

单词 diploma
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GED〕General equivalency diploma.一般的相当文凭美国传统〔GED〕The job requires a high school diploma or GED.这份工作要求有高中学历或普通教育水平证书。韦氏高阶〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Anyone with a high school diploma can enroll in the course. 凡有高中文凭者均可报读这门课程。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕Everyone was given a diploma at the end of the course. 课程结束后,每个人都获发了证书。朗文写作活用〔STUDY〕The diploma requires 30 hours of coursework. 这个证书要求有30个小时的课程作业。朗文写作活用〔applying for college〕You must have a high school diploma for this job. High school dropouts need not apply.这份工作需要有高中学历,高中肄业生不得申请。韦氏高阶〔award〕Satisfactory completion of the course will lead to the award of the Diploma of Social Work.合格完成此课程者将获得社会福利工作文凭。牛津高阶〔award〕Students who complete the course successfully will be awarded a diploma.顺利修完这门课程的学生将被授予文凭。麦克米伦高阶〔certificate〕A document issued to a person completing a course of study not leading to a diploma.结业证书:发给完成课程学习但不能拿毕业证的人的一种证明美国传统〔certify〕This diploma certifies that you have completed high school.这张文凭证明你已修完中学课程。英汉大词典〔commencement〕A ceremony at which academic degrees or diplomas are conferred.学位授予典礼:授予学术学位或学位证书的仪式美国传统〔diplomate〕One who has received a diploma, especially a physician certified as a specialist by a board of examiners.证书持有者:一个持有证书的人,尤指被考查机构证明为专家的医生美国传统〔diploma〕Diploma holders have a far better chance of employment than those with no qualification.持有文凭者比没有资格证明的人就业机会大得多。牛津搭配〔diploma〕He earned his high school diploma by attending classes at night.他通过上夜校获得了高中文凭。韦氏高阶〔diploma〕He has a diploma in marketing.他有市场营销专业的文凭。麦克米伦高阶〔diploma〕I did a diploma in nursing.我上过护理职业课程。麦克米伦高阶〔diploma〕I'm hoping to get my teaching diploma this year.我希望今年能拿到教师证书。朗文当代〔diploma〕Most students here are studying for a qualification at diploma level.这里的大多数学生都在攻读学位证书。牛津搭配〔diploma〕My son's doing a diploma in social studies.我的儿子正在进行社会研究方面的学位后研究。麦克米伦高阶〔diploma〕She is taking a diploma in management studies.她在攻读管理学文凭课程。牛津高阶〔diploma〕She was taking a diploma in business management.她正在修企业管理学位课程。牛津搭配〔diploma〕The college offers the Higher National Diploma in computer studies.这所大学授予计算机专业的国家高等教育文凭。牛津搭配〔diploma〕The course leads to a diploma in psychiatric nursing.读完这门课程可以获得精神病护理文凭。牛津搭配〔diploma〕The master diplomaed him a high school diploma.校长发给他中学毕业证书。21世纪英汉〔diploma〕The university awards diplomas in higher education.大学颁发高等教育文凭。牛津搭配〔engross〕His name was engrossed on the diploma.他的名字用大字体清晰端正地写在文凭上。英汉大词典〔graduate〕One who has received an academic degree or diploma.毕业生:得到学位或毕业证书的人美国传统〔graduate〕Possessing an academic degree or diploma.毕业了的:持有学位或毕业证书的美国传统〔graduation〕A ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred; a commencement.毕业典礼:授予学位或毕业证书的仪式;毕业典礼美国传统〔graduation〕Conferral or receipt of an academic degree or diploma marking completion of studies.毕业:对学位或毕业证书的授予或接受,其标志着学习的结束美国传统〔mill〕The college was nothing more than a diploma mill.这个学院只不过是个文凭制造厂美国传统〔pomp〕After two hours of pomp and circumstance, the diplomas were awarded and the audience went wild.两小时的隆重仪式过后,颁发了毕业文凭,观众们疯狂起来。剑桥高阶〔proud〕It was a proud time for his parents when he received his diploma.他领到毕业文凭的时刻对他父母来说是一个值得夸耀的时刻。英汉大词典〔remote access〕The diploma course would offer remote access to course materials via the Internet's world wide web.可以通过国际互联网获得学位课程的学习资料。柯林斯高阶〔school〕Stay in school and get your diploma.在学校继续学习,拿到文凭。韦氏高阶〔self-study〕The diploma is awarded following a course of self-study ending in a three-hour exam.在完成自学课程和3小时考试之后将获得证书。剑桥高阶〔sheepskin〕Informal A diploma.【非正式用语】 毕业证书美国传统〔submission〕Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.为获得文凭和证书所修的课程通常不需要提交论文。外研社新世纪〔submission〕Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.为获得文凭和证书所修的课程通常不需要提交论文。柯林斯高阶〔teaching〕Julian had a teaching diploma in music.朱利安有音乐方面的教学文凭。外研社新世纪〔undergraduate〕A high-school student who has not yet received a diploma.还未拿到文凭的高中生美国传统〔versus〕Only 18.8% of the class of 1982 had some kind of diploma four years after high school, versus 45% of the class of 1972.1982年那一届只有18.8% 的学生在中学毕业4年后获得了某种文凭,而1972年那一届这一比例是45%。柯林斯高阶〔win〕The youth won his diploma in only three years.那青年仅用3年时间就取得了毕业文凭。英汉大词典Diplomas were conferred on the students who had completed all courses of study. 修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书。译典通A diploma is no guarantee of efficiency. 持有文凭不能保证工作效率一定高。译典通She gained a diploma in Business Administration. 她取得了工商管理的学位证书。译典通




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