

单词 ceasefire
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASK〕The war continues as a fresh UN appeal for a ceasefire has been rejected. 联合国再次要求停战的呼吁遭到了拒绝,战争继续进行。朗文写作活用〔ATTACK〕The tanks and artillery will hit back hard if the ceasefire is broken. 如果违反停火协定,就会有坦克和大炮予以重重回击。朗文写作活用〔CAUSE〕The President will support any efforts to bring about a ceasefire. 总统将支持为促成停火所作的一切努力。朗文写作活用〔CONDITION〕One of the conditions of the agreement was that both sides would call an immediate ceasefire. 协议上的一个条件是双方下令立即停火。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕It's not certain how long the ceasefire will last. 停火会持续多久尚不确定。朗文写作活用〔CONTINUE〕The continuation of the ceasefire now seems to be in danger. 继续停火现在似乎不可能了。朗文写作活用〔DELAY〕The rebel's current ceasefire doesn't amount to much more than playing for time. 叛乱分子当前的停火只是在拖延时间而已。朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕The ceasefire turned out to be just a cover to gain time to prepare another attack. 停火协定原来只是一个掩饰,为准备下一轮的进攻争取时间。朗文写作活用〔HOPE〕Recent reports of a ceasefire agreement have given us new hope. 近期有关停火协议的报道给了我们新的希望。朗文写作活用〔ILLEGAL〕Any further fighting will be seen as a violation of the ceasefire agreement. 任何继续交战行为都将被视为对停火协定的践踏。朗文写作活用〔NERVOUS〕Since the two sides declared a ceasefire, there has been an uneasy calm throughout the region. 双方宣布停战以后,整个地区都有种令人不安的平静。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕Both leaders signed the ceasefire agreement. 两位领导人签署了停火协议。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕So far no one has violated the three-day ceasefire. 到目前为止,没有人破坏这项三天停火协议。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕The ceasefire won't last unless both sides are prepared to compromise. 除非双方都准备妥协,否则停火协议无法继续下去。朗文写作活用〔PEACE〕The government had failed in numerous attempts to achieve a ceasefire through negotiation. 该政府想通过谈判达成停火协议的许多次努力都失败了。朗文写作活用〔PROMISE〕The rebels had agreed to a ceasefire, but they've gone back on their word. 叛军同意停火,但他们出尔反尔。朗文写作活用〔RISK〕The breaking of the ceasefire has put the whole peace process in jeopardy. 破坏停火协定危害了整个和平进程。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕The soldiers are under strict orders to abide by the ceasefire. 士兵接到严格指示要遵守停火协议。朗文写作活用〔WATCH〕Military observers have been allowed into the area to monitor the ceasefire. 军事观察员获准进入那个地区监督停火协议的执行情况。朗文写作活用〔WORK〕He was immediately sent to Paris. His mission was to negotiate a ceasefire. 他立即被派往巴黎,任务是商议停火协议。朗文写作活用〔affirm〕Both sides affirmed their commitment to the ceasefire.双方均申明答应停火。牛津高阶〔agreement〕They are working out a formal ceasefire agreement.他们正在商定正式停火协议。牛津搭配〔agree〕Both sides have agreed on a ceasefire.双方就停火达成了一致。外研社新世纪〔agree〕The warring sides have agreed on an unconditional ceasefire.交战各方已经同意无条件休战。柯林斯高阶〔alive〕As long as the talks continue, hopes of a ceasefire will remain alive.只要会谈持续下去, 就会有达成停火协议的希望。外研社新世纪〔allow〕A 24-hour ceasefire allowed the two armies to reach an agreement.24 小时的停火使交战双方得以达成一项协议。朗文当代〔announcement〕The announcement of the ceasefire was greeted with relief.停火的通告使人们松了一口气。牛津搭配〔announce〕It was announced that the groups have agreed to a ceasefire.据宣告称这些组织已经同意停火。柯林斯高阶〔announce〕It was announced that they have agreed to a ceasefire.据宣布, 他们已经同意停火。外研社新世纪〔argue〕The general argued for extending the ceasefire.这位将军提出了延长停火时间的理由。牛津搭配〔attrition〕The rebels have declared a ceasefire in their war of attrition against the government.叛乱分子已宣布停火, 不再对政府进行消耗战。外研社新世纪〔attrition〕The rebels have declared a ceasefire in their war of attrition against the government.在与政府的消耗战中,反叛者宣布停火。柯林斯高阶〔barrage〕The artillery barrage on the city centre was the heaviest since the ceasefire.这是停火以来市中心遭受的最密集的炮火袭击。外研社新世纪〔barrage〕The artillery barrage on the city centre was the heaviest since the ceasefire.针对市中心的炮火是停战以来最猛烈的。柯林斯高阶〔better〕After the ceasefire, the situation in the capital got better.停火以后,首都的局势有了好转。剑桥高阶〔bloodshed〕A ceasefire was called in an attempt to prevent further bloodshed.为防止进一步的杀戮,人们要求停火。麦克米伦高阶〔broker〕The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire.外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。剑桥高阶〔call for〕The ceasefire resolution calls for the release of all prisoners of war.停火决议要求释放所有战俘。柯林斯高阶〔call for〕The declaration called for an immediate ceasefire.声明要求立即停火。外研社新世纪〔call〕The UN has called on both sides to observe the ceasefire.联合国已呼吁双方遵守停火协议。朗文当代〔ceasefire〕A 24-hour ceasefire was called to allow the distribution of aid.宣布停火 24 小时以便分发救援物资。牛津搭配〔ceasefire〕He believed the ceasefire would hold.他相信停火将持续下去。麦克米伦高阶〔ceasefire〕Observers have reported serious violations of the ceasefire.观察员报告说停火协议遭到严重破坏。牛津高阶〔ceasefire〕The UN has passed a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire.联合国通过一项决议,呼吁立即停火。牛津搭配〔ceasefire〕There are concerns that the ceasefire might not hold.有人担心停火协议可能不会持续。牛津搭配〔ceasefire〕They agreed to a ceasefire with the Egyptian government.他们同意与埃及政府的停火。牛津搭配〔ceasefire〕They have agreed to a ceasefire after three years of conflict.经过3年的冲突,他们已经同意停火。柯林斯高阶〔ceasefire〕They have called a temporary ceasefire in the region.他们呼吁在该地区暂时休战。朗文当代〔ceasefire〕UN officials are expressing cautious optimism that the latest ceasefire is holding.联合国官员对于最近的停火协定是否有效持谨慎的乐观态度。柯林斯高阶〔certain〕Even if a ceasefire can be agreed, how can they make certain (that) neither side breaks it? 即便双方都同意停火,又怎么能确保他们不会出尔反尔呢?剑桥高阶〔channel〕The government is using diplomatic channels to negotiate a ceasefire.政府正在通过外交途径商谈达成停火协议。麦克米伦高阶〔comply〕The commander said that the army would comply with the ceasefire.指挥官说军队会遵守停火协议。柯林斯高阶〔comply〕The commander said the army would comply with the ceasefire.指挥官说军队会遵守停火协议。外研社新世纪〔concession〕He suggested that Hamas might demand huge concessions from the Israelis before a ceasefire.他暗示说, 哈马斯在停火之前可能会要求以色列人作出巨大的让步。外研社新世纪〔condition〕The UN has imposed strict conditions on the ceasefire.联合国强行对停火加上了严格的条件。 牛津搭配〔condition〕They have agreed to the ceasefire provided their conditions are met.他们已经同意停火,只要他们提出的条件得到满足。牛津高阶〔confidence〕His record on ceasefires inspires no confidence.他以往在停火方面的表现让人对他毫无信心。柯林斯高阶〔continue〕After a brief ceasefire, fighting continued.短暂的停火后,战斗又继续了。朗文当代〔dead letter〕The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.由于双方缺乏遵守的诚意,停火协定一经签署就成了废纸一张。剑桥高阶〔dead〕A ceasefire has been called to allow the survivors to bury their dead.人们呼吁停火以便幸存者能够掩埋他们死去的亲人。剑桥高阶〔declare〕The communists had unilaterally declared a ceasefire.共产党单方面宣布停火。牛津搭配〔declare〕The government is ready to declare a permanent ceasefire.政府准备宣布永久停战。外研社新世纪〔defiance〕In defiance of the ceasefire, rebel troops are again firing on the capital.叛军违反停火协定再次向首都开火。剑桥高阶〔disagreement〕The two sides remain in disagreement over the proposed ceasefire.双方仍未就停火提议达成共识。外研社新世纪〔effective〕The ceasefire will become effective as soon as it is accepted by the rebels.停火协议叛军一旦接受即告生效。外研社新世纪〔enforce〕United Nations troops enforced a ceasefire in the area.联合国军队在该地区强制执行停火命令。牛津高阶〔eruption〕Heavy fighting erupted there today after a two-day ceasefire.在停火两天后,今天那里爆发了激烈的战斗。柯林斯高阶〔even〕Even as we speak, a ceasefire agreement is being signed in Geneva.就在我们谈话的时候,一项停火协议在日内瓦签署了。麦克米伦高阶〔faction〕He brokered a ceasefire agreement between the warring factions.他在交战的双方之间斡旋,促成了停火协议。牛津搭配〔false dawn〕The ceasefire turned out to be another false dawn.这次停战结果又是一场空欢喜。朗文当代〔fragile〕A fragile ceasefire is now in place.脆弱的停火协议现在可以开始生效了。麦克米伦高阶〔good faith〕A ceasefire was declared as a sign of good faith.宣布停火是为了表示诚信。朗文当代〔goodwill〕They declared a ceasefire from midnight on New Year's Eve to promote peace and as a gesture of goodwill.为了促进和平及表示善意, 他们宣布自新年前一天午夜开始停火。外研社新世纪〔guarded〕The ceasefire has brought guarded optimism.停火使大家产生了审慎的乐观情绪。外研社新世纪〔have〕There will have to be a complete ceasefire before the Government will agree to talks.只有完全停火后,政府才会同意对话。朗文当代〔hold〕The ceasefire held.依然停火中。外研社新世纪〔hold〕They were pessimistic about the ceasefire holding until the spring.他们对停火持续到春季感到悲观。麦克米伦高阶〔honoured〕The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire.双方同意执行新的停火协议。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕The two sides agreed to honour a new ceasefire.双方同意履行一项新的停火协定。外研社新世纪〔interpreter〕Speaking through an interpreter, the president said the terms of the ceasefire were completely unacceptable.通过译员,总统表示对该停火条件完全不能接受。剑桥高阶〔landmark〕The ceasefire was seen as a major landmark in the fight against terrorism.停火协定被看作是与恐怖主义斗争的重要里程碑。牛津高阶〔last〕I can't see the ceasefire lasting.我认为停火不会持续下去。剑桥高阶〔last〕The ceasefire didn't last long.停火时间不长。朗文当代〔leave〕The ceasefire leaves a lot to the goodwill of the forces involved.停火协议的执行很大程度取决于各方武装力量的意愿。柯林斯高阶〔little〕There seems little hope of a ceasefire.看来停火的希望很渺茫了。剑桥高阶〔mandate〕He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.他受西非经济共同体的委托介入并执行停火协定。外研社新世纪〔mandate〕He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.他受西非经济共同体的委托介入并执行停火协定。柯林斯高阶〔mediate〕UN peacekeepers mediated a new ceasefire.联合国维和人员斡旋后实现了新一轮的停火。柯林斯高阶〔nail〕All the parties seem anxious to nail down a ceasefire.各方面似乎都渴望将停火之事敲定。牛津高阶〔necessity〕Observers stressed the necessity for the ceasefire to be observed.观察员强调必须遵守停火协议。牛津搭配〔non-combatant〕The Red Cross has arranged two local ceasefires, allowing non-combatants to receive medical help.红十字会已经安排了两次地区停火,以使平民能够接受医疗救助。柯林斯高阶〔observer〕UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员在监督此次停火。剑桥高阶〔observe〕So far the ceasefire has been observed by both sides.到目前为止,双方都遵守着停火协定。朗文当代〔observe〕The army was observing a ceasefire.军队在遵守停火协定。外研社新世纪〔observe〕The army was observing a ceasefire.军队正遵守停火协议。柯林斯高阶〔on hand〕A 1,200-strong military force will be on hand to monitor the ceasefire.将有一支1200人的部队在现场监督停火。剑桥高阶〔open the door to sth〕The ceasefire has opened the door to talks between the two sides.停火为双方的谈判打开了大门。剑桥高阶〔operation〕A ceasefire came into operation in May.停火于 5 月生效。牛津搭配〔opportunity〕The ceasefire has created a window of opportunity to rescue the peace process.停火为挽救和平进程敞开了一扇机会之门。牛津搭配〔peace〕An uneasy peace prevailed in the first days of the ceasefire.停火的最初几天里处于不稳定的和平状态。牛津搭配〔play〕The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火方面会发挥重要作用。柯林斯高阶〔play〕The UN would play a major role in monitoring a ceasefire.联合国在监督停火的过程中会发挥主要作用。外研社新世纪〔precondition〕A ceasefire is a precondition for talks.停火是对话的先决条件。朗文当代〔precondition〕A ceasefire is an essential precondition for negotiation.停火是谈判的必要前提。牛津高阶〔propaganda〕One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.一名官员将停火斥为赤裸裸的宣传伎俩。剑桥高阶〔realistically〕Realistically, there is little prospect of a ceasefire.实事求是地讲,停火的希望很渺茫。牛津高阶〔resumption〕The president called for an immediate ceasefire and a resumption of negotiations between the two sides.总统呼吁双方立即停火,回到谈判桌上。剑桥高阶〔resurrect〕Attempts to resurrect the ceasefire have already failed once.为再次停火作出的努力已经失败了一次。柯林斯高阶〔rupture〕The incident ruptures a recent and fragile ceasefire.这次事件使最近达成的不堪一击的停火协议破裂。柯林斯高阶〔sabotage〕This was a deliberate attempt to sabotage the ceasefire.这是一次蓄意破坏停火的行为。剑桥高阶〔salute〕We salute them for maintaining the ceasefire.我们因他们保持停火而向他们致敬。麦克米伦高阶〔securely〕Federal leaders continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.联邦领导人继续争取促成停火协议。柯林斯高阶〔secure〕They continued their efforts to secure a ceasefire.他们继续努力促成停火。外研社新世纪〔seize on〕The main fear was that both sides may seize upon a ceasefire and free food aid to rearm.最担心的是双方可能利用停火和无偿食品援助的机会重整军备。柯林斯高阶〔semblance〕The ceasefire brought about a semblance of peace.停火协定带来了表面的和平。牛津高阶〔shaky〕A shaky ceasefire is holding after three days of fighting between rival groups.敌对武装团伙在经过3天的交战后暂时停火。柯林斯高阶〔sign〕The rebels have now signed the ceasefire agreement.叛乱者现在已经签署了停火协定。麦克米伦高阶〔silent〕A ceasefire was agreed to and the guns fell silent.停火协议达成后,枪炮声便停止了。麦克米伦高阶〔specific〕The leaders met for the specific purpose of preserving the ceasefire.领导人们专门为了维持停火而会面。麦克米伦高阶〔stillborn〕The ceasefire itself could prove stillborn if rebel units in the bush keep on fighting.如果丛林地带的叛军继续开火,那停火协议本身就可能起不到任何作用。柯林斯高阶〔supervision〕The plan calls for a ceasefire and U.N. supervision of the country.该计划呼吁停火并由联合国对该国进行监管。外研社新世纪〔supervision〕The plan calls for a ceasefire and UN supervision of the country.该计划要求双方停火并由联合国对该国进行监督。柯林斯高阶〔temporary〕The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.停火只能暂时解决危机。剑桥高阶〔time〕At the time of writing, a ceasefire is under discussion.写稿时停火问题仍在磋商中。牛津搭配〔up the ante〕The government has upped the ante by refusing to negotiate until a ceasefire has been agreed .政府增加了砝码,在达成停火协议之前拒绝谈判。剑桥高阶〔violate〕It seems that the troops deliberately violated the ceasefire agreement.那些军队似乎是故意违反停火协议。剑桥高阶〔violate〕They violated the ceasefire agreement.他们违反了停火协议。外研社新世纪〔violate〕They violated the ceasefire agreement.他们违反了停火协议。柯林斯高阶〔warring〕A ceasefire has been agreed by the country's three warring factions.这个国家的交战三方已达成停火协议。牛津高阶A ceasefire has been called to allow the survivors to bury their dead (= dead people).人们呼吁停火让生还者埋葬他们死去的亲人。剑桥国际I can't see the ceasefire lasting.我看停火不会持久。剑桥国际One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.一个官员只是把停火当作宣传伎俩而不予理睬。剑桥国际So far the foreign ministers have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire.迄今为止,外交部长们促成停火的尝试已告失败。剑桥国际Speaking through an interpreter, the president said the terms of the ceasefire were completely unacceptable.通过译员,总统说停火的条件完全不能接受。剑桥国际The ceasefire treaty was a dead letter as soon as it was signed, as neither side ever had any intention of keeping to it.停火协议从签订那刻起就失效了,因为双方都无意遵守。剑桥国际The ceasefire was broken when missile attacks on the capital resumed at dawn this morning.当针对首都的导弹袭击在今天黎明重新开始时,停战被打破了。剑桥国际The ceasefire was greeted with relief by people living in the capital which has been under siege for two years.停火协议使被围困了两年的首都人民松了口气。剑桥国际The ceasefire will only provide a temporary solution to the crisis.停火只是暂时解决了危机。剑桥国际The president called for an immediate ceasefire and a resumption of negotiations between the two sides.总统呼吁立即停火,双方恢复谈判。剑桥国际The rebel movement declared a unilateral and indefinite ceasefire from the beginning of the year.反叛运动宣布单方面从年初开始无限期停火。剑桥国际The troika of European Union foreign ministers has so far failed to persuade the warring factions to accept a ceasefire.欧盟三大外交部长至今为止没能说服敌对各派接受停火。剑桥国际The troop withdrawal is scheduled to begin the day after the ceasefire.部队撤离安排在停火后的一天开始。剑桥国际There seems little hope of a ceasefire, and even less hope of peace.看起来停火的希望不大,和平的希望更为渺茫。剑桥国际There was a temporary ceasefire to evacuate the wounded from the area.有一段暂时的停战期,以将伤员从这一地区撤走。剑桥国际This was a deliberate attempt to sabotage (= prevent the success of) the ceasefire.这是一个蓄意破坏停火的企图。剑桥国际UN observers are monitoring the ceasefire.联合国观察员监视这次停火。剑桥国际




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