

单词 coffee
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔alternative〕an alternative to coffee 咖啡代用品剑桥高阶〔aroma〕the aroma of coffee (bread baking) 咖啡(烘面包时)的香味英汉大词典〔aroma〕the aroma of fresh coffee 新煮咖啡的香味朗文当代〔bean〕a coffee bean 咖啡豆英汉大词典〔break〕break the monotony of the day over a cup of coffee 喝杯咖啡以调剂一天的单调英汉大词典〔brew〕brew coffee on a little burner 在一个小炉子上煮咖啡英汉大词典〔coaster〕a coffee table festooned with coasters, magazines, and remote controls摆有杯垫、杂志和遥控器的咖啡桌外研社新世纪〔coffee〕coffee cups 咖啡杯麦克米伦高阶〔coffee〕a jar of coffee 一罐咖啡牛津高阶〔coffee〕a pot of piping hot coffee 一壶滚烫的咖啡牛津搭配〔coffee〕decaffeinated coffee 不含咖啡因的咖啡剑桥高阶〔coffee〕dinner guests chatting over coffee (=while drinking coffee) 边喝咖啡边交谈的用餐客人朗文当代〔coffee〕freshly brewed coffee 刚煮的咖啡牛津搭配〔coffee〕freshly ground coffee 新磨的咖啡牛津搭配〔coloury〕coloury coffee 具有佳品色泽的咖啡英汉大词典〔croissant〕coffee and croissants.咖啡和羊角面包柯林斯高阶〔cross〕a cross between coffee and hot chocolate 咖啡和热巧克力的混合饮料英汉大词典〔decaffeinated〕decaffeinated coffee 除去咖啡因的咖啡文馨英汉〔dregs〕coffee dregs 咖啡渣牛津高阶〔filter〕a paper coffee filter咖啡过滤纸外研社新世纪〔for〕an order for coffee 订购咖啡文馨英汉〔freeze-dried〕freeze-dried coffee 冷冻干燥的咖啡韦氏高阶〔freeze-dried〕freeze-dried coffee granules冻干咖啡粒外研社新世纪〔freshly〕freshly brewed coffee 刚煮的咖啡牛津高阶〔granule〕instant coffee granules 速溶咖啡颗粒牛津高阶〔grinder〕a coffee grinder 磨咖啡机牛津高阶〔grinder〕an electric coffee grinder.电动咖啡研磨机柯林斯高阶〔grind〕grind coffee beans 碾咖啡豆英汉大词典〔grind〕grind a coffee mill 摇动咖啡碾磨机英汉大词典〔ground〕coffee grounds 咖啡渣韦氏高阶〔ground〕the smell of ground coffee 磨碎的咖啡的味道麦克米伦高阶〔hound〕a coffee hound.咖啡迷美国传统〔instant〕instant coffee 速溶咖啡牛津高阶〔instant〕instant coffee 速溶咖啡英汉大词典〔lukewarm〕a cup of lukewarm coffee 一杯温咖啡麦克米伦高阶〔maker〕a coffee maker 咖啡机剑桥高阶〔mid-morning〕a mid-morning coffee break 上午10点左右的工间喝咖啡休息时间剑桥高阶〔mug〕a coffee mug 一个咖啡杯朗文当代〔mug〕a coffee mug 咖啡缸子牛津高阶〔mug〕a coffee mug 大咖啡杯英汉大词典〔net〕jars of coffee weighing 450 grams net 净重 450 克的一罐罐咖啡朗文当代〔of〕a hot cup of coffee = a cup of hot coffee 一杯热咖啡韦氏高阶〔pot〕a coffee pot 咖啡壶牛津高阶〔pulverizable〕a machine that pulverizes coffee beans研磨咖啡豆的机器21世纪英汉〔qualified〕coffee qualified with cognac掺了白兰地的咖啡21世纪英汉〔river〕drink rivers of coffee 喝大量的咖啡 英汉大词典〔schmooze〕those coffee houses where you can schmooze for hours.那些可以在里面闲聊上好几个小时的咖啡屋柯林斯高阶〔scour〕to scour the coffee service把咖啡具擦干净21世纪英汉〔serve〕serve up coffee hot 趁热端上咖啡 英汉大词典〔slurp〕a quick slurp of coffee 快速咂一口咖啡韦氏高阶〔spice〕coffee spiced with cinnamon 加了桂皮调味的咖啡剑桥高阶〔steam〕a mug of steaming hot coffee 一大杯热气腾腾的咖啡牛津高阶〔stir〕stir (the sugar in) one's coffee with a spoon 用匙搅动咖啡 (里的糖)英汉大词典〔style〕a coffee bar styled on a Parisian cafe 仿照巴黎一家咖啡馆而设计的咖啡馆牛津高阶〔use〕use a cup of coffee 喝一杯咖啡 英汉大词典〔walnut〕coffee and walnut cake 咖啡和核桃糕朗文当代〔wash〕wash coffee around in a cup 搅动怀里的咖啡英汉大词典a coffee house 咖啡馆牛津商务quality standards for exportable coffee 出口咖啡的质量标准牛津商务the world market in coffee 世界咖啡市场牛津商务




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