

单词 diplomat
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ADVANTAGE〕Foreign diplomats have all kinds of special privileges. 外国外交官享有各种特权。朗文写作活用〔Azeglio〕Italian politician and writer who headed the government under Victor Emmanuel II and later served as a diplomat to France and England.阿泽利奥:意大利政治家和作家,在维克多·埃马努埃尔二世王朝领导政府,后成为法国和英国的外交官美国传统〔BUY〕The hotel's clientele includes diplomats and Hollywood celebrities. 这家酒店的顾客有外交官和好莱坞名人。朗文写作活用〔EXPERIENCED/NOT EXPERIENCED〕Veteran diplomat Richard Murphy is heading the commission. 资深外交官理查德·墨菲正领导着这个委员会。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕Three foreign diplomats have been killed in a series of assassinations. 三名外国外交官在一连串刺杀事件中遇害。朗文写作活用〔LEAVE〕Two foreign diplomats were expelled form Ethiopia on March 31. 3月31日,两名外国外交官被逐出埃塞俄比亚。朗文写作活用〔LET/ALLOW〕Many spouses of diplomats are unable to pursue their careers because they lack U.S. work permits. 许多外交官的配偶因为没有美国的工作许可证,无法追求自己的事业。朗文写作活用〔MEET〕Foreign diplomats and their wives had assembled in the Great Hall to meet the President. 外国的外交官和他们的夫人在大会堂集合与总统会面。朗文写作活用〔ORGANIZE〕The representatives were serious businesslike diplomats who disliked small talk. 代表们都是严肃务实的外交人员,他们不喜欢寒暄。朗文写作活用〔PLAN〕Military planners and diplomats worry that the North's increasing distress over food supplies could provoke it to invade the South. 军方策划人员和外交官担心北方日益严峻的粮食供应困难会使其入侵南方。朗文写作活用〔PREPARE〕While the US mobilizes, top-level diplomats are making a last attempt to reach a negotiated settlement. 当全美国都动员起来时,高层外交官还在作最后的努力,试图通过谈判来解决问题。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕Ambassador Thompson is an experienced diplomat who has served in France, South America, and the Middle East. 汤普森大使是位老练的外交官,曾在法国、南美以及中东地区供职。朗文写作活用〔REPRESENT〕British and Argentinian diplomats met to discuss peace. 英国与阿根廷双方的外交官会晤共商和平方案。朗文写作活用〔RESPONSIBLE〕Diplomats say NATO is clearly at fault, and that officials there are trying to pass the buck. 外交官说北约组织显然犯了错,北约的官员是在试图推卸责任。朗文写作活用〔SEPARATE〕Diplomats saw his resignation as a way of distancing himself from an unpopular government. 外交人士认为,他辞职是想和不得民心的政府脱离关系。朗文写作活用〔SERIOUS〕A grim-faced diplomat read out the declaration of war. 一位神情严肃的外交官宣读了宣战书。朗文写作活用〔SPY〕A former US diplomat has confessed to spying. 一名前美国外交官承认从事过间谍活动。朗文写作活用〔Saint-Simon〕French diplomat and writer whose memoirs of the court of Louis XIV are a valuable historical source.圣西门:法国外交家和作家,他的路易十四宫廷回忆录是具有一定价值的历史原始资料美国传统〔TAKE〕Most diplomats now travel with bodyguards, following a series of kidnappings. 自从发生了一连串绑架事件后,大部分外交官外出旅行时都带上了保镖。朗文写作活用〔accreditation〕The President proposed that Russian diplomats could be accredited to NATO headquarters.总统提议俄罗斯外交官可被派驻北约总部。柯林斯高阶〔accredit〕The President proposed that Russian diplomats could be accredited to NATO headquarters.总统提议向北约总部派驻俄罗斯外交官。外研社新世纪〔alibi〕A role as senior diplomat would be a good alibi for his absence.高级外交官的角色将是他缺席的上佳托词。外研社新世纪〔alibi〕A role as senior diplomat would be a good alibi for his absence.高级外交官的角色将是他缺席的上佳托词。柯林斯高阶〔author〕The deal is being authored by a Greek diplomat.一位希腊外交官正在牵头促成这项协议。剑桥高阶〔broker〕The diplomats have failed in their attempts to broker a ceasefire.外交官们促成停火的尝试已告失败。剑桥高阶〔build〕Diplomats hope the meetings will build mutual trust.外交官们希望会议能增进彼此的信任。柯林斯高阶〔build〕Diplomats hope the meetings will build mutual trust.外交官们希望这些会谈将有助于建立互信。外研社新世纪〔bureaucratic〕Diplomats believe that bureaucratic delays are inevitable.外交官们认为繁文缛节造成的延迟是在所难免的。柯林斯高阶〔captive〕The terrorists were holding several diplomats captive.恐怖分子扣押了数名外交官。剑桥高阶〔career〕He had a distinguished career as a diplomat.他作为外交官有过显赫成就。牛津搭配〔chargé d'affaires〕A diplomat of the lowest rank, accredited by one government to the minister of foreign affairs of another.代办:由一政府任命派驻到另一政府外交部的最低一级外交官美国传统〔chargé d'affaires〕A diplomat who temporarily substitutes for an absent ambassador or minister.临时代办:暂时代替缺席的大使或部长的外交官美国传统〔clock〕Most diplomats are constantly trying to beat the clock to the next official engagement.大多数外交官都在不断地争分夺秒, 以便赶往下一个正式会见。外研社新世纪〔cobble〕The diplomats cobbled an agreement together.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份合约。朗文当代〔cobble〕The diplomats rushed to cobble together a treaty.外交官们匆忙拼凑了一份条约。韦氏高阶〔converge〕Top diplomats were converging on Washington from all over the world.高级外交官们从世界各地汇聚到华盛顿。麦克米伦高阶〔correspondence〕The department intercepted the correspondence of foreign diplomats.该部门截取了外国外交官的信件。牛津搭配〔cover story〕The spy's cover story required posing as a diplomat.间谍遮人耳目的角色需要他装扮成一个外交官美国传统〔diplomatic〕Abbr. dipl.Of, relating to, or involving diplomacy or diplomats.缩写 dipl.外交的:外交的、同外交相关或涉及外交事务的美国传统〔diplomatist〕A diplomat.外交家美国传统〔diplomat〕Being a diplomat, she smoothed over their differences.她凭着交际手腕,把他们的歧见都消除了。牛津同义词〔diplomat〕French diplomats 法国外交官朗文当代〔diplomat〕He served as a diplomat in Russia before the war.战前他任驻俄罗斯的外交官。牛津搭配〔diplomat〕He's a talented architect but a poor diplomat.他是一个天才建筑师,但不善于和人打交道。韦氏高阶〔diplomat〕The President will be meeting with foreign diplomats.总统将会见各国外交官。韦氏高阶〔diplomat〕Washington's top diplomat in Havana 华盛顿驻哈瓦那的最高级别的外交官牛津搭配〔disappointment〕Diplomats expressed disappointment at the lack of progress.外交家们对未取得进展感到失望。麦克米伦高阶〔dispatch〕An important message sent by a diplomat or an officer in the armed forces.重要消息:由外交人员或武装部队军官所发送的重要消息美国传统〔ease〕The diplomats failed to ease tensions between the two nations.外交官们没能缓解两国之间的紧张局势。韦氏高阶〔erupt〕Diplomats feared the dispute could erupt into a potentially devastating war.外交官们担心争端会突然演变成潜在的毁灭性战争。英汉大词典〔expel〕The authorities are threatening to expel all foreign diplomats.当局威胁说要驱逐所有的外交官。麦克米伦高阶〔expel〕The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats.新政府驱逐了所有外交官。剑桥高阶〔expel〕Three diplomats were expelled for spying.三名外交官因从事间谍活动而被驱逐出境。朗文当代〔expulsion〕The government retaliated with the expulsion of twenty diplomats.作为报复,该政府将20位外交官驱逐出境。麦克米伦高阶〔expulsion〕These events led to the expulsion of senior diplomats from the country.这些事件导致一些高级外交官被驱逐出境。牛津高阶〔extraterritoriality〕Exemption from local legal jurisdiction, such as that granted to foreign diplomats.治外法权:免除地方合法审判,如外交官所享有的美国传统〔formally〕Diplomats haven't formally agreed to Anderson's plan.外交官们还没有正式同意安德森的方案。柯林斯高阶〔globe-trotter〕The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.作为一名外交官的儿子,他一生有大量的时间在周游世界。柯林斯高阶〔globe-trotting〕The son of a diplomat, he has spent much of his life globe-trotting.他是外交官的儿子, 生活中的大部分时间都在往来于世界各地。外研社新世纪〔high road〕US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about international trade.美国外交官们说, 总统在有关国际贸易的声明中可能会采取最保险的措施。外研社新世纪〔high road〕US diplomats say the president is likely to take the high road in his statements about trade.美国的外交官们说,总统在贸易问题的声明中可能会采取最保险的立场。柯林斯高阶〔immune〕Diplomats are immune from prosecution.外交官享有外交豁免权。麦克米伦高阶〔indignity〕Two of the diplomats suffered the indignity of being arrested.那些外交官中有两名蒙受了被捕之辱。朗文当代〔law〕Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.根据国际法, 驻外外交官员不受刑事诉讼。外研社新世纪〔law〕Under international law, diplomats living in foreign countries are exempt from criminal prosecution.根据国际法,驻外外交官员免受刑事检控。柯林斯高阶〔linkage〕Western diplomats firmly reject any linkage.西方外交官坚决拒绝任何关联协议。柯林斯高阶〔menace〕She was a frequent menace to British diplomats who would find her on their embassy doorstep, demanding safe passage home.她对于英国外交官来说是个大麻烦, 因为她经常站在英国大使馆门口要求他们将其安全遣送回家。外研社新世纪〔nest〕The diplomats have been sent home because their embassy has become a nest of spies.外交官们被遣送回国,因为他们的大使馆已经沦为间谍窝。剑桥高阶〔now〕Diplomats now expect the mission to be much less ambitious.这一来外交官们估计这次任务会轻松很多。柯林斯高阶〔nurture〕He nurtured an ambition to become a diplomat.他怀有成为外交家的愿望。外研社新世纪〔observe〕In his book he observes that the President was an able diplomat.在书中他评述说总统是个外交能手。麦克米伦高阶〔of〕He was having an affair with the wife of a diplomat.他与一个外交官的妻子有暧昧关系。麦克米伦高阶〔old school〕He was a diplomat of the old school.他是一位老派的外交官。外研社新世纪〔over〕Diplomats receive a generous living allowance over and above their basic salaries.除了基本工资外,外交官们还能得到一笔丰厚的生活津贴。麦克米伦高阶〔persona grata〕The diplomat was persona grata.这位外交官是受欢迎的美国传统〔persona non grata〕The diplomat was persona non grata.这位外交官不受欢迎美国传统〔play down〕Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports.西方外交官刻意贬低这些报告的重要性。柯林斯高阶〔plebeian〕In the 1790s Tom Paine taught plebeian radicals that mankind would live in harmony were it not for the vested interest which princes, diplomats and soldiers had in promoting wars to enrich themselves.汤姆·潘恩在18世纪90年代教育平民激进分子时论述到,如果不是为了实现王公、外交官和士兵借发起战争而使自己富有的潜在利益,人类本会生活在和谐之中。柯林斯高阶〔plod〕The two diplomats were to plod through a laundry list of issues.两位外交家要费劲地处理一长串问题。英汉大词典〔precedence〕The diplomats and their wives entered according to (或in order of) precedence.外交官员偕同夫人们按身份依次入场。英汉大词典〔press/push the right button(s)〕You have to know how to push all the right buttons if you want to be a successful diplomat.如果你想成为一个成功的外交官,你必须懂得如何抓住要害得到你想要的东西。剑桥高阶〔prestige〕Her career as a diplomat has brought her enormous prestige.她的外交官职业给她带来了巨大的声望。韦氏高阶〔protocol〕The forms of ceremony and etiquette observed by diplomats and heads of state.外交礼节:外交官和国家元首遵守的礼节和礼仪形式美国传统〔pursue〕It became harder for women married to diplomats to pursue their own interests.与外交官结婚的女性要追求自己的爱好就变得更加困难了。柯林斯高阶〔pursue〕It became harder for women married to diplomats to pursue their own interests.对于那些嫁给外交官的女性来说, 追求个人兴趣变得更难了。外研社新世纪〔recruit〕US diplomats have redoubled their efforts to recruit international support.美国外交官们加倍努力, 以期获得国际支持。外研社新世纪〔referendum〕A note from a diplomat to the diplomat's government requesting instructions.请示书:外交使节致本国政府请求指示的短信美国传统〔resolution〕Diplomats are hoping for a speedy resolution to the crisis.外交官们希望尽快解决危机。麦克米伦高阶〔review〕Many diplomats attended a naval review to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.很多外交官参加了在战争结束周年纪念上举行的海军阅兵式。剑桥高阶〔salvage〕Diplomats are still hoping to salvage something from the meeting.外交官们仍然希望能通过这次会晤挽回点什么。柯林斯高阶〔scramble〕Tensions are rising as diplomats scramble to prevent a war.外交官们竞相努力阻止战争时,紧张局势一步步升级。麦克米伦高阶〔senior〕He is also a diplomat, but senior to me.他也是一名外交官,但级别比我高。朗文当代〔settled〕After a few years of being a diplomat, she still didn't feel settled.做了几年外交官后,她还是没有适应。柯林斯高阶〔so〕In Tehran the wives of foreign diplomats wore headscarves so as not to offend the Iranians.在德黑兰,为了不冒犯伊朗人,外国外交官的夫人们都戴头巾。麦克米伦高阶〔tight-lipped〕Diplomats are remaining tight-lipped about the negotiations.外交官们对谈判的情况仍然闭口不谈。朗文当代〔tit-for-tat〕The two countries have each expelled another diplomat following a round of tit-for-tat expulsions.在一轮针锋相对的驱逐事件之后,两国各又驱逐了一名外交官。柯林斯高阶〔top brass〕The meeting was attended by top diplomats and military top brass.出席此次会议的有最高级外交官和军事要员。朗文当代〔trample〕Diplomats denounced the leaders for trampling their citizens' civil rights.外交官谴责这些领导人践踏其公民的公民权。柯林斯高阶〔unreliability〕Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.外交官可能会提供一些靠不住的误导性信息,这是众所周知的。柯林斯高阶〔unreliable〕Diplomats can be a notoriously unreliable and misleading source of information.外交官可能会提供一些靠不住的误导性信息, 这是众所周知的。外研社新世纪〔urbane〕Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。柯林斯高阶〔urbanity〕Fearey had all the charm and urbanity of the trained diplomat.费尔里具备一个训练有素的外交官的一切风度和优雅。外研社新世纪〔were〕He told a diplomat that he might withdraw if he were allowed to keep part of a disputed oil field.他告诉一名外交官,如果允许他保留一个有争议油田的一部分,他可能就会撤兵。柯林斯高阶Diplomats are forecasting mob rule for the country if the president is not restored to power.如果总统不能恢复职权,外交官预测暴民将统治这个国家。剑桥国际Diplomats have been working hard behind the scenes in preparation for the peace talks.外交家们一直在秘密而紧张地为和谈做着准备工作。剑桥国际Diplomats said yesterday that the renewed standoff represented a setback for the Helsinki process.外交官们昨天说重新开始的僵局表明了赫尔辛基进程的倒退。剑桥国际A diplomat must have tact. 外交官要有机智。译典通A detail (= group which has been given a particular job) of five police officers accompanied the diplomat to his hotel. 5 名警官组成的小分队陪同外交官到其下榻的旅馆。剑桥国际A great diplomat will be required to hold the country together (=keep it as one country so that it does not become divided or get into a state of confusion).惟有一位了不起的有手腕的人能使这个国家保持统一。剑桥国际Aspiring diplomats have to pass an examination to enter the diplomatic corps.有抱负的外交家必须通过一个考试方能进入外交使团。剑桥国际He wants to see fewer gongs going automatically to senior diplomats and civil servants.他希望看到自动授予老资格的外交家和国家公务员的奖章数量减少。剑桥国际Her brothers are both career diplomats. 她的两个兄弟都是职业外交家。译典通His job as a diplomat was just a screen for his life as a spy. 他做外交官的工作只不过是间谍生涯的一种掩护。译典通Many diplomats will attend the naval review (=formal military ceremony) next month to mark the anniversary of the end of the war.许多外交官将参加下个月的海军检阅,来庆祝战争结束的周年纪念日 。剑桥国际The diplomat was declared persona non grata. 这位外交家被宣布为不受欢迎的使节。译典通The diplomats have been sent home because their embassy has be come a nest of spies and espionage.外交官已被遣送回国,因为他们的大使馆变成了间谍窝。剑桥国际The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats.新政府驱逐了所有的外国外交官。剑桥国际The prince will wed diplomat Masako Owada.王子将与外交官小和田雅子结婚。剑桥国际The terrorists took/held several British diplomats captive as hostages.恐怖主义者扣押了数名英国外交官作为人质。剑桥国际This diplomat speaks seven languages with great smoothness. 这位外交官非常流畅地讲七种语言。译典通UN diplomats are suspicious that the country's clandestine weapons programme may be broader than reported.联合国外交官怀疑那个国家的秘密武器计划比报道的要广泛。剑桥国际Western diplomats are meeting in Geneva this weekend.西方外交官本周末在日内瓦碰面。剑桥国际




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