

单词 classes
释义 WORD PARTNERSHIP 词语搭配 〔CLASS〕the professional and managerial classes 专业人士和经理阶层朗文写作活用〔HEAR〕special classes for hearing impaired children 为有听力障碍的儿童而设的特殊课程朗文写作活用〔Lamaze〕taking Lamaze classes 上拉马兹助产法课程韦氏高阶〔POWER/POWERFUL〕the struggle between the workers and the ruling classes 工人与统治阶级之间的斗争朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕a schedule of the classes for the fall semester 秋季学期课程表朗文写作活用〔ability〕mixed ability classes (=classes that include students who are at different levels) 学生能力参差不齐的班级朗文当代〔aspiration〕the aspirations of the working classes 工人阶级的抱负朗文当代〔atditable〕to audit classes or lecture旁听课21世纪英汉〔autumn〕classes to be held for schoolchildren during the autumn term 学童在秋季学期要上的课牛津搭配〔better〕bettering the lot of the working classes 改善工人阶级的命运朗文当代〔bookkeeping〕evening classes in bookkeeping 夜间的簿记课文馨英汉〔clash〕a clash between two classes held at 3 p.m. on the same day 在同一天下午3点钟的有冲突的两堂课英汉大词典〔class〕a Marxist view of the ruling classes 马克思主义关于统治阶级的观点朗文当代〔class〕different classes of drugs 不同种类的毒品牛津高阶〔class〕the division of the stars into six classes of brightness.按照亮度将恒星分为6个等级柯林斯高阶〔community〕the poorer classes of the community 社会贫困阶层英汉大词典〔condition〕an attempt to improve living conditions for the working classes 为工人阶级改善生活条件的尝试朗文当代〔cookery〕cookery classes 烹饪课剑桥高阶〔dance〕dance and movement classes 舞蹈和动作班朗文当代〔dancing〕dancing classes 舞蹈班麦克米伦高阶〔depressed〕the depressed classes (印度等的)最下层人民文馨英汉〔divide〕divide society into classes 把社会分成阶级英汉大词典〔flower arranging〕flower-arranging classes 插花课程剑桥高阶〔gravitation〕the gravitation of the middle classes to the suburbs.中产阶段涌向郊区的趋势美国传统〔grounding〕classes that give students a good moral grounding 为学生打下良好道德基础的课程韦氏高阶〔hierarchy〕a rigid hierarchy of social classes 严格的社会阶层等级韦氏高阶〔intermediate〕pre-/upper-intermediate classes 初等╱高等中级班牛津高阶〔landed〕the landed classes 地主阶级文馨英汉〔leisured〕the leisured classes 有闲阶级文馨英汉〔leisured〕the leisured upper classes 有闲的上层阶级英汉大词典〔life〕life drawing classes 写生课剑桥高阶〔low〕the lower classes of society 下层社会牛津高阶〔middle class〕the growth of the middle classes in the 19th century 19世纪中产阶级的兴起麦克米伦高阶〔moneyed〕a member of the moneyed classes 富裕阶层的一员韦氏高阶〔moneyed〕the moneyed classes 富有阶层牛津高阶〔moneyed〕the moneyed classes 有产阶级英汉大词典〔moneyed〕the moneyed classes 资本家阶级文馨英汉〔non-native〕classes for non- natives 为非母语者开设的课程韦氏高阶〔obedience〕obedience classes for dogs and their owners 为狗和主人安排的服从训练课朗文当代〔obedience〕obedience classes for dogs教狗忠于主人的课程外研社新世纪〔outside〕classes held outside normal school hours 正常上课时间以外的课麦克米伦高阶〔politicization〕ideas which might politicize the labouring classes and cause them to question the status quo.可能唤醒工人阶级的政治意识、并促使他们质疑现状的思想柯林斯高阶〔privileged〕privileged classes 特权阶级英汉大词典〔propertied〕the propertied classes 有产阶级; 有房地产的阶层朗文当代〔propertied〕the propertied classes 有产阶级英汉大词典〔punctuality〕attend classes with punctuality 准时去上课英汉大词典〔rising〕the rising middle classes 新兴的中产阶级英汉大词典〔segregation〕the segregation of gifted children into accelerated classes 把天分好的孩子编入快班的分班英汉大词典〔self-defence〕self-defence classes 自卫课麦克米伦高阶〔semiweekly〕semiweekly classes 半周一次的课程韦氏高阶〔sign〕sign up for evening classes 报名上夜课英汉大词典〔size〕classes of manageable size 规模适中宜于管理的班级牛津搭配〔size〕size the stones into five classes 按大小把石头分为五类文馨英汉〔soak〕taxes that soak the middle classes 向中产阶级征收的重税朗文当代〔society〕the lower, middle or upper classes of society 社会的下层、中层或上层英汉大词典〔stay〕stay away from classes (work) 不上学(不上班) 英汉大词典〔theatre〕classes in theater and music 戏剧和音乐班朗文当代〔undergraduate〕undergraduate classes 本科班级韦氏高阶〔upwardly mobile〕the upwardly mobile middle classes 步步高升的中产阶级朗文当代the professional classes 专业阶层牛津商务




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