关注的保守党大人物柯林斯高阶〔capture〕the great names of the Tory party who usually capture the historian's attention托利党中常常引起历史学家关注的大人物外研社新世纪〔capture〕to capture a castle.攻下城堡。牛津同义词〔capture〕to capture a criminal.捉拿一个罪犯。牛津同义词〔capture〕using traps to capture mice 用老鼠夹捕老鼠韦氏高阶〔employment〕the employment of artillery in the capture of the town 在攻城时使用大炮牛津高阶〔eventual〕his eventual capture and imprisonment 他最终的被捕入狱麦克米伦高阶〔foolhardy〕a foolhardy attempt to capture more territory 想占领更多地盘的鲁莽行为朗文当代〔impound〕capture and impound stray dogs.把迷路的狗抓住并且关在圈中美国传统〔law-and-order〕capture most of the law-and-order vote 赢得大多数守法公民的选票英汉大词典〔law-and-order〕capture most of the law-and-order vote 赢得守法公民选票的多数文馨英汉〔magic〕dance and music which capture the magic of India 具有印度独特魅力的舞蹈和音乐牛津高阶〔reward〕a reward for information leading to the capture of the murderers 因提供情报令凶手落网而得到的赏金朗文当代〔underbelly〕photographs that capture the underbelly of the United States – its poverty, its injustice, and its alienated underclass 捕捉到美国社会中贫穷、不公正以及被孤立的底层阶级等阴暗面的照片朗文当代〔visual〕an ad campaign with striking visuals; trying to capture a poem in a cinematic visual.有醒目画面的一场广告运动;试着用电影说明来传达一首诗美国传统〔wholesale〕the capture and wholesale destruction of a city 一座城市的沦陷和大规模毁坏朗文当代




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