

单词 centred
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ABOUT〕The controversy centred on the question of illegal arms sales. 争论集中在非法军火销售的问题上。朗文写作活用〔Caribbean〕The hurricane is centred over the eastern Caribbean.飓风中心在东加勒比海。剑桥高阶〔admittance〕The enquiry centred on how the assassin had gained admittance to (= succeeded in entering) the building.调查的焦点放在刺客是如何获准进入大楼的。剑桥高阶〔around〕The discussion centred around four subjects.讨论围绕4个主题展开。外研社新世纪〔bid price〕Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.大多数人猜测买方出价可能为每股380便士。外研社新世纪〔bid price〕Speculation centred on a likely bid price of 380p a share.大多数人猜测买方出价可能为每股380便士。柯林斯高阶〔centre around/on sth〕The discussion centred around reducing waste.讨论围绕着减少浪费而展开。剑桥高阶〔centred〕I'm trying to be more centred, and not fall apart when I go through difficult things.我在努力做到更加沉稳自信, 这样遇到困难时才不至于崩溃。外研社新世纪〔centred〕Julia seems very centred nowadays.朱莉娅近来好像心态很平和。朗文当代〔centred〕My family helps to keep me centred.家人帮助我保持冷静。牛津高阶〔centre〕A small brass star centred the tabletop.桌面正中央有一颗小铜星作为标记。21世纪英汉〔centre〕All his concerns were centred around himself rather than Rachel.他所关心的全是他自己,而不是雷切尔。柯林斯高阶〔centre〕All his hopes centred on his promotion.他的全部希望寄托在他的晋级上。21世纪英汉〔centre〕Between 100 and 150 travellers' vehicles were scattered around the county, with the largest gathering centred on Ampfield.大约100到150辆旅游车分散在这个县里,其中数量最多的一拨集中在安帕菲尔德。柯林斯高阶〔centre〕Discussions were centred on developments in Eastern Europe.讨论围绕着东欧的发展这一中心议题进行。牛津高阶〔centre〕His chief joy centred in studying foreign language.他的主要乐趣集中在学习外语上。21世纪英汉〔centre〕In the 16th century, village life centred around religion.16 世纪时,乡村生活以宗教为中心。朗文当代〔centre〕Moore centred the ball and Lilly nodded it home.穆尔将球传至球场中央, 利利把球顶了进去。外研社新世纪〔centre〕Most of the fighting was centred in the north of the capital.战斗大多集中在首都北部。牛津高阶〔centre〕Much of their work is centred on local development projects.他们的工作主要集中在当地发展规划上。朗文当代〔centre〕Our thoughts centred upon one idea.我们的想法集中在一种打算上。英汉大词典〔centre〕State occasions always centred around the king.国家庆典总是以国王为中心。牛津高阶〔centre〕The coal mines of North China are centred in Shanxi Province.华北的煤矿集中在山西省。21世纪英汉〔centre〕The debate centred around the issue of finance.辩论是围绕财政问题展开的。麦克米伦高阶〔centre〕The debate centred on funding for health services.这次辩论集中于社会保健服务的资金问题上。朗文当代〔centre〕The disturbances have centred round the two main university areas.骚乱主要发生在两所大学附近的区域。柯林斯高阶〔centre〕The fighting has been centred around the town of Vucovar.战斗主要集中在武科瓦尔镇周围。柯林斯高阶〔centre〕The title isn't quite centred on the page, is it? 标题并不在这页的正中间,是吗?朗文当代〔centre〕The tremor was centred in the Gulf of Sirte.这次轻微地震的中心在苏尔特湾一带。外研社新世纪〔centre〕Their discussion centred around the abolition of slavery.他们的讨论是以废除奴隶制度为中心而进行的。21世纪英汉〔centre〕They centred the mirror on the wall.他们把镜子挂在墙壁的中央。21世纪英汉〔centre〕When working with patients, my efforts are centred on helping them to overcome illness.在治疗过程中,我的主要精力是帮助病人战胜疾病。柯林斯高阶〔centre〕You haven't centred the heading properly.你没有把题目放在中间合适的地方。麦克米伦高阶〔circle〕He began to move in the scientific circles centred round Sir Charles Cavendish.他开始进入以查尔斯·卡文迪什爵士为中心的科学界。麦克米伦高阶〔controversy〕The controversy centred / centered on the issue of compensation for the victims.争论集中在对受害人的赔偿问题上。牛津搭配〔criticism〕Criticism centred / centered on the lack of information provided.批评集中在所提供的信息不足。牛津搭配〔discussion〕Discussion centred on the contribution different groups would make to the project.讨论的中心是各个小组可以对该项目作出的贡献。牛津搭配〔ilk〕Where others of his ilk have battled against drugs, Gabriel's problems have centred on his marriage.加布里埃尔的同辈都在与毒品作斗争,而他的问题却集中在他的婚姻上。柯林斯高阶〔round〕The biography is centred round the individual.传记以个人为中心。英汉大词典〔talk〕The talks centred on bilateral trade.会谈的中心是双边贸易。牛津搭配Most people always remember their first sexual experience (= experience involving causing or experiencing feelings of pleasure in their bodies, centred on their penis or vagina).大多数人一直都记得他们经历的第一次性行为。剑桥国际The discussion centred around reducing waste.讨论的话题集中在减少浪费上。剑桥国际The enquiry centred on how the assassin had gained admittance to (=succeeded in entering) the building.调查围绕着刺客是如何得到进入大楼的许可的。剑桥国际




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