

单词 circumstantial evidence
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔circumstantial〕Fast work by the police in Birmingham had started producing circumstantial evidence.快速开展工作的伯明翰警方已经开始发现间接证据。柯林斯高阶〔circumstantial〕The case against McCarthy is based largely on circumstantial evidence.对麦卡锡的起诉案主要是以间接证据为依据的。朗文当代〔circumstantial〕There is strong circumstantial evidence against him.存在着对他不利的强有力的旁证。麦克米伦高阶〔evidence〕There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.只有间接证据对她不利,所以她不大可能被定罪。剑桥高阶〔evidence〕There was a mass of circumstantial evidence linking Watson to the murder.有许多间接证据表明沃森和这起谋杀案有牵连。牛津搭配〔file〕He had compiled a file of largely circumstantial evidence.他已搜集了一些证据资料,大部分为间接证据。牛津搭配〔indirect evidence〕Circumstantial evidence.间接证据美国传统〔rest〕The case against my client rests entirely on circumstantial evidence.对我当事人不利的证据都是旁证。朗文当代Circumstantial evidence points to a viral agent for the disease, although a virus has not yet been identified.间接证据说明是某种病毒原因导致了这种疾病,尽管还没有验明病毒。剑桥国际No-one saw him commit the murder, but the circumstantial evidence is strong, as he was the only person missing when it happened.没有人看见他谋杀,可是间接证据很有力,因为他是谋杀发生时唯一不知去向的人。剑桥国际There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.只有间接证据对她不利,所以她不大会被定罪。剑桥国际This so-called proof is mere assumption based on circumstantial evidence.这种所谓的证据仅仅是建立在间接证据上的假设。剑桥国际




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